• Member Since 26th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


I'm like a god in cervine clothing. Lightning bolts shoot from my antler tips.


Gallus gets into a debate with Twilight Sparkle during his economics class over whether or not citizens should pay taxes to the Equestrian Government.

As a former citizen of Canterlot, Twilight argues yes, everyone should have to pay taxes, in the same way it has been done for a thousand years.

Gallus argues that taxation is theft, and you do not steal from a griffon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

Pay your taxes, if you dont you're a kolechian spy

We know what happens to kolechian spies

geb off properti

Oh no Gallus has been redpilled!

Too Long: Didn't Read ahead, you have been warned.

Short and never fleshed out: This story has a lot of good points about Equestria economics being messed up, but that's generally what most governments, nobles or rich people end up doing... consolidating power so the rich get richer.

Long and relatively in depth: With the logic given by Gallus, Equestria should be as close to tax free as possible unless the government can actually provide a worthwhile service in a given area where applicable. The best thing the taxes can go to is disaster relief funds because of how often disasters hit Equestria, like Rainbow destroying a weather factor and never getting more than a slap on the hooves for it as Celestia or maybe even Twilight probably performed a media blackout as to the culprit of the instant winter problem. What caused the instant winter issues and thousands or possibly millions of bits in damages? A tortoise, owned by a weather controller and Wonder Bolt aspirant who has friends in high places to cover for her.

Monopolies sadly run most societies. Said monopolies fix prices of what they sell and can sell inferior products. If a monopoly can't buy out a small business, then they tend to smother them until nothing is left even if said business has stuff of better quality.

Take EA (Electronic Arts) for example of a monopoly, they buy out and ruin video game publishers so they can have a monopoly on video-electric entertainment. They will sell you an inferior product like an incomplete video game if they can get away with it, and they have done so numerous times, then you have to pay a excessive amount of money to even make those games even halfway playable and then there's the excessive DLC that costs as much as the game does.

So 60$ initial cost for a AAA + 30-40$ to make the game actually playable + DLC milking practices where cost can be as much as 100-200$ for a red dot + obvious gambling features that they fought hard to redefine as 'not gambling' in courts of law with a 1,000$ minimum spent to get an unfair advantage in a game= Why is EA still a company?

Unscrupulous business tactics of course, along with people known as 'whales' that keep them in business.

That's just one example of excessive corruption, heck some people of EA might even admit to stealing money from people and enjoying it.

I would also like to point out how college's tend to bleed people dry and put them into debt with student loans, all while never assuring you that you will ever get a job after college or a way to pay off any excessive debt put upon you after completing your college courses. So you have a fancy degree, what's the point of all that hard if you never actually get a chance to use it if you are immediately barred from ever getting a job related to said degree? Some people can and will actually go out of their way to make sure you're barred from getting a dream job just to keep you in debt.

The government and loan holders send out debt collectors related to student loans, the government uses money to get more money out of college students. One of the reasons the US is in debt is because people can't pay off the exorbitant student loans. So really, higher education wouldn't be that great a use of Equestria taxes either and it would basically lead to the same scam Flim and Flam were running. Only it'll be more effective because it'll be politicians doing it.

Flim and Flam are thankfully not politicians, but they somehow managed to open a school and were even promoted by a unicorn of a unicorn approved education association that runs all educational facilities in Equestria. Flim and Flam were practically hoofed all the necessary licenses by Neighsay out of spite and racism to run a pony only school.

So Neighsay actually promoted an illegal school that scammed people, the very same lessons Twilight teaches to everyone cheaply, with lessons ripped from a book she's already sold to the masses. Now I want you to add this up, if student loans were a thing in Equestria and it involved Flim and Flam's school... exactly how much money was Neighsay actually making from the scam he took part in?

Which of the characters wanted to see said scam school again?

At least Twilight's school doesn't nickel and dime you, even if their itinerary is primarily friendship lessons.

Unicorns need more friendship lessons, because they have more chances to be evil, go power mad or at the very least be insensitively racist to other races, even pony ones. Unicorns in mythology are supposedly symbols of purity, but nobody ever said that purity was 'purely good'. (Likely purely self-absorbed for the most part. Since most unicorns come off as that at first.) You could even say their location is them looking down on everyone living below them, which would mostly be earth ponies.

College keeps getting more and more costly and sets the bar exactly high enough that those with low income might become indebted to rich people for the rest of their lives. Rich people tend to get the financial aid from colleges, when they probably don't need it. It's like how people can set up dummy companies to launder money and pay themselves bigger paychecks than they are supposed to be getting with legal loopholes.

So, really, unicorns are probably stunting Equestria's economic growth to keep the status quo where they have the power.

upvoting just for the title

Wait a minute.

Is Gallus /our guy/?

