• Published 20th Mar 2020
  • 7,154 Views, 99 Comments

Saving a Hopeless Soul - Mister E-Nonymous

A human boy who has been abused by his terrible aunt and uncle has somehow ended up in Equestria as a Pegasus, and taken in by Rainbow Dash.

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Chapter 10: The Day Earth falls to Darkness

Chapter 10: The Day Earth falls to Darkness

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

I couldn't believe it. This human... this human was the pony we were looking for. But, why would he have us in here? Where are we?

"You're Solar Eclipse?" asked Twilight. "But I thought you would be...?"

"An alicorn?" Solar Eclipse asked. "Well, I did start off as one. But, as soon as I saw these humans, they thought I was a crazed devil horse. So, I disguised myself as a human. For centuries, I had to stay in human form. Although, I had to change my identity whenever I had to fake my death. Usually, I had to choose a different form of identity every time someone sees me die of old age or any painful death, I got to change my form."

"So, you been here for centuries," I said. "But, why did you choose to banish yourself?"

"I wanted to explore other worlds," Solar Eclipse said. "I chose to travel to a world with a completely different species, and see how things work. So, I decided to start off as a particular wizard named Merlin. I went to the kingdom of Camelot to aid the people there who are in need. And the city where I forged a famous sword, known as Excalibur, came to be. That city was known as Avalon. But then, a dark force has wiped out everything there. I was lucky to survive."

"Where did you go after all of that happened?" asked Twilight.

"After everything was wiped out, it was like everything there had never happened," said Solar Eclipse. "So I went to a country known as Britain. But, I had to go by a new name. Geoffrey of Monmouth. And, I had written a book so the people of this world would know about the great King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. Each time I went to a new place, with a new identity."

"So, the humans here wouldn't be able to knew who you really are," said Twilight.

"So, you have been changing every time you experienced what death nearly feels like, and make sure that you see none of the friends you've made again," said Pinkie. "But what about if the people have found out your little secret?"

"I make sure they don't remember it," said Solar Eclipse. "I had to erase their memories, telling them I had to keep my true identity secret. They understood. Well, most of them."

"You didn't hurt them. Did you?" Fluttershy asked.

"No," said Solar Eclipse. "The memory erasing spell has no painful effects on the one I'm using it on. Every time I was supposed to die, I change my identity, and move to a different place. And ever since I came to this country, I never left it. And I've been secretly protecting it. Even secretly protected the world from other worldly villains coming to take over the world or destroying it."

"And now, you're going to help us find Danny?" I asked.

"Indeed," said Solar Eclipse. "I got that message from Princess Celestia, and I have some interesting information to let the police know about the aunt and uncle and the death of young Daniel's biological parents."

"And that is?" I asked.

He turned his back on us, but he turned his head to the side, and said, "The death of them was no accident." That made my friends and I gasp.

"They did that to Danny's parents?!" asked Twilight.

"But why?" asked Applejack. "Why would they do that to such a sweet kid?"

"Daniel's birth mother, Abby, and his aunt Natasha were both sisters," said Solar Flare. "But Daniel's mother was born into a family who cares about keeping their rich family rich. The mother of both the sisters wanted Abby to marry for money, not love. But, when she was caught doing fun things, she disowned her, and the family left her in Oregon."

"That's very harsh!" said Rarity. "To do that to their own flesh and blood!"

"The rich family went broke, so they had to have Natasha marry to that Reginald man," said Solar Flare. "They lost all of their fundings last year, and now they are planning to use Daniel to work on a plan to get rich again. But they planned on keeping him from making friends by taking him out of school. They took away his toys, and punished him from ever going outside to play with other kids."

"And that's when Luna chose to bring him to Equestria," said Twilight. "But what does the Ghost of Nightmare Moon have anything to do with this?"

"Nightmare Moon couldn't become queen of Equestria, so she chose Earth to be ruler of," said Solar Eclipse. But then, the sky was becoming darker and darker. We all looked up at the sky, and saw that this world's moon was blocking view of the sun, blocking off all light from the sun.

"Nightmare Moon... has blocked this world's sun!" said Twilight.

Solar Eclipse headed for somewhere, and we followed him. It turns out we were in some weird large metal wagon that was connected to some sort of pony less carriage and Solar Eclipse opened one door on the carriage, and turned on something. Then a voice came from inside.

