• Member Since 4th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Ocelot the Devil

May the Key that belongs to the Watchdogs be the one that guides me...


After being defeated by the real Kairi and fading into darkness, I thought that it was the end for me... how wrong I was. Finding myself in a forest alone and without a purpose wasn't something that I planned but that's life, I guess. Now I plan to carve my own path and story as I make my way back to civilization - with or without force. At least I have a friend who'll help me out - she reminds me of Roxas so much...

My name is Replica Kairi and this is my tale.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 57 )

If Kairi was in Riku's role, then who was in Kairi's role? Riku? Does that make Roxas this AU's Namine? Is Kairi still Sora's love interest or are Riku and Sora gay in this AU? Are Riku and Sora even still male in this AU? Who is the Key of Destiny in Organization 13 if Roxas is Namine? If Kairi touched Aqua's Keyblade and Terra preformed the inheritance ritual on Riku, then what Sparked Sora getting his own Keyblade? Was Kairi going to acquire her Keyblade the night the Islands were destroyed and it was her Keyblade that was redirected to Sora with the help of Ventus' heart? Does Namine exist at all in this AU?


1. Nah, it's Sora. Riku is the Chosen One.
2. Yep. Roxas is our Namine in this.
3. I'd say the real Kairi and Riku are in love with Sora... so in a way, SoRiku.
4. Namine is the Key of Destiny.
5. Still have to figure out some things.
6. Yep. She was... yet darkness forbade her.
7. Yep. She exists.

OK, so if Riku is the Chosen One, then is he carrying Ventus' heart? That only raises further questions as to how Sora wound up with his own Keyblade.

Sora/Riku/Kairi ship...this is OK.

Namine was created when Kairi's heart left her body to take refuge in Sora. The body then took on characteristics of Sora, Kairi, and Ventus which resulted in Namine looking the way she does. So if Sora is the one who wound up taking refuge in Riku's heart, then is Namine still female? Where does Xion fit into all of this? If Namine is still female, do she and Axel end up dating? If she's male, do they date anyway?

Wait...how did Kairi get corrupted by Darkness if she's a Princess of Heart? Or are they Princes of Heart in this AU? Or is Sora female? If Kairi isn't a Princess of Heart, how did she survive her trip between Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands?

I mean, my own headcanon with Princesses of Heart is that to maintain some semblance of balance, their Souls are pure Darkness to keep their Hearts of pure Light from screwing with their brains so they can have somewhat normal personalities. Feel free to take that if it helps.

1. Nah... in the BBS Roleswap - I believe that Aqua is inside Riku's heart.
Aqua is Ventus;
Terra is Aqua;
Ven is Terra.

2. Yep. Namine is still female - both light and darkness and all that. Xion also appears as well. Her role remains the same. Nah, they don't date sadly. They're just friends. Xion and Namine though - those two do.

3. Sora is a male and its Prince of Hearts. And no Kairi ain't a Princess in this or full light. Neutral - light/darkness.

4. If I can find some use, sure.

I hope I explained it well... apologies if mistakes are made.

Now I really want to see Ansem Seeker of Darkness as a kid with twigs for arms.

Namine and Xion dating... this is a ship I never realized I needed before now.

Now I'm left to wonder who the other Princes of Heart are... Philip, Stitch ( :trollestia: ), Prince Charming, uhhhh... I have no more ideas for Princes of Heart...Arthur maybe? Prince Eric, Jim Hawkins... that makes seven. I'm gonna stick with the Stitch suggestion.

I think anything else important can wait until a little later down the road.

Glad you understand. ^^

BTW, what would you say to a Replica Kairi and Fluttershy pairing?

A Fluttershy and...hmm, I can't think of a good way to say replica kairi. Repliku is was so easy. Repliri? Anyway, this is what I think of the pairing:


A sweet, sweet Fluttershy with a more rough and tumble Kairi. Oh, be still my beating heart~

Yay! ^_^
I'll make it a good one.

