• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
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Somber Concerto

Came for the party, stayed for the food. | Pronouns He/Him



After investigating a strange portal, Fluttershy finds herself at the home of Dillan, a human. And she is very scared. She wants to go home, but the portal is closed. After experiencing a horrid belly ache from eating human food, she requests an odd remedy.

Warning: contains tummy rubs and cuteness!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 19 )

This was a adorable beginning I can't wait to see where this goes.

The wait is over, chapter two is done! Now you just have to wait for chapter 3.:trollestia:

First this was beyond adorable I'm happy they are getting closer and he he is learning to take care of her better.

This was great getting to learn more about what the others have been up to. But it's kind of mean just sealing all that poor mare's work.

Yes, it was pretty rude but Celestia couldn't just leave an open unstable portal, could she? Fluttershy is at risk of having the portal collapse, cutting her off from the world forever at any minute.

Then make the portals be to turn on and off see how it works and can be used don't just shut it down to everypony expressly the pony who worked so hard to make it. It's like that one story about Rainbow dash getting transported to earth then getting dragged back never getting to see her human dad ever again that was some sad bullshit.

Thanks for the input, I'll have to think about that for the ending.

This was a adorable and funny chapter I'm happy they admitted there love and are together.

*sniff* so cute 😩👌🏻

This was a perfect and satisfying ending and I can't wait for the sequel.

This was cute, but that last chapter seemed a bit rushed.

Yes, I did rush it a bit. I was just trying to get the how they got back and stuff part too so there wouldn't be any plot holes for the sequel. I don't really care about how they got home but I wanted to make a well-rounded story. There's nothing more annoying than a story that skips half of the plot.

"Fluttershy, It's okay, I'll find a way to get you home. Promise." He wiped her eyes with a tissue and pulled her in for a hug. She accepted and continued to softly cry into him.

"Pi-pinkie promise? *sniff*"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Although she still missed her friends and was confused about where she was and what these beings were, she felt safe and warm with Dillan.

Dillan's Pinkie Promise could have left quite the loophole if there no real means of getting Fluttershy home from his world... considering Pinkie Pie logic, Pinkie could very easily create a portal herself to Dillan's world.

That's a pretty funny alternate ending to think about. Pinkie probably has some kind of pinkie promise sensor that stretches across the multiverse.

I waited 5 chapters, and no sequel???

"I don't want to embarrass you, and I know this is really going to be awkward for you, but this is what I got at the store." He pulled out a package of Pull-ups. Fluttershy simply stared at it, blushing hard again.

Are they the MLP branded ones?

"I know, but I wanted to." Fluttershy gave him a hug, to which Dillan was met with a COLD dampness. They had totally forgotten about that. "Ewe!" He shouted, jumping back. "Sorry, but that was pretty gross. Here, why don't you take a shower while I finish up the food? You know how it works right?"

You went on a whole drive to the supermarket and back, and forgot to clean her up? Not sounding like the best parent/pet owner so far. I mean, most pets can't properly communicate that they've messed themselves, but cleaning the puddle and giving a good rinse (at minimum) are some of the first things you're supposed to do... Longer you leave the mess, the harder it is to clean.

Yes. Only the best for Fluttershy.

That's what happens with 3 years of procrastination. (Might fix that soon. :raritywink:)

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