• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Demon In Equestria - Dorath

With her summoner defeated, a demoness finds herself stuck in Equestria, unable to return to her native realm, and forced to adapt to the Land of Harmony.

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Ch. 02; As the Master Commands

:How did he know your Name, ‘Caller?:

:I don’t know, Kragor, vhen I sacrificed my Name, it vas supposed to be erased, Nine Hells, I barely remember it!: HellCaller responded to the telepathic query of the sentient sword at her side as she walked through the city streets, masked by an Invisibility spell, a dead child cradled in her arms.

:That book your “master” vas clutching might have something to do vith how he knew your Name, ve should make sure to “relieve” him of it before ve return home,: Kragor suggested, :Second question, vhat are you going to do about kid?:

:I don’t know,: ‘Caller admitted, :I haven’t seen any temples or guardhouses yet, and I’m not going to just leave her in some alley for rats.:

:Vhy not?: Kragor asked bluntly, :It’s not like you owe her anything. You don’t even know vhat race she is.:

The demoness could only sigh, while Zau Kragor had been sentient for centuries, and was soul-bound to her as closely as a witch and her familiar, she was still a sword, and her understanding could be … rather limited, :This child vas killed because of me, Kragor, that makes her my responsibility.:

:Ah, this is about obligation, I understand now.:

Casually hopping up onto a low wall to get away from the press of the crowds, ‘Caller looked around, ‘Okay, so ve have horse-people vith horns, unicorns maybe? Horse-people vith vings, pegasi I guess? And just “normal” horse-people, most of them in colors that vould put a gnome’s hair to shame. City is bright, beautiful, and built on side of mountain, although my charge’s poor condition indicates that there is a slum either in city or reasonably nearby. No sign of temples, or a city vall for that matter, and only vay that palace up there can still be standing is through spending ridiculous amounts of magic,’ the demoness shook her head in exasperation at such wasteful vanity, ‘Yes, it is very pretty, but by Orcus’ fat, pimply ass, vho chooses a fancy palace over having a curtain vall to protect their city?’

Despite her annoyance at the city’s ruler’s priorities, a thin smile curled ‘Caller’s lips as she finally spotted a pair of armored, uniformed, horse-people walking together, ‘A guard patrol, finally!’

:Are you going to follow them back to guardhouse?:

:Ve don’t have time,: ‘Caller replied, :And ve could lose them in crowd,: moving quickly, she laid the child’s body atop some crates and then cast Ventriloquism, “Hey, over here!” the two guards turned at her call, but approached slowly, looking about for whoever had hailed them, ‘Not just rushing in blindly, good,’ the demoness noted, ‘They’ve had some training, at least.’ “This vay, hurry!” once the guards were close, ‘Caller lifted her hand, breaking the Invisibility covering the small corpse, before she slipped away, leaving the now very agitated guards behind.

:So, how did you get away vith it, anyway?:

‘Caller raised an eyebrow at her sword’s odd question, :How did I get away vith vhat?: she asked as she quietly slipped through the Palace’s halls.

:You lied to your “master” about not being able to just Teleport into this library,: Kragor pointed out, :You’re bound by a summoning, you shouldn’t be able to lie to him!:

:I didn’t lie,: 'Caller corrected, :I just didn’t offer additional information and let him draw his own conclusions. It’s not my fault if Do Not Steal doesn’t know about Greater Teleport’s capabilities or realize that it and Teleport are separate spells,: the soulblade gave a chiming mental laugh as HellCaller smirked.

Turning a corner, she spotted what the map claimed was her destination, ‘Ah, here ve are. Now to deal vith them,’ 'Caller thought, glancing at the pair of guards flanking the door, “Mass Hold Person.” Walking forward, she laid a gentle hand on each paralyzed guard’s muzzle, “Deep Slumber,” before turning her attention to the door, “Arcane Sight,” ‘Caller frowned as she examined the portal, ‘For a “restricted archive” these vards are awfully veak,’ a simple Knock spell was all it required for her to bypass the locks and protective enchantments.

“Hmm, maybe I vas telling bastard complete truth after all.”

“Vhy?” Kragor’s metallic voice was muffled slightly by the protective charms placed in the archive’s walls, “Vhat do you see?”

“There are abjuration glyphs inscribed into valls,” the demoness explained, “Let’s see … runes are odd … Identify … ah, there ve are … oh, vell that is disappointing.”

“Some clarification for those of us vho aren’t archmagi?”

“Sorry,” ‘Caller apologized, “These horse-people have entire archive under a permanent Dimensional Lock effect, vhich vould be impressive, if it vasn’t so veak. Vards vill stop Dimension Door, Teleport, Shadow Valk, and other, lesser teleportation spells, but higher-power spells, Planeshift, Greater Teleport and Gate, vill punch right through.”

“Maybe that is vhy horn-boy did not realize that you vere playing semantic games? Maybe they don’t know greater extradimensional travel spells here?”

“It’s possible, I suppose. Something to look into, anyway, if ve vind up stuck here for a vhile, vell, let’s get to vork. Locate Object.”

It didn’t take long for ‘Caller to find the scrolls she wanted (after all, how many would have a purple ribbon with an orange symbol on it?), which proved fortunate as a commotion erupted outside the archive. She plucked the scrolls off the shelf just as a purple unicorn-woman burst through the doors, her horn wrapped in a magenta aura, “Stop!”

“Sorry, I can’t stop and play right now,” 'Caller replied cheerfully, “Maybe later? Greater Teleport.”

“I’ve got you your scrolls,” ‘Caller announced as she strode into Donut’s study and tossed the documents on his desk.

“Ghah! Be careful with those!” the stallion glared at the demoness as he quickly snatched up the ancient rolls of parchment, “Were there any problems?”

She shrugged, “Someone saw me leaving vith scrolls.”

Donut frowned at his tartarean servant, “Describe this pony.”

“Female horse-person, (vhat is your race called anyway?), she had a horn like yours, purple coat, indigo hair vith a pink stripe, oh and she had some glyph or heraldry on her outfit.”

“This glyph was it a large, pinkish, six-pointed star surrounded by five small stars?” when ‘Caller nodded, Donut began to swear, “Grogar bucking Faust! Now Celestia’s pet will start poking around!”

“So, she is going to be a problem then?”

“Twilight Sparkle and her friends are Heroes of the Realm,” Donut growled, “I need to think about this … go back to the Summoning Chamber and wait until I need you.”

The next three days were something of a vacation for HellCaller; Mage’s Magnificent Mansion kept her comfortably housed and feed, while she placed an Alarm on the chamber door, so Donut wouldn’t catch her unawares. She’d even managed to pick up a little information through Scrying; she was in the city of Canterlot, capital of Equestria, and the locals were called … ponies. Kragor couldn’t stop laughing for almost thirty minutes when they learned that tidbit, while ‘Caller had decided that, given their ridiculous names and coloration, these “ponies” must be feykin, like the gnomes and elves back home. She had also observed several unicorns using magic, but never once had they made a gesture or spoken an incantation, their horns just glowed, and then the spell happened, a conundrum that frustrated the demoness to no end.

Early the next morning, Donut finally returned, “Arruya! Attend me! I have devised the perfect plan for dealing with Sparkle and her friends!” he rubbed his hand together happily, “You, my demon, shall journey to Ponyville and capture Fluttershy, the weakest and most timid of the Bearers, and teleport her back here. With one of their members gone, the Elements of Harmony will not work, and with you teleporting, Sparkle and the others will have not the slightest idea where to look for her. Between the Scrolls and the Quod Tantum,” the warlock caressed the tome hanging from his belt, “I already have a number of rituals to choose from that Fluttershy would make an ideal sacrifice for.”

