• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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There was a brief moment of silence inside as the whole crowd seemed to take into account that they had been somehow given away and beaten at their own game. However, the silence lasted only a second as the roaring of laughter replaced it, a casual laugh as they enjoyed the practicality of being found out. Ray instantly recognized the faces of everybody that were awaiting him in the living room, a small group of friends and family with nobody else but who he knew. It was a comfortable crowd, not like the one that had stormed his house the day he had arrived.

“I told you not to try to look out the window,” he heard Sweetie Belle chiding Apple Bloom as the laughing died down, a sheepish smile spreading across her face.

“How was I supposed t’ know when he was gonna turn around,” the farm filly halfheartedly defended. Giving a smile to Ray, she apologized, “Sorry for ruinin’ it, Ray.”

“You should be apologizing to me,” Pinkie suddenly furiously shouted, popping up right beside Ray and startling him. He stepped back as the mare, whose appearance was far messier than it usually was, raised a hoof and shook it in the direction of the young pony before snapping her head to him. “And you, not telling me your birthday was today! Do you know what would have happened if I had missed your birthday party and left you all alone and uncaked on your birthday? Why, if Twilight hadn’t mentioned it, I never would have known, and then quite possibly the worst of the absolute worst things would have happened!”

“And that is,” Ray asked, raising his eyebrow as he proceeded to take another step back, trying to put a little more distance between him and the pink luny mare. It wasn’t far enough.

The mare launched herself onto him, propping her back hooves on his chest as she put her front ones on his shoulders, bringing them face-to-face. The intensity of her heavy stare was intimidating, but considering everything that had happened today, Ray didn’t flinch away. Narrowing her eyes sharply, she hissed fiercely, “You wouldn’t be able to open my gift.”

“Oh, that would be true tragedy,” Ray jokingly agreed, having no clue what a pony would think humans might like. “But what did you get me?”

“That,” Pinkie proclaimed, suddenly smiling brightly, all negativity forgotten, “is a surprise for later. For now, we’ll just have to have a bit of fun until then!”

Pinkie hopped off of Ray as he completely entered the house, shutting the door softly behind him. Already, short little conversations had sprouted between the friends and family there, but Ray didn’t quite feel like joining the group. Was it really his birthday already? He hadn’t paid attention to the dates in this world, mostly because he had presumed that the months and dates would be recorded differently than back on Earth. Thinking about it, he didn’t even remember the date of the day he had been taken. Just another thing that he had to deal with missing from his own life. Fifteen wasn’t a big deal anyways, simply another year he had managed to survive.

Smiling as Sugar Belle suddenly stepped up to him, he asked, “How did you manage to make it so quickly when I didn’t even know it was my birthday?” He paused, taking a curious sniff, and surely enough, there was the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon wafting through the living room. “And how in the world did you manage to whip up some pastries as well?”

The mare shrugged simply, smiling humbly as she said, “I have a baking cutie mark for a reason.”

Ray chuckled lightly, nodding in agreement. “Yes, that’s true. Say, what kind of cutie mark do you think I’d have if I were a pony?”

“Oh, that’s a good question,” she commented, rubbing a hoof on her chin in consideration. She suddenly waved him closer, but when she also started moving, he realized that she meant for him to follow her. “Well, I honestly don’t know what it would be ‘cause you’re a bit of an oddball, well, being a human and all, but personally, I’d say it would be a musical note or something. You have a really strong voice, very deep and firm when you sing or hum, and that’s coming from a mare who lived in a town where we were trained to be musically perfect with our pitch! Aside from that, I guess it could be a brick or something like that.”

“Because I’m dumb,” he jokingly suggested, earning a short laugh from the mare.

“No, it’s because you’re strong and stubborn,” she explained, stepping around Applejack and Rainbow, who were having a heated discussion about something while Apple Bloom glared from a distance. Ray gave her a firm look, to which she almost flinched away, reminding him of his earlier chase just a half hour before. How could he even be here when, just a half an hour ago at most he had been fighting and killing those fierce figures. He raised his hand and rubbed his shoulder where he had been cut, the salve from Zecora still layering it and keeping it out of sight.

A shock ran through him as he realized that he was still shirtless in front of everypony there, the urge to clothe himself coming over him, but he quickly dismissed it. Almost everybody there had seen him practically naked, and he occasionally worked with the Apples themselves without a shirt. Besides, it would seem rude and almost counterproductive to leave the self-invited guests downstairs when they had thrown this party together for him. Shaking his head, he just followed the cheerful mare into the kitchen, where he found his table had a celebrative cloth covering it and several different plates of pastries and other sweet confections.

