• Published 15th Feb 2020
  • 7,806 Views, 365 Comments

A Brush With Fate - RadBunny

"I just want to help." It was a simple voicing of concerns about the Lunar Princess. Steel Heart had no idea such a request would turn his life upside down in more ways than one, let alone almost give him a concussion.

  • ...

Chapter Four: Inconceivable

“And the next one up is your favorite!” Steel called out from his position next to the pile of paperwork adjacent to Luna’s desk.

“…it’s financial requests, isn’t it?”

“Aaaand another point for you!” the peppy guard called out, actually marking said point on a dry-erase board. Ever since the ‘not-so-official’ punishment had been broken, Steel had been a bright light in Luna’s day for the majority of this week. While the first day had seemed a tad awkward, the guard quickly acclimated to treating Luna like herself. Respectful nonetheless, but none of the formalities, the bowing, the princess-y stuff.

Luna was half-tempted to make such behavior a royal decree. It made dealing with unpleasant tasks so much more enjoyable for the half of the day Steel was assigned to her.

Or that might because Steel is the complete opposite of what his name suggests. A sincere, goofy, and adorable stallion.

Wait. When was THAT such an easy thing to-

“Uh…you ok, Luna?” Steel asked, pillow-armored head tilting to the side as the Princess realized a rather dreamy smile was starting to meander on her face. “First time I’ve seen you smile at the thought of more forms these past three days.”

“Just, well, nevermind,” Luna stammered. “It’s just nice to have a happy somepony here with me when getting these done. It makes it much more…enjoyable….” Her voice drifted off as she now saw Steel balancing two quills on his upper lip to emulate a fantastic moustache.

“Mmmmhmmm.” Steel mused in thought as he tried to suppress a smile, clearly enjoying the fact that Luna promptly began to gasp with laughter, a high-pitched wheeze leaving her frame. Luna could barely see him through the mirthful tears, but a smile that seemed to have been on her face only moments ago seemed to slide onto the stallions. A caring, sincerely happy gesture with a warmth that sent a warm tingle down to the tips of Luna’s hooves.

And then it was gone as the Alicorn wiped her eyes, Steel now completely serious as he hoofed over a quill.

“It’s just a quill, Highness,” he said in a perfect deadpan tone, despite obviously biting his lip to avoid bursting out in laughter.

“Oh y-yes, of course,” Luna replied, taking the implement to then look over the form on her desk. After a few moments, she took a deep breath and looked over to the Guard briefly.

“Thank you, Steel,” she whispered, a bit of vulnerability shining through in her green eyes. “I’ve needed to laugh as of late.”

“Most welcome. It’s nice seeing you happy again,” was the immediate reply, one that made an increasingly-common sensation of warmth blossom in the Alicorn’s chest.

He just wants me to be happy? And stated so simply.

“I’m not going to ask what that smile is about this time, but we do need to get these forms done,” Steel replied softly, gesturing towards the parchment. “I then need to run them over to the second processing committee before lunch.”

“O-of course,” Luna said, turning back to the much-less-amusing paperwork. Out of the corner of her eye, the Princess saw the stallion shrug to himself, clearly curious at her behavior but politely not saying anything.

Oh, if only you knew.

Three more days passed with relative quickness, the company of a friend banishing the usual feelings of despair that usually crept it.

Yet tonight was different, the emotions and looming inevitability of the ignored problem refusing to be silenced. She could barely focus. Luna went through the motions with her duties, banishing nightmares with ease as usual, yet her own doubts, her own dreams ate at her mind like a hungry worm. Steel Heart’s words from a few days ago still gave her pause, the Alicorn not able to shake free of them.

What was even more unsettling was of how much she just wanted to feel a caring hoof on her shoulder again, and had begun to enjoy his company with each passing hour.

It’s not even the massage, just the contact of somepony who….

She shook her head, those thoughts daring to become darker. Sooner or later she’d have to tell somepony about all of this.

