• Published 11th Dec 2019
  • 9,884 Views, 673 Comments

Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH62: The Magic of Memory

“S-Sugarcube… Ah can’t… breathe!” Applejack wheezed under the assault of a uniform-clad, dark grey unicorn, who was currently hugging her like there was no tomorrow. The reason for that might be that she had thought that there would be no today anymore… at least for Applejack.

Only a few hours prior, Applejack had taken an otherwise deadly blow to the chest and fell unconscious, only arriving at the hospital barely soon enough to stabilize her and hope for the best. Thus, it was only natural for Mystic to almost hug her back into unconsciousness when she finally opened her eyes again, especially since she had placed all the guilt on herself.

“Oh, s-sorry, Applejack, I’m just…” Mystic pulled back from the hug, her tear-stained eyes sparkling slightly as she sat back down beside the hospital bed. “I’m just so glad that you didn’t die back there. I really thought we’d lose you!” She sniffled, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Ah shoot, sugarcube, don’t ya worry none. It takes more than a sword t’kill an apple!” Applejack ensured.

“Actually…” Twilight joined in, with her eyes just as tear-stained as Mystic’s were. “When we got you here you were actually flat-lining for a whole five minutes! The doctors were already about to give up when your heart suddenly started beating again.”

“Yeah! It’s a miracle! Wohooo, miracle party!!!!” Pinkie shouted, shooting a cannon full of confetti through the whole room.

“Now now, darling, I think we should grant poor Applejack some rest, now shouldn’t we?” Rarity said, stopping Pinkie dead in her tracks, just as she was about to start some indoor fireworks.

“Awww…” She whined, but ultimately agreed that that was likely for the better.

The rest of them also got out of their seats and slowly made their way towards the door.

“Euh, wait a moment, Mystic.” Applejack stopped her before she could step out.

“Yes, Applejack? What do you need?”

“Uhm, ah dun know if mah hearin’ was right, but when ah blacked out, ah… ah think ah heard a shot or somethin’… did y’all shoot him after… you know?”

Mystic suddenly found interest in a particular spot on the ground, circling her hoof around it. “Uh… well, uh… maybe?” she offered with a sheepish smile, though that only earned her a slightly scolding look from Applejack.

“Yeah, okay, I did… but it wasn’t lethal! At least… it shouldn’t be…” Mystic quickly said, to which Applejack only sighed.

“Honestly, sugarcube, when ah think that ah went through this so that things didn’t escalate…” Applejack trailed off, motioning at her bandages.

“Well, you’ve got to admit, given that you almost died there, I’d say the situation even cooled down a bit.”

“Heh, yeah…. Almost…” Applejack mumbled to herself.

“Euh, what was that?”

“Nothin’! Ah’m just… feelin’ sleepy, is all! Ah think a should get some more shut-eye.” Applejack quickly replied.

“Oh- oh, yeah, right. Well, I guess I’ll see you later then?” Mystic said, getting ready to leave again.

“Yeah, see ya later.” Applejack replied, leaning herself back into her cushions while Mystic left the room.

Together with Twilight and Rainbow, she then returned to the Castle, where Spike was already waiting.

“Finally! Is Applejack getting better?” He asked when he saw the three mares approaching.

“Yeah, she’ll hopefully make a full recovery. If you wanted to know so badly, why didn’t you just come with us?” Twilight answered.

“Because if I did, who would watch my siblings? I mean, sure, Scootaloo could, but euh… I’d rather not add fuel to the fire.” Spike said.

Twilight and Rainbow cringed slightly when he said that, but Mystic only looked confused. “What about Starlight? I haven’t seen her all day.”

“She’s out on a friendship lesson. I told her that she should go out and try to make some friends of her own. That shouldn’t be too hard.” Twilight told her.

“Of all the ponies, you’re really one to talk.” Rainbow chuckled. “I mean, you remember your first few days in Ponyville, right?”

“Hehe, yeah… okay, maybe it is a bit hard… but it should be doable nonetheless. Anyways, we should probably go look what our two troublemakers are up to.” Twilight said, going past Spike into the library, where she found Dawnbreaker nibbling on a book, much to her horror.