"We interrupt this channel for some breaking news. Somehow, the moon has changed its orbit and has covered all the light from the sun. This is an unexpected turn of events. We have no idea what is happening, but we all must stay calm until this is all over."

Solar Eclipse pushed something and said, "Nightmare Moon. You have no idea, but a Solar Eclipse is able to increase my own power. Ironic." He then faced towards us and said, "Hold still."

He then hit us with some of his magic, and we felt something tingling all over us. When the tingling stopped, we felt different. I looked back at myself, and saw that I was human. I saw the others had the same reaction.

"You turned us into..." I started to say.

"Humans," said Solar Eclipse. "Now, come on. On your back legs. I have already reprogrammed your minds to walk and act like a human. But, you'll still have your magic. Unicorns, you'll be able to channel your unicorn magic through your hands and fingers. Earth ponies, your magic can be transferred into the muscles of your arms and legs. And pegasi, you'll feel your wings whenever you need them. But for now, keep your magic a secret from other humans. And as for your hair, people will just assume that you dyed it. Except for you." He pointed at Applejack. "Blonde is usual around here." Then he used his magic and made the weird room vanish into thin air. Then he opened the other doors of the weird thing and said, "Get in. We're heading to the young child who needs you."

"Alright," I said. "Hang on, Danny. I'm coming."

It's been about an hour since we started headed off to where we were going. I was looking out the window of where we were going. I then saw a sign that said "Memphis." I then remembered.

"Memphis! Isn't that where Danny said where his aunt and uncle live?"

"Yes," said Twilight. "Memphis, Tennessee. Head towards there."

"I know exactly where I'm going," said Solar Eclipse. He then looked at the device in the middle of the strange vehicle. He then turned it on, and the sound of some wicked laughter came up, getting our attention. That was the laughter of Nightmare Moon.

"Disgusting humans, prepare for your new queen to take over! I am Nightmare Moon, the one who shall leave this world in eternal night. And there is no way you will be able to stop me this time! I am going to leave you all in eternal night, and no mere mortal can stop me!"

Then the sound of static came in, and someone else's voice came, saying, "I don't know what just happened, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm sure that somebody is trying to start World War III. This might be an interesting report." Then Solar Eclipse turned off that device.

"So, the ghost of Nightmare Moon is going to try and take over this world," said Solar Eclipse. "We can't let that happen."

"But what about Danny?" I asked. "He needs me!"

"We'll deal with this one problem at a time," said Solar Eclipse. "First, we'll save your adopted child and expose those two black-hearted humans as killers. Then we'll take care of Nightmare Moon."

I looked out the window, and said, "Hang on, Danny. Your mom is coming."

(Danny's Point of View)

I stayed there, crying in the middle of the cold, basement floor. I was trapped here. No way out. Then I heard the door open. I looked up and saw that aunt Natasha came to the balcony.

"Now, your uncle and I will be heading out," said aunt Natasha. "If you plan on escaping through this door... good luck with that. There's a spell around this balcony that keeps things from going in, or coming out. Except for your food. You're not getting out of here anytime soon."

She then left. So no matter what, I'm stuck here. Mom won't be able to save me even if she got into the house. I have no way out. I gotta get out of here.

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

We looked and saw that Danny's cruel aunt and uncle got into another horseless carriage, only it was smaller. It looked like it would fit four or five humans. Then they started that thing, and went off. Right as it turned a corner, we pulled up in front of the house they came from. We got out of the horseless carriage and walked towards the gate of the house.

"Alright, Solar Eclipse," I said, "how do we get Danny out of there?"

"It looks like Nightmare Moon left them with one spell," said Solar Eclipse. "A spell that keeps that kid from exiting through the basement door."

"So, how do we get him out?" asked Twilight.

"By making another door," said Solar Eclipse. He used his magic and made a paperclip. I was confused a little bit, and he put it in the lock and did something, and the lock had opened up. He then opened the gate and we headed around the house. He then made some shovels, and said, "Grab a shovel, and start digging a ramp. We're going to bust our way into the basement."

(Danny's Point of View)

I heard a clanking noise coming from a wall that lead to the backyard of the place. I was confused by that. I then walked over towards the wall, and said, "Who's there?"

