• Published 12th Feb 2020
  • 2,406 Views, 127 Comments

Chaos Runs Rampant - RK_Striker_JK_5

Discord escapes from his stone prison and wreaks havoc.

  • ...

Chapter Ten

In hindsight, Twilight Sparkle wasn't entirely sure how to describe her journey from Discord's attempt to trap her to Applejack's location. Unlike most teleports, she experienced the passage of time through it, almost like going through a tunnel... except not quite like that, as she seemed to move from point to point, up and left and sideways and back.

Applejack stared at what appeared to be Bright Mac and Buttercup, her parents long dead and buried. She slowly looked over her shoulder at the portal that presumably led back to Sweet Apple Acres and presumably her family and parents there, too. One hoof lifted off the astroturf and slowly moved...


Applejack's ears folded against her skull and she closed her eyes. She did her level best to ignore the familiar voice calling her name. “No, no!” She dug a small furrow in the ground and dug a small furrow into the dirt. “Don't make this complicated for me, Twi!”

Twilight Sparkle popped into existence next to Applejack. “Well, good thing it's not complicated, Applejack.” She waved a hoof at their surroundings. “Open your eyes, Applejack! This is all a facade, treachery, lies and technical half-truths by Discord. He'll give you the letter of what he promises, but it'll be twisted into something worse than before.”

Applejack stood there, silent and unmoving as Twilight Sparkle spoke. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked into her friend's eyes. “Twilight, lemme ask you a question. And be honest, all right? How many parents have you lost?”

Twilight Sparkle returned the stare. “None. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss and wish it never happened. If you go through that portal, though? You'll doom a lot of foals to suffer what you and your siblings went through.”

There was a brief pause before Applejack spoke again. “Wait, didn't Princess Luna say something about how Discord doesn't kill anyone?”

Twilight Sparkle snorted, her nostrils flaring. “He doesn't want to break his toys, Applejack. That's all! He doesn't give a tartarus what happens to us when he's not playing with us.” She pointed up at the cardboard sun. “I mean look at this place. It's all artifice, designed to do nothing but tempt you with empty promises. Promises that you and others will regret being fulfilled.”

Applejack's breath hitched in her voice. “B-but if I-I go back, maybe Ma and pa will still be there.” She screwed her eyes shut and lowered her head, making sure her face was out of Twilight Sparkle's line of sight. “I still remember, Twilight. I still remember when Mayor Mare and Burnt Oak brought them home a-after that flood, and... and...”

A hoof touched Applejack's shoulder. She looked up into her friend's eyes. “Applejack, I am sorry for asking you this, but I need you to be honest with yourself. Your parents, your brother, sister, grandmother, the real ones, and not some simulacra Discord conjured up. Would they approve of you turning your back on two worlds and siding with that monster?”

Silence reigned for almost a minute. Applejack finally raised her head. Her cheeks were dry, but her eyes were red and puffy. “I hate you for asking me that,” she finally mumbled. Applejack turned to Bright Mac and Buttercup. “I won't leave. I can't leave.” She touched her Element of Honesty. “I would honestly love to see you again, but the price Discord asks is too high. And truth be told...” Her eyes narrowed. “If you were really my parents, you wouldn't ask me to make that decision. So, I'm sticking with Twilight and kicking Discord's kiester all the way back to Tartarus!”

Bright Mac, Buttercup, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom all silently stared at Applejack. Bright Mac's mouth swung open, but Discord's voice came out. “You'll be sorry!” it echoed out, before Bright Mac's skin unzipped and slid off of his skeleton. The other three pony's skin all similarly slid off, before a strong wind kicked up. Their bones all broke apart into dust, flying about as the wind speed increased and swirled about into a funnel.

Applejack stared at the small wind funnel. “Twi, any chance you got some sort of spell that'll erase the last two minutes of horse apples I just saw?”

Twilight Sparkle rubbed her chin. “I'll look into it. And Applejack, I'm sorry for being so blunt and–”

“And so honest, like I should've been?” Applejack shook her head. “Don't think nothing of it, sugarcube. Discord knew all the right words and what to show me to get to me. I needed someone to pull my head outta my flank. Thank you, Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle waved her off. She looked up as the cardboard sun caught fire. “Don't thank me yet, Applejack.” The tip of her horn lit up. “All right. Let's see where and possibly when the nearest Element of Harmony is.”

Applejack's eyes widened as the hills caught on fire and the now-flaming cardboard sun 'broke' from whatever was holding it in the air and crashed down into the astroturf. Crackling flames started creeping towards the pair and acrid smoke stung her nostrils. “Twi, you might wanna get the lead outta your caboose!' she shouted, stamping at the ground with her hooves.

