• Published 16th May 2020
  • 6,975 Views, 1,065 Comments

The Bug in The Mirror - Skijarama

Minuette has an imaginary friend that lives in her mirror. Nopony ever talks about it, but she doesn't really hide it, either. The thing is, her imaginary friend is very real. And he's trapped.

  • ...

You're Worth It To Me

The walk back to Minuette’s home was quiet. Neither she nor her mother said a word for the entire walk back. It was fairly windy that day, the breeze occasionally howling as it wound between the buildings, streets, and elaborate archways. Minuette ignored it all, her head rested against her mother’s mane. She didn’t even pay any attention to the numerous gazes that occasionally lingered on her.

She was, after all, not so little anymore. The sight of her being carried around on her mother’s back was probably an odd spectacle. But she didn’t care. She was tired, and she had far more pressing matters on her mind. Like Fangs. How had he been taking her absence? It had all happened so quickly, and Minuette doubted her mother and father spared much of a thought to her imaginary friend when they whisked her off to the hospital.

Did Fangs even know she was awake? She thought of him pacing back and forth in front of the mirror, his face all screwed up with worry. She imagined her parents had closed the curtains and turned out the lights, leaving Fangs in darkness. He could probably see well enough thanks to his glowing eyes, but still. The thought of him being alone in the dark, in the quiet…

She didn’t like it. All the more reason to get home.

When they stepped back into the house, a wave of relief washed over Minuette. As soon as the door was closed, she hopped down from Pearly’s back, eager to scamper upstairs and see her friend.

The impact felt far stronger than she had been expecting, and her own body weight caught her by surprise. With a cry of alarm, Minuette stumbled forward, about to topple.

Pearly quickly reached down and caught her before that could happen. “Woah! Careful!” she said, holding Minuette until she was stable on her hooves. “You okay?”

Minuette took a deep breath and nodded up at her mother with a smile. “Yeah. Thanks.”

The two stood there in silence for a second. Pearly released her hold on Minuette and nodded towards the kitchen. “Come on. Let’s get you something to eat,” she said, beckoning for her to follow.

Minuette hesitated, her eyes turning to look up the stairs. “Um… I was kind of thinking…”

“Minnie,” Pearly cut her off, her tone catching Minuette off guard. It wasn’t angry, but it was stern, firm, and uncompromising, all while still being kind, calm, and gentle. Minuette turned to see her mother frowning down at her. A moment passed before Pearly’s features softened, and she held out a hoof. “You’ve been cooped up in the hospital for days, and you’ve barely eaten anything. Let me get you something to eat before you go upstairs.”

Minuette eyed Pearly for a few seconds longer before relenting. She followed her into the kitchen, only briefly casting her gaze over her shoulders towards the door. Fangs could wait a little bit longer, she supposed…

It wasn’t long before she was sitting down at the table, patiently waiting for Pearly to finish cooking whatever it was she had in mind. The enticing aroma of hashbrown sandwiches soon filled the room, and Minuette’s mouth watered when Pearly came by and set a plate with two sandwiches down in front of her, each one housing a patty of crispy hashbrowns with a side of hay fries. A simple lunch, but effective all the same.

“Thanks, mom!” She chirped before digging in.

Pearly sat across from her, resting her chin in her hooves and smiling softly at Minuette as she ate. “Of course, dear. You’ve had a rough couple of days…” she said in a quiet murmur.

Minuette smiled. “It’s not all bad,” she pointed out, jabbing her sandwich at Pearly as if to point at her. “Princess Celestia came to see me.”