“Really,” Ray exclaimed, nodding at the mare’s response. “I guess I could see a red brick on my butt. Now, why did you bring me over to the kitchen?”

“I wanted to show you the fritters I baked for your birthday,” Sugar Belle told him. “Every first time I celebrate somepony’s birthday, I make a new recipe for them as a sort of memoir to them, a confectionary tribute, if you will. For you, I decided to try something that you told me about not too long ago. You said that where you come from, they use applewood to smoke their foods and give it a new flavor. From what you described, it sounded kinda like using applewood fire to cook it, so I baked a berry pie over some applewood.”

“Wow, that’s really… creative,” Ray commented, finding the said pie in the middle of the table. It was barely steaming, but the smell produced from it was certainly attractive and reminded him that he’d only managed a small bit of cereal that morning. He hungrily reached over to the cake knife and grabbed it, beginning to cut out a slice as he told her, “I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t had anything that was smoked before, so I won’t be able to tell you if you did it right, but from the sounds of it, it sounds like you just invented a new style of cooking in Equestria.”

“Huh,” the mare thoughtfully hummed. “I… I guess I just did, and hey, this is probably the first time in Equestrian history that two different cultures combined their knowledge of cooking to make a pie! I mean, the griffons perfected our chocolates, we had help with pudding from the hippogriffs, and even the dragons helped us learn how to make crystal candy, but nopony’s ever thought of using a new way of cooking to make a new pie. Pie’s always been the same until now, I guess.”

Finishing cutting out the piece of pie, he slid it onto one of the provided glass plates, which he instantly recognized as not his own. It was truly amazing that somehow all of these ponies he had grown close to had been able to and willing to make it there. Of course, not everybody was there, both Rarity and Fluttershy missing from the scene, but he wasn’t at all bothered by it. They probably had their own problems to deal with, Rarity with her shops and Fluttershy with… well, come to think of it, he didn’t actually know her job, but he knew it had to be somewhat important. Whatever kept them from coming, he didn’t mind, and quite frankly, having the two ponies he felt the closest and most related with at something that he wanted to relax at after the troubling morning he had would probably only have served to force him to hide his feelings even more.

Enthusiastically, he took a large bite out of the pie, not minding a fork and simply shoving it into his mouth and taking a bite. The explosion of flavor that hit his mouth was both outrageously sweet and kindly tame at the same time, like a sugar covered loaf of bread. He chewed on the bite heartily, distinctly tasting the slightest flavor of smoke and apples with the powerful flavor of blackberries and blueberries. He hummed appreciatively, pointing at the remaining piece of pie on his plate, nodding at Sugar Belle. The mare smiled brightly at the wordless compliment, working out another piece as the other party attendees began to swarm the table laden with baked goods. They all began grabbing the many different sweets laid out, thanking Sugar Belle and Pinkie, who seemed to be the only proprietors of the goods.

Taking another bite, Ray furrowed his brows in confusion as a flavor that he was familiar with, but couldn’t quite name, hinted at itself within his mouth. Chewing slower, the flavor faded, instead replaced by the sweetness of the berry insides of the pie. Unsure of whether or not the flavor had just been his imagination, he hurriedly shoved another bite in, only the very crust of the pie left. There was nothing left of the flavor at this point, just the memory of what it may have been. It was strange, but often like smelling a familiar scent he couldn’t name, he let it go. Chewing slower, enjoying the pie more, he put the crust in his mouth, the crumbly, bready part of the pie bursting with flavor as much as the inside of the pie had been.

That flavor was back again, and in an instant, he knew exactly what the flavor was and why it was so familiar. While it was probably a fluke of the real deal, the unmistakable flavor of delicious meat filled his mouth. His mouth began to water immediately, his taste buds praising the delicious flavor, the taste he hadn’t realized he was missing. He groaned ever so slightly in enjoyment of the delectable treat, knowing that the mare had not intentionally caused the flavor and probably didn’t even know meat was a part of his normal diet, but loving it too much to care that it was simply well flavored crust.

He had to press a hand to his mouth to prevent the excess saliva from leaking from his mouth, laughing through the mouthful at the combination of ridiculousness and sheer enjoyment.

“You okay there,” Sugar Belle asked merrily, noticing his hand to his mouth.

