• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 4,294 Views, 150 Comments

Ring Around The Moon -- Part II - Lets Do This

The Sun Celebration has arrived. The Nightmare returns. And with the help of some extra friends, Twilight, Tempest, and their fellow students are about to discover just how far the Dark Mare will go to have her revenge...

  • ...

The Summer Celebration

Sunset trotted out into the Celebration area proper, Spike at her heels. Both of them looked around at the busy activity.

The raised marble dais for the solstice ceremony itself was being polished and consecrated. The performance stage was assembled and being decorated. Around the edges of the broad marble expanse tables and booths were being set up. Food, beverages, souvenirs, and other supplies were arriving in a steady stream of carts, boxes, and barrels. And ponies were hustling about everywhere, getting things ready.

Just finding anypony in this mess, Sunset thought, will be a miracle in itself.

She trotted hopefully toward to the largest stack of crates, looking around. "Hello? I'm looking for the pony in charge of the banquet?"

"Wayall howdy, ma'am!" An orange pony wearing an eleven-gallon hat trotted into view. "Name's Applejack! What can I do ya fer?"

"Applejack?" Sunset gasped, staring. The sun-bleached and friendly face, the bright eyes, the unassuming down-home smile... it was her friend from the mirror universe, right down to the hooves. "What are you doing here?" Sunset demanded.

The pony stared at her, confused. "Uh, sorry, ma'am... have we met before?"

"Oh!" Sunset quickly got control of herself. "Um, not exactly. Sorry, you... just remind me of someone I know. A friend, actually." Sunset laughed. "A real good friend!"

"Heh! Prob'ly a Apple," Applejack said. "Prob'ly a cousin, too, we're all over the place. Yep! I got kinfolk in places I never even knew were places!"

"Um, right..." Sunset glanced at Spike, who was also staring wide-eyed at Applejack. "Well! I'm Sunset Shimmer, and we're just checking up on the preparations for the Celebration. Are you in charge of the food?"

"Nah! The high-end grub's being handled by some hoity-toity caterin' outfit from up here. They've got it under control, far as I can see. I'm just deliverin' stuff for the snack tables. This here's my last load up from the farm in Ponyville. I just got to deliver the produce to where it's needed, and unload the baked goods for the stalls here, and we'll be all set."

"Oh! Well, you need any help with that?"

"Nah, we're good. My brother over there, Big Mac, he's helpin' with the heavy loads." She pointed to a large red stallion, who nodded proudly. "And I got other kin here to lend a hoof, too." She glanced around, annoyed. "If I can only figger out where Apple Bloom and Granny Smith have gone to ground. But we'll make it happen, ma'am, one way or another. Don't you fret!"

"I won't! I know you'll do a great job, A.J.!"

"Surely will! Uh, hey, how'd you know my nickname?"

"Oh! Um, it was my friend's as well," Sunset said hurriedly, craning her neck to look at Spike's list. "Uh, now I just need to find the pony in charge of, ah... decorations! And that would be --"

"Rarity!" Applejack was trotting over to the stage, where a brilliantly white, violet-maned pony was tweaking a bow on the bunting looped around its base. "Ya do know the Celebration is this afternoon, right? Get a move on! It don't have to be perfect, ya know!"

"Well!" the pony replied huffily, "some of us care about getting the details right, Applejack!"

Sunset stared. "You're kidding me... Rarity?"

The fashion pony swung towards them, flouncing her mane proudly.

"Woah," Spike whispered, stars in his eyes. "She's beautiful!"

Seeing them, Rarity's eyes went wide.

"Oh... my... gosh!"

Spike quickly preened his spines, striking what he probably hoped was a handsome pose. But it wasn't Spike that Rarity was staring at.

"Eeee! Applejack, do you know who this is?"

"Uh, surely do, she's --"

"Sunset Shimmer!" Rarity bounced down off the stage and hurried over to shake Sunset's hoof excitedly. "Oh, my goodness, darling! It's such an honor! Your group is just the talk of Canterlot, you know."

"Uhhh... Rarity, ya mind throwin' me a bone here?"

"Oh, Applejack! You recall the announcement that was read out in Ponyville Square? About the Princess having chosen six ponies to act as our defenders against the return of the Nightmare? Well! Sunset here is only their second-in-command."

"Woah, Nelly!" Applejack snatched off her hat. "Didn't realize I was in the presence, so to speak. You didn't say nothin' about it, ma'am!"

"Oh, stop it, Applejack!" Sunset waved a hoof. "You don't have to get all formal with me. You're a friend, after all!"

"Well now, mighty kind of you to put it that way... er, Sunset," Applejack cautiously put her hat back on.

"And Sunset," Rarity said, "if I may be so bold, I was just wondering if you all liked the gowns I prepared for your debut in society. It was such a disappointment I never had a chance to see you in them."

"Wait. You did those gowns, Rarity?" Sunset stared. "All of them?"

"Well... yes, actually!"

"They were gorgeous! We all thought so!"

"Oh!" Rarity blushed slightly. "Well, I was up all night, because I wanted to make sure they looked smashing. It was a rush order, you see, and I wasn't entirely pleased with the result, but I did my best..."

