• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,431 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

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Volume 2 Prologue: Discussions

Prologue: Discussions

Within the Glacier Barrens there was only vast landscape of white and black mountains and rocks with nary a blade of grass or patch of green within miles. Only plain white snow and white capped black mountains and in those mountains lied in wait a doubled door iron gate with two hawks carved on the doors holding their wings up and each had a talon foot gripping a circle with a starshaped shot in it. These doors were what held the allies of a certain dark lord in but soon no more.

Garmadon with staff trudged through the snow until he finally reached the irons doors. He gazed up at the owls on the gates and muttered, "The temple of the Owlucians Harpies." He approached the gates when he heard the cawing of a bird and the flapping of it's wings as it was flying in from behind him and without even looking he smiled. Then flying infront of him was a big male Vulture and holding a purple key like crystal in his talons. it dropped the crystal in Garmadon's hand, "Well done my feathered friend." He thanked the bird as it landed on his shoulder. "Now to free some other feathered friends of mine."

He placed the crystal on the door and as pure white energy flowed out of the crystal it traveled up the lines on the doors and around the circles as they illuminated with their colors and once it reached the two owls their eyes glowed yellow, their talons opened up as the gates opened wide revealing a darken chamber where inside lied weapons and artifacts from ages pass with only the light from neon green crystals sprouting out of the walls, but what stood out the most were the statues of at least 40 female warriors statues in owl armor and with wings for arms and talon feet. Standing at the center was a statue of a woman taller then the others that wore no mask or armor like many of the other warriors, she wore a dress that left her legs exposed and had a feathery over over her shoulders connect by a rather large necklace and Garmadon approached the statue as the woman appeared to be almost as tall as him and merely smiled at it and fear-filled face. He held the statue's shoulder and said, "Fear not Nyra, once my old ally returns with what I need this stone curse placed upon you and your people shall be broken."

"Allies? That has to be the first nice thing I've heard from you in years, Garmadon."

Garmadon rolled his eyes and turned to the source of the voice. Standing there was another man who appeared to in his late 40's clad in dark green and grey robes and black shoulder pads, arm and leg guards with silver outlines. His hair went past his neck, he had azure eyes, a long thin greyish black mustache and short goatie. Garmadon held out his hands as he walked towards the man, "Ah, Clerk. I was wondering when you would come."

The man named Clerk raised his hand, "Not to worry old friend, when it comes to matters of sorcery I never dilly-dally. "

"In any case did you bring it." Garmadon asked as Clerk pulled out a green tomb with a silver spine and dragon emblem on it's cover.

"Clouse did a good job hiding this from me," Clerk admitted as he smirked, "But unfortunately for my dear brother it was not enough." They both chuckled at his joke before Garmadon step aside gesturing towards Nyra's statue. Clerk nodded and walked toward the statue, opened the book to a particular page. He let go of the book as it seemed to be floating in the air by itself while he closed his eyes and spoke an incantation, "rue, cha, neiro, zi, ka, lu, ton, ji, ritzu, cai, rue, cha, neiro, zi, ka, lu, ton, ji, ritzu, cai, rue, cha, neiro, zi, ka, lu, ton, ji, ritzu, cai,!" he repeated the words for a few times as green mythical energy flowed through out the chamber as it rumbled causing the crystals glowed even brighter. The warriors statues started crack as light started to stream out of the cracks. Then as Clerk raised his hands and clapped them the statues imploded into light. Garmadon shielded his eyes but when uncovered them he saw the warrior statues had turned into living breathing winged women. They all wore white, dark grey and brown garbs with silver armor & masks, and on their bird like feet with they're wing tips painted red.

