• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 12,288 Views, 425 Comments

The Hourglass Always Stays - Elusive Phoenix

Doctor Whooves (The Doctor) has had a good and long run through time and space with Ditzy Doo. But it is that time again for him to regenerate bodies. But this time, it seems... different... What would happen if The Doctor regenerated... As a mare?

  • ...

"Well, bollocks..."

“Well if it’s not a good thing,” Dinky spoke, her voice shaking in the constant quaking, “that probably means it’s a BAD thing, right?” She stumbled a bit as the next quake shook.

The Doctor leaned over, putting her ear close to the ground, “Probably.” The quake stopped. The Doctor remained close to the ground, her brows furrowed in concentration.

A couple more seconds passed, the three ponies standing still. Pipsqueak glanced around at the white trees, and Dinky braced herself for another quake. The Doctor remained close to the ground.

As the next quake hit, the Doctor tripped in surprise, her face digging into the ground. Dinky remained standing, but shaken nonetheless. Pip hung from a low tree branch in fear. The quake stopped.

The Doctor pulled her face out of the ground, a massive smile on her face, “Ah-ha!”

Dinky recovered from the shock, “What? Do you know what’s causing the quakes?” She stepped toward the Doctor.

The Doctor turned to Dinky, still smiling intensely. If you stared long enough into her eyes, you would honestly think she had gone insane, “It is definitely not natural!”

Dinky tilted her head to the side, the opposite ear falling onto her head, “So somepony is causing the quakes? I don’t think you can mess with the planet’s geography like that-”

“Not some ’pony’. Some ’body’.” The Doctor corrected, “Before the quakes, you can hear an engine start! And when it stops, the sound goes away!”

“So, what?” Dinky asked, “Someone is drilling down into the… planet?”

“No,” the Doctor smiled, then used her hoof to give an example, “They’re drilling UP from the planet.” She launched her hoof upward to emphasize.

A loud ‘thump’ fell behind Dinky, signaling that Pipsqueak had come down from his tree, “Wait-wait-wait,” Pip held up a hoof after recovering from the fall, “So you’re telling me that someone’s drilling UP?”

The Doctor nodded, “True. They must have already lived below the crust, and are coming to see what it’s like up here!”

“So…” Pip tilted his head, “Aliens?”


Dinky screeched in delight, “Oh, if only this wasn’t a dream! It feels so real! Can we find out where they’ll surface?”

“Let’s see!” The Doctor reached for her jacket pocket to grab the Sonic Screwdriver…

“BOLLOCKS!” She screamed.

“What?” Dinky asked, surprised by the severity of the scream. Pipsqueak had put his hooves to his ears, in the case that everything around him had apparently become ten times louder.

The Doctor facehoofed, “I left the Sonic Screwdriver in the TARDIS!”

“The whatic-what whater now?” Pip and Dinky asked in unison.

“Sonic Screwdriver,” the Doctor said, “Not actually a screwdriver. It uses sonic waves to do... pretty much anything, like scan the ground.” she hoofed the dirt.

"Well," Pip began, "Why don't we just go and grab it?"

"And LEAVE?" the Doctor asked the obvious, "Yeah, let's miss all of the possibilities!"

"Just giving a suggestion-" another earthquake hit, tripping Pip onto his knees.

Dinky remained standing straight, an inquisitive look on her face, "Is it just me, or did that one feel much stronger?"

"We need to know when and where they'll surface." the Doctor said, annoyed at herself for leaving the screwdriver.

"My only hope is that they don't surface under us!" Pip thought out loud.

The three ponies stood still, waiting for the jinx to take affect. They didn't move for an entire thirty seconds.

They finally relax, "For once a jinx didn't work!" the Doctor said joyfully.
The final quake shook, and a few meters behind Pipsqueak the ground seemed to fall away, into a deep pit of darkness. The three ponies stared into the pit.

A few seconds later, a creature that looked almost exactly like a badger emerged from the hole.

Dinky 'daaaaaw'd and the Doctor smiled. Pipsqueak backed away. He'd never been one for small animals.

"Did that little thing make all of that ruckus?" Dinky asked calmly, as if hypnotized by the badger's sheer adorableness.

"No, there must be thousands." the Doctor remained like Dinky, Entranced by the creature before them. It sniffed the ground lightly.

Dinky and the Doctor both 'daaaw'd audibly.

Pip spoke up, "Doctor... You don't really seem like a pony for cute, fuzzy, animals."

"I'm a mare, what do you expect?" she continued to smile at the badger.

Then her face contorted in disgust, "Ew, now I'm actually THINKING like a mare!" Just on queue multiple other badgers began filing out of the hole.