Why not him?
He wouldn’t understand
Why not? He has seen death.
But as have I. This should not be as big a deal as I am making it.
And yet he is here. One of the few willing to listen and knows too well how thin the line is between things.

He cares.

Luna’s internal argument made her freeze mid-dream-space, the realization hitting her with enough surprise to make her magic waver.

He…would understand.
Of all the ponies here, he just might. Not completely, but dealing with it.
I’ve been a fool, even Celly doesn’t realize how much.

He cares.

Those two words made Luna’s heart skip a beat, the idea never really having taken hold until now. The silly jokes, the politeness, the caring smile when she was just happy.

He can understand, and he cares.

She continued on to her nightly duties, a bit of skip now to her step now that there was a definite goal in mind for the next day.

Steel trotted with his usual, nightly summary scroll gently held in his mouth. Seeing Luna open up ever so slightly had been a bit of a surprise, but her reservations were certainly expected.

Hopefully you eventually trust me enough to let me try and understand. I’ve seen the darkness in your eyes after the laughter has faded and mirth has passed.

“Steel! There you are!” Luna exclaimed happily, waving as he rounded a corner to her section of the castle. “I had a few things I wanted to ask you!”

The stallion couldn’t help but grin, Luna’s bubbly mood being quite infectious as she took the offered scroll.

“Hmm? But of course,” Steel chuckled, Luna’s ears perking up at the sound.

“It is nice for me to elicit a laugh from you for a change. I’m glad you smile as often as you do,” she added, making the stallion blink in surprise.

I didn’t expect that.

No overthinking.
Just a nice compliment.
...I have a nice smile?

“On a less upbeat note, I had something I wanted to speak with you about, away from here,” the Princess admitted, looking down at her hooves that scraped against the ground nervously. “If that is alright?”

She’s asking me?

“I-of course. I’m not sure I understand, but yes,” Steel replied.

Luna’s horn sparked with magic, the alicorn then pausing.

“Oh. Before we go, do you have a special somepony?”

“W-wha? No! Not currently, what?”

The Alicorn promptly burst out laughing as the poor stallion’s brain short-circuited, Luna waving a hoof.

“I’m sorry, that must have seemed very out of the blue. I wanted to know just in case I needed to reassure them that I’m not kidnapping you for myself. Nipping rumors in the bud and all that.”

“Ah, ok. That makes sense,” Steel said slowly, thoughts slowly coming back on line. “You could have led with that, you know.”

“Probably should have I suppose. Well, without further ado….”

Luna’s magic whisked them away immediately, the scene resolving itself as a cool night breeze slipped through the pair’s fur. Sitting on a grassy overlook, a massive expanse of water spread out beneath them, the moon shining brightly on the slowly moving surface.

“Luna Bay. At certain times it is even a more marvelous sight,” Luna explained, “but it’s a lovely place to think, away from everything. And that’s not just to indulge myself in a location named after me.”

“I’ve never been here,” Steel whispered, looking out over the scene with wide eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

Apparently, that remark caught Luna’s attention, the Alicorn noting how the Guard seemed to soak in the entire sight, eyes flickering to the waves, the moon, and the silhouetted trees above them.

He turned away from the picture-perfect sight, focusing on the Princess at his side as she removed her crown in a familiar gesture.

“I don’t want to talk to you as a Princess, Steel Heart,” Luna whispered, her shoulders and wings sagging. “I know it may be difficult, but I’d like to be on as equal terms as possible, at least for what I’m about to say.”

Steel stayed quiet, only nodding once.

Luna opened her mouth, but no words manifested. Narrowing her eyes, the Alicorn looked down at her hooves, both of which were beginning to shake.

Why can’t I-?

“I t-thought I was ready to speak,” she whispered. “I realized that you are some of the few who may understand, be willing to understand in an issue that troubles me. I guess I was too confident in my own resolve.”