Pearly’s smile dropped off her face like a fly caught in a bug zapper, the quiet joy in her eyes fading away. She shifted in place, looking off to one side. “Yes, she did… that was… quite the surprise,” she said, lightly playing with a length of her mane. “And she’ll be coming here tomorrow. To look at the mirror…”

Minuette tilted her head in, mouth open and her sandwich hovering mere inches from her lips. Had she said something wrong? Confused, she lowered her sandwich and leaned forward. “You don’t sound happy…”

Pearly jumped as if she had forgotten her daughter was even there. She turned back to Minuette, offering her a warm smile that was just a little too large. “Oh, I’m excited, of course,” she said, sitting more upright. “The princess herself, in my house. It’s exciting, but… it’s also worrying…”

Minuette relaxed. “Oooh, I see what’s going on here,” she thought. She set her sandwich down and leaned forward. “Hey, if you’re worried about offending her and getting in trouble, don’t be. I’ve seen fillies fire spit wads at her!”

She left out the detail that Twinkle Shine had been the one to fire the shot… and that it had been Minuette’s idea.

Pearly blinked at her. “...And there were no repercussions for this?” she asked, dumbfounded.

Minuette leaned back with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, fighting to suppress her amused snickers. “W-well, heh, there was some punishment. The culprit had to write an essay on spit. But the princess was laughing the whole time! She thought it was funny.”

Pearly just stared at her for a few seconds before laughing and shaking her head. “Ahahah. Oh, foals… You know, I remember when I was your age… I used to get up to all kinds of trouble…”

“Like dad?” Minuette asked with a cheeky grin.

Pearly flushed. “N-no, I got into that trouble a little later on.”

Minuette giggled and went back to chowing down on her sandwich, the mood in the room lifting. Pearly watched her eat in silence for several minutes, her own gentle smile back on her face. It was only when Minuette was close to finishing her second sandwich, now feeling much better, that the silence was broken.

“Minnie,” Pearly said haltingly, her voice low and uncertain as her smile died yet again. “I’m not nervous about Celestia’s visit because I might offend her…”

Minuette tilted her head, confused. What other reason could her mother possibly have, she wondered? It didn’t make any sense to her.

Pearly fidgeted with her hooves for a second. “I’m… I’m worried about why she’s having to come in the first place.”

Minuette blinked. “You mean the mirror?”

Pearly looked down, her ears drooping. “...Honey, look,” she said in a tone that immediately set off red flags in Minuette’s head. “While you were at the hospital, your father and I did some talking, and… well… I don’t think you-”

The door to the house suddenly opened, cutting Pearly off mid-sentence. She jumped in her seat, and both she and Minuette turned to see Sunspot stepping back inside. He looked up at them as he shut the door and grinned. “I’m back. The other foals are home safe, Minnie.”

Minuette practically bounced in her seat, waving energetically at him. “Thanks, dad! Mom was just talking to me about something,” she said before turning back to Pearly expectantly. She scarfed down what remained of her lunch, then spoke up. “What were you saying?”

Pearly did not answer. She instead looked over at Sunspot, a look of uncertainty on her face. Confused, Minuette looked between them. There was something going on here, some kind of silent communication she was not privy to. Judging by the brief moment where her father’s face hardened into something grim and serious, though, it wasn’t good.

Minuette frowned. “...Guys?”

Pearly shook her head. “Nevermind. It’s not important. I’ll tell you later,” she said before standing up and walking over to Sunspot.

Minuette’s brow furrowed. Why did she feel like she was having stuff hidden from her? She didn’t like it when ponies hid stuff from her. Hiding things meant secrets, and she hated secrets.

Mostly because she absolutely sucked at keeping them, but that was beside the point.

“Okay… uh… thanks for the food, mom,” she said, slipping out of her chair and heading for the stairs. She deposited her plate in the sink with her magic. “I’m just gonna go upstairs and lay down.”

“Probably a good idea,” Sunspot said, the warmth and friendliness back in his face and voice as she passed. She tousled her mane, drawing a few exclamations of disapproval from her followed by an amused laugh. Sunspot grinned and nodded up the stairs. “Go on. Get some rest.”

Minuette nodded. She didn’t pay her parents any more attention as she scampered upstairs. Finally, time to see Fangs! She reached her door quickly and threw it open with her magic.

