• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,228 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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"Many people see me as cool and energetic, gung-go and awesome. They think, I can endure anything and stay cool. But...little did they know, that there is a different side of me...A more painful side...Think of it as...a broken side. You may ask: Why is it here and what happened? Well, I'm gonna tell you just that...My name is Johnny Test and this is my story..."

PrismaGalaxy514 presents:

Based on stories and characters by Lauren Faust and Scott Fellows

The Road of Courage

James Arnold Taylor as Johnny Test

Trevor Devall as Dukey

Marÿke Hendrikse as Susan Test

Brittney Wilson as Mary Test

Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Tabitha St Germain as Rarity and Princess Luna

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Nicole Oliver as Princess Celestia

Britt Mckillip as Princess Cadence


It was a day, like any other in Porkbelly. The citizens are doing their usual businesses like always. Even if they experienced one too many disasters. Some from villains, others from rouge inventions. And there were times, it fell victim to alien attacks.

In a place, called „Porkbelly Junior High“, it was like hell for many kids. Bullies, tests, mean teachers, you name it. One of them is an 11-year old boy with hair, that resembles fire. He was chased by a group of bullies. Apparently the bullies got pissed for no apparent reason.

„We're not done, Test! Come here!“ the leader of the bullies yelled.

„Never!“ the boy replied, as he continued running.

The chase kept going through the school halls. During which, neither of them stopped picking up their speed.

"Come here!!!" The leading bully yelled at the boy with his fists ready.

Than the boy makes a sharp turn to the right and goes inside the janitor‘s room, before shutting the door. And it was done before the bullies even saw him going in.

Meanwhile, the bullies looked around and checked every room, including the janitor’s room, but without success.

„Dang it! You may have escaped, Test!!! But we will find you someday! Just wait and see!!“ the leader yelled around in the air before he and his comrades retreated and left the janitor's room. When the school bell rang, it was time for the kids to leave. When the bell rang at the afternoon, it always meant, that the kids are free to leave the school, since the day ended. For them, it was their sweet release from a hellish school day.

Meanwhile, in the janitor's room a short flash can be seen before the kid gets out of the locker.

„Man, that was close…“ the kid sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off from his forehead, but to make sure, that the bullies are truly gone, he slightly opened the door and looked around. When they were gone, he then pulls out a device and presses the button, turning him invisible. He slowly and silently walked away.

Outside, a brown dog is sitting near the school gates, holding a cup of coffee. He waited for a while, during which, he looked at the skies, in order to pass some time. Suddenly, the gates opened, but nobody was there. Thinking, there are ghosts in the school, the dog hides in fear. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice, that his fear would fade away:

„Relax, buddy! It's me!“

Another flash occured and as the dog comes out, he sees him. The boy with the flaming hair.

„Geez, Johnny…“ the dog said with slight annoyance before he accompanies him on the walk home. And yes, he can talk, for anyone who is curious.

„So, how's the day?“ the dog asked. The boy, named Johnny, replied: „Horrible like always. Hard pop quizzes, barf food and Bumper and his group chased me. Thankfully, I hid in the janitor’s room… But still, I'm not looking forward for the next day…“ Judging by the sound, he was definetly not excited and exhausted.

„Buddy, you know, you should’ve learned for these quizzes a while ago...„ ,said the dog.

„Hello? I already had a stressful time yesterday. My dad was a nightmare for me to deal with, after I nearly wrecked his car with a blaster. Then there is also the time with Whacko and his buddies. After all that was over, I played video games till the night. Needless to say, my dad was not a fan with that„ Johnny replied, recalling the events yesterday. „But hey, I had to test some cool stuff from my sisters!“

"Sure..." The dog rolled his eyes.

As they walked on their way, they saw many kids having fun, some broken buildings, possibly from the events last time, adults doing their business as usual and so much more. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

When they arrived home, they opened the door and he looks around. He sees his mom doing business calls and his dad cleaning all over the house, while preparing dinner. Johnny had a disgusted look in his face before going upstairs to his room, without being noticed.

When arriving in his room, Johnny shut the door tight and jumps on his bed. „Man, I need something awesome to distract myself.“ He replied, when he dodged a wooden sword, courtesy of his best friend, who is dressed as a pirate. „Y'arr! How about an old fashioned pirate battle?“ Johnny just smirked and changed his outfit into a pirate outfit. „It's on!“

He drew out a wooden sword and the two recreated a classic pirate sword battle in the room. They kept fighting and jumping all over around. They have so much fun, when all of a sudden, the dog heard footsteps. „Dad alert!“ he replied and they quickly change back. However, a voice can be heard:

„Relax, Dukey.. It's just us.“

The door opened, revealed to be two girls with red hair, lab coats and glasses. Although one of them has a special ponytail, like no other. The dog, named Dukey, is relieved, but annoyed at the sight. „You nearly scared us with that false alarm!!“ he yelled at them.