A few tears trickled from Luna’s closed eyes, the Princess lowering her head in slight shame.

“I thought I was ready, I really did. I’m sorry for-”

“Don’t be. It’s alright.” Steel’s voice carried across the cold air, reassuring tone making Luna smile ever so slightly.

He does have a nice voice. Deep, but not incredibly so. Just sincere, as always.

“This wasn’t my plan, Private Heart,” Luna whispered, a soft snort drawing her attention again.

“You told me on my second day to call you Luna when we were alone. That goes for you too in terms of my name. Fair’s fair.”

“Fair enough indeed,” Luna admitted, noticing with a bit of endearment that the stallion shuffled his hooves awkwardly.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, just being here is enough,” Luna replied, “and not judging me for my foolishness.”

“Why would I do that?” his indignant tone made the Princess look up, the dark-furred pony glancing at her curiously. “You’re just a pony. Too many have forgotten that, I think.”

Luna looked back at her shaking hooves, Steel’s stalwart proclamation ringing through her mind.

Just a pony. Despite what everycreature thinks, holding us to such a high standard…

“Both my sister and I forget that at times too,” she whispered, feeling her sides starting to shake with sobs.

I’m allowed to miss someone.
To mourn.
To have emotions. Even as the ‘emotional’ Princess, I’ve always pushed them away, not wanting to deal with it…

“Steel H-heart?” Luna whispered, venturing an increasingly-blurry glance over to the concerned stallion.


“May I borrow your shoulder?”

Steel scooted closer as he immediately nodded, Luna resting her head with a shaky exhale. The stallion being a little under a head shorter had the Princess laying down a bit more, but it was certainly worth it.

I might squish you if you didn’t have a lanky build. Quite a nice height, not too short.
In fact, the perfect height for a hug…

“Thank you,” she whispered, the stallion chuckling softly.

“No marefriend to get jealous, so you are free to borrow it. I may have to charge rent after too long though,” Steel added with a smile, seeming a bit relieved as Luna’s ears perked up ever so slightly. The Alicorn then closed her eyes and let her tears flow, sides shaking softly as the Princess cried.

Having somepony to lean on, figuratively and literally; how right you were, Celly.
I’ve missed this.
I’ve needed this.

“No, really S-steel,” Luna added, scooting a bit closer as emotion began to fully clog her through. “T-thank you, s-so much…”

The sobs now came in earnest, the Princess not able to hold back her emotions any longer. The fact Steel’s reaction was to place a caring hoof over her shoulders only made Luna cry all the more, finally able to relax under the embrace of somecreature who cared.

I’m so scared.
Will I remain after all turns to ash?
Who would dare tempt such an existence?
Who would ever choose being with me over….

Luna wasn’t sure how long she remained there, only that Steel Heart’s shoulder was now soaked, the stallion still sitting with a scarred forelimb placed across the Alicorn’s shoulders. Wiping her muzzle, Luna felt her cheeks heating up as she scooted back upright with a sniff.

“Sorry, I didn’t intend any of that,” the alicorn muttered, suddenly finding herself cross-eyed as Steel gently placed a hoof on her nose.

“No apologizing, please,” he whispered, and for a brief second Luna saw something behind his green eyes, a desperate, pleading vulnerability behind the words.

And then it was gone, the concerned guard withdrawing his hoof as the Princess couldn’t keep a hesitant smile off her face.

“Well, if not apologizing, then I must at least thank you. It seems my sister was right in her plans to help me.”

Steel snorted, waving a hoof at her dismissively.

“She just gave a way to help. Kind of was my idea, erm…” the pony then apparently realized what he said, Luna peering close with an interested glint in her eye.

“Oh? I have heard that from Celly, and now that you’re talking, I’d very much like to hear it from you, Steel Heart.”

Seeing the guard blush was quite a rewarding sight, a warmth blossoming in Luna’s chest as Steel refused to meet her gaze.

