• Published 16th May 2020
  • 5,696 Views, 57 Comments

Fun and Friendship or Invasion and Destruction? A My Little Pony Movie x Beerus Crossover! - MarlonCalpe4000

Beerus arrives at the King of All's Palace where Present and Future Lord Zeno gives Beerus an honorable exile for his retirement in Equestria. He gets teleported in the city of Canterlot for the first ever Friendship Festival is going to take place.

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Beerus Retirement and his Honorable Exile!

Play Soundtrack for an authentic experience!

On Beerus planet the mysterious Whis is walking slowly with a serious look. As he arrives in Beerus' bedroom, alarm bombs are exploding, but Beerus continues his slumber. The god of destruction usually takes a 39 year cat nap or 50 years for most of history. But ever since he had sampled the different foods that earth has to offer,Beerus had started on his sleeping habits that usually takes 9 to 12 hours of slumber. Ever since Goku and Vegeta had been coming to his planet to be trained by Whis, They usually bought him Ice cream, Pizza, Sushi, Russian octopus balls, Pudding and Instant Ramen.

Play Soundtrack for an authentic experience!

"Lord Beerus its time to wake up!" Whis says as he cleans the left shoulder of his tunic to remove any small debris that was caused by the alarm clock explosion earlier. Beerus shoots awake and proceeds to slide down from his bed atop a floating rock and into the floor.

"Lord if i may ask, Why did you set the time to wake up at this hour?" Asks Whis. Beerus, now cleaning his fur, states an exciting package that he is expecting from two loyal obedient lackeys that he calls it. "Well if you must know, I am just excited about the next food package that Goku and Vegeta are going to deliver here for their training!" Beerus lets out his tounge and drools a bit much to the amusement of his attendant Whis. "They promised me that they are going to bring me a dim sum feast with peking duck and fortune cookies! I don't know what that is but I'M SURE ITS AN EXPLOSION OF DELECTABLE GOODNESS!!" Beerus says jumping into his daydream of food and firework explosions.

At the kitchen Whis is cooking Stir-Fry on Beerus's planet. Whis's staff goes off. "Lord Beerus can you get that call please?" Whis asks while he is busy with the cooking. "No! Tell him that we are too busy!! Just ask whoever that is to call later! Don't they know that this is too early to be making prank calls?! " Beerus snaps from being disturbed while he is reading the paper. "

Suddenly the staff floats over to the middle of the table and Zeno appears before him. "Beerus and Whis! I want you to come to the palace immediately!" "L...L...LORD ZENO??!!! Y...Y... Yes? W...W...What is it My Lord?" Beerus asks as his eyes literally bulged out of his sockets about the size of dinner plates.

"What..W.. What can i do for you My Lord?" Beerus quickly bows down in front of Lord Zeno smashing his head through the side of his table in the process. Whis appears beside Beerus and greets Zeno. "Good Morning Zeno Sama! What can we do for you?" Whis asks with a bow. "Hello Whis! We need you to and Beerus Sama to come here immediately! Thank you!" The Lord Zenos responded as they turn off the call.

"Lord Beerus Zeno Sama wants to meet us in his palace immediately". Whis explains. "Does that mean were not getting Goku and Vegeta's food delivery for their scheduled training today?" Beerus groans in annoyance.

At Zeno's Palace

Play Soundtrack for an authentic experience!

"We are here Lord Zeno. What would you like us to do?" Whis asks as he greets Lord Zeno with Beerus bowing down in front of the Omni King in deep respect and fear. "Excuse me but where the other Ze... I mean future Lord Zeno?" Beerus asks tapping a claw under his chin. "Oh him? Don't worry he is just taking a nap in the Royal Bedroom, Now lets get down to business" Lord Zeno jumps off from his throne in front of them with his two palace guards keeping an eye on the visitors with Daishinkan Sama (Grand Priest) standing beside Beerus and Whis.

"Lord Beerus it has come to my attention that it is time for you to retire and for me to find a new God of Destruction in Universe 7 to replace you." "R..R.. Retire My Lord?!" Beerus asks as his eyes grew wide, his forehead starts sweating like rapids and waterfalls as his knees and legs start shaking "I... I... If you are going to remove me as God of Destruction t...then what will happen to me?" Beerus asks nervously in front of Lord Zeno as he starts chewing on his claws "You are given thanks for your services and as such i will give you an honorable exile Former God of Destruction Beerus of Universe 7!" The King of All says with a high voice of seriousness echoing throughout the entire Palace. The place was so eerily quite for the next few minutes that you could cut the tension with a knife, No one dared to speak.