The Doctor and Dinky 'daaaw'd once more, "But they're so darn cute!" the Doctor said, smiling once more.

Pip felt a strange sensation on the back of his neck. He turned, surprised to see four more badgers... staring directly at him.
"Guys?" more badgers came around to his sides, "Guys?" he turned back to the others. Badgers surrounded them on either side. The Doctor and Dinky remained in 'daaaaaw' land. "Guys!" They returned to reality.

Pipsqueak could suddenly see all of the badgers smiling, bareing razor-like teeth.

"This is bad."

One of the badgers pulled a baseball bat seemingly out of nowhere.
The Doctor spoke, "Well... this is an odd predicament." the badger with the bat whacked Pip on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. "Well, bollocks…" the Doctor felt the impact and nothing else before falling into complete darkness...

The blue unicorn woke up slowly, her eyes refusing to open, and she groaned a bit from the pain on the back of her head. She felt more like she had been sleeping. All she wanted was to go back into darkness.

What happened? Had she just been hit in the back of the head with a BASEBALL BAT by a BADGER?

Her eyes burst open, and realized she was upside down. She seemed to be in a cave, not very well lit, but a few torches lined the walls here and there, at least allowing her to examine major things. Like the strange tower that reached up to the ceiling.

Or ‘floor’ in this case.

Badgers walked around, bipedal, talking, and occasionally throwing glances her way. The Doctor glanced to either side of her. Dinky and Pip were also regaining consciousness, hung by their legs, upside down, by a pole. The Doctor looked at her own legs. They were attached to a pole as well.

“Bollocks.” She said under her breath, frowning heavily.

“Ah, you’re awake!” a voice echoed around her. It seemed to have an almost… Russian accent for lack of a better word, I was wondering when I could speak with you!” A badger passed in front of her, forelegs crossed behind his back, his eyes staring directly at hers.

“Well, I’m up for a talk. A deal to get me out of this would be nice.” She said sarcastically.

The badger smiled, “Ah, you’re the joking bugger of the group!”

“Speaking of joker, maybe the deal could go with a game of poker?” she rhymed. Dinky was now fully awake, watching the spectacle.

“Oh, quite funny!” his face collapsed into a frown, “But let’s get serious here. Why were you on our territory?”

“Oh, why does everything always have to be serious? Serious is so BORING!” The badger unleashed a claw and held it to the Doctor’s neck, “Okay! Serious it is then!” he pulled the claw back.

“Why are you here?”

“Before I answer that question,” she answered, “If we’re being so serious, I’ll come straight out: get me down from here before something bad happens.”

“Oh, but bad things are so exciting!” the badger replied smiling, “I haven’t been in a fight for nearly ten years!”

Okay, she thought, he’s not going for peace. He’s a predator, so he’ll do what he finds necessary.

“Okay, fine. We stumbled through a portal while investigating a strange amount of voices coming from my friend over there,” she nodded to Dinky, “Her wall.”

“Portals don’t exist!” the badger replied angrily.

“Says the bipedal badger on a planet full of cannibal cows.” The Doctor retorted, and then struggled a little, attempting to loosen the ropes. The creature glared down at her, “You came from another planet too. I know, I’ve seen your species before!”

The badger growled, “How?”

“How?” the blue unicorn chuckled, “Because I’m The Doctor.” The badger fell backwards.

“Quick! Throw her over the side!” he demanded the others nearby.

“Sorry!” the Doctor spread her legs apart, snapping the rope. She fell to the ground, then quickly regained her stance. All four legs spread apart and she yelled at the tope of her lungs, “I AM THE DOCTOR, THE LAST REMAINING TIMELORD, AND I…” she paused to breathe, “I AM GOING TO SEND YOU HOME CRYING TO YOUR MOTHERS!” all of the badgers nearby panicked and ran away on all fours.

Dinky called to the Doctor. She hurried to untie Dinky’s ropes, “What did you do to them?” Dinky asked.

“I don’t know, but it was apparently enough to get them running from my NAME!” As the Doctor did the last of the ropes, Dinky fell to the ground. The Doctor moved on to Pip’s ropes. Pipsqueak still seemed unconscious. Until he snored loudly. Dinky chuckled as the stood up, “He was always one fast asleep.” When the Doctor finished with the rope, Pip fell to the ground, knocked into consciousness by the impact.

“What happened? What’d I miss?” he said a little too loudly.

“We were all knocked out by bipedal badgers, and apparently I’m just so amazing they ran away from my sheer awesomeness!” the Doctor explained.


Dinky answered, “She did something traumatizing to them at some point in her future and their past.”


“A time machine.” Dinky and the Doctor spoke in unison.

“Oh! That makes more sense.” Pip said, then tilted his head, “Wait, badgers?”