There was no reply as Twilight Sparkle continued looking around. “Not now, Applejack. Gotta concentrate on where the subjectively-closest next Element is. It's a bit tricky in here, but almost fun!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Oh, for Herd's sake, Twilight! Get the lead outta your flank and–”

Twilight Sparkle grinned. The glow of her horn expanded. “Got it. Hang onto your hat, Applejack! And your lunch, too.” The tip of her horn flared as she teleported herself and Applejack out of the rapidly-collapsing reality.

Rainbow Dash's hooves rubbed together as she looked over the miniature Cloudsdale. “It would be nice to be seen as the hero, get the respect I want-I mean deserve. Yeah, the respect I deserve.” She thumped her chest. “Rainbow Dash, swooping in and saving the day!”

Consarnit, Dash! He's playing you like a fiddle. Don't fall for his horse apples!”

Rainbow Dash's head shot up as Applejack and Twilight Sparkle appeared next to her. “What the hay? Where did you come from?”

Applejack kicked the air as she started dropping. “Oh, son of a-Twilight!”

Twilight Sparkle's horn lit up. She surrounded herself and Applejack with a telekinetic force field and floated her friend back up. She sucked in a breath and nickered slightly. “Start with that simple country wisdom, Applejack. I don't know how long I can hold this!”

Applejack looked over Rainbow Dash's shoulder at the miniature Cloudsdale set up before her. Her eyes narrowed as she looked it over. “Is that a little version of yourself, Dash? What's it doing flying all 'round in that Wonderbolts uniform? And be honest with me Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed. “I'm just... just flying around, leading a bit of a parade after saving Cloudsdale.” She grinned. “They even made me a Wonderbolt!”

Applejack slowly nodded. “I see, and how'd exactly you save Cloudsdale? I guess it must've been some big, heroic action that saved everyone and earned you that uniform you've been struggling for ever since I met you.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed and scratched the back of her head. “W-well, it's so amazing and spectacular I'm not sure I can do it justice. It's a–”

“Discord asked you to simply fly away with your tail tucked between your hind legs and abandon the rest of Equestria,” Applejack stated, staring at her friend. She chuckled slightly as Rainbow Dash paled. “That's exactly what he asked me to do, sugarcube.” Her eyes narrowed. “So not only would you be really lazy in realizing your dreams, you'd be really disloyal to the rest of Equestria!” Applejack leaned forward and squinted. “We sure you're the real Rainbow Dash and not that screwy alternate version from that mirror Equestria?”

Twilight Sparkle grunted and nickered. The energy around her horn started wavering. “Applejack, mind hurrying it up a bit? Not sure how long I can keep this up.”

Rainbow Dash jabbed a hoof at Applejack. “Hey, that is so uncool, Applejack! I'd never leave my friends or Equestria hanging!” She tapped her Element of Loyalty. “You wanna see loyalty? You're gonna see it!”

The miniature Spitfire and Rainbow Dash flew up and away from the scale-model of Cloudsdale and up to Rainbow Dash's head. They hovered close to her shoulder. “Don't listen to her!” the miniature Spitfire squeaked out. “You can achieve all of your dreams, if you only listen to Discord.”

Applejack snorted. “Right, in a pig's eye. Come on, Dash. We both know you don't wanna take the easy way out. Yeah, you might be a bit... creative with your downtime, but you always put your all into achieving your dreams and goals. And you never turn your back on either your friends or family. Remember when we first started this whole shindig, and Nightmare Moon tried tricking you with those Shadowbolts? You turned her down then.” Applejack's expression softened. “I trust you to do the right thing here, too.”

Rainbow Dash looked her over, then turned to the two miniature pegasi flying near her shoulder. “I'm not gonna take the easy way out, and I'm not gonna leave all of Equestria hanging to get a uniform and position I didn't earn! Yeah, it's gonna take me years and struggle and pain, but I've already gone through all that. And I'll keep going through it until I earn being a Wonderbolt and the adulation of Cloudsdale. So get lost, losers.”

The miniature Spitfire and Rainbow Dash stared at the larger pegasi. They both opened their mouths and spoke with the echoing voice of Discord. “Wrong decision, Dashie. You'll have to live with it, if you can make it out alive.” With that, the two disintegrated into dust and blew off.

Twilight Sparkle let out a strangled groan. “Hey, Dash! A little–”

Rainbow Dash flew up and spun to her right, ending up right above Applejack. She slipped her forelegs around Applejack's barrel and pulled her in tight. “Might wanna lay off Pinkie's cakes,” she joked, before spinning about, dropping down slightly and positioning herself right below Twilight Sparkle. “Grab on!”

Twilight Sparkle wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow Dash's neck. Her horn dimmed slightly. “Thanks.” She looked around. “Okay, searching for the next closest Element, relatively speaking.” She chuckled. “Both yours and Applejack's were quite tricky, but I think I'm developing a good triangulation spell.”

