• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 768 Views, 73 Comments

Aspects of Parenthood - xd77

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

  • ...

Part 6

Nathan was really feeling nervous and disgusted at the same time. He still could not get over the fact that his own aunt acted more like a power hungry dictator than his aunt. So, he just sat on his couch while Apple Bloom had him wrapped in her hooves because he was crying. They both were feeling pain, due to this big change of having babies coming, understanding ponies were soon coming to help them out, but sooner than expected. As Apple Bloom did her best to comfort her hurting husband, there was a knock at the door. She let him go, went over to the door and opened it, it was Zodiac with a deep concerning look of his own.

"Hi Zodi, Ah' don't think this a good time right now."

"It's all right Bloomy, let him come in." said Nathan as he wiped tears from his face, Apple Bloom stepped aside to let him in.

"Ya' know Zodi, you ain't the only one comin' over, the whole clan is showin' up soon."

"Why the whole posy?" Zodiac asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Because this is a situation that to be handled by the best of the best, real ponies who actually care. Not a family member who pretends to care and just forgets who she really represents."

"I understand, the guards and I actually told her down for how she treated you. I hope she comes to her senses eventually about it."

"Zodi, we all know that she's been too much in stress lately, but did you have to do such a thing?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, you should've seen her expressions, she looked like she was going to physically harm him. He had to slap her to get her away from him."

"Ah' did that to knock some sense into her!" Nathan testified, Apple Bloom turned to Nate shocked.

"Nathan, is that true?!" she asked.

"Yes!" Nate yelled, Apple Bloom stormed up to him.

"Do ya have any idea that you're incredibly lucky she didn't expel you as captain?"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan screamed.

"Whoa Nate, calm down." said Zodi.

"Sorry, Ah'm just really mad at her right now."

"We understand honey." said Apple Bloom, "But you have to understand, she's the princess, you need to consider yourself fortunate that she didn't execute you for doing that."

"Ah' know, okay, but she did not have the right to treat me like she did. We have twins comin' and Ah'm really just feeling a bit stressed over it." Nate then put a hoof around his eyes and sighed in depression.

"Yes, but you have to understand what you did to her was wrong."

"Ah' know, but she started it, she scolded me instead of helpin' me!"

"Ah'm sure she didn't mean anything by it."

"Apple Bloom, she's been like that since the attack."

"She's possibly got a case of PTSD and is just looking over us."

"Hey, can we get back to the real problem here?!" Nathan demanded.

"Nate, I understand you're anxious, but that is no excuse for you to that to her." said Zodiac.

"Ah' know okay, Ah' shouldn't have done that, but she got too blindsided with me over it, that's why Ah' hit her."

Nathan sighed, "Look, it's not that Ah'm upset, I'm just......." he was soon interrupted by more knocks from the door.

"Who is it?" said Zodiac, the door opened to reveal the whole cast, including Kyle and Luke who came by from Dallas. Somehow, they all knew what had happened.

"How did you all know about all of this?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Zodi sent letters to all of us, he was concerned about how you and Nathan are right now, so we had to come sooner than expected." said Applejack.

"You actually did that?" Nathan asked Zodi.


"Well, we actually do need this right now, so thanks."

"Now look Nate, I know it's too much here, but you have nothing to worry about." said Spike.

"Nothing to worry about?!"

"Y'all don't understand, we have double responsibilities on the way, we're stressed out!" said Apple Bloom.

"Ah' know sugarcube." said Applejack as she put a hoof around her, "But it's gonna be better than ya' think."

"How can havin' twins be better?" asked Nathan, "It's not."

"Um Nate, I think it's time we had a private friend talk." said Luke, Nathan knew what he was saying, so they walked into the master bedroom where Kyle closed the door.

Luke was the first one to speak up, "Now look, I know this is rough, but you've got to step up to it. You can't run from this!"

"Yeah, since when is having twins the end of the world?" Kyle asked.

Nathan finally spoke in, "Look, it's not that we don't want twins, it's just that our heads are spinnin' like pinwheels. Ah' mean havin' a baby is great, but havin' twins?"

"Twins are gonna be twice as great, twice the love, twice the hugs, twice the kisses." said Kyle. Suddenly through Nate's hallucinating mind, an alternate form of Kyle appeared. This one looked more sweaty, he wore tattoos and shorts with a sleeveless undershirt, and he smelled.

"It's not that simple Nathan boy!" said the hallucination, "Twins are twice the feeding, twice the crying, twice the diapers, and twice the responsibility ha ha ha!"

"Who are you?" Kyle asked.

"I'm your evil twin, Lyle Miller." answered the hallucination.

"You need a shower Lyle." Kyle then turned back to Nate, "Nate, twins are twice as many 'I love you daddies'."

Nathan rubbed his eyes at what he was seeing.

"You live in a bubble you gun loving cop freak!" said the hallucination while giggling. Nathan then turned to Luke in a panic.

"Ah'm crackin' up here." he said.

"Come on Nate, you're gonna make a great father." said Luke.

"What do you know?" said another hallucinating form looking like Luke, this one had a small ponytail tied around him because his hair was a bit long.

"You're 33 years old and you wear Scooby Doo pajamas!"

Nathan was now even more nervous at his vision of what he was seeing.

"Just the bottoms, and I suppose you're my evil twin." said Luke.

"Yeah, what was your first clue Sherlock?!" asked the hallucination.

"Well you look a lot like me." Luke answered, his evil twin then turned towards Nate.

"Hey Nate, you can kiss your country singing days goodbye. You won't look so cool with a twin in each arm, and a spit up rag on each shoulder!"

"You know for an evil twin, you're not very nice." said Luke.

"Oh good comeback!" the hallucinating evil twin exclaimed. The imaginary evil twins then laughed at their counterparts, while Kyle and Luke argued with them, this went on for the next several seconds until Nathan could not take it anymore.

"Would you all just STOP!" he snapped, soon the evil counterparts of his friends vanished, now it was just the three of them!

"Oh thank God, it's just the two of y'all, we're together again!" he said as he wrapped his hooves around them.

"Look Nathan, you've been up all night, I think you just need some sleep." said Kyle.

"I don't need any sleep." he said, but after looking in a mirror with his reflection, it showed an evil twin of him. He then stared back at his friends.

"M-Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt." he said nervously.

"All right, you stay in here and nap it off." said Luke, "We're gonna go back downstairs with the others."

"Exactly, we're gonna stay here with you all until further notice." said Kyle.

Nathan yawned as he lay on his bed then rested his head on a pillow, his wings folded in.

"Gotcha." he said as he closed his eyes for a nap, Kyle and Luke went back out the door and closed it.

"Now look Luke, I'm gonna tell you, if Twilight gives us that attitude as prescribed in that letter Apple Bloom gave us, I'll be the one giving orders to her."

"Kyle, she's the ruler, and what she says goes." said Luke as they walked down the hall.

"From the way she acted, she is not a leader. As a matter of fact, if she comes here, I'm gonna talk with her myself. Nathan is our friend, and I don't want him to be like that because of what she did."

Author's Note:

NOTE: Kyle is not evil, neither is Zodiac, they are all just really upset with Twilight over the way she acted.

Do you think Kyle should talk privately to her, and should she apologize for her attitude?