„So what do you want?“ Johnny asked. In which the girl with the black skirt replied: „We have a few Johnny coupons, which means you will test our newest inventions!“

"Ah shit, here we go again." Dukey thought to himself. He knew, what's going to happen.

Later in the lab, Johnny is testing a new invention from the girls, who were his older sisters. He drank a mysterious chemical and in a split second, he changed into a dragon. The sisters took some notes. The second test, he was given gloves, that shoot any elemental spheres like projectiles. However, a malfunction caused Johnny to be shocked by a surge. Dukey was shocked, but the girls are unphased, as they kept writing. Thankfully , he survived.

"I'm still surprised, that he survived from all of this!" Dukey reminded, that even after those deadly looking tests, Johnny is still fine. It seems like, he has been imune or something.

However the next test follows with Johnny being tied up to a table, as he saw needles filled with chemicals. A lot of needles with a lot of chemicals.

„Uhm, isn’t this a bit too much?“ Dukey asked. he saw it as not safe.

„Yeah, but whatever.“ The sisters replied in an ignorant bliss.

They pull a lever, in which the device gets closer to Johnny. As screams of pain can be heard and the ground shaking, Dukey looked away. „That's it! I'm outta here!!“ He immediately left the laboratory and the house, however he shuddered about Johnny‘s screams of pain. „I really need something to get it off from my head….“ He looked back at the house, yet still shuddered at the horrible sight. There were times, that the girls went too far and this was no different.

Later after some hours, he came back with a cup of coffee and a first aid kit. He enters Johnny’s room. „Johnny? Sorry for running away, I couldn’t stand your sisters doing this.“ He said.

However, Johnny's not in the room. „Johnny? Where are you?“ Dukey asked, as he looked around. He checked the closet, but couldn’t find him. He looked around, checking every corner and every shelves. Nothing. However when he opened a shelf, he found something.

„What's this?“ Dukey asked. He picked it up and it turns out, that it was a blue diary. Dukey was confused. „That's strange. Johnny never writes anything on a diary, let alone owning one.“

He looked around and he wanted to put it into the shelf again, but his curiosity got the better of him and opened it. The title of the diary said „My endless pain“

„‘My endless pain'? What’s that supposed to be?“ Dukey asked and went to the next page. There was text, which read:


The reason, why I decided to write on this journal is my thoughts couldn’t leave me. Thoughts of pain. However, I don't want anyone to know my second side. My broken side. So I pretend to be cool and happy on the outside and in front of everyone, but when I’m all alone, my true emotions appear and write my worst moments and thoughts here.“

"What's this supposed to mean?" He opened the next page, in which it read:

This morning was really stressful because of the hell, known as school. It felt like a marathon, in a bad way. In school, it was horrendous. Bullies, unfair teachers and people who didn’t help me. They all laugh at me…Yep, it's like those bastards really want to pull me down! After school, my mind wasn't clear. I told Dukey about the awesome inventions, when in reality, it hurts me more than being stung by Bee Keeper's million bees. And the bees are no longer a problem, now he is good….Unless I made them mad by accident. Anyway, i was hiding my emotions until the night, when everyone is asleep. Believe me, I was about to break down, but then I realize, that this would cause more trouble and I have enough trouble this day. So I decided to keep it shut.“

He then turned to the next page. He noticed, that the writing was getting not steady. It was shaky a bit, yet still looking normal:

Yep, same thing happened in the school. Bullies, unfair teachers and....ugh forget it...It's the same thing!!! They never help me! They only make it worse!! And don't get me started to what happened home... My mom pretty much ignored me, but that's the least of my problems. No, the true problems are my sisters and my dad. Like I said, the tests hurt me. But it's their sheer ignorance, that really annoyed me. Of course, I kept being cool in front of them, but damn..How many times do they have to keep being ignorant?? Also being geniuses, my ass. They are definetly being cruel. My dad though....Oh man...Where do I even begin? Let's say, he's being mean 24/7. He doesn't understand the concept about fun or even life. He punishes me all the time when I do my stuff my way. You may think, I may be lazy, but lately, his punishments get even more painful and horrid. Like what?? It's like they care more about my actions and their expectations about me than my life itself!"