The miniature Clodsdale exploded, as black, roiling thunderclouds formed inside of it. Lightning bolts shot out, vaporizing structures and small pegasi with every flash and boom of thunder. Rainbow Dash stared as the clouds quickly merged together and expanded. She suddenly slid to the right, narrowly avoiding several lightning bolts. “Hey, Twilight! Kick it into second gear!”

Applejack kicked her legs up, letting a pair of bolts pass right below her. “Come on, Twi! I don't wanna end up a cripsy critter, here!”

Twilight Sparkle tilted her head to the side. “Ah, there we go. Easy as the Dewdrop Decimal System.” Her horn flashed as she teleported all three ponies away, mere seconds before a veritable sheet of lightning bolts swept through where they were floating.

Rarity stared at the silhouette. She narrowed her eyes, but could discern no actual details. She took a step forward. “That does appear to be... quite tempting, yes.”

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all teleported in. Rainbow Dash let Twilight Sparkle slide off her back to the floor and let go of Applejack. She spun about and looked around. “Hmm, not sure if I should make a joke about Zoolander or Right Said Fred.” She stopped when facing Applejack. “What do you think?”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Zoolander. Never even heard of Right Said Fred.” She turned and trotted over to Rarity. “Hi, sugarcube. So, what did Discord promise you?”

Rainbow Dash nickered as she pointed at the portal and silhouetted pony. “I think you mean who did Discord promise you?” She looked it up and down. “Is that a hat that pony's wearing?” Rainbow Dash looked to Applejack. “A very familiar hat, wouldn't you say?”

Rarity's cheeks turned a bright scarlet. She ducked her head low. “I don't know what you mean,” she mumbled out.

Twilight Sparkle's brow furrowed. “I don't get it. That's clearly Applejack's silhouette that Discord is tempting Rarity with.”

Applejack tugged her hat down over her eyes, while Rarity looked at any point in space other than her friends. “Probably not the best idea to blurt that out like a rooster at dawn,” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash practically doubled over in laughter. “Yeah, Twilight! That was blunt even for me.” She floated over to Rarity's side, opposite Applejack. “Lemme guess. Discord promised you fame, fortune, the farm mare you've wanted for about two years, all for the low price of turning your flank on everything you stand for?”

Rarity slowly nodded. “He did offer me all those things.” She stomped a hoof on the floor. “But why not? I've worked hard! Aren't I due a little bit of a break?”

Rainbow Dash's expression turned serious. “Rarity, I haven't known you for very long, or even that well, but really? I don't see you being satisfied with the easy way. I mean you sell clothes in a town where ninety percent of us go naked most of the time, and you're not only still in business, but you're successful at it. There's no way you could do that without drive and determination almost as big as my own!”

Applejack nickered. “Such modesty.”

“And that tells me there's no way you'd accept a shortcut.”

Applejack reached out, touched Rarity's chin and guided it up. “And as for the 'farm mare' you've been pining for? I'm quite flattered, darling, but selling out Equestria isn't exactly the way to my heart.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “I'll make a note of that for later.” She trotted away from her friends, turned to face the facsimiles of Photo Finish and Hoity-Toity, and shook a hoof at them. “All right, Discord! You might have talked a good game, but I have far too much dignity and drive to fall for your lies and deception. I am Rarity Belle, and when I make it to the top of the fashion world, I shall do it by the sweat of my horn!”

Applejack looked around. “Twilight, you might wanna fire your horn up and look for the next Element, darling. I'd prefer not to get out by the skin of our teeth this time 'round!”

Twilight Sparkle nodded. “Already on it!” she said, her horn lighting up. “Let me see, here. Who's closer?”

Photo Finish and Hoity-Toity stared at Rarity. Photo Finish opened her mouth, but a distorted version of Discord's voice came out. “Wrong choice, Rarity. What is it with you ponies and your inability to do the smart thing?” At that, both their bodies sagged inward, changing into yarn and piles of fabric.

The racks of clothes all started shaking, some of them tumbling to the floor. The clothes themselves all started sliding off their hangers and floating up. They all puffed out, as if invisible equines had put them on and started marching towards the ponies.

Rarity stared at the phantom clothes. “W-what the–no, shoo!” She reared back and kicked at several coats and blouses as they flew at her. “Begone, vile insults to fashion and good taste! Leave us be!”

Applejack spun about, while Rainbow Dash hovered right above her. “Okay, Twilight! Next time you start searching when we show up wherever it is we gotta show up!” she shouted, as she and Rainbow Dash fended off attacks by sentient clothing. “Get back, you hear? Shoo!”

Twilight slowly smiled. “Ah, there we go. I'll do that, Applejack.” The tip of her horn flared as she teleported everyone away.

