• Published 29th May 2020
  • 776 Views, 156 Comments

Murder at the Rarity Boutique - Coyote de La Mancha

When Rarity is accused of murder, there is only one stallion who can prove her innocence. And yes, he is exactly the pony you’re thinking of. But he isn’t who you imagine him to be.

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Chapter 23: Endings Are Also Beginnings.

My dear Blueblood,

I hope that this missive finds you in good health and good cheer. Well, relatively good health, of course. I imagine there is a limit as to just how good one’s health can be after such tribulations. You will never know my relief when I heard that you would make a full recovery.

Yes, the evidence in my favour was rather scant before. But having the constabulary enter just after she struck you down, smoking murder weapon in hoof, was quite convincing. So was the confession they’d overheard as they were forcing the door, for that matter. All charges were dropped immediately, of course, and she is in the dungeon where she belongs.

Just the same, I remember when they brought her in, even as I was being released. She was fighting the guards every step of the way, alternating between screaming and sobbing. And at the end, when the final door was closed behind her, I heard her whisper Filthy’s name.

Throughout my ordeal I had anticipated, if I ever met with the true murderer, feeling rage towards them, even hate. And mind you, I’m certainly not going to understate the harm she has caused, and I’m hardly in a position to extend the hoof of friendship towards her. But now my feelings are conflicted. Is it strange that, upon seeing her thus revealed, I find myself feeling pity for her instead?


Blueblood’s mouth pursed into a thin line before continuing to read. No, he thought. It isn’t.


As for your own ordeal… you will always have my gratitude, and certainly I am the very last mare to call another pony out for drama… but honestly, was there no option that involved less risk to yourself?

That being said, never forget gallantry, my dear friend! Had you not bowed as low as you did, I have no doubt but that she would have succeeded in piercing you through the heart with that alien weapon of hers, and not through the withers as she did.


Propped up by pillows in his bed, Blueblood smiled a little. Yes, it had been generally assumed that Spoiled Rich missing her shot had been a factor in his survival. But in reality, according to the physicians he’d spoken to, it had been the magical effect in which Sour Sweet had enveloped him that had saved his life.

As she herself had said, the Crystal Heart was an amplifier - as well as a focus point and battery - for crystal magic. A magic of love, protection, and healing that was otherwise almost impossible to invoke deliberately. Outside ponies tended to assume that the Heart was the source of the empire’s special magic, as well. But in actuality, that power came from the hearts of crystal ponies. Blazing, raw, and unfocused as the sun itself.

Small wonder, Blueblood mused, that even while hiding the magical artifact away so jealously, Sombra had worked so tirelessly to break the spirits of his subjects.

Of course, the more powerful the emotion behind it, the more powerful any magic could become, even without a focus. And the more powerful and tempestuous the heart, it seemed, the more powerful the emotions it could produce.

Not that he would ever point that out, of course. No matter how beautifully, or angrily, Sour Sweet blushed.

Still smiling, still thinking fondly of freckles, he read on.


Your family (I nearly wrote ‘staff,’ even after knowing what I know now – ridiculous, isn’t it, how some habits die so terribly hard?) have been beside themselves, of course. But I’m sure by the time you receive this all should be well.

Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara say hello, by the way, and send their own thanks and get well soon wishes. Twilight and Spike send theirs as well. Twilight said to tell you that her restructuring of palace security was taking longer than expected, and according to Spike the palace guard has learned new worlds of respect for our royal friend.

Alas, Diamond Tiara is in a terrible way (and who wouldn’t be?). It seems so dreadfully unfair how the young must always pay the greatest price for our mistakes. Anyway, she’s staying with us for now, I’m not sure for how long. She doesn’t seem to have much extended family, and those who have stepped forward seem only interested in having influence over her inheritance, and… well. I’m sure you know the sort of ponies I mean.


Blueblood’s eyes narrowed as he read on, thinking back to his own foalhood. Yes, in fact, he knew exactly the kind of ponies she meant.


So I do hope you can forgive my not being there to greet you when you awaken. I would like to be, but as you might imagine my hooves are very, very full. I’m not sure how well I can give the dear the kind of support she’s going to need, and being “aunt and niece” might make things a bit awkward between the girls (yes, they finally told me, and I feel quite silly for not having realized it myself!).

My adopting her therefore seems an unlikely solution at the moment. Applejack and Twilight have offered, of course, and Apple Bloom is certainly in favour. But would such a life suit her? I don’t know. Still, I’m sure we’ll figure something out.


Blueblood sat back against his pillows, considering this last bit of news. He’d never intended to have any children of his own. After all, the halls were already filled with gloriously rambunctious offspring that he could gleefully play with, wind up, stuff full of sugary confections, and then pass back to their proper parents.

But under the circumstances…

Well. Considering the matter carefully, should the young lady wish it, why not? It could be a fine new adventure for them both. Granted, having her live at the palace might involve a certain amount of uprooting.

Or, then again, it might not. He smiled to himself. From what he recalled, folding a tesseract into a pre-existing fifth-dimensional whatever-it-was such as his chambers could be dicey. But, he felt certain that any or all of the princesses would be willing to lend a hoof with that under the circumstances.

Then, he grinned. If she did move in, he could well guess where Diamond Tiara would want the other end of that particular portal to open. A door between the Blueblood chambers and the Carousel Boutique? Ha! Wait until the rumor mills got wind of that!

Alternatively, it might be that Miss Rarity was underestimating the allure that living in a library – or on a farm – might have for a young lady. Time would tell what young Miss Tiara would prefer. But the more options she had, no doubt the better her future would be.

