• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 1,190 Views, 46 Comments

An Apple Wedding - xd77

Nathan and Apple Bloom get married!

  • ...

Part 4

....Back in Canterlot, inside the Reception Room....

It was 10:45 AM and the crowds were already gathered from the room, all the way outside into the streets of Canterlot, everypony was dressed in tuxes, lace dresses, and gowns of every kind. But there was absolutely no sign of excitement, nor were there any smiles or tears of joy. Instead, there was gibberish and whispering of concern because there was still no sign of Nathan or Kyle anywhere, the other groomsmares, including Gallus, Sandbar, and Spike were in their uniforms. Silverstream, Smolder, Ocellus, and Yona were in their dresses, Skyla and Flurry Heart were in their dresses as well since Nathan chose them as his best mares.

But they too were not looking too thrilled at all themselves, for they showed worried expressions as well. Skyla and Flurry Heart were scared on their own for their brother's safety. The crowds continued to murmur while some looked at pocket watches and gave blank stares.

Meanwhile, Luster Dawn and Storm, who also had on dresses, were using this opportunity to take this as another sample for their video. Storm had the video camera in her hoof while Luster stood in front of it.

"Hi, this Luster Dawn reporting to you live from the Reception Room, there is still no sign of the groom, or the main groomsmare." she then turned to her mentor, Twilight, who was in a stage of panic as Storm turned the camera to her.

"Princess Twilight, how do you feel?"

Twilight stuttered, "Oh, I feel very confident that Nathan and Kyle will arrive on time, in the next 15 minutes." she said as she nervously looked to a clock that was hanging on a wall.

"Is that why you're not telling Apple Bloom what's going on?" asked Luster.

Twilight stuttered again, "Uh, no that's because, I'm chicken." she said as she disappeared from the camera.

Luster Dawn then turned back to the camera herself, "You heard it first, Princess Twilight is chicken."

"The flower filly is here." said Cinnamon Swirl as she came in through a side door, she had on a little floral robe and levitated a flower basket. Luster Dawn and Storm then turned to see Cinnamon all cute and ready for action, Storm managed to turn the camera over to her cute looking self.

"Wow." said Luster, astonished at how neatly well maintained the dress she wore was.

"Oooh." said Storm.

"I'm ready for the video." said Cinnamon Swirl, "My mane looks fantastic."

"Do something." said Storm as she aimed the video camera at Cinnamon.

"Now I'll do a funny face." said Cinnamon as she faced the camera, she then crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out to where it actually reached her nose.

"Hey Cinnamon, where's Frostbite?" asked Luster.

"Who cares, that colt is crazy." answered Cinnamon.

"Hello Cinnamon." said Frostbite who came in through the same door Cinnamon did, only he was wearing a cute little tux that Rarity made for him, Cinnamon managed to turn to see him and they stood face to face.

"You look very beautiful." said Frost.

"You're a hunk!" exclaimed Cinnamon.

"What's a hunk?"

"That's what Luster calls Big Macintosh." answered Cinnamon, Luster then put her hoof on her mouth.

"Cut cut." said Luster Dawn as Storm turned off the camera and they all walked off stage. Soon, Applejack and Big Macintosh came sprinting inside the side door as well, all dressed nicely as they approached Twilight.

"All right, everything is ready up front." said Cadance as she and Shining Armor stopped in front of Twilight, who was still not feeling all that hopeful.

"O-okay, that's...that's good, t-t-that's very good." Twilight stuttered out of sheer panic, yet she hid it as best as she could.

"What's the problem?" Shining Armor asked his sister.

Twilight gave a fake grin and a nervous laugh, "Oh there's....there's no problem."

Shining Armor was not buying it, "You're lying, I can tell by the way you won't look me in the eye."

"Can you believe this stallion?" asked Twilight, but since Shining Armor and Cadance were still not buying it, she now knew she had to tell the truth, so she sighed and took a deep breath.

"Okay, there's a problem, you know how at every wedding has a bride and a groom?"

"Well you take away the groom and.......that's what's going on here." she said with a nervous stern.

Cadance gasped in horror at this, "You took away your own nephew, our son!?!"

"What are you talking about!?!" exclaimed Shining Armor.

"Look I don't know what's going on."

"Well something better not have....." but just before a quarrel could develop, Cadance stopped Shining Armor and Twilight because the back doors were opening to reveal a shocking surprise. Apple Bloom had entered with another female pegasus at her side, she was already in her western style wedding dress with a flower at the center of it and a veil on her head. She also wore a beautiful necklace around her as well, and from the look of it, she was really losing patience because the ceremony was taking a long time to begin.

Cadance gave a nervous laugh as she stared at a very irritated Apple Bloom.