"More than anypony's best, I'd say!" Sunset assured her. "Everyone at the reception was complimenting us on them."

"They were? Oh, my gosh!" Rarity put a hoof to her forehead. "I may just faint! Oh, but I won't! Too much to do yet."

"And I'll just bet," Sunset added, "that you're in charge of the decorations, right?"

Rarity's eyes rolled. "Oh, don't I wish, my dear. No, no, I'm just doing my part to help us stay on track... despite what some ponies might think!" She raised an eyebrow at Applejack. "Canterlot's high society ladies are in charge of the overall design. But just between you and me, Sunset?" She lowered her voice conspiratorially. "They've got committee-itis. They wouldn't know a rosette from a sow's ear."

"Well, that's just stupid!" Sunset laughed. "You've got tons of design sense, Rarity. You should be calling the shots!"

"Oh! Oh my! That is so kind of you to say!" Rarity looked puzzled for a moment, then quickly shifted gears. "You don't think you might, er... put in a good word for me?" She made a hopefully pleading face.

"You kidding, Rarity? We're in charge of this Celebration," Sunset replied. "I'll just talk to Twilight about it and we'll --"

"Twilight Sparkle!" Rarity gasped, staring around anxiously. "Oh! Is she here? Do I look presentable, Applejack?"

"Ya look fine, Rarity! Quit yer fussin'."

"I think she looks gorgeous!" Spike whispered.

Sunset discreetly shushed him with a hoof. "Twilight and the others are out and about," she said, "letting everypony know that we're on top of things."

"And no doubt you are, my dear!" Rarity replied.

"This... Twilight?" Applejack asked. "She's the pony in charge?"

"Well..." Sunset grinned at the thought. "She'd never want us to think of her like that... but, yeah, in a way. She's the pony who brought us all together in the first place. It's fair to say that without Twilight, none of us would be here."

"Wayall, hope we get a chance to meet her later," Applejack said. "Sounds like a right fine pony to be leading y'all."

"I'll introduce you personally, A.J.!" Sunset laughed. "I just need to finish checking on the preparations first. What's next on our list, Spike?"

"Isn't she the most beautiful thing?" Spike said dreamily, staring at Rarity.

"Focus, Casanova," Sunset muttered, nudging him.

"Oh, right! Let's see!" Spike hurriedly checked his scroll. "Here it is: music!"

"Ah! That would be Pearl Baton," Rarity said sagely. "She's in charge of the CRO... the Canterlot Royal Orchestra? Such a grand sound! I never miss a chance to attend a concert when I'm calling on a client here. I think she might have just stepped away to have a nervous breakdown or something. But that's perfectly normal, for such an artiste. The orchestra was doing a practice run on the stage earlier and oh, they were simply di-vine!"

"Okay... that sounds well in hoof," Sunset agreed. "But there's a last-minute entry on the list, something about a... bird chorus?"

"Oh, yeah!" Applejack said. "For that, you'll want to chat with --"

"Fluttershy?" Sunset interrupted in surprise, having turned to look where Applejack was pointing. Up on the stage, she saw a butter-colored pegasus with a voluminous pink mane, carefully conducting a small flock of singing songbirds.

"Uh, yeah, that's right. But how did you...?"

Sunset wasn't paying attention. She had already climbed up on the stage, and was trotting over towards the pony, who had just stopped her chorus to politely scold one of the birds for being off-time.

Sunset gently tapped the pony's shoulder. "Excuse me?"

"Oh!" Startled, the pegasus immediately tried to hide behind her mane. "I'm sorry!" she whispered. "Were we being too loud?"

"Too loud? Are you kidding me?" Sunset smiled. "Oh right, you probably don't know me. I'm Sunset Shimmer. And it's so great to see you again. Uh... here, I mean!"

"Oh! Well, thanks! I'm... uh..." She winced bashfully, her voice fading away to silence.

"Fluttershy, right?" Sunset smoothly supplied, with a grin.

"Oh! Um... yes?" The pegasus made it sound like she wasn't quite sure, but would gladly take some other name if it was preferable.

And then her eye landed on Spike.

"Oh, my! A baby dragon!" she shouted, excitedly, pushing past Sunset to stare raptly at him. "I've never seen a baby dragon before! Isn't he just the cutest thing?"

"Hey, hey! This is more like it!" Spike held out a claw for a shake. "My name's Spike! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi, Spike! Oh, wow! I didn't know dragons could talk! That's so incredibly wonderful! What do dragons talk about?"

"Well... what do you want to know?"

"Absolutely everything..."

Seeing that Fluttershy was thoroughly distracted talking with Spike, Sunset walked back to the edge of the stage, shaking her head in amazement. "This is so weird..."

"Ain't that the truth!" Applejack said, staring at her. "You sure we never met before?"

"There's only one way to find out," Sunset replied. "Now, the next item on Spike's list was weather. I didn't see a name listed, but is there a pegasus somewhere around here named Rainbow?"

"Oh, you mean..."


A rush of wind and rainbow contrail blasted past them, then looped about and headed back. A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane swooped up to them, slamming on the air-brakes and hovering in midair.