“Oh, I almost forgot…” Spike said, as Mystic passed him. “I have a letter for you.”

He went over to a drawer and pulled out a scroll, which appeared to be a summon from Prince Mortis.

“And that’s about the gist of it…” Mystic finished, after she had recounted everything that had happened within the last few days.

Markus sat on the throne before her and nodded his understanding. “Hmm, alright, but even though I agree that somepony like him shouldn’t be allowed to procreate, shooting his balls was a bit too harsh. Though, since it all happened in a very extreme situation, I can let you go with a formal reprimand. So: Lieutenant-Colonel Mystic Gem, I hereby formally reprimand you for shooting the testicles of your fellow guards.”

Mystic just stood still before him, until a short look from Markus reminded her that she was supposed to answer. “My Prince, I hereby stand reprimanded.” Mystic cited, going into parade rest and saluting.

“Very good. At ease.” Markus said and Mystic did just that. “Now that that’s out of the way, how’s Bulkhead doing?” Markus suddenly asked.

“Euh, what? Euh… “ Mystic stammered at the sudden question. “Bulkhead is… fine, I’d say. He is paralyzed, but he’s getting by and—“

“Oh no, I know all that already.” Markus interrupted. “What I meant is: How are you two doing?”

Mystic blushed slightly and looked away. “Uh, I uh, don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Oh come on, Mystic, I know what’s going on between you two.”

“B-But how? How do you know?” Mystic asked, slowly looking back at Markus again.

“Oh, you know… Nurses tend to gossip and the castle’s infirmary is staffed by the central hospital, so…” Markus implied.

“A-ah…” Mystic replied numbly. “W-well, we uh… he confessed to me a while ago and now… we are a couple. We haven’t really, uh, gone beyond kisses and such, though…”

“Ah, so no chance of you becoming a mother anytime soon, then?” Markus asked casually.

“Wh-what? Me? A mother? I-I mean, Bulkhead is nice and all, but-but a foal? I-I mean…” Mystic stammered, heavily blushing.

“Calm down, I was just joking. No, in fact I’m actually asking you to wait with that.” Markus told her.

“Uh, huh?” Mystic re-focused on the Prince. “Is-uh, is there a special reason for that? Not that I’m planning on anything, of course, I’m just… you know… asking.”

“Yes, there is. I will soon give you a set of missions which are to be prepared and executed as discreetly as possible. Send only the best, I trust your judgement in that regard. You yourself are to stay back, though I want you to be ready to move out as well, just in case.”

“Understood. What about your personal guardians? Should I assign them missions as well?” Mystic asked.

“No. Let them focus on their studies for now. I still haven’t tested their combat abilities to a sufficient degree and these missions are too important to fail because of unforeseen side-effects. Anything else?”

“No, sir!”

“Very well, Dismissed.”

A few hours later, Mystic arrived at the Castle again. Coincidentally, that was also the time, when Starlight came back.

“Oh, hey, Starlight!” Mystic greeted, looking past her and spotting another mare beside her. “Oh, who’s that?”

Starlight looked over and smiled warmly at her. “Hey, Mystic! Let me introduce: this is Trixie.”

“The GRREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!” Trixie interjected.

“Yeah, that. Anyways, She’s my new best friend.” Starlight told her.

“Oh, so your friendship lesson was a success then?”

“Not yet, I have to tell Twilight first.” She replied.

“Wait, Twilight? That name rings some bells…” Trixie said absent-mindedly.

“Really? Huh. Mystic, do you know Trixie perhaps?” Starlight asked her.

“Uh, now that you say it… I think I’ve read her name somewhere… I think it was when I archived the crime reports from a few years ago…” Mystic remembered.

“Wait, Crime reports?” Starlight asked, looking back at Trixie.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I only vaguely remember it, so it can’t have been something all-too serious.” Mystic reassured. “More importantly, we should really get inside. Twilight and Rainbow are likely already waiting for us in there.”

