• Member Since 17th May, 2019
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I'm Leaf. (Fledgling) Author Extraordinaire. Everyone loves me.


Thousands of years ago, Equestria was a dark place. Safety was a resource few could afford, and fewer still could provide. The creatures of the night were no exception, and when it came time for them to band together, a single pony rose to lead them.

This cruel, unforgiving man came to be known as Count Dracula.

Some years later, tensions had calmed. A leader was still needed, but many grew spiteful towards the Count's harsh, violent means. Amongst those unhappy was his daughter, and after much hardship, the reign of Count Dracula came to an end.

Thus was born Lady Dracula.

Now, Equestria has changed again. No longer is it fraught with danger and distrust, and Dracula has come to a decision. It's time for her to step down, and make room for a new Dracula.

A kinder one.

This is set in the same universe as many of my other stories, seen here. None are necessary to read before this story, but they are there if you want them.

Use your discretion with regards to the gore and violence tags. It's a vampire story and I am not a subtle person. The tags are there for good reason.

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 52 )

When did Fluttershy become a vampire? Was that in the other story?

It happened in one of the anthology stories. I think the third one?

This cruel, unforgiving man came to be known as Count Dracula.

Shouldn't there be a human tag, then?
You should make sure people know that, even if it's just in an author's note.

Man as in the gender, not Human

That would be 'stallion', then

yeah I mean it's weird that they speak english even though they're not on Earth but I'm not quite done inventing a new language to write in yet so I figured I might as well just roll with it.

I do hope at some point in this story Fluttershy delivers to Dracula a very firm scolding. :rainbowlaugh:

So... shes just being thrown to the wolves? Possably literally? Dang thats harsh.

always good to see fluttershy in her element again :)

I KNEW Fluttershy still had a thing for bats. Can't wait to read!:yay:

A modern Equestria needs a modern Dracula

Modern problems require modern solutions.

This read like a beginning to an addiction arc for Fluttershy . I wonder does that happen later?

Take that jerkbag. :flutterrage:

Too many villain types forget or unwisely ignore the old saying "beware the nice ones".

Sorry to put this at the top of two chapters in a row, but they're heavy chapters, so one final time: If anyone feels this is overstepping the bounds of the T rating, please do let me know so that I can tag it more appropriately. If nobody says anything after this I'll just assume I'm good.

Dude, if BronyWriter can get away with graphic descriptions of literally removing a pony's internal organs while they're still alive, only to have their tounge cut into ribbons when they beg for mercy in a T-rated story, I think you're good.

well I'll take your word for it then.
(Nah but thanks tho. I just don't read enough to know about that stuff yknow.)

If you were wondering, the story is The Secret Life of Rarity, and I highly recommend it. It ruined my life for like a month it was awesome.

It sounds like possibly a bit much for me but I'll keep the name in mind! ^w^ Who knows what kinda moods I might end up in.

Death is only an illusion the real truth is your own will of mind. She is beginning to understand that even if she doesn’t realize it yet

I'm literally at a loss for words... Just wow... I'm very curious as to what Fluttershy's true power may be. She seems to have something locked away deep down. I can't wait to see where this goes!

Eesh, Dayfall really needs an attitude adjustment. Now to see what goes down with Windbreaker. :rainbowderp:

Fluttershy is going to lose her shit

Oh ya. She’s going to lose it

Holy crap! That escalated fast. Flutters is about to freaking flip... Honestly with the turn Dracula just took into jerkwadville, I'm rooting for Fluttershy to end her...

Oh dang... This is taking some very interesting turns. Hopefully Flutters is alright though... Also The Visitor is a very intriguing character that I really do hope to see more of.

Oh boy, here we go. Awesome chapter!

the worst part of having busy days is having to wait until evening to read these updates

(it's always nice to see luna)

:twilightoops: :pinkiegasp: Did not see that coming...
Great work so far.
Thank you for this amazing story!

Well good for you Flutters, I'd say that definitely falls under the header of stopping her from doing things. And you still got to be kind in doing so.

Holy wow!!! Now that's an amazing turn of events! Loving this story so far!

Hopefully Dracula comes to her senses... She seems like she could be a halfway decent pony if she just tried.

“I don’t think obsidian would make a very good wall,” Pinkie said.

What would Pinkie actually know about obsidian? She grew up on a rock farm. Obsidian is glass.

Obsidian is a volcanic glass. Which is rocks.

And it's over. I kind of want more, but have no idea where that more would go. I feel as if a sequel would detract from this, but can't help but want more. Good job. I haven't seen a story wrap itself up so well in a long time.

Obsidian is only a rock in the same way that regular glass is sand, or that plastic is petroleum.

glass isn't sand glass is a rock

Glass is typically made from a spefific type of sand, due to the high silica content, making it ideal for glass. So let's just call obsidian a mineral.

This was an amazing story that captivated me from the very beginning and each chapter left me waiting for the next one. Not only was this story powerful, it was exciting. I think you deserve a round of applause for this awesome story. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to read this
great work. Brohoof my friend. /)

Thank you! ^w^ I'm really happy I was able to captivate ppl, & all your comments were really nice to get. :3

well that was a brilliant ride, and a fitting ending
it was open-ended, but still felt nice and... final, i guess

i'm going to miss checking fimfic every day for the update :p

Glad you enjoyed! :pinkiehappy: Keep an eye out, cuz the next story should be starting up soon enough, and I've decided that it is in fact going to be set in this universe, so there's more Pinkie and Fluttershy right around the corner! (Although, I can't promise I'm gonna stick to the daily updates, cuz they're... A lot. lmao)

Sorry, a little lost. I have been reading all of the pinkie x Fluttershy stories of yours that I am aware of and am now on this story. Is there another story I missed that explains why Fluttershy knows and seems to be on semi good terms with lady Dracula? The opening of this is a bit jarring without that context is all. n.n;;

Ah, yea, that happened in one of the stories I wrote after I started putting all my little connected one-shots into an anthology.

TThe Life and Times of Everypony
A collection of short stories set in the same ever-evolving world.
Leafdoggy · 75k words  ·  85  2 · 1.2k views

Chapters in this are individual stories, and the characters are listed after the titles. The Pinkie/Fluttershy chapters and the Maud & Fluttershy chapter have vampire-related stuff.
(as a side note, since I made the decision to write things in a consistent universe after I'd written a bunch of pinkieshy stories, most of the old standalone stories I have published aren't exactly canon to this, although they are similar. The first Pinkie/Fluttershy story in the anthology is the new 'canon' origin to her becoming a vampire.)

It was easily apparent why the light had shimmered so strangely across the room. This was because the room did not, in fact, even have a fourth wall. Instead, it ended in a wide, deep quarter dome of glass. It descended down past the floor of the room a bit, which meant there was a small step before one would enter a shallow pit of regal cushions and pillows that overlooked the world beyond. Fluttershy had no interest in stepping out into it, but she could easily see Rarity lounging there comfortably with four or five of her friends.

Leaving the 4th wall out entirely huh? Good idea it would not survive once pinkie got there lol

Isn't there, idk, a story I have to read before this one? The beginning was a little confusing.


There's a couple stories in my anthology series about Fluttershy's vampire stuff

TThe Life and Times of Everypony
A collection of short stories set in the same ever-evolving world.
Leafdoggy · 75k words  ·  85  2 · 1.2k views

Why does everyone either interrupt Flutters or walk out on her? That's just rude 😡

Dracula is a hypocrite. She chose Fluttershy because of her gentle nature, but she seems to want to make her into a harsh pony like herself. That's contradictory.

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