"Heh, heh... sorry about that! One of my loop-de-loops got away from me."

"Wayall!" Applejack drawled sarcastically. "Speak of the Mare!"

"Why? Did somepony mention me?" Rainbow looked around eagerly, grinning. "Maybe a talent scout for the Wonderbolts?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Sunset said, amazed.

"The one-and-only!" Rainbow struck a pose. "Why, ya heard of me?"

"You're working weather patrol today?"

"Uh, yeah. Sort of." Rainbow scuffed her mane with a hoof. "Volunteer basis, really. They needed a little extra help cleaning up after the rain last night. Heh! They shoulda just left it to me! I could clear out this whole sky in..."

"... ten seconds flat!" Sunset chorused with her, mischievously.

Rainbow was startled. "Yeah..." Then she looked suspicious. "Who the hay are you anyway?"

"Ah! Rainbow dear! This is Sunset Shimmer!" Rarity explained archly, as if she'd known Sunset all her life. "She's one of Twilight Sparkle's team of ponies, and she's checking up on the preparations for the Celebration."

"Oh, okay! That's cool! But... how do you know so much about me?"

Sunset held up a hoof. "One sec, Rainbow." She looked around, scanning the crowd. "There's just one more. I'll know her when I see her: pink hair... scatter-brained... does the impossible without thinking..."

"Oh, you mean Pinkie?" Rainbow echoed. "She's over there, talking to that pony in the yellow shirt."

Sunset spotted Cheese Sandwich. And that radioactively pink pony sitting next to him... it just couldn't be anypony else.

"Pinkie Pie..." Sunset whispered, nodding.

Then she looked around at the others. "Do you all have a minute? Come on along!"

Willingly, the others trotted and flew along beside her. When they reached the two party ponies, Pinkie and Cheese were busily competing with each other in creating balloon animals. Cheese had just finished a lobster. And Pinkie, tongue between her teeth, was almost done crafting an octopus.

"Pinkie Pie?" Sunset asked, astonished.

"Hey, Sunset!" Pinkie finished the octopus and tossed it aside. Then she grabbed a tray of cupcakes and offered it. "Here, ya want one?"

"Wait -- you know me?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, sure I do!" Pinkie chirped.

"Huh?" Sunset and the other four ponies all chorused, staring at her.

"Of course!" The party pony casually waved a hoof. "Cheese told me all about it in this really nice letter he sent me. He says you and Twilight and the others are putting together this super-secret, super-duper party, for somepony really important. And that if there was one party pony who could help get it done right, it was me! So I said sure!"

"I hope that's okay?" Cheese asked nervously. "I ran into Pinkie a while ago, back in Ponyville. She's just the pony we need to help with all this."

"Hee!" Pinkie beamed happily.

"Well, sure!" Sunset nodded. "It's totally okay! If I know Pinkie, she'll do a great job."

"Gosh! Thanks, Sunset!" Pinkie beamed. "And naturally, since I couldn't possibly do it all on my lonesome, I invited all my bestest friends from Ponyville to come along and see if they could help out too. And look! You've found them all! Yay!"

Applejack nodded. "And we're proud to lend a hoof, any way we can," she said. "Ponyville would never let the Princess down! But lemme get something straight, Sunset. You know all of us? Like we're old friends or somethin', even though none of us have clapped eyes on ya before?"

"Hey, yeah!" Rainbow snapped, hovering practically in Sunset's face and eyeing her suspiciously. "What's the deal with that, huh? Are you a spy or something?"

Applejack grabbed Rainbow's tail in her teeth and yanked her down to the ground. "Simmer down, Sally!" she warned. "She ain't no spy -- but she does know all of us from somewhere, don't ya, Sunset?"

"Uhh, yeah, I guess I do," Sunset replied. "It's... kind of a long story..."

"Ooooh! I love stories!" Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves excitedly. "Is it a ghost story? A really scary one? With a monster that goes RAARRRR!"

Her roar was so realistic, it made Fluttershy drop to the ground and hide beneath her mane, shuddering.

Sunset thought about it. "Well... yeah, in a way. Sort of. Okay, look, this is gonna sound way out there, but..."


"Hey, Twilight!"

"Sunset?" Twilight turned, smiling. "How's everything going with the preparations?"

"No sweat, all the big tasks are well in hoof," Sunset replied. "But there's a ton of little details to finish off."

"That's what we've been hearing, too. We're going to pitch in and help out around here. There's just so much to do, though!"

"Well, I may have an answer for that. Look who I ran into!"

Twilight stared. "Wait... Applejack? Fluttershy? Rarity? Rainbow? And... Pinkie Pie?"

The ponies looked at each other. "Well, I'll be!" Applejack said. "You were right, Sunset. She does know us! Or at least... our counterparts from that other world, beyond the mirror."

"Which I'm still not sure I believe in," Rainbow said. "It sounds freaky to me! I mean, an entire alternate world with inhabitants who look and sound just like ponies here? Though of course," she added, striking a pose in midair, "two Rainbows would mean double the awesome, right?"