I completely agree with you. And to the author of this, don't use the phrase "conspiracy theory", its a buzz term.

ahhahahahahahahaha oh god you did what i wanted to do with him a long time ago

but i was also going to add about how having a mind set like this at times can backfire aka his nation

if anything Klugetown is the perfact prime explen what happen when there is no tax system and now under stable rule over a gang warlord

Klugetown is a perfect explen of a nation on its own

btw fun fact in the USA many states are being fed up with not having tax money to keep on fixing roads all the time, so what happening is that a lot of states are doing without no more just dirt roads and gravel roads

Thought the title was "Gallus Debates the Futility of Texas."


if anything Klugetown is the perfact prime explen what happen when there is no tax system

I guess, but in the context of this story, another example from the show should have come to mind immediately.

Twilight: "We ponies pay taxes voluntarily, because nopony wants Equestria to end up like Griffonstone."

This could have been a good story. Instead is was a diatribe. There was no attempt to make any kind of balanced discussion, just a rant over a strawman. No mention of healthcare, which is clearly tax funded, as no-one seems to pay for it. Also there were enough genuine points that you didn't need to start making stuff up.

Also, anyone who uses the word 'libtard' is automatically discounted as having anything worthwhile to say on anything ever.

It should be of note that the Crown, IE Twilesituna are more or less funded like the Queen of England

Also I always figured gryphons more ferengii then klingon.


Also, anyone who uses the word 'libtard' is automatically discounted as having anything worthwhile to say on anything ever.

That like sjw has become a meaningless buzzword. The only one I'm concerned about though is nazi

"What? Politicians are not corrupt." Twilight said fluttering her wings in shock. She was genuinely shaken at what Gallus was saying.

What rock have you been living under, Twi?

I sort of have to agree. The narrative, even if it's more in jest than anything (and I suspect it is), does feel rather bias and stilted. I mean, Gallus raises some good points, absolutely, but it also assumes several things about Equestria that has not been clearly established in canon and is open to reader interpretation...meaning there could be other explanations for it as well (for example, I've long assumed Equestria operated on a city-state sort of system, with each city being fairly self-contained and in charge of their own affairs, which could mess up some of these arguments if true). So to make these points and make them stick would require a bit more effort to demonstrate than just some sweeping generalizations like done here, just so to make a point.

I'm not against the fic per se, especially as it's fairly clear it's meant to be more for the lols than anything...but it would've been much more interesting if it instead had pursued a more serious discussion on the subject rather than just "ha-ha, know-it-all teacher got owned by smart-aleck student" which sort of spurs a "meh, whatever," reaction from me--not good if you're wanting to draw in readers and hold their interest.

And yes, any use of the term "libtard" in a sentence automatically robs any and all credibility points, as few things screams more clearly "bias beyond all reason!" than that, and the same goes for whatever the right-side equivalent might be. :ajbemused:

Equestria does seem to have a lot of problems for what was initially presented as a Utopian land. Gotta love the slow slide into quasi-realism the show gave us, and the insistence of fanfiction writers in fleshing out its shortcomings.

Also, Gallus is best birb-kitty. That is all.

I feel like this is a else universe story where equestrian falls apart when taxes aren't paid.

Is that an anarcho-capitalist flag?


Oh my XD, wasn't expecting this lol.

Um, Incase it wasn't obvious, the use of the word 'libtard' was not serious and a joke XD

As I stated I by no means agree with the points Gallus presented, and this is strawmaned the hell because 1. It's a comedy, and 2. Gallus as a gryphon would honestly refuse to pay taxes even if they did go to s good source and do good for the community.

It is not a stretch to say that Gryphons are Ancap literally just by watching their episode, in fact the episode flat out tells you they are Ancap XD

Oh my, look at all these cans of worms you’ve opened up

Coulda been worse XD

Could have been that one picture with Applejack

The biggest flaw here, is that the Griffon thinks that weather actually works by itself in EQuestria. Without the weather ponies, weather simply does not happen. Hell the seasons don’t change. So yes Gallus, weather teams do need money

I love how bad a teacher Twilight is in this. It's totally in character for her to be put on the back hoof and feel obligated to rehash the entire national socio-economic order to the satisfaction of the class troll.

Twilight wouldn't be Twilight if she answered Gallus's "Taxation is theft!" with "That's great; you still have to pay them."

Those didn't become meaningless buzzwords, they started out as meaningless buzzwords.


It is not a stretch to say that Gryphons are Ancap literally just by watching their episode, in fact the episode flat out tells you they are Ancap XD

No it doesn't. Anarcho-capitalists don't recognize national currencies, let alone foreign currencies; ie. the Equestrian Bit. Anarcho-capitalists only recognize scrip and barter.

The episode tells you that Griffonstone's government has collapsed so hard currency is rare and its citizens are more concerned about personal needs like food, water and shelter than international relationships/friendship.

You should sign up for an online macroeconomics class. You're obviously getting your information from places like 4chan and reddit.

Weather seems to work fine in the Everfree and in places where Pegasi don't live.

please make a sequel to this glorious roast of the equestrian government budgetary system.

Yeah, the reason why they need to control their weather is usually deep in headcanons involving Discord or something. but it really unclear. it nice world-building at least. ponies are just controlled freaks.


I was too busy thinking about whether any of his points were applicable to the real world to find this funny

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