Swallowing hard, he nodded and managed to say, “Yeah, I’m just salivating.”

The mare began laughing heartily at that. “Really,” she exclaimed in disbelief. “I didn’t know how good the pie would turn out, but literally mouthwatering?” The mare laughed again, shaking her head. “Unbelievable.”

The CMC were giving the pair a strange look as Big Mac approached, a tame smile crossing his face as he stopped beside his wife. “Happy bir’day,” the stallion congratulated Ray. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, I just think that Sugar Belle makes some pretty amazing pies,” Ray explained, searching for a napkin to wipe the remaining saliva away. Finding one, he cleaned his mouth up, crumpling it and trying to spot where his trash can was through the thin crowd. Spotting Rainbow Dash and Applejack right beside it, still vigorously speaking with one another, he was reminded of something. Looking back down at the couple, he excused himself. “I’m gonna go throw this away and talk to Rainbow and AJ for a second. See you around.”

“Enjoy the party,” Sugar Belle wished him as he left, turning and beginning to whisper something into Big Mac’s ear.

One of the advantages of being four feet taller than everybody else in the room was how easily it was to keep track of the pair mares even as ponies moved around. He wasn’t stopped by anybody as he moved through the crowd, which allowed him to focus on all of the ponies there as well. He noted that all of the Apples, the CMC, Rainbow, and Pinkie were here, and that it really was only a small group of ponies he knew. However, looking closer, he realized that Pinkie was now missing from the group, though he wasn’t too concerned that the mare was gone, knowing she would probably be back with something else to surprise him with. Throwing the napkin into the trash, he knelt down beside the pair of mares, gaining their attention.

“Hello there, Ray,” Applejack greeted, scooting over to make some more room for him. Gesturing to several bottles of hard cider and a stack of cups, she asked, “Care for a drink? These were all custom made at our own home!”

“I don’t know if I should really have any alcohol, seeing as I’m only fifteen now,” Ray told her. The mare had a moment of realization before nodding.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” she muttered. “I keep forgettin’ that ya aren’t an actual adult. Too bad, t’ be honest. Three percent alcohol cider is th’ perfect way to celebrate anything worth celebration’,” she lamented.

“Is it three percent ABV,” he asked, grabbing one of the bottles she had pointed to in confusion. Reading the label on the back, he found that the bottle had a listed forty milligrams of alcohol. Scrunching his brows together, he popped it open, taking a whiff of the stuff, but it simply had the faint smell of apples and nothing more. Curiously, he took the smallest sip, but the bubbly liquid didn’t even have the slightest flavor of fermentation to it, save for a slightly dullness to the apple flavor. Frankly, it tasted like flat apple juice instead of an alcoholic beverage.

“Now what did you just say about drinking it,” Rainbow asked, a mischievous grin on her face. “That stuff’s pretty strong for somepony your age. I’d set the bottle down before you get too tipsy… unless you think you can keep your liquor down.”

“Rainbow,” Applejack exclaimed, knocking her over the back of the head. She quickly reached over and took the bottle from Ray, glaring at the two of them. “Ray, you liter’ly just said how ya weren’t s’posed t’ have any liquor, and there ya go takin’ a sip like some sort of connoisseur of alcohol stuffs.”

“It doesn’t have any alcohol in it,” Ray told her earnestly. “I didn’t taste anything but apple juice that was a bit stale. How long did you let it ferment?”

“Ten weeks,” the mare answered instantly before suddenly coming over herself. “Wait, since when do you know so much about alcohol?”

“I made a few bad decisions back on Earth,” Ray said simply, looking away with a slight frown. “You aren’t allowed to bootleg alcohol without knowing the fumes and flavors, just in case you’re being swindled.” Seeing the two mares’ concerned face, he realized he had probably said too much, and moved on quickly. “Look, I think that, since our worlds are so different, I’m not even affected by your alcohol, or at least, the effects of it are diminished. I won’t drink it if you don’t want me to, but personally I feel like there isn’t a huge problem with it…”

“Heck yeah,” Rainbow shouted, tearing the bottle out of AJ’s hooves and giving it back to Ray, raising her own cup of cider exuberantly. “A very happy birthday to you, and many more awesome ones to come, am I right.”

Smiling, Ray tapped the bottle against her cup before taking a small sip. “Absolutely.”

“I mean, if ya think so,” Applejack hesitantly agreed. “Just… don’t get wasted. Not sure how it was back on Urth, but in Equestria we do have drinkin’ laws.”

