• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Tracy needed somewhere to stay, how was he supposed to know that it was in another universe? Now he'll somehow have to hold down a job on Earth while living as a pony in Equestria. It's either that, or say goodbye to being human.

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Chapter 51

The next few days were at once a source of anxiety and the best Tracy had felt in years. Anxiety because there was a veritable metric ton to be nervous about. Steven's terrified departure, Apex's entirely mundane corporate reaction to his injury, and Janet actually knowing the truth.

And of course there was the (remote) chance that Shane's disappearance would prompt a detective to pay him a visit, and ask for the otherwise unremarkable privilege to step inside and have a conversation. Tracy had run that particular nightmare scenario to its conclusion more than once, imagining the refusal that led to a warrant and several angry police a few days later. Eventually they'd break down his door, stumble into Equestria, and only God knew what would happen after that.

But despite the menagerie of nightmares his emotions conjured, he found none of that manifested during the rest of his week working from home. He set up the new work computer, and spent as much time as he could slaving away to complete his and Steven's project.

Another few days later and the restraint could finally come off his leg, freeing him to use both of his front hooves in the helpfully-transformed keyboard and mouse he had half a year of practice operating.

Of course, Tracy wasn't willing to sacrifice time with Rose, but how then to do so much work with so little time? There was only one answer, and it came in little bottles at the back of his shelves. The only thing Tracy really had to sacrifice was his time sleeping with Roseluck. But when I go back to work, I'll have even less time with her.

She complained each morning that she didn’t like waking up alone—but if it meant they had more time together, a few complaints were all she made.

"You know you won't be able to keep this up forever," she said Friday morning, over another exotic dish she'd made from human produce garnished with mangos. Tracy found he didn't care much at all about the other ingredients, so long as she made correct use of a few critical sweeteners. "Seriously. I'm trying to figure out when you actually sleep. Bats don't actually need less than other ponies."

He nodded, pushing his laptop lid closed. A week ago, he didn't feel a thing about not telling her about the drug—it was his business, after all. But now they were together, she deserved to know.

"There's an explanation, but I don't think you'll like it. Promise not to be mad?"

She plopped his plate down in front of him with a harsh clang. "You just told me I wouldn't like it. Why would I promise that?"

He opened his mouth to make a clever reply—but none came. "You know I should've made you promise before I said anything. I'm, uh... I'm taking these." He wasn't dressed around the house anymore—lately it just got in the way. But he removed the emergency vial from his laptop bag, turning it so she could see.

Equestria lacked the pharmacy regulations that required medications to be properly labeled—either that, or Barnyard Bargains was doing things under the table. Given the list of things he could buy without doctor recommendation, he guessed the former.

"What is that?" Rose asked, pulling the vial closer and sniffing at it. But of course the cork prevented any scent from escaping. "The alien from another world is taking potions?"

"Everwake," he supplied. "It—"

She jerked the bottle away, eyes narrowing. "Tracy, I've spent half my life with bats. I know what Everwake is. I've used it myself. That explains why I can't wake you sometimes. Even the hospital... you were crashing, weren't you? This stuff isn't meant to be used long term!"

He nodded, ears flattening. "Until this week, I wasn't using it long term. Just once or twice, same place I would've used caffeine. But it's stronger, so..." He reached across the table for the vial.

"Look, I know it's not ideal. But the way I see it, I'm down to two months on my lease. I can't give up working on my side, and that means I need to be up in the middle of your night. But if I sleep during the day like I used to, we can't spend time together."

"Not true!" She stalked around the table, settling the vial out of his reach on the top of a kitchen shelf. An entirely pointless gesture, since he had a box of those vials in his room. The laptop one was his emergency dose he planned on keeping with him on Earth. Couldn't take the risk of dropping comatose in the middle of a workday.

"I've been with bats who lived bat schedules before. We make it work. I get up a little earlier to spend mornings together, and you stay up a little later to spend nights together. With the right balance, we can get four hours. Six on weekends, and no potion required."

"Six hours," he said. "Is that enough?"

She giggled. "We'll make it enough. Almost everypony works, Tracy. It's not like my sisters and I need you there every day. Just when those machines break down."

I'll have to order some replacement parts for when I'm gone. SBCs didn't have moving parts to fail, but if they had to last forever, he would need to think about that.

"Fine," he said. "I'll... when I have to go back to work, I'll transition to a normal schedule again."

"This weekend," she said. "You'll already need at least a day of sleep, if you've been on Everwake all this time."

"Next weekend," he said. "We don't get to have a new relationship twice. I'd rather spend more time with you now, even if it means giving up a whole weekend when I crash. I've already got the potion for that long anyway, no sense letting it go to waste."

She glowered up at him again, making it quite clear what she thought of that suggestion. But ultimately she didn't argue. "I'm just worried about you, Tracy. You're not from here. The other bats I've known, they knew what they were getting into with Everwake. But you won't. Your world doesn't have magic. You don't know what to expect."