"T...T... Thank you Lord Zeno Sama!!!" Beerus says as he gets down on all fours and performs a Dogeza on the palace floor relieved that he is not going to be erased but still afraid of where Zeno Sama will sent him or do to him. "Please sign here" Zeno Sama says levitating a contract agreement written in parchment as well as a quill and ink in front of him. "O...Oh.. Yes! Right away Zeno Sama..!!" Beerus says as he quickly signs his name at the bottom part of the parchment".

"Okay then, now that the agreement is signed, You are set for retirement, You had a good run Lord Beerus! Former God of Destruction of Universe 7!" Zeno Sama blasts a strange white ki energy in the corner of the palace as Beerus cowers in fear wondering what it is. "You are hereby sentenced to exile in a pocket universe World Planet Equss to be exact" B..B...But Zeno Sama what about my strength..? Are you going to take away my powers as a Former God of Destruction...? Wha... What about my Immortality..? You and i know very well that i am 75 million years old! And I..." Beerus what about to ask more questions about his "Final Retirement" and his so called "Honorable Exile" to settle down but Zeno Sama cuts him off.

Play Soundtrack for an authentic experience!

"You will have all of your God of Destruction powers when you stepped into this portal as well as your Immortality but you will be cut off from the rest of Universe 7 from this final destination on out!" Lord Zeno Sama explains with such authority and power to his words that no one dared to question or object to his announcement. Beerus tried to speak and break the tension one last time, He was the first one to have asked this in an entire millennia of rulership of the Omni King. "Would you allow Whis to go into exile with me your Lordship?" Beerus asks with hope and nervousness in his voice, This was the very first time that he would be all alone without Whis ever since his god attendant has adopted and took care of him and the time that Vados has adopted and taken care of Champa.

"No absolutely not! Whis the angel shall be staying in order to find and train the next candidate for the "God of Destruction of Universe 7" to bring balance to this universe since you have not mentioned or recommended any such being that would be fit for the job! Now is that all?" The Omni King asks Beerus as he taps his finger repeatedly on the side of the throne awaiting his next response. "No... That is all your highness" Beerus replies as he slowly starts walking over to the portal of white and yellow lights as memories of past slowly flash between his eyes with this final goodbye to his respected teacher and mentor Whis whom he had loved like a father.

"W..Wait... WAIT!!" Beerus exclaims before running up to Whis and giving him one last hug "Y.. You have my thanks for being a great teacher and a trainer.. Thank you for being a great caretaker... Thank you for being a great parent... Thank you for everything Whis... Your love means alot to me... I know that its really stupid to say this but... Thank you for the love you gave me... I wouldn't be right here if it wasn't for you..." Beerus says trying his hardest to hold back tears as Whis hugs him back with tears in his eyes remembering memories of long time past.

"Its been an honor serving you My Lord". Whis releases the hug from Beerus and bows down in front of him with a teary smile of a wave good bye as Beerus runs off into the portal closing it as an emotional music of brass instruments play in the background as a proper send off to Beerus and his new life into another universe.

"He was such a nice....son.... i would have ever had... Well treated and loved like a son" Whis could not help but cry in a sad smile before the Grand Priest gives him a box of tissues and wipes off his tears with a white handkerchief. "Pardon me but could i be excused for a moment...?" Whis says as he exits Zeno Sama's throne room silently crying with Daishinkan Sama following him as Present Day Zeno Sama has his head down low on the palace floor with shadows covering his face making an excuse to go see his Twin Brother Future Zeno Sama but runs off out of the Palace Throne Room crying out making the two palace guards a bit concerned for their ruler.

Beerus starts to feel really dizzy as he falls down into the portal of this unknown pocket universe as if he were falling into a really really deep cliff with no end to it, except it was all different lights of white and yellow that it would have given anybody else a seizure if they didn't wear glasses but with his training, he seems to pull it off as he just keeps falling and falling until he finds himself into a realistic looking sky like the one back on earth in Universe 7.

Beerus was confused for a second there because he thought he had just saw a horse... with... wings? He thought for a second that this was a bit peculiar like a something from a children's storybook. "Well no matter, I guess it isn't as strange as the other races in Universe 7 and from other galaxies!"

Beerus flies down behind more clouds to see an aerial view of the large city of Canterlot which was sitting on the edge of a mountain with a waterfall beneath it as well as a large decorated castle in sight while Beerus stays hidden from some pegasi in the clouds waiting in silence, observing and thinking about his next move as a memory of a talk from King Kai enters his mind.


King Kai: Earth... I mean your not planning to destroy it or anything... Are you?

Lord Beerus: As long as nothing happens there that annoys me... As long as nothing there happens that annoys me...

~End of Flashback

"As long as nothing there happens... That annoys me...". Beerus thought for a second before a making a decision of going into the city to make his presence known as he sighs and groans".

To be continued...

Author's Note:

What do you think will happen next in this deviation? Find out in the next chapter!

Dragon Ball is created by Akira Toriyama.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is created by our Lovely Lauren Faust.