Sunset quickly made introductions for the rest of the Advanced Projects group, and then she turned to Twilight again, with a serious look. "Twilight, these ponies came up from Ponyville to help with the Celebration. And if it's okay with you, I think we should clue them in on our plans for later. We could really use the help!"

"No argument here," Twilight said. "But... can you all spare the time?"

Applejack nodded. "If it's as important as Sunset says it is, you can count on us! Right, y'all?"

The others nodded in agreement. "Indeed!... Absolutely!... Yes, indeedy!"

"Thanks, everypony," Twilight said. "I really appreciate this! And it's so wonderful to see all of you again! Uh, sorry... here, I mean!"

Rainbow looked around at the others.

"Something tells me we're gonna be hearing that a lot," she grumbled, "and I still say it's freaky!"


The preparations whirled on, around the Celebration area, and Twilight, Sunset, and their friends all kept themselves in the thick of things, making sure everything stayed on track.

Having just made a check of the guard ponies stationed around the Celebration area, Tempest was assisting the ponies putting up the last of the bunting on the refreshment stands.

She suddenly found the other end of the banner she was tugging on grabbed and hoisted into the air.

"Here, lemme give you a wing with that!" Rainbow said indistinctly around the cord held in her teeth. Working together, they quickly got the remaining banners and bunting tied up properly.

"Can I ask you something?" Rainbow said afterward, hovering beside Tempest as they headed back towards the stage area.

"As long as it's not about my horn," Tempest said flatly.


She eyed Rainbow.

"It's about my horn, isn't it?"

"Uh... no! I mean, maybe... aww, never mind! I just wanted to ask, what's the deal with you and Twilight, huh? I've been watching, and you never let her out of your sight if you can help it. And most of the time, you're within a couple lengths of her anyways. And, oh yeah," she added quickly, "what's with the horn?"

Tempest rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath.

"When I was young and stupid," she finally said, "I made a dumb mistake. And for the longest time after that, I was sure it was going to be forever. And then one day, Twilight showed me it wasn't. She gave me back my life, my sense of purpose. I know who I am again. So now, if anypony wants her, they have to get through me -- got it?" She glared at Rainbow warningly, teeth gritted.

But Rainbow just grinned.

"Oh, yeah, totally! It's just like me and Ponyville."


"Yeah! See, when I was a filly at flight school, back in Cloudsdale, well... I wasn't big about following rules. So they kicked me out. I felt like a total loser, with no future. Then Ponyville took me in. They put me on their weather patrol, even though I didn't have the flight creds. They gave me a chance. Heh! If it wasn't for them, I'd be nopony right now. So, anyone wants Ponyville? They gotta get through me!" She loop-de-looped in midair, then struck a fighter's pose. "Ha! I'd never leave my home-town hangin'!"

Tempest looked thoughtful.

"This Ponyville... it sounds like a nice place," she said.

"You bet it is!" Rainbow nodded. "We may be a small town, but Ponyville's just about the friendliest place around. You guys should totally come hang out! That is," she added, grimacing, "assuming we get out of this thing alive!"

Tempest stared across the Celebration area, to where Twilight was talking with Shining Armor. "Twilight deserves to live somewhere nice like that," she said. "Not here in Canterlot, where she's surrounded by nobles and know-it-alls, who don't give her the time of day. Who can't give her the respect and attention she really needs."

"Well, hey!" Rainbow said, "you gals pull this off and take down Nightmare Moon, you could pretty much write your own ticket, right? So... maybe think about movin' to Ponyville? It worked for me, so it's gotta be worth a shot, right?"

"Maybe." Tempest nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Rainbow."

"Hey, no problem! So, uh... what's with the horn, anyways?"


Over by the performance stage, Moondancer was helping Rarity finish the decorations... which seemed to involve a lot of standing around adjusting things while Rarity looked on from a distance and called out directions.

"Move the bow a hair to the right, just a hair more... there! Perfect! Right there!"

Moondancer grinned. "You're sure, now? You don't want me to --"

"Oh no, my dear! It's fine where it is. Applejack was right, we do need to pick up the pace a bit. That's why I'm so glad to have your help. It's extremely generous of you. You must have far more important things to do."

"Not really." Moondancer grimaced uncomfortably. "I mostly just do research. And pretty much everything I can do, I've already done. I'm not sure I'm really pulling my weight in this group."

"Oh nonsense, my dear!" Rarity smiled sympathetically. "You always do more good than you realize, more than anypony gives you credit for. And trust me on this one, darling: the better you do your job, the less anypony around you sees it. Because it's done properly, you see? Happens to me all the time!"

Moondancer nodded. "Maybe so. I just want to be sure I'm doing all I can here... to help Twilight. She's done so much for me. For all of us! I just want to give something back here, as a way of thanking her."

"Well," Rarity said, "I feel the same way about all my friends back in Ponyville. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them, to help them look and feel their best. And I know they feel the same way about me."

"Wow... Ponyville sounds really nice!"

"Oh, we all think so!" Rarity smiled. "Perhaps a little quaint and old-fashioned, but very welcoming. You should visit sometime. All of you should!"

"Yeah... we should," Moondancer agreed. "I'll be sure to mention it to Twilight later..."