Also, I may or may not do a Sora Replica story as well. For the hell of it.
Any other replicas you want me to do stories on?

Aqua replica. Vexen is able to collect enough data from Aqua's keyblade and armor in the Chamber of Repose to make a replica of her. That would really screw with some heads~ Where Aqua is cool, calm, collected, sensible, and uptight, the Replica could be wild, uncontrolled, and free, only concerned with her own pleasure. A pure hedonist... at least until a pony can tame her.

edit: Or perhaps ponies?

Ooh, I love that idea.

Also, about a rogue bitchy Keyblade Wielder who hates life and only Twilight can save her... maybe even show her love? XD

Also, what kind of Aqua Replica exactly - normal one with her clothes - includes her armor and Darkness suit?

For an absolutely evil idea, you could make that bitchy rogue keyblade wielder Larxene. She could be a previous keyblade wielder or after she reconstructs post KH 3, she winds up in pony land, has her Dive to the Heart, and thru a mixture of showing Larxene who's boss and genuine kindness, Twilight wins her over.

If Vexen got the data off her armor and stuff, then she should have it and be able to store it like the real Aqua does. So both her normal clothes and her armor. I leave the choice of her having a Darkness Mode up to you.

Any idea for a darkness mode? Just curious.

Wonder what a Displaced Namine would be like if she was in Equestria.

Displaced Namine would depend on how much the original person remembers of their former life, how much Namine's personality bleeds thru, the moral compass of the Displaced, and how much she wants to emulate Wallflower Blush.

Honestly, I wonder what it would be like to have a story about a Displaced Namine basically memory fucking all of Equestria to get what she wanted.

"I feel like having Twilight be my girlfriend" Modifies memories.

"I don't want Twilight anymore. How about Rainbow Dash?" Modifies memories.

"How's about a harem with all the Mane 6?" Modifies memories.

"I'm hungry." Modifies memories so she doesn't have to pay.

I think that would be a very interesting story. Either she keeps falling deeper into depravity or she eventually realizes what she's doing is wrong and repents for her crimes. Either way would be super interesting.
Edit: I'm also a sucker for TG Displaced stories. It adds a layer for the Displaced to deal with that I very much enjoy.

I'm not sure I understand the question. What do you mean when you ask if I have any idea for a Darkness Mode? Do you mean do I have ideas for a trigger or just if she should have it in general or something else?

That Larxene is pretty cute looking, but I think all the lightning bolts are a bit on-the-nose for my tastes.

1. Ooh, It would be cool XD
She could be like the Sora of Equestria - https://www.deviantart.com/reseliee/art/Namine-Sora-ish-outfit-DL-720057443

2. In general - for a design. Plus, a trigger of somekind - when she triggers it.

3. Sorry ^^"
My friend made this and I figured I'd use it.

4. I hope I'm not being a bother since you might be busy and such.

1. I am an insomniac! I am never bothered by interesting things! Wait... those two things don't necessarily go together... Anyway, the only time I'm consistently busy is Sundays at Noon. Other than that, I have no idea when I'll fall asleep and I don't have any particular plans other than writing, scheming about things to write, and browsing the internet. So if I don't respond to you for a length of time, it's probably because I've passed out at my keyboard, not because you're bothering me.

2.) I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination. I dumped all my points into imagination and literary skills. The heights of my art is stick figures. I can offer triggers, however. A popular one is inflicting self-harm of some kind, like Erin of Attack on Titan who bites his hand to draw blood. You could also tie the trigger into her armor button, giving Aqua a choice of the Armor or Darkness Mode. Last but not least, you could tie it into some word or phrase.

3.) I'm not particularly a fan of putting models over each other and sanding it down to match the proportions of the character underneath. Or still 3d model art just in general. But again, my art skills are zero, so take my opinion with a grain of salt the size of Mt. Olympus. I've certainly seen much, much worse than the work your friend has done.