“Well, according to Twilight, I’m actually forty-five,” Ray slyly whispered at the two of them. Applejack’s eyebrows raised several inches while a shocked smile spread across Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Ha, what, no way,” Rainbow exclaimed, the mischievous smile spreading. “That’s like, as old as my dad! You told us you were fifteen!”

“Well, I’m not sure exactly how to explain it, but basically time is different between our two worlds,” Ray began. Noticing a bored expression already overtaking the pegasi’s face, he quickly finished, “The long and short of it is that I’m about three times my actual age. And, I mean, if we wanted me to stay fifteen, that would just mean you guys are what, seven? Either way, I’m older than the both of you.”

“Okay then, old man,” Rainbow sarcastically joked, but Ray noticed that she had said “man”. The word came out strange on her tongue, as if it had tripped off, though whether it was because the alcohol was beginning to take effect or simply because the word was unnatural in their dialect, he didn’t know. “If you’re so wise, drop some knowledge on us, something you’ve learned with all of those years.”

“Alright then, I’ll give you a little expression from where I come from,” Ray told her smartly, already knowing the kind of reaction he was going to receive. “Light travels faster than sound, which is why I think you’re a lightning bolt until you open your mouth.”

Applejack nearly choked on the cider she was sipping on, some of it dripping out of her mouth as she laughed at the unexpected jab. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, her mischievous smile turning cocky as even she couldn’t help but snort at the quote. Ray simply sipped from the bottle, staring at her with a slightly smug grin.

Swallowing the cider, he asked in false innocence, “I think that knowledge would really help you. Maybe it could be used as an example to why there’s also the simple quote of ‘check yourself before you wreck yourself’.”

Shaking her head as she continued to smile, Rainbow admitted, “Alright, ya goof, ya got me. Please, have mercy.”

The smart smile returned as he glanced at Applejack, whispering suggestively, “That’s not the first time you’ve heard that, eh?”

Applejack instantly roared with laughter, this time not having to be bothered with a beverage in her mouth, quite literally wheezing as she rocked forward. Rainbow’s face lit up bright red at the insinuation, her eyes darting between Ray and AJ, her smile turning into a hard pressed line as she stared embarrassed at her friends. From behind them, Ray heard another chorus of laughter, which he easily recognized as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Turning around, he found that the CMC had, at some point, joined them from behind and had also heard the scandalous quip. He joined the laughter as he saw that Apple Bloom shared the same embarrassed expression as Rainbow.

“She’s not denying it,” Scootaloo suddenly observed pointing her hoof at the mare, feeding the flames and reinvigorating the laughter. The group of them roared, and even Rainbow chuckled sheepishly as she realized she had been completely caught in the spotlight.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” she timidly attempted to diffuse the situation. There were still a few chuckles, but overall, conversation resumed and the joke was left to be, though the smiles remained.

“So, why didn’t ya look around for us at th’ Acres,” Applejack suddenly inquired, taking a sip.

Thinking for a moment, he looked down at his shirtless torso and answered truthfully, “I was with Twilight after training. We were having a bit of an argument, and I guess she just knew to lead me through the Acres. I didn’t really want to do much work anyways, seeing as I was injured a little during training. Nothing major,” he quickly added, seeing concern cross his two friends’ eyes. Pointing at his shoulder, he used a finger to raise some of the loose skin there, saying, “I just got grazed a little. Don’t even need stitches for this one, I just don’t want to open it while lifting something.”

“Ah,” Rainbow said simply, looking a little queasy at the sight of his wound. “Well, um, don’t flaunt it then, eh? Better let it heal.”

“Yep,” Ray agreed, quickly hiding the wound and moving on awkwardly. “So, uh, what were you guys talking about before I interrupted?”

“Oh, not much,” the cyan mare answered too swiftly, her pupils shrinking as her eyes darted around. “Just, ya know, friend things.”

“She asked me on a date,” Applejack said smugly, giving her partner a knowing side-eye. “‘Just, ya know, as two mares who want to have a good time, ya know’.” Turning and giving Ray a deliberate half-smile, she repeated, “Ya know?”

Ray chuckled at that, shaking his head. “I’m guessing you said yes.”

“She did, on the condition that we didn’t go anywhere… not fancy,” Rainbow muttered, rubbing the back of her head.