Near the entrance to the Celebration area, Trixie had drawn up her wagon and was giving an impromptu performance for a group of nervous fillies and colts, to help keep their spirits up.

Conjuring up a stormcloud, Trixie quickly trapped it in a steel pot. She lifted the lid partway, and flames surged out. "Oops!" she said, slamming the lid down again. "Not quite done yet." Ostentatiously checking the time from a nearby tower clock, she waited a moment or two longer, then hauled open the lid... revealing the pot was now full of lollipops.

She passed it around the crowd of laughing children. "One each! And don't you fret! The Great and Powerful Trixie... um, as well as her great and powerful friends... have matters well in hoof!"

As the children laughed and scurried away through the crowds to find their families, Applejack trotted up to the wagon. "Boy howdy!" she said. "That's a mighty fine show you put on, Miss Trixie!"

"Oh, uh... just Trixie is fine." The showpony sighed crossly. "And that's all it is, really: a show... a sham. It's fake, all of it. All trickery... all lies!"

Drawing a pack of cards from her hat with her magic, she began sorting them into proper order, against the next time she'd need to use them.

"Wayall," Applejack said sagely, "to my mind, a lie ain't so much what you say, as how and why you say it. Like with them kids, there. They know it's all magic tricks, but that don't matter none. It takes their minds off... well, you know. It gives 'em hope. And that's what you and your friends are giving everypony here... hope!"

Trixie shook her head. "Trixie doesn't deserve her friends. Trixie is as much a sham as her show."

"Wow... what brought all this on? If ya don't mind me askin'?"

"It's all right." Trixie looked at Applejack miserably. "Trixie told a number of lies recently. Which her friends have kindly forgiven her. But Trixie still feels ashamed about it."

"Oh... I get it now." Applejack glanced around, then leaned closer, lowering her voice. "Don't tell nopony, but I've told mor'na few whoppers myself, back in the day. But after I owned up, my family were kind enough to forgive me for it." She grinned sheepishly. "Of course, they never let me forget about it, neither! But ain't that what family's for, anyways?"

Trixie just shut her eyes. "Trixie doesn't know. Trixie doesn't have family... not any more."

"Aww. Ah'm powerful sorry to hear that, sugarcube." Applejack put a comforting hoof around her. "Look, that just means your friends are your family, now. In fact, they're one better! Your family, you're born to that. Ya ain't got no choice in the matter. But your friends, now, that's different. You gotta find 'em yourself, gather em' up like a bushel-load of apples. Treat 'em like y'own kin. And if you're lucky, they'll treat ya back, the same way."

Trixie nodded.

"They already do," she whispered. "Even Twilight -- especially Twilight. Even when she has no reason to want to..."

She smiled at the thought. Then she looked up at Applejack.

"Thanks, A.J. I guess the Great and Powerful Trixie needed a little cheering up herself."

"Shucks, 'twern't nothin'. Just lendin' a hoof, is all."


Both of them turned, and saw a yellow filly with a huge red bow in her mane scampering up to them. "There's some local Canterlot kids who need some cheerin' up," she said, breathlessly. "Do you think Trixie might be able to do some more of her show for 'em?"

Applejack tipped back her hat. "Well now, Apple Bloom, I 'spect that's up to Trixie, here."

Trixie smirked, and tipped her own hat to a jaunty angle. "The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie never turns down an appreciative audience!" Then she glanced sideways at Applejack. "What do you say, Applejack? Care to lend a hoof? You can be my great and powerful assistant for this performance!"

Applejack grinned. "Wouldn't mind a bit, ma'am. Wouldn't mind a'tall -- let's do it!"

Together they followed Apple Bloom through the crowd.


"Don't be silly! That's no way to load a party cannon!"

Pinkie hauled out the bundle of streamers. And then, grabbing a sack of confetti, she dove halfway into the mouth of the cannon with a sound like a cork thunking into a bottle. For a few moments contented humming came from inside the barrel, then she popped herself out, gesturing proudly.

"See? You load the confetti first, so it comes out last and sprinkles over everything. Then the streamers, then the lighter, floaty stuff like balloons and such, so they end up in the middle of it all. To get it just right, you really have to think backwards... and upside down... and inside out..."

"... just like a party pony?" Cheese said, grinning.

"Yes, indeedy! Hee!"

"Thanks, Pinkie," Cheese said. "I'm really glad to have your help on this. It's so important to Twilight and her friends, and everyone else besides. I was worried I couldn't pull it off. But I just knew you were the pony for the job."

"Me?" Pinkie waved a hoof. "Get outta town! I'm just the party pony of Ponyville! You're like, the party pony of Canterlot, or close enough! You put together this whole Celebration! Look at all these decorations you put up! And the banners, and the games, and the stuff we've got stashed away for later -- which I haven't told anypony about, don't worry -- and... wow!" She grinned. "You're a super-duper party pony, Cheese!"

"You can't know what it means to hear that, Pinkie. And I owe it all to you."