“I just-I don’t like seeing others hurt, not when I can help,” he finally replied, gaze flickering over to Luna briefly. “And I thought I could try and help at least, even if I may not understand the problem bothering you. I said that I liked seeing you happy a few days ago, and that statement hasn’t changed.”

Try and she might, Luna couldn’t help but melt a bit at the pony’s words. It had been a very, very long time since somepony, somecreature had shown such genuine interest in her wellbeing outside of family and immediate friends.

“How in the world do you not have a marefriend, Steel Heart,” Luna chuckled as she shook her head. “That was one of the sweetest things I’ve been told in some time, thank you.”

Instead of perking up, Steel’s ears flattened, immediately putting the Princess on guard.

“Thank you, Luna,” he replied, now definitely avoiding her gaze. A hoof drifted to run up and down the other forelimb, massaging along a line of scars.

“The past mares just didn’t feel right, I suppose,” the guard muttered.

“Steel, I’m…” Luna’s words drifted off as the Guard shook his head.

“It is what it is,” was the gruff reply, the topic clearly being a sore one, so Luna let it drop. It was clear that was a loaded topic to say the least.

For us both, it would seem.

“By the way, I have to say I was greatly impressed by your crossbow demonstration. My sister informed me of such, and curiosity got the better of me.”

That subject got a smile out of the Guard, Steel letting out a happy sigh.

“Top three of my class, and I haven’t gone more than a week without practicing. It’s nice to teach others how to do something you yourself are accomplished in, and then see them excel.” His eyes then drifted to Luna, the mischievous glint in them making her heart skip a few beats for some reason. “And I did see you discovered my thinking hill.”

It was now Luna’s turn to blush in embarrassment, the alicorn mumbling to herself as a hoof traced the ground.

“Sorry. I was just curious.”

Steel’s snickering made her look up, the alicorn pouting as the Guard grinned.

“It’s no problem. You’re not the first, nor likely the last to find me up there. It’s just a nice place to think with background noise. This area though,” he waved a hoof around the peaceful scene, “is much more prudent to softer moments, different emotions. That…um, sort of thing,” he added, voice trailing off as Luna looked at the stallion in surprise.

“That’s a very lovely way of putting it, Steel,” Luna replied, finding his unsure reaction rather both endearing but sad at the same time.

It’s like he was expecting me to just dismiss his words outright. Hmm. No surprise as to if that happened before.
Seems like he’s a bit more sensitive than I originally thought. I suppose there is a lot I don’t know about you, Steel Heart. We’ve just been bantering and being silly this week…

“I suppose we should get back. Would it be acceptable if we returned here at a later date?” Luna asked, her Assistant simply nodding as his ears perked up.

As she charged up a teleport spell, the Princess’s last thought rang around in her head a few more times as her eyes glanced over to the loyal guard at her side.

Sensitive. It’s been a while since I spoke with a pony so open about such things, or at least willing to be.
And I rather like it.



“You were zoning out again, Lulu.”

Luna sighed, eating the syrup-drenched pancakes in front of her as Celestia let out a soft titter.

That is an introspective look if I’ve ever seen one.”

Nodding, Luna finally looked up, mouth working a few times before any words finally manifested.

“I just…it’s an odd thing to think you’re ready to talk about something, but clearly aren’t. It’s an interesting conundrum.”

That drew all of Celestia’s attention, the older sister shoving down her immediate, excited reaction.

“Well, sometimes we don’t fully understand the impact of what we want to talk about until it’s said. That’s what I have found,” Celestia finally explained.

“That makes sense,” the Lunar Princess mused, Celestia leaning a bit closer as a rather tender smile tickled at Luna’s mouth.

“Oh? And what’s that smile for? I haven’t seen that in ages!”


The absolutely smug, I-totally-could-have-called-this grin on Celestia’s face made Luna growl, waving a hoof in mock anger at her sister as her dark-colored face blushed a bright crimson.