“Yes, now can we go and escape now?” The Doctor said hurriedly. She turned and began a gallop through the cave. Dinky followed. Pipsqueak was beginning to dislike the Doctor. All she did was be a jerk to him, or throw his questions back at his face. But Dinky trusted her. The only reason he was really there was for Dinky. He galloped to catch up with them.

As he reached them, he heard Dinky ask, “Where are we going?”

“Do you see that tower?” she motioned her head toward the large pillar that looked like it held the cave up. Dinky nodded. “Hopefully those have some stairs to get out of here!” The tower loomed overhead, badgers running in the opposite direction of the trio.

When they were about twenty yards away from the tower, a line of badgers, armed with spears, blocked the rest of the path. The three ponies skidded to a halt.

“You thought you would actually be able to get away this time?” the supposed ‘leader’ who had talked to them a moment ago yelled from behind the line, “Not again!”

Badgers flanked Pip and Dinky, grabbing them around their necks, their claws ready to tear their throats out.

“Doctor!” Dinky yelled before the badger threatened her more by pushing his claw slightly more into her neck.

The Doctor spun and saw her companions trapped. Oh, not this again.

“Let them go!” she yelled.

“Why?” the badgers around their necks hissed.

“Take me instead!” the Doctor said.

“No.” Dinky mouthed.

“Unfair. One pony for two? No. You get one. Choose!”

Freakin’ knew it.

Pip spoke out, “Let Dinky go!” he was quickly put back in line from a scratch to the chin.

“Choose!” the badgers pushed.

Dinky remained silent, her eyes showing sadness and fear.

The Doctor made her decision, “Dinky.” Dinky shook her head, and Pip mouthed a ‘thank you’.

“Done!” the badgers slapped a collar onto her neck.

“What’s that?” the Doctor asked.

“Time collar: randomly generates a time jump! We’re letting her go! Somewhere!” They laughed maniacally.

“No!” Pip screeched.

“Yes!” they pressed a button on the collar. Dinky began to gain a light blue aura.

“Pip?” she asked quietly.

“Dinky!” he threw the badger off of his back and dove toward his love…

Right as she flashed a brilliant blue, and disappeared. Pipsqueak hit the ground hard, “DINKY!”

The Doctor was speechless. For more than one reason.

“Where did you get that technology?” She asked angrily.

“You, of course!” the Doctor lowered her head.

“I thought so.”

“Take them to the pit. We’re throwing them in immediately.” The leader said, and they dragged the two ponies away, away from the pit…

And away from where Dinky had been.

“Dinky…” Pip whispered, crying, allowing the badgers to drag him by the legs.

“Dinky Doo… the daughter of my first pony assistant… what will Ditzy think?”

The two ponies allowed themselves to be dragged to their doom…

Comments ( 57 )

What do you want to bet that the "random" time jump of the time collar isn't so random? :raritywink:

Of course. Can't ever be easy, can it? Also, time travel sucks. Just on general principal. Seriously. No way to talk about the finer details without getting a headache of some sort. Doctor Who was always better about it, but not by much. I even completely get what is going on without it being spelled out, and I still get the bloody headache.

>“It is definitely not natural!”

"This cave is not a natural formation..."

Why don't they just mention that whatever the Doctor did, she hasn't done yet? If it happens in her future then she obviously wins here, so they might as well save everyone the trouble and quit before things get out of hand.


See, what I mentioned before about fast pacing.

Here's an example of something you could adjust slightly to give it a more deliberate pace.

Dinky 'daaaaaw'd and the Doctor smiled. Pipsqueak backed away. He'd never been one for small animals.

It's a little strange to me reading "daaaaaw'd" in a story that expects me to take it seriously. It's like looking at the Mona Lisa throwing up gang signs and wearing heavy gold jewelry.

Maybe try this?

The Doctor and Dinky smiled as the small creature emerged, blinking slowly at the surface world. Both of the mares ensnared by how adorable it look and cooed on cue with an audible flourish to their voices. Pipsqueak, however, backed off for he was never a fan of small animals.

Short and sweet sentences are fine and all, but when that's all the story is, the length becomes dwarfed as a result, that and the fact that the chapter length never exceeds 4,000 words makes for a very short read.

I see this theme playing sometime in the Badger's Future/Past.

The results shall be glorious.

Badgers with the tendency to kill?
That's scary.

Yeah, I know. Still, considering how much praise people heap on the series, and just how... eccentric, the Doctor seems to be, I'll bear it. :twilightsmile:

1146501 It used to be believed that a Time Lord or Lady would always be a Time Lord or Lady and not switch genders. That is, until The Doctor's Wife, when he goes on about Corset, and how he was a woman one regeneration.