As she suspected, it was dark when she entered. The lights were out, and the curtain over her window was drawn shut, emitting only a narrow slit of dusty light to paint a vertical stripe onto the wall over her bed. She paused in the threshold, her eyes lingering on the mirror.

Fangs was nowhere to be seen.

With a hum, Minuette closed the door, pulled the curtains, and flicked on the lights. The room was more or less the same as she remembered. But there were remnants of what had happened. The walls had noticeable dents in there where she remembered Twilight and Moondancer hitting it. Her dad must not have gotten around to patching it up yet.

Looking to her bookcase, she was glad to see it was undamaged - although all of her belongings on it had been put back in the wrong places! She felt a certain twinge of something that did not care for it and made a point to come back and re-arrange things later. But for now, that could wait.

Turning back to the mirror, Minuette jumped when she saw Fangs standing there, one hoof raised as if he had just got done walking or running. His eyes bored into her, his lips slightly parted.

“Little one…” he breathed.

Minuette smiled and pranced over to the mirror. “Hey, Fangs! I’m home!” she said cheerfully, plonking down in front of it. “Did ya miss me?”

Fangs leaned back as if surprised by her energy. He blinked at her, then smiled. “Yes, I did. I am glad to see you’re okay,” he said, settling down on his belly. “The last I saw or heard of you, you were being carried out of the room by your mother while your father angrily yelled at Twilight and Moondancer.”

Minuette looked down, frowning. “He was mad, huh?”

“Furious,” Fangs replied, looking past her to the door. “I was impressed by his restraint. The entire room turned a fierce, fiery crimson when he realized what had happened to you. I thought he was about to get violent.”

Minuette shook her head. “Nah, dad’s not like that.”

Fangs nodded, his wings wavering on his back. He looked down to Minuette. He was not smiling, though.

Minuette’s own smile faded at the look in his eyes. “...Fangs? Is something wrong?” she asked.

Fangs winced, his wings fluttering more aggressively on his back. “Yes, something is wrong,” he said, standing up and walking away from the mirror. He was quiet for several long seconds before taking in a deep breath. He looked back at her over his shoulder. “...I want you to stop trying to break the enchantment.”

Minuette blinked, sitting upright. “Huh? But-”

“No buts!” Fangs cut her off, raising his voice in such a way that made her jump and squeak. He turned to face her, a desperate fire in his eyes. “When you and your friends dug too deep, the mirror lashed out. Just for prodding at it! If Twilight had actually managed to break through that ward… I dare not even think of how much worse things could have been…”

Minuette looked down, her ears drooping. “I… I just… I want to get you out of there.”

“I want to be free as well, but not if this is the cost,” Fangs countered, his tone softening considerably. “I’ve said it before, I will say it again. I have been trapped in here for centuries. I have come to grips with my reality… I don’t…”

Fangs took in a shaky breath, and Minuette looked up. To her surprise, his eyes were shimmering with tears. She leaned back in shock, trying to think of a time where she had ever seen Fangs crying before. “Fangs…?” she asked in a barely audible whisper.

Fangs sat down and looked to the side, wiping his hoof over his face to get rid of his tears. He took another breath to steady himself. “...You are my friend, Minuette. My only friend, and my best friend. You are the only companion I have… and I don’t want you to get yourself hurt for my sake. My freedom is not worth your health… so please…

He focused on Minuette, his eyes pleading. “Don’t walk this road anymore. It’s too dangerous. I don’t know why I am trapped in here, but I could never live with myself if anypony I cared about got themselves hurt… or w-worse… trying to find out. I’m not worth it.”

“But what if you’re worth it to me?” Minuette asked, placing her hoof on the mirror’s glass, right where Fangs’ heart would be. “You’re such a good guy, Fangs. You don’t deserve this…”

“I have lived with it for hundreds of years, little one,” Fangs reminded her once again, shaking his head. “You tried your best. You made it farther than anyone else has, and I am beyond proud of you for that. But I am begging you to go no further.”

