• Published 30th May 2020
  • 2,815 Views, 57 Comments

The Divine Eclipse - The Toaster

Goku Black was defeated, his soul traveled by the same portals that had given the power to defeat him, however he would find himself in one strange world, in this world, he is a god, even if in a new body, and he would stop nothing to achive his goal

  • ...

Griffin Judgment

Darkness, it was the only thing Black could see, he hadn’t gone to hell, that was obvious, he just fell, and he fell even more into a hole of infinite darkness...

We won't be defeated by someone that believes in only himself!


That disgraceful mortal, he had ended all his hard work, all the sacrifice he had made to bring paradise to the cosmos.

yes, the scars of the battles were painful, they hurt his heart deep, seeing so much destruction.

But it was necessary.

A bright future would reign, and those worms had prevented it, there was very little left. After the gathering of the super dragon balls, swapping bodies with the goku, and getting that incredible power together with the sin of mortal kind. It was all for nothing.

He closed his eyes and tightened his grip with hate, tightening it so much that the inside of his fist started to bleed, he took a deep breath and exhaled, it was past now...

He had been defeated, and the only thing he could do now is to curse himself for being too confident, he shouldn't have played with those mortals so much, he should have destroyed them, quickly and easily..... The mortality had went on to his head and arrogance blinded him. And now here he was, falling into an infinite abyss, in the infinite barrier that divides the dimensions, and he was destined to continue to fall.

In the meantime, while he fell deeper and deeper, he could stop to reflect.

To question his own ideals, think about why humans were as they were. Time to meditate.

But he felt a Ki signature in the middle of his fall. Something in the unending abyss that threatened to overwhelm him.

A small white glowing source of light, it looked like a portal with how nothing seemed to be deflected by it. One of the most improbable things he had ever expected, an error in creation? Maybe a defect in space-time like the ones he could use with his former ring of time?

He would not have the answers if he stood doing nothing. He slowly floated in the direction of that light, reaching out to dazzle it.

The closer he got, the more it diminished, the more he looked like a tiny star, a star in the middle of empty space.

He then caught it.

He brought his fist close to his face and opened his hand, the light then shone, and she seemed to have an explosion of sudden brightness. Forcing Black to put his hand in front so as not to be blinded, she appeared to completely modify the environment, passing of total darkness, for total clarity.

The place where he felt the light, started to change it, it started to enter his hand, it started to spread through it, and his hand started to change color, not only that, started to grow...fur...?

It started spreading from hand to arms, from arms to shoulders and belly.

It hurt, it hurt a lot, he was screaming in pain.

It felt like his body was on fire, his eyes seemed to glow, his ears pricked, and he felt a gigantic pain in the back, in the forehead.

It seemed that the skin was stretched as if he were being molded.

He felt like a metal stake had grown inside of him and now it was coming out in force.

This endless pain lasted countless hours, but after a while, it stopped, he was panting, what the hell was that...?

Looking at his body, he realized that now his body was completely gray, he was running his hand over his body, he could feel a soft fur, and he now had a tail!

It had the same colors of his hair, he could see that it now shined, like the stars were in his own hair and moving on its own.

It was magnificent.

His head had stretched and he felt something strange behind him, he noticed two huge wings coming out of his back.

He was disbelieving in himself, he was a horse now...? He had a new body...?


Crossing dimensions has never had the effects of changing bodies....

Was his body adapting to the new dimension...?

it was the most likely theory, so he went to put his hand on his head and sighed in disbelief, but his hand hit something, touching it and feeling it, he could feel a horn....

He now had a horn....

This was getting better and better....

He then looked at his free, open hand again, the same hand where it all started, where all these events took place, and he realized that it started to blink again, and started to glow again, completely covering Black's body. This time, something new appeared, an armor...

An armor with a symbol in the middle of it, it was the symbol of a black ball with white fire around it, an Eclipse...

He felt something this time burning on the right side of his butt...
Or flank...

He blushed with embarrassment when he felt this sensation, looking at the location of the pain, he could see that it shone, forming a symbol, the same symbol as the armor he was wearing.

He could see, that his body had become something new, he was still a warrior, and he didn’t need such trivial armor.... However, he felt that this armor showed his superiority to any mortal that would look at him.

The armor seemed to be made of titanium, and it shined like diamonds, and he smiled when thinking about it.

This armor was designed and destined for a true god, him.

But what decent name for your new body? He was still Goku black, but in that dimension certainly there was no Goku...

Then he looked at the symbol again and his smile grew even more, Eclipse, his name would be Eclipse.

Every piece of the puzzle was fitting now, fate was giving him a new chance. A new dimension for him to save from mortals, a chance for redemption!

And an Eclipse demonstrated that he was the personification of the balance between the sun and the moon, or rather, good and evil!

He then looked again at that blinding light that he was holding, it then left his hand and flew forward, doubling from its size, and this time, throwing a ray of light in his direction. She again surrounded his body, but this time, he felt a different sensation, as if he was using instant transmission, and suddenly, he disappeared, in a flash of light.

Icy Mountains, was there where the newly named Eclipse was found in the background when he opened his eyes. After being blinded again by that sphere, he slowly stood up, looking at his surroundings, an open field. Convenient...

He then started to concentrate his ki to try to detect other forms of life, his horn started to shine as he detected some life signatures not far, which surprised him.

"Interesting... It seems that my ki can now be manifested by only one point, my horn, and not all over my body...."

Even though he thought it was weird, he just ignored it, he had more important things to do. Looking at the direction of the Ki signatures, he could see a....



A tree, lonely among the mountains, with mortal dwellings.... Impressive.... Mortals are like a plague, they are always in places you would never expect. However, he was feeling well in this new body, and chance, now in a good mood, he would watch these mortals before deciding whether divine punishment would be necessary.