"Danny?! Is that you?!" came a muffled voice. A voice that I recognized.

"Mommy?!" I asked. I then pounded on the wall and shouted, "Mommy! I'm in here! Get me out! Help me!"

"Stand back!" shouted Mom with a muffled voice. "We're going to break that wall in!" Then the sound of bricks breaking came. The bricks started cracking, and then the wall broke down. I stood back and I saw six figures walk in. I looked at them, and saw that all of them looked familiar. I looked at the one with rainbow colored hair and she looked at me with a tearful smile. "Danny."

"M-Mommy?" I asked. She then got on her knees, and opened her arms up for me. I ran over to her and hugged her. I cried into her shoulders and said, "I thought I would never see you again!"

She rubbed the back of my head with a hand and said, "Shhh. Everything's going to be okay, Danny. She then pulled away from me and said, "Let's get you out of here."

She then stood up, carrying me in her arms, and we all headed out of the place. We then headed towards a van that was parked in front of the house my mean aunt and uncle lived in. But then I looked around, and coming in from the left, I saw my uncle's car coming back. I started to get worried.

"Oh, no!" I said. "That's my uncle's car!"

They all looked at the car coming up. The strange man that was with Mom and her friends said, "C'mon. We gotta get out of here!"

We all got into the car. We put on our seat belts, the man started the van, and started driving off fast. I saw that my uncle's car was speeding up, trying to catch up with us.

"They're catching up with us!" I shouted.

"Hang on, kid," said the man. "We're going to deal with these criminals once and for all."

"Mom," I said. "There's something I just found out about my birth mom and dad."

"We know, Danny," Mom said. "We know that these guys killed them."

"You do?" I asked.

"No ruffian like them should even be in possession of you," said Rarity. "We should alert the authorities."

"Indeed," said the strange man. We were speeding up quite a bit. I don't know what he was doing, but I bet he might get in trouble by the... Ohh. Now I get it.

He's speeding on purpose to attract the cops. It's actually a good plan.

We just got onto the highway, getting the attention of a police car. They started chasing us, but then uncle Reginald's car pulled in front of us, making us swerve into the side of the highway. Luckily for us, we were all wearing our seat belts.

Then we saw aunt Natasha and uncle Reginald walking towards our car. They were about to force the door open until they were pinned towards the door by a couple police officers.

The strange man opened the passenger seat window, and one of the police officers came up to us and said, "Is everyone okay? No major injuries?"

"We're fine, officer," said the strange man. "Thank you for stopping these maniacs."

"Maniacs?!" shouted aunt Natasha. "These freaks have abducted my nephew!"

"Hold up!" Mom said. She then opened the door. "Technically, you don't own him since your family disowned your sister!"

"How did you know about that?!" asked aunt Natasha.

Mom got worried, and I noticed that. I then spoke up. "I told her. I also found out that Aunt Natasha and Uncle Reginald killed my mom and dad."

"They did what?" asked one of the officers. "Is this true?"

"No! He's lying!" said aunt Natasha. "I cannot believe you would say that about us! We're family! You need us!"

"Why would I need someone who took me out of school, took away my toys, and kept me from having fun and making friends?!" I asked, angrily. "You are not my family anymore!"

"Alright, then," said the police officer. "You two are coming with us to prison. We'll have a trial this weekend to discuss this situation. We'll also call up a tow truck to pick up the truck, and call a couple taxis. Where do you live?"

"Actually, I'm from out of town," said the man. "I'm actually a licensed lawyer in the state of Tennessee. So, I'll be able to back up the kid."

"Alright," said the officer. "We'll be seeing you in court this weekend. Right now, we need to figure out how the moon has suddenly moved."

"Hopefully, this catastrophe will end soon," said Mom. "I'm sure of it."

We all looked at the moon as the police officers put aunt Natasha and uncle Reginald into the police car. Then a police van pulled up.

"Those guys are going to take us to a hotel," said the strange man. "It's a good thing I packed us up some clothes for all of you. And I put them into the exact sizes you all are in."

We then got out of the broken van, and grabbed the bags in the back and headed for the police van. The strange man told the police man to take us to Westin Memphis Beale Street. It sounded like a nice hotel. I just hope we'll get all of this over with.