Then, his brow furrowed slightly as he read on:


Oh, and while you were out, so to speak, I was inspired. Your family will already have gotten their new ensembles, of course. But I put something rather special together for you. I know it’s a bit more daring than you would usually wear, but do try it on. You will be the very rage of Canterlot.

See you soon,



Blueblood looked from the folded parchment he’d been reading to the box that Hepzibah and Akane were holding between them, each wearing an identical grin. His brow creased further into a suspicious frown. In his experience, such grins were not to be trusted. And, as he was still confined to bed by doctor’s orders, his avenues of escape were even more limited than usual.

“Come, come,” Hepzibah chided. “You ‘ave put this of long enough!”

“Yep, time ta put it on, instead,” Akane agreed as they put the box in his lap.

Sighing, Blueblood reached out and pulled off the box lid, removing the fine garments within.

The ladies oohed and aahed delightedly as he removed the silken shirt, the exquisite neck tie, the finely embroidered vest, the bejeweled coat with…

Wait. Were those…


Prince Blueblood looked from one excited, bouncing mare to the other.

“Absolutely not,” he said.

“An’ just why not?” Hepzibah demanded. “You would look fabulous in zis!”

“That there’s a Rarity original,” Akane pointed out. “Made jus’ fer you. Y’really think she dunno what she’s doin’?”

“It’s not that,” he protested. “It’s just…”

“Miz Sour Sweet is waiting to see you in this, mon cher!”

“Y’ain’t gonna disappoint the lady, are ya?”

Blueblood looked again at the garments in his hoof. He sighed again and shook his head, a rueful smile already beginning to form.

He wasn’t going to win this one, either.

Author's Note:

This timeline continues in The Apple Jamboree

There also will be other stories in this timeline - and its sister timeline - in the future.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Comments ( 18 )

and the case is solved, here hoping there be others

...according to Spike the palace guard has learned new worlds of respect for our royal friend.

In the sense that she keeps sending them to new worlds when they don't respect her. She does bring them back straight away, though some have a tendency to gibber afterwards.

In any case, exquisite stuff. Fascinating ideas and great execution on the mystery. Thank you for it.

I hope to see more mysteries like this from you dude!

Now for the possibly romantic slice-of-life sequel with Blueblood and tsundere Sour Sweet. Please?

Perhaps. :raritywink:

Addendum: Oh, and in answer to an earlier question, Diamond Tiara will end up in Blueblood’s household.

I liked this one. I like a lot of what you've written, but I would definitely encourage you to write a direct sequel to this one; your take on Blueblood is very entertaining, and I can see his talent as being a pretty good source of drama (Much as it was at both the Gala and here) providing true, but not necessarily complete information.

How would it react to someone who wanted to murder someone, but who nevertheless resisted such a dark impulse in the name of a personal moral code? What about someone trying to turn over a new leaf? Someone with a guilty conscience, who did do something horrible, but wishes more than anything to make it write? People - or rather ponies - are very complicated after all...

I look forward to what you come up with next.

I liked Rarity’s outfit for Blueblood. Such a beautiful, subtle thing. The way you had the sisters framing the box, in a slight foreshadow, lovely.

Thank you, I do aim to please! :raritywink:

Oh yeah! Growing Pains, I think.

Probably. In any case, it was a symmetry I adored and embraced immediately. :twilightsmile:

Oh my god this story was amazing.

1) Blueblood's characterization is so good. I would devour a whole series based around his adventures. Hell, even his boring day-to-day life.

2) I love him and Sour Sweet. Everyone that knows him calls him out on his stuff, but she does it...better. She makes him better.

3) I'm already replaying scenes in my head. That should tell you something :)

4) Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Bell was an unexpected ship for me, but it was a pleasant surprise. Especially when Blue and Sour found them at the shack. OMG so cute.

5) I can't find all the words I want to praise this piece. It's too amazing and it's definitely going on a bookshelf

Thank you; I’m glad it worked for you. Especially the ships. I’m never certain anyone but me will like them until I publish and see. :twilightsmile:

And yes, Sour Sweet makes him better. They make each other better, I think. I don’t know when I will revisit the two of them, but I have high hopes for them both.:scootangel:

Finally got to this one. I’m torn, part of me thinks that the implication that Spoiled framed Rarity by complete accident due to her choice of murder weapon is really clever, the other part thinks it’s really contrived.

Still the dialogue was on point as always and Sour Sweet was a ton of fun.

It’s lucky for Spoiled that the sisters have already decided that mortal ponies shouldn’t be imprisoned in Tartarus for any crime. Because a ruthless prosecutor could argue that while Filthy’s death was an accident she had entered the museum with full premeditated intent to murder Rarity and that the spirit of the law would imply that she deserves that sentence.

The long term aftermath of this is probably going to affect every aspect of the Equestrian Criminal Justice system in some way. Pity the only way we’ll get to see any of it is if you can think of a compelling story that involves the reforms. Which seems unlikely.

One thing I noticed since it was brought up in an earlier comment:

Miss Rarity made the perfect hook upon which to hang your homicidal hat.”

Yeah, Spoiled lucked out in a variety of ways (excepting the loss of her husband), most of them involving the mercy of other ponies.

As for the effects on the ECJ, you're quite right on all counts. When / if I can think of something that I would enjoy writing, and that others would enjoy reading, believe me I'll happily plink that sucker out. But alas, nothing has presented itself quite yet.

One thing I noticed since it was brought up in an earlier comment:

Yet somehow I didn't notice it, until you pointed it out. A very sincere thank you for letting me know, and fixed. :facehoof:

One slightly off topic thing. The way you described Blueblood's talent working makes me think you would probably like Rego's version of Fancy Pant's special talent in Electro Swing. Which is worth reading for many other reasons besides that.

Fine keep your secrets
(blows a totally mature raspberry)

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