Nyra stood out the most. Her robes and hair was completely white while her armor and jewelry appeared to be silver and while the jewels appeared to be red. Her eyes were a combination of blue and yellow and she red markings over her eyes and another mark that started as a horizontal line across her forehead and went down vertically to the bridge of her nose. She gasped as did many of her warriors did as they had just take a new breath of fresh air, "What has-" She said before looking around her with her eyes stopping on the dark lord. Her eyes narrowed, "Well if isn't Garmadon, one of the two men responsible for ridding this realm of my slave-king Surtr. To what due I own the 'honor' of your presences and how exactly did you gain four arms?" She sneered looking at his extra arms.

"I know, that part surprised me too." Clerk said.

"Calm please Nyra," Garmadon said holding his hands out with ease, "I just came here to ask for a small favor."

"In the name of Owlucians harpies I will never again allow my sisters to fall under the command of men!" Nyra declared opening her wings showing her blades, "However since you robbed me of the pleasure of slaining our slave master, you're death will have to satisfy me." She was about charge before Garmadon suddenly bowed before her.

"Nyra, please I do not ask you to serve me." Garmadon said, "I only ask not only as man looking for redemption who seeks assistant from someone else who has been wronged but also as a friend." Nyra looked surprised she turned to her harpies who nodded to her, telling her to trust him. Nyra narrowed her eyes and lowered her wing blades,

"Very well, what is it you want from us Garmadon?" She asked blandly, as Garmadon grinned and looked to the vulture still on his shoulder as it pulled out a rusty red crystal shard from it coat with it's beak and dropped into his master's hand.

"Oh not much," he said coyly, "I just need you and your harpies' great tracking skills to find as many of these shards as you can find." Nyra just narrowed her eyes, clearly unimpressed.

"That's it? You want us to collect mere rocks?" She asked as Clerk stepped forward.

"Oh these are no mere rocks my dear," Clerk said, taking the crystal out of Garmadon's hand and looked at it intently, "These are the shards of an old friend of ours who was believed to have been killed many centuries ago but in reality her pieces of her life essence were sealed into these fragments and scattered across the realms." The crystal then started releasing a small cyan white glow from it surprising Nyra, "Which is why I believe if enough of these shards are brought together and combined with a spell, maybe able to bring her back."

Nyra listened carefully before turning to Garmadon, "And what is it my harpies gain from this?"

"Your freedom of course. after you complete your task you are free to do whatever you want and go wherever you want." Garmadon then afford his hand, "So what do you say Nyra? Do we have a deal?" Nyra looked at his hand. On one hand she and her warriors were once again serving a man but on the other hand this man had release her and her sister from their prison. After contemplating to herself she looked Garmadon, "If we do this, you will allow us to be free?" She asked.

"You have my word." Garmadon acknowledged.

"Then we have an agreement." Nyra then took the crystal and turned to her Harpies holding it up, "Listen me my sisters, the time of our freedom of Surtr's tyranny is at hand. But in order for our freedom to be fully granted we must complete the request of our liberators," She then held up the crystal, "These are we are after. Search the entire realm until you find as many you can find, and once you do bring them to Garmadon in-" She stopped herself and looked to Garmadon.

"Forgive me but where is it you want us to deliver the shards?" Garmadon pinched the bridge of his nose as he forgot to them where to deliver the fragments and Clerk chuckled while the vulture tilted his head.

"Bring them to where the light and love of the realm originates; The Crystal Empire." He said, Nyra nodded and then let out an owl like screech. After that The harpies spread their wings, grabbed their weapons and flew out of the chamber with Nyra being the last. Garmadon and Clerk stepped out and watched as the winged women scattered across the realm to search for the fragments.

Clerk turned to his old friend, "Garmadon I don't mean to overstep but are you sure this will work? I mean bringing back an empress who was turned to crystal and scattered across the realm seems rather impossible" Garmadon made no reaction to show he was listening he merely kept his back turn to the sorcerer as he walked down the mountain. "Garmadon?" He called again but this time Garmadon answered.