Pinkie Pie bounced along, kicking balloons away with each landing. Her mane curled in on itself and she pulled out a smartphone. She tapped the screen with her muzzle. “All right, let me see. Twilight and the others should be arriving right about...”

A violet sphere of energy formed, evaporating away and leaving four of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash spun around, quickly spotting the pink pony. “There she is! Rarity, get your speech ready!”

Rarity trotted up to Pinkie Pie and daintily coughed into a hoof. “All right, darling. I know Discord has probably–”

Pinkie Pie sighed. “About time you got here! I was getting too pooped to prance.” Her head twisted about. “Lemme see. One, two, three and four. All we're missing is Fluttershy.” She bounced up, twisted around in the air and landed right next to Twilight Sparkle. “All right, main mare. Let's make like Star Trek and beam on out of here.”

Rarity blinked. “What?” She spun around. “Don't we have to talk you out of abandoning this quest and convince you to come with us?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head. “Nope. Why would I need that? Discord was so fake he was almost sincere!” She cocked her head to the side. “Or something. Dashie, did that make sense?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “As much sense as you usually make, Pinkie.” She kicked at a few balloons. “Get us out of here, Twilight, before the balloons start trying to, I don't know, eat us.”

Rarity ground her teeth together. “Of all the nerve! I had a speech and appeal to reason formulating in my head! I had to get talked out of leaving. So did Applejack and Rainbow Dash! Why can't I have my moment of glory?” She stomped the ground. “It's not fair!”

Applejack sighed. “Darling, let's not do this here, all right?”

Rarity tossed her head back. “But I wanted to do a speech!”

Rainbow Dash looked at some of the balloons as they floated and bounced against each other. “Any of you wanna attack us, go right ahead. Twilight, you find Fluttershy, yet?”

Twilight's eyes narrowed. “Searching, searching... got her!”

Rainbow Dash let out a breath as Rarity opened her mouth again. “And not a moment too soon.”

Pinkie Pie's head twitched in a hundred different directions. She bounded across the wide open field, poking her head behind a plastic bush for a split-second before her entire body bounded out the opposite side. “Where's Fluttershy?' she asked, a tinge of worry in her normally-cheerful voice.

Rainbow Dash flew around the sky. “Fluttershy? Fluttershy, where are you?” Her eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat. “This isn't funny! Where are you?!”

Applejack walked up to Twilight Sparkle's side as the latter walked around, head low. “Twi, what is it? You got that look on your face.”

Twilight Sparkle kept walking even as she spoke. “I'm tracking Fluttershy's Element of Kindness. As far as I can tell it's stationary.”

Rainbow Dash dove down to Twilight Sparkle's left flank, while Pinkie Pie suddenly poofed into existence on her right. “Well get the lead out, then!” Rainbow Dash shouted, waving her forelegs about. “Fluttershy c-could be hurt, or...” She swallowed.

Pinkie Pie looked up at her prankster-in-arms. “No talking like that!” she shouted, before looking to Twilight Sparkle. “Although she's right in that you're not moving very fast!" She reached out to grab the unicorn's flank, but magic ensnared them and held them off. “Hey!”

Twilight Sparkle's eyes narrowed. “I go too fast and I'll lose the trail, and have to reacquire it. So drink some decaf, Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie shrank down and her coat dulled slightly. “Sorry, Twilight,” she mumbled.

Twilight Sparkle stopped, sucked in a breath, then cleared her throat. “Pinkie, I'm sorry for snapping like that. I'm worried about Fluttershy, too, but I can't go any faster, or I'll have to stop, find the trail again and restart, taking even more time. Okay?”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “All right. Thanks, Twilight. I guess I do need to cut down on coffee a tiny bit.”

Twilight Sparkle continued on, approaching a large tree. She slowed down as she approached the plastic trunk. “Wait a second, the Element's right around the trunk. Fluttershy! Are you there?”

Rainbow Dash zoomed around one side of the trunk and reappeared around the other side. She held up her right foreleg and let a golden necklace with a butterfly-shaped gem embedded in it dangle down and swing freely. “Okay, where the Tartarus is Fluttershy?”

Rarity and Applejack galloped over. “Oh, dear,” Rarity said. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Princess Celestia tell us the Elements protected us from Discord's corrupting influence?”

The leaves of the tree shook. A grayish-yellow blur shot out from the crown and zipped around. Five water balloons shot out, each one expertly striking one of the ponies and exploding upon impact. Water sprayed out, soaking manes and weighing tails down.

The blur swooped about in the sky before slowing down and showing itself to be Fluttershy. Fluttershy sneered at her five friends and jabbed a hoof at them. “Oh, look who's all wet!” she cackled out. “So sad, too bad, losers!”

Applejack blew a strand of matted-down mane out of her eyes. “I believe she did.”

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to the folks at Spacebattles for their help with this chapter.