4.) Now I'm really tempted to write that Namine Displaced story, but I'm already juggling 3 stories and even I'm not insane enough to add a 4th to the lineup.

1. Fair enough. Don't worry.

2. Yep. That works.

3. I see.

4. I could do it though - maybe even a Displaced Sora or Displaced Xion.

I was mostly referring to being drawn to the mind fucking aspect a Namine Displaced could do. Sora and Xion Displaced could be cool, but I can't think of anything that would be particularly stunning or unique about either of them, unless they learned how to use their Keyblades to manipulate people's hearts.

True to that.

I might do a displaced Namine - one of these days.

Thanks. ^^
Soon or a little later, I'll write it.

Nice story so far, can't wait to see more! :twilightsmile:

Also, where'd you get the image from?

Made it myself using a program called MikuMikuDance (MMD) ^^

Glad you are enjoying it so far.

I've even got one story planned with Elrena (Larxene's Somebody after KH3) and an Aqua Replica of sorts.

Also, any ideas for Aqua Replica - armor, normal clothes, Dark Mode maybe?

10401256 Hmm...how about you put Aqua's head with her Anti-Aqua form from KHIII (minus the white-ish hair and glowing yellow eyes)?

That works. Any other outfits in mind?
Maybe a Vanitas one?

10401280 Maybe you could change the color of Vanitas' suit to black and blue instead of black and red? :rainbowhuh:

Ooh, speaking of more KH displaced:
Hmmm... Displaced Namine or Xion?

10401356 Maybe Xion? I like Namime, but even her powers have limits

True. Very true.

May I discuss the idea with you some more?

So, displaced Xion - could be a male cosplayer turned female.
He has become Xion and he or should I say she is in Equestria.

Could gain some new abilities - light and darkness, new Keyblades, that sort of thing.

Any Dark Mode or Dark outfits in mind?

10401385 How about Vanitas Remnant's suit, minus the mask?

The introduction to Replica Kairi and Fluttershy's fight seemed a bit forced. Maybe instead go for something closer to "You shouldn't waste your time trying to help a fake like me". It feels much more natural, assuming Replica Kairi's journey thru Castle Oblivion was anything like Repliku's.

Why would Replica Kairi assume Fluttershy should be a pony? Just calling someplace Equestria with a town named Ponyville doesn't indicate anything. People come up with weird names for places all the time. There's the Isle of Dogs in the UK, just for one example. Did Kairi have some kind of knowledge of MLP that Replica Kairi now has memories of?

Replica Kairi's infatuation with Fluttershy seems a bit rushed and out of left field. All we know of her so far was that she was forced to believe she was in love with Roxas. Replica Kairi didn't even stop to think 'huh, I might be slightly Bi/Gay'. Is she latching onto Fluttershy as a crush as some sort of defiance against her original programming? Was the original Kairi Bi? There's a bunch here that probably been examined over the course of a couple of chapters but was completely passed over here.

Dude, I'm trying my best - cut me some slack, okay?

1. I could have done that tbh - didn't really think of it though. Honest truth. Though she does tell Fluttershy that she doesn't need her help and that she is a fake. Also, I did include 'No thank you… I don’t need help. Someone as fake as me.' - The Castle Oblivion thing kind of left her scarred and traumatized. She feels she is a fake and that's what she is.

2. Hmm... nope. It's the first time she's in Equestria. Also where on Earth did you assume the real Kairi knew about Equestria? The reasons being why Replica Kairi thought she was a pony was the name - Ponyville/Equestria.

3. It's not infatuation - it's basically a discovery. Replica Kairi hasn't fallen in love or developed a crush on Fluttershy yet - she just sensed the pure light in her and it reminded her so much of Roxas - she just gained a new friend, that's all. And yes, she is Bi. Real Kairi was Bi due to having a crush on both Sora/Selphie on the islands.

Hope I've explained things clearly - I know that it maybe rushed... a bit. But I'm trying my best. Cut me some slack.

Its fine. Don't worry.
But you do understand what I told you right?

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