"Clerk If there is one thing the Ninja have taught me is that nothing is impossible until we try." The dark lord pulled out a photo but not the one of him and Lloyd but it was of a younger him in Black and gray robes with purple dragon markings while holding close to him a beautiful younger Misako with her light goldish blonde hair braided, jade eyes and in a gorgeous white wedding dress with gold and green details. Clearly this photo was taken during his and Misako's wedding. He saw how they were smiling but he himself frowned knowing that everything that built up to that wedding all started with a lie, he couldn't help but wonder if he could ever look upon his dear Misako again knowing that he actually tried to hurt her. He shook his head knowing now was not the time to wallow in guilt and cleared his throat "Now then let us seek out the others, if the great danger I sense is coming my son and his comrades will need all they can get."

Clerk nodded, and the two men travelled down the mountain Garmadon looked to the sky as he thought of his wife and whispered, "One day Misako, one day we will be together once again."

"One day we will be together once again."

Misako silently gasped as she heard a familiar voice, "Who's there?" she said as she whipped around behind her to see if anyone was behind her. But there wasn't anyone, thinking she was just hearing things she continued following Wu and Luna. After some catching up Shining and Cadance had already turned in for the night and Flash had continued his patrolling with the other guards once his injuries healed so Luna, Wu and Misako decide to wait for Celestia to return from her business in her chambers.

Eventually they reached doors of Celestia's chambers before they entered Wu asked, "What do you suppose was business Celestia had to take care of?"

Luna merely shrugged, "My sister does things for good reasons Wu, I'm sure whatever she had to take care it must've been very important."

"But we haven't seen her since she left to talk with Lloyd," Misako said in concern, "I just hope she hasn't gotten herself into trouble." Luna scoffed as grabbed the doors handles.

"Oh you worry too much Misa," She rebuked as Misako slightly furrowed her brows at the long-unused nickname Luna and Celestia called her during their childhood while Wu merely gave a wry grin, "I know back then Tia use to get us into more trouble than I like to admit, she's grown out of it. I'm sure she's perfectly-"

But whatever she was gonna say next died in her throat when the three gazed inside and were shocked to see a bruised and battered Celestia leaning against her bedpost. She turned to them and gave a weak smile, "Greeting everyone."

"Sister!" Luna practically shouted as she, Wu and Misako rushed inside the room. Luna held her older sister, helping her stand and immediately questioned her, "What happen?! Who did this to you."

Celestia gave a slight pain-filled chuckle, "I've got quite the tale to tell." So for next hour and a half, Celestia explained that her business was a battle with Garmadon and how she believed that Garmadon was restored to his true self, after that everyone was left thinking, Wu paced back and forth, Misako prepared them some tea and Luna was tending to her sisters injuries while berating her, "What were you thinking sister?! You could barely hold your own against Garmadon back in our youth when he held back but now he's even more powerful and dangerous than he ever?!"

Celestia merely sighed, she knew even back Luna and Garmadon never really got along which was rather funny considering how she and Wu would often point out how similar they were but right she could feel her chastising was out concern than anger. She noticed Wu had finished pacing as he sighed and turned to her, "Tia, if what you say is true, what makes you think Garmadon has been restored to his true self?" he asked, not wanting to get his hopes of his brother being restored.

"I'm positive Wu. I saw the look in his eyes and I saw not the dark emperor who tried to turn the realm into his image but the brother we were raised with and trained alongside with." Celestia said with a confident smile and wince as Luna tighten the bandage on her arm. "Which is good because I feel as if we will need him and any other ally we have if we are to survive what is coming."

"What?" The three said, as Misako walked over with the tea tray. Celestia stood up and walked over to her balcony, "Just before Ninjago and Equestria merged, I had vision where Twilight and Lloyd standing infront of me ready to face a being I thought we would never see."

"Who?" Luna asked as she stood a few feet away from her older sister. Celestia turned to face with a more serious face but only gave silence. But it was enough to answer Luna's question, "Wait you don't mean him? Do you?"