Minuette watched as Fangs reached out his hoof, pressing it to the glass in front of hers. Mere inches apart, but unable to reach her through this impenetrable wall of glass. He pressed his forehead against the barrier and closed his eyes. “If not for your own safety, then for my ease of mind… I can’t bear the thought of losing you like that...”

Minuette stared at him for several long seconds, her heart withering in her chest. With a sigh, she rose and pressed her head against the glass as well. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as her thoughts raged in her mind. Why was it that, no matter what she tried to do to help Fangs’ lot in life, it always blew up in her face? First, it was Bristle, and now it was this. What kind of sick joke was this stupid mirror trying to pull? What monster had been so cruel to make it this way?

But not all hope was lost, was it? There was still a chance. One last hope that Fangs could be set free from his unfair, unjust imprisonment, and it would be coming here tomorrow.

After a second, Minuette leaned back. “Well... Princess Celestia is coming here tomorrow,” she said in a whisper, putting on a small smile. “She’s gonna look at the mirror. I’m one of her students, and she wants to make sure I’m safe. So she’s going to study it herself…”

Fangs’ eyes opened. He stared at Minuette in surprise. “The Princess is coming here? Personally?” he asked in disbelief.

Minuette nodded, stepping back. “Mhmm. She’ll look at it, she’ll figure out how it works, and then she’ll set you free once and for all!” she declared as if it were already decided. “And then I can hug you!”

Fangs looked down for a moment, his eyes shifting as the weight of this realization hit him all at once. He rubbed a hoof over his face, blinking rapidly while his wings twitched on his back. “Huh… You really think she can pull it off?”

“Uh-huh!” Minuette chirped, spinning around on the spot. “She’s the princess! She can do anything! She even sent an evil killjoy named Nightmare Moon to the- well, to the moon!” she declared, thrusting her hoof up at the window.

Fangs weighed her words for a moment, slowly nodding. “...Very well. I suppose, if ever there was a pony who could free me, it would be her,” he said, smiling. “Thank you, Minuette. If this works, then you will have my undying gratitude for making this possible. But if it doesn’t...”

“Oh, pssh,” Minuette waved a hoof dismissively. “It’ll work. She’s Celestia!”

“Little One,” Fangs interrupted her, his voice carrying a gentle, but firm, edge. “If it does not work… then that will be the end of it. Do you understand me?”

Minuette tilted her head. “Huh?”

“If Celestia is unable to free me… what hope will you ever have?” he asked carefully, his eyes lowering. “I do not mean any disrespect when I say that. But Princess Celestia is your magical superior by uncountable orders of magnitude. She raises the sun while you struggle to raise fifty pounds. If it is beyond her power to free me, then promise me that you will stop looking for a way yourself.”

“But she will free you,” Minuette insisted, scampering up to the mirror and pressing both of her hooves up against it. “That I can promise!”

“Minuette, please…” Fangs pressed, looking up into her eyes pleadingly. “Just do me this favor. And I will pray that you are right.”

Minuette hesitated for a second. Finally, she shrugged. What could it hurt? “Alright, fine. I promise, if Princess Celestia somehow can’t let you out - which she absolutely will let you out! - then I won't keep trying to free you myself. Happy?”

Fangs chuckled at the snarky tone she took on that last word before straightening his posture. “More than I was. Thank you, little one.”

Minuette grinned and backed away from the mirror. This was going to work, she knew it. After everything she had tried, she had gotten the attention of the most powerful creature in the known world. There was no way Celestia would fail to set Fangs free. She could already picture him stepping through the glass, smiling down at her, before she threw herself against him and felt his chitinous skin for the first time.

With that fantasy - no, that imminent reality - burning itself into her mind’s eye, she stared into Fangs’ eyes and spoke.

“You’re welcome.”

Author's Note:

Minnie be doing a confident.