“Oh, don’t you dare! N-not like that!” she stammered, Celestia continuing to grin and slowly levitated some pancakes into her mouth.

“Didn’t say aaaaanything!” Celestia proclaimed, thoroughly enjoying where the conversation was heading.

“I mean, you did seem a bit more relaxed four days ago. I heard rumors you snatched your poor assistant away to parts unknown…”

The tender smile returned, punching through the embarrassed blush as Luna averted her eyes.

“Oh, so you did?”

“In a manner of speaking. I…” Luna’s tone became much softer and more sincere, almost hesitant. Celestia quickly abandoned further teasing, sitting and waiting patiently for her sister to continue.

“I think you were right, Celly. Having somepony there to listen is helping. I do feel bad that I can’t speak of this to you, but…I…”

“Lulu, don’t,” Celestia whispered, scooting over to wrap her sister up in a tight hug. “We’re closer than ever, but we each are different. There are things and challenges I don’t want or expect you to understand about my life, and the same goes for you. I want to be there for you, and of course I’d prefer to be the one you talked to,” she reached down and gave her sister a soft nudge with her forehead, the older alicorn sighing.

“But I understand when that isn’t the case, and that it’s healthy. We both have our own lives, as joined together as they are in a way. I’m just glad you’ve found somepony who can help you through whatever this is,” Celestia then paused, not able to resist a slight grin. “But I can’t take much credit for this. All I did was make Steel Heart’s idea official. I gave him a direction to help, he came to me on your behalf.”

“Then I think I need to thank him,” Luna whispered, “and make my thanks very clear.”

“With a kiss?”

“SISTER!” Luna blurted out, shoving the cackling alabaster alicorn away with a glare. “The moment! ‘Tis ruined!”

“Oh, but so worth it!”

“This is payback for the Seaspray comment, isn’t it?”

“I’d never be that petty.”

“Oh of course not…” Luna’s voice trailed off, an apparently new thought making the blush return all the more furious as she mumbled.

“Hmm? What was that?”

“He is sensitive though, and doesn’t judge my weaknesses. That’s…extremely appealing in a few ways.”

Celestia snorted, waving a fork at her sister at that.

“A few ways? Try a lot of ways. Seaspray didn’t laugh when I told him of my fear of chickens. Talk about points in the potential special-somecreature department,” Celestia’s voice now took on a slightly whimsical tone, Luna grinning at her sister.

“You seem much more at ease talking about it now.”

“Well, you know now. And knowing my sister is a bit happier has put me at ease, perhaps in part due to her current company, hmm?”

Luna stayed silent as her sister chuckled softly.

“That’s not a no. But seriously, Lulu, I’m just happy you have another friend, and a handsome, sensitive one at that! Perhaps another Shining Armor scenario? I’ve seen that dreamy look on your face whenever he is the topic of conversation. Strong, handsome, goofy….”

“Mmmm…he is rather….SISTER!”

As Celestia laughed, Luna’s own smile began to widen. Conjuring up a fully-loaded lemon-cream pie, the alicorn took aim and sent the sugary projectile blasting directly at her sister’s face.


Luna could sense the eye-twitch underneath the mound of cream, Celestia wiping a hole for her mouth.

“That is one out of three. Well played, Luna, well played.”

“I learn from the best, dear sister. Now I must finish my meal and go see that play before work,” Luna replied calmly with a smug smile, Celestia still cleaning the pie off of her face.

“Love you Tiaaaaaaa.”

Celestia tried to hold back a giggle, she really did.

Luna bit back tears as the final act began to wind down, silently trying her hardest to not completely break down.
Perhaps this was a mistake. It is too close to my heart…

Disguised as a normal-sized pony as a change, Luna sat in the far right of the theatre, the rest of the seats being about half-full, as it had been released a good month or two ago.
I enjoy film to be sure, but there’s a strange sincerity for live performances, especially songs.