I dunno, this chapter felt a bit rushed to me. Usually, I expect the Doctor to be coming up with most of the revelations and using the other characters as a sounding board. When the Doctor proposed the idea that something was drilling up from the planet, rather than down the other characters merely restated her idea in the form of a question without really questioning the why as much. I also think the implication that the Doctor beat the badger people once already should be made more apparent. It's kind of jarring that the badgers would flee at the mention of the Doctor's name, but not recognize her appearance, and if they don't recognize her appearance, question her claim to be the Doctor.

That aside, I'm always excited for a new chapter! I still want to see where this goes. Dunno if you're still having problems with your computer, but if so, I hope you can get them fixed soon!

As a Wisconsinite, I am legally obligated to root for the badgers.

1905975 Ah, you're situation is you read one and two!
I agree that there were WAY too many mistakes, and I don't understand where the FRAK people decided to like this specific stories, compared to my others. The final chapter is the best so far, but still has a few problems.

1906204 Honestly, I don't plan for them to ever show up again, so they're probably after the next regeneration (I'll fix it).1906047 God, that was awesome. I know I'll never be able to write like that! I'll look into it!


Thing is, I did finish it and feel like my points still stand.


And the thing is there isn't wrong mechanically with your story. I just feel like you can spruce it up with a little descriptive narrative. The old "show not tell" style of writing.

1906519 I was never very good at that. Ever.
My friends often use me for writing a script, so I can never get used to detail.

1906623 And perfect makes books!:pinkiehappy: Someday...:pinkiesad2:

NO!!! i must read more but theres no more 2 read!

1906734 Soon......

1906761 Sorry! Read the most recent blog and the comments for reasons and (maybe) plans!

You obviously put effort into this, with a great final product. me like. i give 4 kisses. :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

1907056 no I didnt. This is the fic I want to write THE LEAST.

Kinda odd how I am just now getting all of the references...
Chapter 1: I'm A Girl! For the comment by 11th Doctor in End of Time Part 2
Dinky Doo= Amy Pond
Pipsqueak= Rory Williams
Why am I just getting this!?!

At last...:raritydespair:
My, things are rather dark for our heroine,no?:twilightsmile:
Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

I don't know why, but all this time for a new chapter to come up was worth it.
But, i'm so used to wait AGES until another one comes up made me lose the way I used to react to cliffhangers..
I think I'm not intrested into the story anymore, but still want to see it continue...

It's like waiting to see the race of the Timelords born and dissapear in front of me...
Counting down each of the timelords that dies or change into another form until death is pointless...
Because, it's like that'll never happen...ever.

I think this fic inspired me to write a female incarnation in my own Doctor Whooves's backstory.

Ok, I know that the Doctor is female now, but I just have to ask: is anyone else reading the lines in David Tennant's voice? Or Matt Smith's? Charles Eccleston?

1911243 seems legit. GO FOR IT.
1911131 There's only one chapter left, and I want to write everything else, so I plan on it coming out within the next week or two. I never enjoyed writing this fic, so I will get it out of my way.

1912518 I randomly get Tennant's and Smith's voices into my head when reading The Doctor's lines, then have to remind myself that he's a girl this time xD

1907441 well... MEH! it's still good whether you like it or not! :twilightangry2:

Yay update!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Awesome new chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Pip channels Rory so well :twilightsmile:

“Where did you get that technology?” She asked angrily.
“You, of course!” the Doctor lowered her head.

And therein lies the salvation?

2833893 FOREVER TO BE UNKNOWN.:rainbowderp:

Hello, just traveling from the future to let you know that you will eventually finish this and that it shall be amazing when you do. Carry on.

3276023 Actually, I plan on editing and revising it first, and THEN I will update it!

I'm reading it in a very squeaky and sexy female English accent.:moustache:

I plan on working on this some more in the near future

I cannot put into words how utterly fantastic this looks, so, to quote a clever man, "Oh yes!"


Can we expect any update any time soon??

5203951 I've been thinking about it lately.
I'll try and get into the mood for Doctor Who, but I want to reread and edit this first. This is horribly written compared to my newer stories that I haven't published.
Or Oncoming Storm, which is not a Whooves thing, but I edited it a lot and have a chapter almost ready to update it AFTER TWO YEARS.

I see ^_^ Well I will be honest i know next to nothing about Dr Who really. But despite that i love the Derpy and Doctor pairing, (and stories) they make such a cute couple and I love to read stories staring duo. I will also admit that this story needs a little work, however despite that I loved the concept idea of it. This is the FIRST Derpy and Doctor fic in which I have seen the Doc regenerate as a Mare :rainbowlaugh: Anyways hope you find the muse you need to continue working on this Awesome story idea! :twilightsmile:

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