“Yes, of course.” Starlight agreed.

They both opened the doors and moved inside, heading straight for the living room, where they would find Twilight at this time.

“Twilight, we’re back! And guess what: I actually managed to make a friend!” Starlight greeted as soon as they saw Twilight stand in the room with her back to them.

“Oh really, that’s nice to hea- what is she doing here?!” Twilight’s demeanour suddenly changed when she looked around and spotted Trixie.

“It’s you!” Trixie gasped. “I knew that the name sounded familiar!”

“What? What’s going on here?!” Starlight demanded.

“This mare…” Twilight pointed a hoof at Trixie. “… came into Ponyville, boasting about things she couldn’t do, resulting in two colts bringing an ursa minor into town.”

“Ok, yeah, that’s pretty bad, but, I mean, boasting is kinda her job, right? You can’t really hate her just for doing her job…”

“AND a while later, she came back with a dark amulet to make her more powerful so she could duel me, because I solved the problem that she had caused!” Twilight continued.

“Ok, that’s actually pretty bad…” Starlight conceded, giving a look at Mystic, who shrugged.

“What? These folders only hold unresolved charges. Maybe she made amends, but… I don’t know, forgot to pay a parking ticket or something?”

“Of course not! The GRREAT and POWERFUL TRRIXIE always pays her tickets!” Trixie scoffed indignantly.

“Implying that it happens regularly.” Starlight gave her a sideways glance that made the mare shrink down slightly.

“SEE?! She is a villain!” Twilight shouted.

“Now, I wouldn’t exactly say that repeatedly getting ticketed necessarily makes you a villain. Especially if you pay them.” Starlight said, slowly advancing towards her mentor. “Also, yes, she did some bad things, but so did I. For Celestia’s sake, I was literally an evil tyrant before I met you and yet, you forgave me! So, why can’t you forgive her?”

“Because I, uh…”

“Also, aren’t you meant to be the princess of friendship? Because in that case, you should be supporting this rather than try to stand in our way.” Starlight finished.

“I—ugh, you’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just—“

“AH! What the buck is THAT?!” Trixie suddenly cried out. Starlight and Twilight turned around and saw Trixie levitating a few centimetres in the air, enveloped by a red aura.

“Oh, that’s Twilight’s colt.” Starlight said casually as she levitated him over to herself.

“Wait, Twilight’s colt?! She has a colt?!” Trixie shouted in disbelief.

“Yep, I’m a mother by now, Trixie.” Twilight affirmed flatly, making Trixie’s jaw drop. “Anyways, like I was saying, I’m sorry. You’re right, I can’t just decide for you, which friends you should have and as the princess of friendship, I will of course support this in the fullest, it’s just…. Recently I’m feeling like my whole past is coming back to me, only… backwards, you know? First, you return. Okay, no big surprise there. Then, one of my friends almost dies, which is already very concerning on its own, but then, Trixie also returns. I mean, what’s next? A second changeling attack?!”

“Oh come on, Twilight, it can’t be that bad.” Mystic chimed in. ”Maybe you’re just a bit more stressed out today? It would be understandable after all. You know what? Let me and Starlight handle the babysitting for the rest of the day and go hit the bed early. The extra sleep might help a bit.”

“Thanks Mystic.” Twilight said, yawning. “I think I am a bit tired, actually. Well, I guess see you tomorrow, then?”

“See you tomorrow!” Mystic and Starlight both said.

“So, Trixie, how about you help us babysitting, huh?” Starlight said over her back, where she saw that Trixie was still sitting slack-jawed.

“Trixie?” Starlight said concerned, as she came over and waved a hoof before her eyes.

“Somepony actually BUCKED—?!“

Author's Note:

There it is, the promised second chapter. Also, I have a discord now! If you want, you can join, if you don't, then... don't.

Link: https://discord.gg/zG6WReuUYx

In there, you can find channels with my current projects/ideas and I'll also be chillin' there from time to time... and when I'm writing on a new chapter. Until then! :raritywink:

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