Perhaps her current challenges were coloring the play, but what seemed like a standard plot of love, loss, and heartache, had turned into a maelstrom of emotions within Luna’s heart.

He served her for years, affection growing. A simple servant of royalty who could never be with a queen, yet that didn’t stop him from trying, staying at her side for thick and thin.

As she wished. Words left unsaid but their implication was not.

…and yet he never knew how much she cared, only suspected. Even when she thought him dead to the raiding nation that burned their castle, she still held out hope.

Yet now she is destined to be wed to an enemy to save her people, and he is now found alive and seeking her under a new name and mask.
Yet now he bleeds in her arms, life draining away.

Luna had specifically avoided spoilers for this play- and it was her growing fear this would be a classic tragedy. A simpleton in love with a royal with whom he could only watch from afar. It was a common and heart-wrenching trope, but definitely not what Luna needed at this time.

“Death cannot stop true love, it can just delay it for a while.” the Servant whispered, and Luna had to muffle a choked sob into her hoof.

Another, similar sound caught her attention, the disguised alicorn glancing over to the seat in question. To her absolute shock, a familiar dark-purple pony sat with tears trickling down his cheeks, green eyes locked onto the scene in front of them all.

Steel Heart?!

“I've been saying it so long to you, you just wouldn't listen. Every time you said ‘Servant, do or fetch this' you thought I was answering ‘As you ask, Highness,’ but that's only because you were hearing wrong. 'I love you' was what it was, but you never heard,” the servant whispered, prompting the queen to draw a shaky breath, magic gathering on her horn. “You would save me? But at what cost? No, you are a queen. To marry me would carry too great a cost, for what am I to you?” he continued.

“Love is many things, none of them logical,” the queen replied as she glared at her wounded servant. “And I don’t care about the price! Not anymore! What is the price for my love of you? You don’t know, do you? I cannot let that stand!”

Luna could only watch, more tears tracing down her cheeks as the final act concluded, the queen tossing off her title in favor of the servant, saving his life by binding hers to his.

The Princess joined the rest of the audience in a standing ovation as the cast members bowed on the conclusion of the play, tears still wet on her cheeks. Luna barely trusted her limbs to walk out of the theatre into the common area where she then sat down, struggling to categorize the emotions swirling in her heart.

“Miss?” a familiar voice asked, Luna looking up into two familiar caring eyes.


“Sorry. I was asking if you were alright,” Steel Heart added, Luna letting out a soft laugh and wiping her eyes.

“Oh, sorry. Y-yes. Just a surprisingly moving play.”

A Queen Betrothed is a heart wrencher, that’s for sure. Third time I’ve seen it and still learn something new each time,” Steel remarked, Luna now torn between dropping her disguise.

I’ll tell him of course. Just…I don’t want to miss this chance of talking with him.

“What do you think about that?” Luna asked. “The Queen throwing aside her crown to be with a servant? Binding her life to his to forestall death?”

Steel shrugged, eyes narrowing in thought briefly.

“I think she did what her heart told her to do,” he finally said. “And sometimes the price of a choice doesn’t matter. The result is just worth it, whatever the cost,” the stallion’s voice seemed to have a dam of emotion in front of it, yet also carrier a knife’s edge. He then chuckled, waving a hoof towards the stage behind the large wooden doors. “He must have been one incredibly pony, that’s for sure. But love isn’t logical, so he just needed to be incredible to her. It’s a moving story regardless.”

“I agree, I suppose I wasn’t just prepared for it,” Luna admitted as she stood up. “Thank you for your initial concern by the way. It was quite sweet. I do need to get going.”

“Of course, it was nice meeting you, Miss…?”

Luna briefly toyed with the idea of a false name, a web of potential scenarios branching out from such a possibility.
No, that won’t do. He trusts me, and I don’t want to break that.

“You know me, Steel,” Luna whispered, the stallion’s eyes widening in recognition as her disguise faded briefly, then returning to the simple, yellow-colored earth pony mare.