"Yeah!" Cheese nodded. "For the longest time, growing up, I didn't know who I was. I didn't know what I was meant to be. And then one day, I wandered into Ponyville, and there you were, throwing a party for everyone. You had them all smiling and laughing, their faces lit up with joy. So easily and confidently, it was like it was nothing at all. Seeing that, right there and then, I knew who I was and what I wanted to do: I was gonna be a party pony, and make ponies laugh!" Cheese grinned. "You're my inspiration, Pinkie!"


"Yes, really!"

"Woah..." Pinkie beamed. "I always knew I was good. I didn't realize I was that good!"

"You sure are! And if you want, Pinkie, I'd be glad to give you headliner credit for this bash." Cheese shrugged. "It'd be only fair, with all the work you've put into it."

"Are you kidding? De nada!" Pinkie waved a hoof. "We're party ponies! It's what we do! We're a team, Cheese! You and me, together! All for one --"

"-- and one for all!" Cheese agreed.

"Like cake and ice cream!"

"Banners and bouncy-castles!"

"Pinatas and punch bowls!"

"Dance floors and DJ's!"

"Whipped cream and donuts!"

"Whipped cream and -- wait, what?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Eh, it's what came to mind. All this work is making me hungry. Wanna go grab a snack, Cheese? Gotta keep the ol' energy up!"

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way, Pinkie!"


Starlight stared fixedly at the scroll, hovering in her magic, her quill darting about across it. "And if I reorder these calls..." she muttered to herself, "then I can reduce the incantation length by two syllables... and then..."

"Starlight..." Sunset called. "A little help?"

"Oh, sorry!" Starlight's horn sang, and the stack of empty crates threatening to flatten Sunset lifted into the air, settling neatly onto the cart.

"Thanks!" Sunset doused her horn, and dusted off her hooves. "You know, I never realized big parties like this produced so much crap to cart away? Of course, that's probably because I never paid attention before. I was always too busy being the star of the show."

She glanced at the scroll and quill, hanging in Starlight's magic. "Are you still trying to optimize that spell? Seriously, Starlight! You keep on like this, there won't be any of it left!"

Starlight grinned nervously. "Oh, yeah, really! And then we'll just wave our hooves and say 'Begone, Nightmare Moon!' And that'll be it! Poof! Nothing more to worry about."

She grimaced, and stared tensely at the scroll.

"What is it?" Sunset asked, trotting closer.

"I just want to be sure we get this right, Sunset. We only have the one shot after all, and so much is riding on it."

"I know..." Sunset nodded. "The Princesses -- both of them! And all of Equestria, all our friends and loved ones." She grimaced. "So... no pressure, really!"

"None at all!" Starlight said grimly. "Piece of cake."

"One and done."

"In the bag."

"Uh huh."


They looked at each other.

"So..." Sunset asked, "why do you look as nervous as I feel?"

Starlight sighed. "Because we're dealing with an alicorn Princess from a thousand years ago. Who, if Moondancer's research is correct, is so powerful and such a brilliant tactician, she should be able to mop the floor with us without breaking a sweat." Starlight glanced around, and leaned closer. "Do you think our magic is going to be enough for this?"

"You mean," Sunset asked, "counting you, me, and Twilight, just for starters? Three of the most powerful unicorns of modern times? And that's not even mentioning Tempest..." Sunset shuddered. "I'm just glad she's on our side. She could probably take down Nightmare Moon all by herself... without magic!"

"I don't mean quantity," Starlight said, "I mean experience. Together, do we have the skill to stand up to Nightmare Moon?"

"We held off Princess Celestia, right?"

"Who was on our side? Who wasn't actively working against us? Unlike Nightmare Moon! Even imprisoned as she is, she's still able to give ponies nightmares. And manipulate them, if they're willing to go along with her, like Trixie was."

"So... why haven't the rest of us had nightmares?" Sunset said. "Why haven't evil minions or dark forces shown up and stormed the tower to shut down our research? We've been able to develop the Field of Harmony pretty much unobstructed..."

Starlight nodded. "You see my worry." She glanced at the spell scroll again. "It just feels a little too easy. Nothing's stopping us, Sunset! What are we missing? What are we not seeing?"

"I don't know." Sunset shook her head. "Maybe it's like Celestia once said: you can't see the answer because it's staring you right in the face!"

"Maybe," Starlight agreed.

"Hmmm." Sunset bit her lip. "Have you mentioned this to Twilight?"

"You kidding?" Starlight shook her head. "You've seen how she's been looking lately. She's got more than enough worries right now without us adding to it."

"Yeah, good point." Sunset nodded. "Look, I'll ask around amongst the others -- quietly. See if anypony else has any ideas. But don't worry, Starlight." Sunset grinned. "We'll figure this out. We're a team. We'll make it happen!"

"I really hope so." Starlight stared at the spell scroll. "I'd hate to think all this hard work was for nothing..."


Fluttershy nervously tip-hoofed across the performance stage, approaching the lavender pony who sat near its edge, staring intently at a large scroll held in her magic.

"Um, excuse me? Twilight?"

"Uh huh."

"The bird chorus is all set. We did a couple final run-throughs, and they sound just perfect!"

"Uh huh."

"Oh! Um. Well, I was just wondering... erm, if there's anything else I could be doing to help out?"