As Dukey continued to read the pages, mentions of hatred, pain and near breakdowns can be found. And each page makes it worse. One page actually contains a drawing of Johnny with a broken heart and cracks around him. „No…This can't be…Is this supposed to be a joke?“

However, as he read the final pages , he noticed the very shaky writing and drops around the pages. He realized, those were tear drops. And then, he read the the most recent page:

„This is not a joke..I really can't take it anymore! Everyone is killing me on the inside! Not to mention, being hated and left alone by almost everyone! I really started to hate them on the inside, but I kept the image of a happy and cool boy. However, I feel like, cracks are staring to show. I'm all beaten up, hurt, sad and broken…I wish, I could ask someone for help, but I'm scared, that they would laugh at me, which only makes the pain worse! I'm staring to go insane, as time goes on…It’s even worse than all of the punishments I received from my mom, dad and even Susan and Mary! Why wouldn’t they just leave me alone?!?!?! AAAAAHHHHH!! I just wish, I could just run away somewhere else, where I can be happy....“

His paws were trembling. „Did Johnny really wrote those horrible stories?...“ His heart was racing. All of the happy facade, that his best friend had, was all fake. The smiles, that Johnny had, were also fake. He's been hurting the whole time, yet he kept having a fake image of himself.

Before he can ask more questions however, he heard the door getting bumped. He quickly put the diary back into the shelf, closed all of the shelves and the closet door and went back on all of his 4 paws.

Turns out, that when the door opened, it was Johnny. He looked like he was badly beaten and having bandages all around him. „My god, Johnny! What just happened??“ Dukey asked.

„Test went wrong, sisters turned me back to normal, Bumper found me, getting yelled from my dad again, this time that the news caught us on camera, end.“ Johnny slowly walks to his bed and sits down.

„Wow, you really have a bad day, huh?“ he said.

„You said it, buddy…“ Johnny replied, while groaning in pain.

"What form did you turn into again?" Dukey asked.

"Some kind of monster...." Johnny buried his face on a pillow. The day was too much for him.

„Dinner time!“ That was the sound of his dad. Johnny grunts in annoyance. But he felt like, he had no choice and goes down. "It's definetly gonna be his meatloaf..I know it..." he thought to himself.

Later, in the night, Johnny was laying down on his bed, awake and looking at the sealing.

„All I wanted was to be truly happy and free….“ He thought to himself, as he looked at the stars and the moon. He looked at Dukey, smiled a bit and thought „You are the only friend I have left..“

He then got up, walked to his window and looked at the night sky, thinking about a way to get out of this horrid world and start over. The sparkling stars and the shining moon made him calm down for a while. There is something about the night sky, that made him feel relaxed. Maybe it's due to the calming nature or the thought of the night embracing him, when he needed some comfort and relaxation. Whatever it is, it made him calm down a bit. However, he knew, that as soon as the sunrise happened, thoughts of pain would reappear. He sighed, since tomorrow will be another terrible day.

"Ugh.....Let's hope, things would not go past my breaking point....Ugh, who am I kidding? Of course, it will get worse...." he thought to himself, while looking at the clock. He then looked at Dukey again and smiled, knowing that he will always by his side till the end. After which, he laid down and fell asleep.

The next day after school, Johnny came out and expected for Dukey for be there, so they can walk together, but he was nowhere to be found. „Huh? Where is he?“ he asked. The boy looked around the school and the surrounding, yet there are no signs of his trusty dog friend. "Is this some kind of joke? Come on..." he sighed. At the same time, his phone vibrated and when he turns it on, there is a sent text message from his dad, which said „We need to talk now!“

„Ugh…What does he want?....“ he asked. He assumed, that he is in trouble again. He walked until he reached the street, where his home is. He hesitated, since it would be the same thing as always, so he hid somewhere, hoping that nobody would find him. But then he became surrounded by a white light and vanished. When he appeared, he was inside and when he looked back, he saw his mom, dad and his sisters, looking pissed.

„Ok, what's going on?“ Johnny asked nonchalantly.

„Johnny, stop pretending to be clueless..“ said Mary.

„Ugh, let me guess, I'm in trouble, right?“ he asked, realizing, that nobody were fooled by his act.

„Big time!“ all four of them replied in an angry tone.

„Your sisters told us about your actions. „ said his mom.

„And that was AFTER you destroyed our science project for your selfish reasons!“ Susan yelled at him. "You also destroyed our lab as well!" Mary added.

„Susan, let me handle the yelling.“ said their dad.

Johnny was unphased. He didn't hear the words. But when he asked, where Dukey is…

„We took him away.“

That was from his dad. Johnny froze in shock and disbelief. His sight was fading in an out, after that reveal. „Why?“ he quietly asked.