“And how am I to get to this Ponyville?”

“Some demons are said to be able to change their appearance … to look like normal ponies … can you do this?”

‘Caller nodded, “It’s not a common thing for me, but I can manage it if I must.”

“Excellent,” Donut smiled, “Then I shall simply provide you with maps and a train ticket to reach Fluttershy’s home. Once no pony is around you can grab her.”

“This Fluttershy, vhat can you tell me about her?”

Donut chuckled, “I thought you might ask me that, here this magazine has a picture of her … Fluttershy is known as the most beautiful, and least powerful, of the Bearers of Harmony, Princess Celestia’s personal little band of problem solvers. While she can speak with, and according to some reports control, animals, she is also the most fearful and least combative of the six mares, although there have been some rather farfetched stories of her staring down dragons and other such foolishness. Although …,” he stroked his chin in thought, “She did befriend Discord, so I guess there might be something to those rumors ….”

“Hmm … she sounds rather like a beast master style druid,” ‘Caller commented as she leafed through the magazine, “Vhile not very powerful on their own, their bonded animals can be quite dangerous. And vho is Discord?”

“The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, you will know him if you see him, trust me, and if you do see him, stay away! I will get the maps and train ticket while you do whatever preparations you need,” the unicorn declared, “And remember speak to no pony about your true nature or purpose in Ponyville!”

“Fine, fine,” the demoness grumbled, “I just have one more question … vhat in Nine Hells is a train?”

The trip to Ponyville had been uneventful, well, except for the pink earth pony mare who had reacted with rather pronounced surprise when she spotted ‘Caller walking through the town and then run off without a word, ‘I vonder vhat her problem vas, anyway?’ the demoness mused as she stood before quite possibly the most stereotypical druid home she had ever seen, a living tree that had been turned into a house, surrounded by hutches and coops.

The demoness’ knock was soon answered by a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, “H-hello? Can I help you?”

“Vhy yes, yes you can, Fluttershy, Mass Charm Monster,” ‘Caller smiled as the mare’s expression went from confused to welcoming, “Vhy don’t ve go inside for a nice chat?”

“How are you?” asked Fluttershy as she settled on her couch “Would you like some tea? Oh, I’m dreadfully sorry, I don’t think I caught your name Miss ….”

“I’m HellCaller,” the demoness replied absently as she looked around, “You have a very nice cottage here, Fluttershy.”

“Thank you,” the pegasus smiled shyly at the praise, “HellCaller is an odd name for a pony, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Yes, it is,” ‘Caller agreed as she sat next to Fluttershy and took the mare’s hands in her own, “I suppose it’s more of a title than a name. Now, I hate to disturb your day, Fluttershy, dear, but it is extremely important that you come vith me to Canterlot.”

“Oh, but I’m supposed to meet Rarity at the spa this afternoon.”

“I’m sorry, but this is vitally important, animals need you, Fluttershy, I could leave your friend a note explaining everything, if that vould make you feel better?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, please, I wouldn’t want to make my friends worry,” she got up to fetch parchment and ink, “Are you sure we can’t go and talk to Rarity first? I’m certain she and my other friends would be willing to help animals in need.”

“There isn’t enough time, I’m afraid,” ‘Caller sighed regretfully, “But I promise that I’ll explain it all to them in my note.”

Once she had finished her letter, the demoness placed it on the table, along with a few other pages, and plopped a statuette of a rabbit on it to hold everything in place, “Continual Flame,” ‘Caller nodded at the glowing figurine, “There, that should ensure your friends vill find note. Now then, are you ready to go, Fluttershy?”

“Yes, I think so, am I going to need anything, should I get my first aid kit?”

“No, dear, all ve need is your expertise on animals,” encouraged by her new friend’s reassuring smile and the knowledge that animals needed her help, Fluttershy took the hand the demoness held out to her, “Greater Teleport.”