"Uh huh."

"I mean, if I'm not getting in the way, or ..." Fluttershy winced. Her voice dropped to a thin, reedy whisper. "Maybe I should just go away, and stop pestering you..."

"Uh huh... wait, what?" Twilight looked up from the checklist she'd had her snout glued to for the past ten minutes. "Oh, Fluttershy! I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention!"

"It's all right, Twilight. I know you're real busy right now."

"Well, that's no excuse." Twilight shook her head, annoyed. "Urgh! I've been trying to train myself not to do that... just tune other ponies out like that. I need to pay attention, I need to listen to what ponies are saying, remember to reach out and help them, if I can." She put a hoof to her head, anguished. "It's so important, especially now! I'm sorry, Fluttershy!"

"It's all right." Fluttershy hesitantly put a hoof on her shoulder. "You're trying. That's what matters."

"Thanks." Twilight smiled uneasily. "So, what can I do for you? Oh, right, anything left to do here..." She consulted her checklist. "Uh, no, actually. Amazingly enough, I think we've got it all covered."

"Oh. Well, that's good then!" Fluttershy hunched nervously. "I should probably just go find a quiet corner somewhere, where I'll be out of everypony's way. But, then..."

"... then you'd be by yourself," Twilight said, nodding. "And you'd feel even more nervous?"

Fluttershy smiled uneasily. "Does it show?"

"Only on the inside," Twilight said gently. "You know, Fluttershy, if you want, you're more than welcome to hang out here with me."

"Oh! I wouldn't be bothering you? Or in your way?"

"Not a bit. You can help me keep an eye on things, make sure nothing goes haywire."

"Oh well, if I can, sure!" Fluttershy smiled, and sat down next to her. Twilight went back to going over the checklist, though with an occasional glance and smile to let Fluttershy know she hadn't forgotten her.

"You know, Twilight," Fluttershy said after a while, "you're really kind. And not only to me, but to everypony here."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but it's not by nature. I had to learn how." Then she grinned. "And you want to hear something funny? Everything I need to know about kindness, I learned from Tempest, over there."

"Really?" Fluttershy looked wide-eyed at the maroon pony. Tempest was currently glaring daggers at an unfortunate junior Guard pony who wasn't where he was supposed to be. "That's hard to believe!"

"Oh, it's true." Twilight said. "It took me the longest time to understand it myself. But all Tempest really needed from the start was kindness, in order to be the pony she really wanted to be from the beginning. She taught me to be kind, by example. How to listen, how to help when ponies really need it. I wouldn't have figured out how to do that, not without Tempest. And now I can't think of a better, more determined friend than her."

"Oh! That's so nice!" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah..." Twilight looked around. "And come to think of it, I've learned so much from all my friends." She pointed a hoof. "Starlight, over there... she taught me to be open and giving. All she needed was a chance to show what she could do. I gave her that, and just look at her! She's a better student of magic than I am!"

"And Trixie?" Fluttershy pointed towards the showpony. Trixie was busy pulling a stream of colorful kerchiefs out of a colt's ear.

Twilight grimaced. "She's the real puzzle! She's a master class in patience, for one thing. But I think she also taught me not to take things too seriously. To lighten up, let others see how I feel. And I think we've helped each other out, there. She's definitely more open and honest with us than she used to be..."

"And Sunset..." Fluttershy tapped her chin with a hoof. "Hmmm. Let me guess... I bet she taught you about being there for other ponies -- being supportive and inclusive."

"True, but it's more than that. She taught me to trust other ponies' judgement. To rely on them, to listen and follow their advice, not just try to figure everything out myself. That's really important, Fluttershy: letting other ponies know that their opinion is just as valid as yours... by listening to them, trusting in them, following their lead when it makes sense."

"I see... and Moondancer?"

Twilight laughed. "She taught me things about magic I never realized I was missing. I always just read whatever I felt like, and I wound up focusing too hard on pure, abstract magic. Moondancer showed me I was reading too narrowly, missing important practical connections. She taught me I needed to cover more ground, and discover things by putting together what I learned in new ways." Twilight nodded. "And on top of all that, she's been such an important part of our project. She spends so much time and effort on research, and on teaching us what we need to know about Nightmare Moon. She's so selfless! We're lucky to have her."

"And what about Cheese Sandwich?" Fluttershy asked, pointing to where the tan party pony was dancing through the crowd atop a giant cheese wheel, playing his accordion, and every now and then adding one more banner, one more streamer, one more bunch of balloons to the already over-the-top decorations.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know, yet. I've only just met him. I'm sure he'll have something to teach me. Even if not, he certainly can keep everypony's spirits up. He makes me laugh, that's for sure!"

Fluttershy nodded. "We're going to need that, all of us," she said, looking up at the sky. "It's late in the day as it is. And soon... it'll be night."

"Yeah..." Twilight said, nodding.

And then she jolted.

"Oh my gosh! What time is it? It's almost time for the opening ceremony!"


The Celebration area was packed wall-to-wall with ponies, all gazing up at the performance stage. They were tense and silent under the late afternoon sunlight.

Twilight Sparkle stood near the front of the stage, the other five ponies of the Advanced Projects group right behind her. Cheese Sandwich stood off to the side, watching her, awaiting his cue.

Twilight gazed out, across the hundreds of attentive pony faces. She thought back, to the first Celebration she'd ever attended as a filly with her parents. It seemed so long ago. Back then she'd only been one of the crowd, cheering as Celestia lifted the Sun itself... so easily, so effortlessly...

And now Twilight herself was in charge of it. And it was up to her to set the tone.

She swallowed nervously, forced a confident smile.

She hoped it didn't look too deranged.

"Remember, Twilight," Tempest whispered from behind her. "We're all here with you. We've got your back."

Twilight nodded thankfully. Then she stepped forward, facing the crowd. "Welcome everypony!" she called out. "Welcome! To the one thousandth anniversary of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

The crowd cheered and applauded readily, but Twilight could tell it was restrained, subdued... uncertain. Even after all their work that morning, to help lift everyone's spirits.

She looked around at the audience. Will they accept this?

"A thousand years ago," Twilight went on, "a great battle was fought, between the alicorn Nightmare Moon, as champion of the Night, and Princess Celestia, as champion of the Day. As a result of that struggle, Nightmare Moon was banished, imprisoned in the Moon. And tomorrow, if legend holds true, she'll return to us. She'll walk amongst us again."

A restless muttering arose in the crowd. Ponies looked cross -- and scared. Twilight hurried on.

"Rest assured that my friends and I will do everything in our power to protect Equestria." She gestured to the other five ponies standing behind her. "But it's our belief -- and our hope -- that it doesn't have to come to that. I know it's not been easy, these past few weeks: the nightmares that have disturbed your sleep, the worry about what will happen. But we need you to see past that, to realize that Nightmare Moon may simply be lashing out in frustration from her prison of a thousand years... because there is simply nothing else that she can do right now."

The crowd was silent. They were listening, but not yet convinced. Twilight swallowed, and went on.

"For generations we've looked upon the Mare in the Moon with awe, with fear... and with distrust. It's our belief that this needs to change. After a thousand years, we believe that the Mare may be... well, a little lonely, a little homesick. She may miss her home, her people, the lands and villages and cities she recalls from so long ago. So... she may be willing to talk, to listen. And maybe, just maybe, return to us peacefully.

"That won't be easy, for her or for all of us. But we believe it's possible. More than that, we feel it's necessary... that it's worth giving her the chance. And all it may take... all we may have to do... is let the Mare know that we have not forgotten her. That we are willing to put aside the fear, the doubt, the uncertainty that we've held onto for so long. That we're finally ready to welcome her back..."

She nodded to Cheese, who tugged a rope.

"... to welcome her home."

A huge banner unfurled behind her, decorated with suns, moons and stars, around the words:


"It's asking a lot, I know. But we need everypony's help on this, every single one of you. I know that as part of the Sun Celebration we traditionally stay up all night in order to greet the dawn, to celebrate the new Day. But this year, we need to go beyond that. We need to celebrate the Night as well. We need to show the Mare that we treasure both Day and Night, equally and together.

"And so, with the kind indulgence of Princess Celestia herself, I and my friends would like to rededicate this gathering. Let it be known, henceforth, as the Summer Celebration: a celebration of both Sun and Moon, Day and Night. And, in order to celebrate the Night part properly..."

She gestured with a hoof, and Pinkie and Cheese crossed the stage to join her. Pinkie was dressed in a clown suit, and Cheese as a dapper scarecrow. Around the Celebration area, she could see the other ponies from Ponyville quickly turning around signs and banners, revealing pumpkins and skeletons, corn sheaves and bats, the signs and sigils of the fall festival.

"... we're going to change up the calendar a bit. This year, Nightmare Night comes early. This year, Nightmare Night... is tonight!"

There was murmuring from the crowd, the ponies looking at each other in uncertain surprise. Twilight pressed onward, hopefully.

"Don't feel you have to rush out and find a costume. Just come as you are! Though if you do want to wear a costume, there'll be a contest later. We'll have tricks-and-treats, and the traditional games and music, right here in the Celebration area, running all night long. And please, everypony -- join in! Celebrate! Have a grand time. That's the most important thing of all! Let's show the Mare that we do not fear the Night... that the Night is just as important to us as the Day. That the Mare still has a place, and a people, to return to..."

She took a steadying breath. "Let's all welcome her back home!"

There was silence throughout the Celebration area.

Twilight gritted her teeth, kept the proud smile on her face as long as she could manage it...

And then... someone started clapping. Someone else cheered. And there was a growing rumble, as across the crowd ponies began stamping in applause. The cheering rose to an uproar, the stamping to a thunderous stampede. Everyone was smiling, shouting, laughing...

... for Twilight.

"Hooray! Hooray for Twilight! Three cheers! Hip-hip-hooray!"

Twilight heaved a sigh of relief, as her friends trotted forward to stand with her, under the barrage of excitement and exhilaration from the crowd.

The ponies all looked at each other, relieved but still uneasy.

That... Twilight reminded herself, that was just the easy part...