„Because this was the final straw!!! You ignored the rules and kept breaking them through out the months and even years. Therefore you will never see him again until you’re 30!!!“

Suddenly, Johnny’s expression went dark. His hands were formed into shaky fists, his eyes tearing up. His emotions are now filled with anger. It seems like, he couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. At this point, he started to yell back at his family with his true emotions all in front:


But his emotional yelling got him nowhere and only irritated his dad more, causing to be slapped in the face. On the ground, Johnny feels more hurt. He looked at them with hatred in his eyes. And without a word, he ran away into his room. He heard his dad yelling „You're grounded!!!“

"I doubt, it would stop his reckless actions, dad..." Susan talked to her dad.

"It sure will, young lady! It sure will!!" her dad responded with confidence. "It's only a matter of time, till he understands my rules and starting to respect the authorities!"

After he went into his room, he locked the door tight, goes to his bed and buried his face into his pillow. Then he started to scream and cry at the same time. It became louder and more broken, as time went on. All of the pain has taken a toll on him. All of the abuse, hate, neglect and pain, they caused him, made him crack and with Dukey being taken away, it was the final blow.

He gets up, his hair being messy from being buried into the pillow, his eyes shedding many tears and he rubbed at the slap wound, he received from his dad. It was still fresh. „Now they did it….They fucking did it!!!!“ Even his voice cracked by the sheer amount of pain. He grabbed the pillow tightly and screamed into it again.

„That’s it!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!“ After that, he threw the pillow to the wall hard and screamed, causing some feathers to come out.

Later in the midnight, when everyone is asleep, Johnny was looking at the window. His expression was blank, as the events from today has finally brought him his dark side. Then, he went to work. He packed his stuff into his backpack, pulled out the blue diary and tore the empty page off. He then started to write a message . During this, his hands were shaking.

„If you read this:
You have abused me for so long, that I have decided that, it’s not worth living in this cruel world anymore. It's all your fault....
Signed, Johnny Test.“

He put it under the bed. He then went into his closet and digs something out from his pile of clothes. It was a safe. He opened it and there were a few devices in there: the Hover shoes, the Invisibility Ray and the Ghost Phaser Badges, which allows him to go through walls. "Good thing, they didn't find them..." Johnny said quietly.

He put the hover shoes on, the badge on his chest and turned the Ray on himself to turn himself invisible. He took his backpack and the diary, went through the walls and activated the hover shoes. He then flew up and looked at the house for a final time, before taking off.

The first stop, the Animal shelter. He knew, that Dukey is there and as he was looking around, he found him asleep. His fur was messed up and had several bruises on him. Johnny's blue eyes were filled with tears now, since seeing his friend in that condition, broke him.

„Dukey….You shouldn’t deserve to be like this….“ Johnny quietly said to him. „Don't worry. We will go to somewhere far away..“

Johnny went through the bars and put the second badge on his back and activated it. He then used the ray on Dukey to turn him invisible and picked him up. "It's time...Time to leave this shitty place behind..." he whispered.

Then he flew off. He looked back one last time at Porkbelly before leaving it all behind. The town, where he grew up his whole life, was all gone in his mind, as this was the place of pain and despair.

He went to an island, but not any island. It belonged to Eugene AKA Bling-Bling-Boy. He flew around the mansion to make sure, nobody is here. He found a note, saying that he and his mother are on a vacation.

„That's good…“ Johnny whispered and went through the walls and into his lab.

He knew, that he has a portal device, in case when he succeeded to make Susan fall in love in him, they can escape into a new world, where they could be alone and never be found again. „Good thing, I stopped him..“ Johnny remembered the moment, where he stopped him.

He pushed a button, turning on the portal. Then he looked at the control panel and pushed a button with a question mark.

„Selecting Random world"

A computer voice can be heard. He looked at the portal, which turned into the colors of the rainbow. He looked back at the control panel, only to notice a button and text saying „Final transfer“ Then he pushed it.

„Portal will shut down in 15 seconds.“

Johnny then looked back at his buddy, Dukey, who was asleep. „It's time to leave it all behind and start over…“ he quietly said.

„Portal shutting down in 10….9…8…7…6…“

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and finally went through the portal.


The portal device has been shut down. And so, Johnny Test and Dukey had left….forever….

"And that is the reason, why I left this hell once and for all..."

End of prolouge...

Author's Note:

Hey, guys! In case you have noticed, this is my very first fanfic there. So can you please take it easy on me and don't put any whiny comments there?

And you may wonder, why Johnny and Dukey swear? Well, watching movies with profanity will do. Plus, nowadays kids started using swear words, due to bad parenting or a lack there of.

Anyway, this is a prolouge of things to come. The first chapter will come out. Stay tuned!