"Why aren't we startin'?" she asked in a very serious tone, but instead of answering, Cadance just gave a nervous smile.

"Princess Twilight, is something wrong?" asked Apple Bloom as she walked up to Twilight.

"Uh, no, nothing's wrong, what could possibly be wrong, everything is totally under control." said a very nervous Twilight who was not even facing straight into Apple Bloom.

"Why won't you look me in the eye?" she asked, finally Twilight spoke up.

"Well, we're not all here yet."

"Who's missing?" asked Apple Bloom.

"I know, I know, I know." interrupted Cinnamon Swirl.

"Yes Cinnamon?"

"Nathan is missing." Cinnamon answered, this quickly put a panicking influence on Apple Bloom.

"Oh mah' gosh, stay calm, just because the groom's not here, Ah' am not going to let that ruin mah' wedding day!" she exclaimed as she quickly turned scared and approached Applejack.

"Applejack." she whined as Applejack hugged her. Suddenly, the third main door opened and in came Kyle with his tux already on.

"Phew, made it!" he said as he closed the door behind him, only to be quickly surrounded by the worried crowd of ponies and creatures who just about couldn't take it anymore, they proved that by all asking the same question at once........

"WHERE'S NATHAN!?!?!?!?!!?!"

"Uh-oh!" said Kyle as he quickly knew what he had just went through.

"Kyle, where is he?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Uh, he must've stopped off for a new can of cologne." said a very apprehensive Kyle.

"Oh, thank goodness." chuckled Apple Bloom.

Kyle returned the giggles, "Yeah, he forgot it when he jumped out of the plane." the giggles soon transitioned into shocking gasps from the crowd, along with the main cast.

"He jumped out of a what?" asked Apple Bloom.

"A plane, it's a machine we humans use to help us fly. Unfortunately, we also use it for something called skydiving in which one operates the plane while another jumps out of it into the sky falling until they open up a soft cloth called a parachute to help slow them down and gently land onto the ground."

Apple Bloom gave a look of stun.

"But don't worry, last time I saw him, he was floating safely to the Earth."

Apple Bloom grabbed his tux and pulled him close to her in a fit of panic, "YOU TOOK HIM SKYDIVIN'!?!?!?!"

"Well then where is he, what if something happened to him!?!"

Kyle hyperventilated, "D-D-Don't worry, he said if anything were to happen to him, I should marry you myself."

Apple Bloom then gave a short silent look, "APPLEJAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she ran back to Applejack for another comforting hug.

....Meanwhile, Back in Dallas....

Nathan had managed to make it down safely to the ground and tossed the parachute aside.

"Made it safely!" he exclaimed, but then he looked at a wrist watch that had magically appeared on his wrist. Once he saw the time, he gasped in horror.

"IT'S ALMOST 11:00, THE WEDDIN' STARTS IN 15 MINUTES, OH HOW AM AH' GONNA GET BACK TO EQUESTRIA IN 15 MINUTES!?!?!?!" his luck however soon changed when he saw that he had landed in front of a DART light rail station. He saw the map of the line this station was centered on, to his relief, it was the Blue Line, in which one of the stops was Piedmont where the now closed down orphanage was.

As he took out money and bought a ticket, he quickly saw a bunch of people staring at him in surprise.

"We saw you jump out of that plane." said one guy.

"That was the coolest thing ever." said another.

"Well uh thanks, but Ah' have a little bit of a problem."

"Before you start, why are you dressed like a royal guard for Queen Elizabeth?" asked a man.

Nathan gulped in fear, but stood up for himself, "Well, uh, that's part of the problem. There's a weddin' goin' on today, and well, not only is it royal themed, but Ah'm the groom."

The small crowd stood in confusion.

"Wait, if you're the groom of this wedding, then why did you jump out of a plane?"

Nathan hung his head low in shame, "Well, Ah' had a talk with mah' bride's brother and he said that bein' married meant givin' up on fun things. So Ah' wanted to get one last fun thing outta mah' system before Ah' got married."

"Man, I don't know why you would do such a foolish thing like that." said another man, "But you should explain that to your soon wife. Do you need me to give you a ride to your wedding?"

"Yes, that would be very grateful." said Nathan.

"All right, follow me to my car, all you have to do is tell me where to drop you off at."

"Ah' want to be dropped off at the old Lone Star Orphanage building."

"Why there, isn't your wedding in a special building or a church?"

"Just, trust me, please?!" whined Nathan, "Ah' know what Ah'm gonna do."

"All right, come on." said the stranger as he and Nate ran towards the parking lot where his car was.

Author's Note:

Well, Nathan has landed safely. But what will Apple Bloom and the others think when he returns late?