“Ah, afraid of bein’ seen in public with me, hun,” Applejack asked sardonically, her smile turning devious. She leaned in and gave the cyan mare a kiss on the cheek, causing the pegasus to once again light up like a bright red light bulb, her wings shooting up. Ray smiled at the show of affection, standing up and stretching out his legs and arms, which had begun feeling sore from being crouched down.

“Save that stuff for later, guys,” Ray told them as he turned back towards the table before suddenly remembering the whole reason he was here in the first place. Looking over his shoulder, he asked them, “Hey, do you guys know where any good camping spots are around here? Places I could visit on a dime?”

Applejack ceased pestering her lover for a moment, thoughtfully rubbing her chin as she attempted to come up with an answer. It was actually Rainbow who spoke first, telling him, “Rainbow Falls are always a great place to visit any time of the year, though there’s a bit of a hike. Oh, and lots of flying spider things. And when I say lots, I mean lots of them, like thousands. The view’s worth it though.”

“There’s also good campin’ ‘round Galloping Gorge as well, and even on th’ outskirts of th’ Everfree, although that’smore towards th’ Canterlot parts,” Applejack added. “You could probably just find a few nice li’l spots all ‘round the mountains near Canterlot as well. There’s also a few mountain ranges further up north that could be a good time, if ya know yer mountaineerin’ enough ta free range it. Like most things in Equestria, th’ terrain’s pretty friendly an’ fun ta climb about, though do be careful for some a’ th’ wild critters ‘round those parts. Nasty beasts.”

“Alright, thanks for the tips,” Ray gratefully told them with a wave. “Just wanted to get a bigger picture of the land I’ve gotta protect, ya know? Have some relaxation and see what there is to see in this world.”

“It’s a beautiful world to protect,” Rainbow Dash agreed, her voice sounding uncharacteristically sentimental. The two mares gave each other a glance, smiling in near laughter at the synomosity of their minds. Ray shared the bright smile, turning and walking away. He didn’t really have anywhere in particular to go, so he simply returned to the concessions and grabbed the last piece of Sugar Belle’s delicious pie. Knowing how delicious it was, he scarfed it down in two bites, enjoying the flavor of both sweet fruit and the mysteriously savory crust.

The familiar, yet almost forgotten, flavor of meat had reminded him of his wish to go out hunting and somehow acquire the tasty food for himself, seeing as ponies didn’t sell it. Realizing he still held a bottle that was almost completely full, he took a long swig of the substance, waiting suspiciously to see if his hypothesis still held true with a larger taste of the cider. Smacking his lips together, tasting nothing but the duller apple cider flavor, he realized that he had been correct, bringing him to remember something else that had been mentioned by Twilight on the day he had visited her in her castle.

The air in Equestria was barely polluted, as there weren’t many factories and large locomotive companies, only the main one that ran through the entire nation and a few smaller junctions between towns. Though he hadn’t read many of the books Twilight had left him situated with, he had studied the geography ones quite thoroughly, leaving him with several conclusions. Firstly, that Equestria, including the other nations, was small, smaller than all of Europe, and secondly, that it was a very clean land. Plastics had been invented, as he’d noted from the many different chairs and signs that used it, but plastic wrappings were never used, as were plastic bottles. Everything was glass or paper, something that decomposed or could be reused, leaving virtually no land pollution. Thanks to a smaller population as well, there was a much broader amount of untouched land compared to that inhabited or used. All of this, of course, meant that the land was much healthier than anywhere on Earth, even in some of the cities, though Baltimare still seemed like a nightmare.

As he lived more normally in this strange, bright land, he was beginning to realize as well that everything had a lesser effect on him than normal. He was able to stay out in the sun longer without being burned, he was less tired with the physical activities, and even the distances felt shorter than they were. On one of the few days he’d had to himself completely while the Apples were all out of town, he had walked completely from one forest to another with Otolo, which should have been at least six miles according to the map, but instead it felt like two and took that amount of time. He was continuously baffled by the many things he was able to do in this world that wouldn’t have been natural in his old home.

Still he had limits. He found that if he attempted to climb any of the trees, whether it be an apple tree or one of the trees of the Everfree, or even an oak, the wood was too weak to hold his weight. He was able to deduce that, from the way it felt and how easy it was to lift the wood, that it was diminished, like everything else. Oftentimes, he would eat outside of the actual farmhouse in the Acres while the rest ate inside, seeing as he caused too many accidents while inside thanks to his abnormal size in this world. Smiling at the thought that he was a giant while only being five foot… something.

