• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 3,482 Views, 261 Comments

Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Chapter 14: On the Other Side

Changelings have wings, but while they can hover for long periods of time, trotting was still the best way to travel long distances at the best speed. This was especially since Ragnar’s changelings were rushing.

Several columns of armored changelings in columns of two trotted through the underbrush, snaking their way through underneath the leafy boughs of the Everfree. The soft chatter of marching changelings making small talk filled the air.

At the heard of the leading column, Ragnar cut through another bush that blocked her path with her shortsword and continued to march on. She knew she was setting quite an unforgiving pace, but she wasn’t going to rely on them achieving complete surprise.

My queen… messaged one of the changelings.

I know. You’re tired, but we need to keep moving if we want to rescue mother.

Yes Your Majesty.

Ragnar dodged underneath a tree branch, the bark just passing above her horn. Losing Chamelia’s trackers had not been easy, but they’d done it and now all they could do was make the most of it.

The feeling of the musky forest air on her brow was suddenly contrasted by a pressure behind her horn, where her crown was. Eyes widening, she drew a blue-pink crystal from it’s pocket in her armor and focused on it.

“Mother? Are you alright?” said Ragnar.

In a dark cave, the infiltrator, her features only dimly lit by her glowing communications crystal, winced. The entrance was cleverly disguised changeling goo and illusory magic, leading out to one of the side corridors in the hive.

Thoughts only, Ragnar. What do we say about risks? Sent the hidden queen.

Take them, but not stupid ones. Ragnar replied.

Precisely. Now, how are you daughter? The queen asked.

Ragnar grinned. We lost Chamelia and are about two days from the hive.

The queen in the closet mirrored her smirk, even though they were separated by miles.

Good, but take half a day to rest the troops before you launch your attack. I believe they have deduced your plan and are doing their best to fortify the hive. We may have a means to force them from their positions, but we must maximize our chances of success.

Understood. And you mother? I can sense you feel—

The dark of the room and that of the mental link was filled with the queen’s hiss. Frustrated? Angry? Furious? Oh definitely. I do not know where Chamelia found those two strange unascended queens from, but they have proven to be a consistent thorn in our side.

Ragnar frowned. Odd. I thought they seemed very mediocre in combat.

Not the older one. She lacks power but is judicious in her use of magic and weaponry. Also, both of them are sharp-minded. They always seem to be first on the scene in my attempts to kill Chamelias brats, thought her mother.

Then you might have to face them in your next attempt on Chamelia’s children. I will do my best to assist you once I fix Queen Sarar and Thera’s attention, thought Ragnar.

There was silence, and Ragnar frowned as she sensed worry worm down the link.

Ragnar are you sure you want to continue helping me with this vengeance? The queen asked.

Ragnar snorted. Mother, it is far too late for me to turn back.

But it is not too late for you to simply escape, to leave, insisted her mother, her anxiety building in intensity.

Pausing, Ragnar stepped off the path and waved her changelings on, barking a quick order for them to continue on. With Chamelia and her allies scouring the world for me? No, I think not. And besides, I will not abandon you. Not like how Ranfeng abandoned me, her own birth daughter. If I hadn’t found you—

Oh Ragnar… if you hadn’t found me, I would have died. The hidden queen glanced down at herself, at the myriad of old scars. My body was… quite literally falling apart. You would have lived.

To be eaten by the next manticore or kelpie perhaps. And you… Ragnar grimaced, briefly closing her eyes, despite the risk. You helped me get my vengeance on my pathetic mother. Without your aid, I could have never brought down Ranfeng and made her pay for all that she did.

A chuckle, along with quite a bit of vindictive nostalgia travelled down the link. Let us say that we both owe each other our lives, Ragnar. But speaking of Ranfeng, I must say I also found it very enjoyable to hear her beg for mercy.

I dare say it was rather orgasmic, mother, quipped Ragnar.

Oh you! You make me so proud!

Ragnar giggled. She knew her changelings would give her a strange look, but she couldn’t help it. Talking to her mother, her real mother, made her feel so much better.

But be careful, Ragnar. I… I don’t want to lose you. Ragnar nodded, feeling the love in the link.

I know mother. You be careful too. No playing with your food.

The queen quietly chuckled to herself, a hoarse, grating sound that would send a child into tears if they were present.

Oh yes yes. I won’t play with them. Not anymore.

Author's Note:

This was a fun little chapter. Yes I wanted the two to have a loving relationship, but I also wanted it to be creepy as hell. I wonder if anybody's figured out who the unknown queen yet...