All and all, it could've gone worse. Rose went to work, and Tracy could return to his labors. But thanks to having so many extra hours in the day, Tracy had a finished project to submit about halfway through the afternoon. Enough time to pursue something that had been bothering him.

First he'd seen it in the metal shelves of the aquarium gift shop, then his own rear-view mirror. Staying in Equestria full time hadn't left much opportunity to see that strange vision again.

If nothing else, his visits had given him profound respect for the library. Granted, it was hard not to be impressed with a place built in a crystal palace that towered into the sky.

He attracted almost no attention crossing town, other than friendly greetings from ponies whose names he was starting to learn. Half of them even tried at "Tracy".

Maybe I should just let everyone start using the local name on this side. No need to lie about it, just start going by it to make things easier for them. It wouldn't be the first time an immigrant had to change to integrate into the dominant culture.

But I'm not the immigrant, Shane is. He's the one who has to live here permanently, not me.

He found the library without needing to ask for directions, and walked straight up towards its upper chamber with no need to read the signs. He slowed as he stepped in, expecting to ask the friendly dragon for help as he had during his previous visits.

He hadn't expected to find the princess herself reading from a desk.

He stopped dead in the doorway, spreading his wings to slow as quickly as he could. Tracy glanced nervously over his shoulder, and began inching back out the way he'd come. Unfortunately, he wasn't wearing sneakers. Or... anything else, for that matter. His hooves clicked several times on the crystal floor, and Princess Twilight looked up.

"Oh, hello there—" She stopped, expression becoming unreadable. "Tracy, I believe. What brings you to the library, Otherworlder?"

He winced, then walked straight in. No sense trying to get away at this point. "Sorry, princess. I'm sure it's not worth your time. I was just looking to see if Spike could help me find a book. He's usually... where you're sitting."

She nodded, and the book in front of her snapped closed, settling onto the pile. "This used to be my responsibility, several years ago. Sometimes it's good to get back to your roots. Besides, helping ponies find the things they're looking for can let me know what's happening in Ponyville. So I can better serve my subjects."

And you do not want to think of me as one of those. Tracy had a few seconds to decide whether or not to tell the truth. It wasn't just that she was an Alicorn with personal powers—she was involved in the diplomacy of this world, somehow. She might even be connected to Discord bringing him here in the first place.

But he didn't show up to stop Tracy. That probably meant it was safe enough. "I'm looking for information about... I don't even know." He looked away, wings opening and closing awkwardly. "I shouldn't waste your time with something that probably can't even be answered. I'm sorry."

He turned to go, and found Twilight already standing in the doorway. She spread her wings, blocking it. "That's not how my library works, Tracy. I don't send ponies away empty-hooved. You've come for knowledge, so providing it is my sacred duty. What book were you looking for?"

"I don't even know there is a book about it," he stammered, backing away from her. His rear bumped into the circulation desk, and he stopped. "Maybe something written by someone else who spent a long time in other worlds. It's just that... I've started seeing things, while I'm on my side. I'm trying to figure out what they are."

He expected hostility from her, but to his surprise Twilight only looked thoughtful. She vanished from in front of him, reappearing behind the desk in a flash of white light and disorientation. "I assume what you saw was unusual, or you wouldn't be looking for information about it. What exactly are you seeing in your home universe?"

"Wings," he said awkwardly, opening both of his as wide as they would go. "I'm not a bat on that side, or a pony at all. But my reflection—I see wings. But only when I'm not looking directly at it. If I stare, they're gone."

Twilight didn't call him crazy, or shout him out of her library. "Hmm. Persistent Worldgate travel. Well Mr. Tracy, you're in luck. I've been doing a great deal of research into your case. Not this specifically. But this may tell us both more we wanted to know. Wait here."

She vanished again, and this time didn't pop back up anywhere close by. She left him standing in front of the desk for several awkward minutes. He shuffled on his hooves, wishing he'd come another day. The dragon wouldn't put him through all this.

"Here!" Twilight reappeared in a flash, depositing a pile of books in front of him easily twice her height. It wobbled, then began glowing purple, and didn't fall. "This is what I've been reading."

Tracy stared up at the mountain of books. And up, and up. They had indecipherable titles, dense with jargon he didn't understand. But all he had were wings, so he'd never really had the inclination to study magic. "Something about Worldgates is in there?"

Princess Twilight rolled her eyes. "Everything we know about worldgates is in there. I've been collecting these from libraries all across Equestria. I've been trying to figure out the answer to a few questions. Why did Discord choose you specifically? What does he hope to gain? The one pony who could tell me says she can't answer yet, but she will when it's over."

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "I'm afraid you may be implicated—however involuntarily—in a scheme against Equestria."

Those words hung in the air between them like a set of daggers, all pointed at his chest. But at least she didn't leave them there for long. "Or it could be something else. Princess Celestia insists that Discord is properly reformed. I hope she's right. But if he is, that only leaves more questions. Why you?"

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