The ponies didn’t measure in inches, so it was hard to say exactly how big he was. He had been about five and half feet when he arrived, but he knew he’d grown, though thankfully he didn’t have to get new clothes yet since Rarity had predicted the growth. He smiled appreciatively, taking another swig of the cider and leaning back on the wall beside the staircase upstairs, scanning the crowd.

From the looks of it, the CMC were attempting to get permission to have a drink of the cider from Rainbow and AJ, seeing that Ray was drinking the alcoholic beverage. However, both mares were firmly against the thought. Sugar Belle and Big Mac were talking to each other, and as he had guessed, Pinkie had once again appeared out of nowhere, listening to them stoically. Funnily enough, in a party for him, he was the only one not talking, though he didn’t mind in the slightest. One of the few things he’d managed to learn was that when his life was on a time limit, he had to enjoy spectating those around him more than enjoying being a part of their lives.

“Well, I certainly hope you aren’t simply watching your own party and brooding about it,” a familiar, accented voice suddenly said behind him, making him jump.

“Rarity,” Ray exclaimed, turning to find the white unicorn standing there, a smile on her face. She extended her hoof to him and he knelt down, accepting the friendly hug. “I wasn’t expecting you to show up!”

“Well, I always show up for any of my friends’ celebrations, but you certainly didn’t help in informing me of the matter,” the mare reminded him, stepping back and giving him an ever so slightly firm stare. “For Celestia’s sake, you didn’t forget your own birthday, did you?”

“Funny you should say that,” Ray sheepishly muttered, rubbing a hand on the back of his head, still kneeling next to her. “I couldn’t keep track of the date, you know, being displaced and all, so even I didn’t know it was my birthday today until these guys all showed up to celebrate it. Glad you somehow made it too!”

“Pardon my tardiness, but I did have to get this finished first,” Rarity excused herself, her horn suddenly glowing as she levitated a thin box out from the living room and into the kitchen. “Um, where do I put presents?”

“YOINK,” Pinkie suddenly shouted, leaping through the air and grabbing the present, rolling as she landed and darting out of sight. For a moment, the whole party stopped as they all stared at where the mare had been, but being more accustomed to the pink pony’s strange tendencies, they quickly returned to their conversations.

Still, Ray had to ask, “What… What was that?”

“Probably something to do with surprises,” Rarity told him flatly, turning back to him. “That, or something strange along the lines of attacking you with everypony’s presents at once. Either way, best to be prepared.”

“Yeah, will do,” Ray reassured her, wrenching his eyes away and back to his friend. “So, how have things been? I heard you got some sort of award up in Canterlot.”

“Dear me Ray, that was almost two weeks ago,” the mare exclaimed. “Has it really been so long since we’ve talked?”

“Wow,” Ray suddenly breathed, realizing that it truly had been so long since they’d spoken. “I guess it really has. Oh well, I guess what I wanted to tell you is kinda irrelevant now, but good job on it.”

“Thanks,” Rarity said with a cheerful smile. “I won it for- “

Whatever Rarity was about to tell him was lost as a sudden pink flash of pony shot out from down the stairs. He instinctively raised his arms in self defense, knowing that Pinkie Pie moving at the speed of light at an event for him could be no safe sign. He was too slow as he landed on his chest, catching his mouth open before he could manage to shout in surprise and shoving a small slice of cake into it. It was only when she launched herself back off him, sending him forward and in front of his stairsteps, right in the line of fire for her infamous party cannon that he realized this is what she’d meant by “caked”.

The cannon fired right as he bit into the piece of cake, accentuating the flavor with a loud, but not deafening, celebratory blast of confetti. The colorful strips of paper harmlessly blinded him as he began laughing with his mouthful, turning around in the colorful.

This is what he wanted to live for. These random moments of joy combined with playful fear, an oxymoron of emotions that made him feel alive. For however long he kept himself alive in this world, this is how he wanted to live, as a part of this great, amazing combination of twisted emotions and moments, invigorating him. He swallowed the colorful sights as he spun around through the swirl of enlivening pigments. With these ponies, he lived. He was alive.

Author's Note:

Well, I honestly didn't think I'd get two chapters in this month, all things considered. I had lots of things going on, as this is certainly my busiest month this semester with school, but I somehow managed about 1500 words in an hour yesterday and finished edits today, so Happy Halloween! As always, comment, compliments, and recommendations are welcome!
Here's your treat, now leave before you get tricked!

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