“Pri-Luna?” he asked in confusion, brow furrowing briefly. The stallion seemed a bit torn, looking at his hooves in thought.
“Suppose there wasn’t a good time to tell me that, huh? Not expecting to see me?”

Luna nodded, one of her hooves rubbing against the other in embarrassment.
“I didn’t think I’d know anyone here, much less you. I wanted to tell you right away, I promise you that. I just…I….”

I just wanted…

Steel’s head tilted in confusion, Luna not finishing her sentence until she let out a held breath.

“I wanted to talk to you as just a pony, not a princess,” Luna finally said, shoulder’s slumping.

The last thing she expected was Steel to snort, barely holding in a laugh as his ears perked up.

“Luna, do you think I’ve been treating you any differently when you’re a princess in that context?” he asked, making her stare in shock.

I’m an idiot.

“I, ah.” she finally stammered. “I’m not used to…I just thought…”

“I get it, Luna. I do,” he replied. “Your initial reaction is that I’d treat you differently based on your title. I’m a bit of a unique case, huh?”

“More than you know,” Luna whispered, knowing full well a blush heated up her cheeks at that remark.

Did I just say…

“Erm, sorry?”

“N-nothing. It’s…nice to see you, Steel. I suppose it’s time for work in a hour or two,” she added as began to trot off.

Dare I?

“Steel?” she asked, making the guard glance over to her curiously.


“What did you think about that, in the play,” Luna asked, a bit of excitement fluttering in her chest. “The Queen being interested in someone far outside her own social circle?”

The stallion blinked, pondering the question for a moment,

“I think that she, like any pony, shouldn’t be concerned about what others think, if it makes her deeply happy,” he finally said rather slowly as though thinking out loud. “She was willing to bind her fate to his. I’d say she cared enough to ignore the ones whose views weren’t based on her happiness. The Servant certainly tossed all caution to the wind to pursue her as well.”

Luna nodded; a tad perplexed at the answer.

Did he understand what I was implying?

Do I understand it?

“Hmm. Thank you, Steel. I’ll see you at the castle?” Luna asked, Steel nodding as he trotted off.

As Luna teleported back to the castle and got ready for her nightly duties, her eyes widened in shocked realization.

“Did…did he think that is what has been troubling me?” she asked her reflection in the mirror.

There was a soft *thud* as she let her head hit the pillows, the alicorn letting out a soft, muffled yell.

Did I make it clear? No? Yes? Ugh.
Note to self. Avoid hints.
Addendum. I should have learned that a long time ago.

One thing did however, make the alicorn smile ever so slightly.

At least I came to terms that Steel is attractive…in quite a few ways, even if I bungled my words.
I like somepony.

Those last few words made a soft squeal leave Luna’s lips, the princess hugging the nearest pillow close, her heart fluttering in a way it hadn’t for ages.

I like somepony.

In his apartment, Steel shrugged on his armor as the exchange with Luna continued to swirl in his mind. It was fairly well known amongst the guards that the Night Princess was a romantic, a fan of opera, plays and the like. He just hadn’t expected to run into her, let alone have that conversation of all things.

At least now a few more things made sense.

So, that’s what is troubling you? I’m afraid I can’t help with that. Fallen in love with a commoner…that is indeed out of my league.

Try as he might, Steel couldn’t get the slight regretful pang out of his heart at that thought. A quick glance in the mirror gave the stallion quite a sorry reflection indeed, ears laid flat as he shook his head. The usual, cheery warmth he felt when seeing Luna’s smile now seemed to turn to ash that slowly drifted down across his heart.

It was a whimsical notion, nothing more.
She’s a Princess after all, and I…

Author's Note:

No breaks on the train of adorableness! The play that Luna/Steel saw is technically a real story...rather obvious hints to it of course :trollestia:

And fluffy moments abound, perhaps- oh dear, Steel, you don't get it, do you? :rainbowlaugh: