• Member Since 18th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


New to writing, but really wanna try and get things out. Oh, and if you follow me, I'll follow you back. Something I got in the habit of doing back on Twitter.

Comments ( 168 )

Very interesting, I'll track and see how this goes

I like it but the jumps are a bit annoying

Trust me, after this chapter, there should be FAR less time jumps.

Good so far

Thanks. Trying to figure out how I want to word the next chapter, which is going to be a lore dump.

Look forward to it

Im a little confused about the pacing as it was super fast with not much time to digest the information

Sorry... This was more a lore dump chapter than anything else. In a nutshell, Fluttershy is a goddess, Chaos and Harmony are actual entities, and all the races of Equis can use magic, not just the ponies.

It would of been better to show that rather then tell but I understand your choice

I cast the spell of revelation.

Good to see it alive

And now that I have the help of another amazing author, I should be able to keep it alive until I get it to the end!

That's good news. My one concern is that spine is gonna be a bit one note

She seems to be all about violence and not much else. A simple fix is to have her gain a hobby, like cooking, crafting, swimming and so on

Ah. Funny thing, that's actually on the agenda!

That's good but for now she's as deep as a puddle

Yeah, sorry about that...

Knew it was a good idea to reread this chapter

This was pretty good and I really love how good Velvet is in this, look forward to when the next chapter comes out.
PS: its alive! Its Alive!

Spine still rubbs me the wrong way physically she isn't older then spike so how can she do things he can't like walk, talk, and fight?

Mentality. Plus, this is an AU. In my head, I see dragons as needing to be able to defend themselves from birth, because they tend to be abandoned due to early molts.

So why isn't spike talking and walkimg then

Again, mentality. He can walk, we just didn't show it in the earlier chapters. And as for talking, he doesn't quite know how. He understands fairly well, but hasn't said anything yet because he didn't understand how to.

I understand but it feels like Spine is some sort of chosen one that only wants to fight

And I'm working to fix that.

Doing my best (The writer of not-Spine).

I'll be happy to assist


And I'm grateful for the help! Looking forward for working on the next chapter with you, David!

Just read the chapter and comments and I do agree with Viper Pit, and I understand yall trying ya best bit it does help to show not tell sometimes, you could have mentioned how spike had took his first steps or something. Anyways good chapter and nice to see more of this.

Is Meghan related in any way to Megan Williams?

I'll feel like this chapter is missing in this

Missing in what...?

Spike interactions

This is a new favorite, more please.

This was nice but more spike interactions would be nice.

Spike is still a wee baby, is the challenge there.

It feels like spine has replaced spike instead of being his sister

More that she skipped infanthood, while Spike is still doing that. Spike will likely go on to do all the things he is meant to do.

I get that but i would still like to see her actually interact with him

That comes down to time and chances. I did try to work one in, but didn't really succeed for reasons that make sense in story.

Hehehe~... The next chapter you'll be happy~.

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