Celestia nodded grimly, "I'm afraid so Luna. When I saw those blood red eyes I knew in my heart it was him."

"Then the battle yet to come will truly be a fierce one." Luna noted as the two sister look on at their kingdom.

"Perhaps but we must dwell on it until we have proof he on the rise," Wu said as approached the two princesses, "What we can do is hope that Lloyd, Twilight and their friends will have the strength to stand against him," He turned to Celestia, "Speaking of Twilight, I take it she still doesn't knows about your 'little secret'?"

Celestia looked away as a somber expression appeared on her face, "No, she doesn't and honestly I think it's better she doesn't know." she said as she walked back inside as Wu and Luna followed her.

"Celestia you've kept this from her since her childhood, and we both know sooner or later Twilight is gonna start asking question and looking for answers and if she finds out from someone or somewhere that's not you she'll feel completely devastated and betrayed."

Celestia gave a deep exhale as she sat at her table with Misako, "I know Luna, I know. I wouldn't lie there were times where I just wanted to just tell her but the fear keeps stopping me." Celestia massaged her temples as she felt very conflicted. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see it was Misako comforting her. "Take it from me Celestia, the things we do the secrets we keep from those we care about are sometimes very dark and very painful but sometimes telling them the truth is the greatest remedy for it. So I think it might best you be more honest with Twilight about this secret and deal with consquences slowly." Misako soothed.

Celestia glanced over to Wu and Luna who had also sat down, and saw they had supporting smiles. She glanced to her wall to see pictures of her, Luna, Twilight and even Sunset during happier times just studying, at formal occasions, hanging out or even having fun. Though a picture of her and a younger Twilight splashing around in pool like bath laughing caught her eye. She smiled at the memory of when Twilight had run through the rain to make to school on time only to arrive to early, and the two of them had passdd the time by cleaning off and then goofing off in her bath. Celestia knew Twilight had a right to know what she was keeping from her but she had make sure the two them would be ready for it.

"Perhaps your right. Maybe the time has come for the truth to come out. But when specifically I don't know. I'll just let things play out and when the opportunity presents itself to confess to her I'll-as the young ones say -take the plunge." The four adults laughed. After they all calmed down Celestia poured them some tea to drink. "Now how about we talk about some of young ones adventures."

Wu nodded as he took his cup, "Well I might as well start," He took a sip and turned to Celestia and Luna, "Did I tell you about our fight with the Time twins."

"Krux and Acronix?!" Luna gasped before scowling, "I thought we had finally seen the last of them."

"Unfortunately no," Wu replied before closing his eyes, recounting the battle, "It started when I was waiting at the ruins of my monastery..."

Author's Note:

There we are. The first chapter of 2021.

I would first like to apologize for not posting anything lately. I just had a lot of extra work to catch up on and with school starting back up I had too much to juggle to work on my fanfics. Not to mention I kinda sorta had a bit of a nasty fall and had to be bedrested for a while so sorry about that:twilightblush:. But now I'm back so now I'll be working on my fanfics every now and then so expect more Chapters of My Little Ninjago and Flash of Love in the Future.

Anyways it seems Garmadon has regained his true self as well as some new allies (who are my OCs):
A pet Vulture (Type in the comments a good name for him)

A spinjitzu Wizard who just happens to be the older brother of Clouse and whose backstory will come later.

And a Harpy queen who I based off Queen Nyra from Guardians of Ga'hoole.

Now he has them hunting for shards of an old friend of his (Can you guess who it is:ajsmug:)

Meanwhile Celestia has briefed Luna, Wu and Misako about her vision and it seems she is keep a secret about Twilight form her. what is the secret...stay tooned.

Next time the Mane 7 and Ninja wake up and after some training they get the grand tour of Ponyville but will everything go well or go sour?

and also a familiar face to the Ninja comes to town but for something a little difference I'll let you decide by voting between these three:

1. Dareth

2. Ronin

3. Pixal

place your votes in the comment section below

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.