Who knows? Maybe this dimension had decent mortals, even if the mere thought of such a thing made him cringe physically.

Focusing his ki again, he flew, feeling his wings flap to give him an impulse and he flew towards that small town.

His disappointment came way quicker and heavier than he anticipated.

When he was able to see the city, the people there had the front half resembling an eagle with the talons and wings of such. Whereas the back half is clearly that of a lion.

But it was not what disappointed him, oh no. Mortals come in all sizes, forms and mutations.

What disappointed him was what he saw.

He could see that the inhabitants flew from one side to the other, they did not come into any form of interaction or eye contact, and when some of them accidentally hit each other, a fight would start.

The city, it was in ruins, he didn't even need to approach closer to see nor sense the scenes that, much to his displeasure, didn't surprise him.

Robberies, gamblings, stealing, some guards assaulting some innocent bystanders, and other worse things that he felt disgusted at just looking.

They are just barbarians, who do not think before acting and keep behaving like irrational and violent animals. Acting by pure instinct, wearing down and outright rejecting all the divine knowledge given to them by the gods.

He sighed.

It was no surprise, no matter the dimension, mortals were still a huge disappointment for the gods, and if he found those responsible for these mortals, he would make a point of punishing them accordingly for such failures, just like for those in his own universe.

He kept gliding while watching the city, and disappointed himself more and more as he watched it, while he looked at the scenes that irritated him, some of the residents noticed him, surprisingly mostly ignored him, and that was fine for the Kaioshin.

But a group flew at him with malicious smiles, he already knew what was going to happen, and he was prepared.

"Well, well, what do we have here...? A lost little Pony?"

He kept a neutral face when facing the group, with his hands behind his back, he could observe well how the group was formed.

On the sides obviously, they were the henchmen, big and strong. And in the middle was the leader, even if he did not reach the stature or the height of the cronies, he was with that ambitious look and smug posture.

He was certainly the leader.

Eclipse made an "Hunf" grunt and returned to observe the city, completely ignoring the leader, who immediately lost his smile and gritted his teeth.

He waved to the other two henchmen.

Both nodded and both flew to both sides of the god.

A smile threatened to appear in Eclipse, that was a reaction expected from mortals, they probably saw his armor and realized its possible value, and like any being with a mind as inferior as theirs, they will simply try to take with brute force to gain for their own benefits.

How pathetic.

The god just looked at both brutes and returned his attention to the "Chief" of the group.

"Listen, 'Your Highness', you seem to have a lot of nice things with you, no matter where you are from, if you don't pass it to us, the beating is going to be inevitable."

With the comment, he closed his eyes and started to chuckle, and the chuckle changed to a huge laugh, which surprised the assailants, who immediately regained their composure.

And they were not happy with the ignored threats. "We warned you 'princess'! Boys, get him!"

Both smiled and flew quickly toward Eclipse, and each threw a punch at him, with a dark smile Eclipse suddenly just vanished, and both thugs hit each other in the face.

The boss was very confused and started looking around desperately.

"What?? How?? where did he g-"

He couldn't finish the sentence, suddenly spitting blood.

Looking to the side while he trembled in fear.

He could see the god smiling in a maniacal way while impaling him with a silver blade formed in his hand. The henchmen could do nothing but look horrified at their boss, a dark and powerful voice, then bloomed out of the armored Stallion.

"Wrenched mortal, cleaning your race from these lands will be a privilege granted to me, you are mere trash that corrupts these lands." He let out a cry of pain as Eclipse penetrated his sword deeper into his back, it already starting to show itself on his belly, making him vomit more blood while the god's smile only increased.

He looked in horror at the alicorn "W-who... n-no, w-what a-are you??"

The god's response was just a chuckle at the question.

Then unceremoniously removed the sword from the back of his victim, who with his eyes rolled and took his last breath, fell from the enormous height that they found themselves, disappearing in the huge fog that formed below.

That death caught the attention of everyone who flew around, those who ignored the attempted theft, now looked horrified at the result and focused their vision on Alicorn who was proudly showing himself after his act.

Black looked at the henchmen smiling, while they looked back with massive amounts of fear, sweat poured from their faces and they had difficulties maintaining their postures after the cruel act.

Eclipse then faced the sun, dropping his smile.

"Who am i?"

He then looked back at the thugs, that flinched when meeting his gaze, he just smiled more.

Stretching his arms as he made a posture of magnificence as the sun shinned behind him.

"I am the supreme god, the divine purifier " He looked back at the terrified griffons, the crowd looked with horror, anger, and confusion at the self-appointed god who now opened the palm of his hand.

His horn glowed with a dark light, while in his hand an orb of energy was formed, increasing in size.

"I am a judge of the gods, and I will correct all the mistakes they made in creating you, I declare your species to be guilty, and the punishment....


Black then after shouting those words, launched the energy ball towards the crowd.

Who looked baffled, but still not believing the words of that crazy pony, some even snorting at his grandiose words.

But they were cut off by the noise of the energy orb tripling in size.

And then turning into a gigantic sun falling towards the mountain.

Every single one of them screamed in horror and despair as they tried to run or fly away and accidentally ran over each other in their attempts to escape.

But for nothing. As the fireball consumed the whole mountain, a gigantic explosion was made, disintegrating the mountain in moments.

The proud capital city of the Griffons, Griffonstone. Had been completely annihilated.

Eclipse just watched the huge crater with his arms crossed and with a smirk. As promised, he would rid the universe of undesirable mortals, and nothing would stop him.

A new god had arrived in Equestria, and it would be one of the greatest dangers that perhaps the whole world had ever seen.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is an idea that has been in my head for a long time, and I'm happy to finally be able to post it on the site! I hope you like it and criticize me! every opinion is accepted! peace!