• Member Since 1st May, 2020
  • offline last seen May 13th

The Warrior Of Darkness

Hearken unto me, Crystal Bearers. Thy foe is clad in infernal Light. If thou wouldst triumph, thou must look to the Dark.


A Archived version before a solid one comes out. The new version will be available after I complete the Shadowbringers MSQ and Post MSQ. As such, the new version of the story will be much different from this one, and while it will have re-occurring themes, it will alternatively be different.

REWRITE UP NOW:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/474518/equestrias-light-a-realm-reborn

A "Displaced" story.
T'suhar "Skye" Pendragon is a Warrior Of Light, that's what he is familiar with, so why is it bad when he decides to take a hit for his team from Bahamut? He didn't land where he was supposed to, and instead became a shooting star in the realm of Equestria, the locals are a lot more concerned with the unfamiliarity of his armor more than where he came from. Can he cope with this world of "friendship"? A world where there literally is no fight left to fight?

(Takes Place before Ascension, before Canterlot Wedding)
No knowledge of Final Fantasy 14 is needed, and will be explained throughout the story to the best of my ability.
Cover Art is Heavensward's logo

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 52 )

Oh, this is a unique start. Instead of a human Displaced as a character, its an OC from the original universe Displaced into Equestria.

Yep! Thought I'd utilize the OC version instead of the player turning into their character, I'd had a mind for my character having his own background, and... justifiable reasons why he won't use certain classes. Glad you like the hook! I based Bahamut's attack off of my experiences with his boss fight. It was lovely using evasive dodge... and missing...

"Certain classes." does this mean he can use other classes instead of just Dragoon class alone?

Yes, this is loosely based on FFXIV's cinematic canon. The mascot WoL is able to Job Change at will, in battle, I refer my headcanon is the same, remember, this is the WORLD version of FFXIV, a living one, not the game's definiton. Which means I'd think that Warriors of Light are capable of changing mid combat and whatnot. Skye just likes being a Floor Tank a lot as hinted to his personality.

Sounds alot better than being a Jack Of All Trades/Master of everything.

Yep, he knows most of the classes, but not all of them are "maxed" if that makes since. He leans more towards Melee, tanking, than Ranged classes. He does know them, but their levels are different than what they should be. He'll have less power to throw out than if say, a warrior of light who knows everything there is to know about the class. I'll make sure to include some talk about it within the net few chapters, as the Equestrians learn about their new "meteor"

Will you be crossing over with other Displaced in the future? When I say future, I mean like seven or fiften chapters later to allow character growth, world building, and plot progression to come first.

I'm always down for it, and regard crossovers with other ones satisfying. My one request to any displaced stories I crossover with, is to make the introduction make sense as to how they arrived. Skye arrived due to an unfortunate attack, which threw him..... Not Telling! You'll Learn Later! Promise! :scootangel:

Ha ha, fair enough. I'm always up for cross-overs depending on what your character wants/needs in terms of an object/item/help.

Quick question. Given the ending of this chapter. It leads to believe that there is a chance for romantic feelings between Skye and either Fluttershy or Luna.
Would I be correct in my assumption?

And that is the question of the day? Hmmm. I will say that I give credit where it's due. Needless to say that you aren't wrong, but not right either! It was simply implying that out of the eight gathered there, only two are drastically empathetic to what Skye is feeling. Fluttershy is naturally caring, and Luna. She knows what it's like to be alone. She spent a thousand years up on the moon alone. I will not say anything else, but your logic ain't wrong at all! Hopefully that gives some insight, and further confuses you! :twilightsheepish:

I don’t mind my questions being answered with more questions. I’m a Kingdom Hearts fan after all. I enjoy a good, twisting story.

Oh, are you going to draw parallels between the scions and the main 6? (Ex. Applejack with Y’shtola for their blunt honesty)

Wow, nine chapters in six days. Alot of inspiration, huh?

One could say that, or for the fact that FFXIV is influencing me to do so. I'm gearing up for something good.

Hopefully he did not have their since of humor, which meant 'fun' was to throw themselves into as many enemies as possible.

Did you happen to mean sense?

Thats an auto generated name there Pendragon. I shall read this as to respect any floor tank.

I’m gonna be honest. Now that you’re talking about crossovers with other Displaced, the first one to come to mind would have to be “A Passing Through Kamen Rider”. It would be a pair up I could see working well what with Skye changing his jobs and Decade changing to other riders.

Auto generated?? W-What do you mean? This is a totally legit name! (I realized after I made Skye in FFXIV the amount of Pendragons there were. If I had known, I would've chosen Aurelius, Percival, or Lancelot. I took his last name from the mythos of Arthur Pendragon. Didn't realize there'd already been so many.

I'd have to keep that one in mind. I'm still in the setting up phase of finding a person to do it, and I'm thinking maybe like "The Equestrian Anti-Magic tank". Any I decide on doing I'll read the story to see the character's personality and whether or not it's a good angle, it'll take place after act 1 finishes for my story.
Don't get me wrong, displaced stories are good, but not all are equal, and some are better written, or worse off. I'm somewhere in-between, but I'd like to think I' getting better. Plus, it's a way to learn new writing styles!

This is really good!

All good. Also, I myself am also writing a Displaced story, but I’ve got block on how to start it.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! There's many more to come.

I'm sure you'll figure it out, but if you do need help, there are many other displaced writers like myself that would probably love to help you.

that makes complete sense since in Warcrafts WoD lore wise you were actually trapped on Draenor till the end of the expac. The portals back to Azeroth were there just for player convenience.

I have not started this story yet but I too know the struggles of the floor tank as Dragoon was my main till Samurai and Red Mage showed up now I "jump" between all 3. (is that pun bad, terrible, or meh?)

I want to say that was a horrible pun, but I like it a lot more than I care to admit. Props to that! And regarding the head canon, I'd hope that people who do stories like this with games would develop it based off of how the world would act, rather than how a game depicts it, after all, I'd think it'd take more than one Warrior Of Light to kill a primal. I understand the fear of floors. I have some.... memorable and intimate times with them as my friend laughed at my dead body while resurrecting me. It's for that reason that I am now leveling a tank.

the warcraft thing isn't head canon that straight from the developers and is the real lore and as for killer floors in one of the early Ultima games the floor in one of the final dungeons rooms was an enemy called "killer floor"

Ah. I didn't know that bit, I don't play Warcraft and I don't think it's available for consoles. Though I'm glad to see that Developers use a different lore set than what a game would use. Maybe i'll try it someday when I eventually get around to getting a pc.

Ah, an FF14 story. Not bad at all. I considered the possibility of writing something like this a while back, but never got around to it. It's a fun concept I'd love to see more of.

Pretty sure Solina would be in the dungeons by now....

If that is a reference to a dungeon from either Heavensward or Shadowbringers I know nothing of the sort. I'm having to go back through the story. I've hinted at where in FFXIV does the story 'start' before Skye's arrival, but I haven't set it in stone completely. Though it's nice to see that someone else has contemplated a FFXIV story! I always wondered why there aren't more consitering the nature of the light and whatnot.

Nah, no references. Solina's the name of my character. Solina Brimstone if you ever want to look her up. I already have plenty of ideas as to her personality and attitude, and simply put, she would've been in the dungeons by now. That or a national fugitive, one or the other.

My guess at Skye's jobs: You already mentioned he knows all the melee DPS jobs, and Red Mage and Summoner being his only magic DPS jobs, which would make his one healer job Scholar, since it shares the base class Arcanist with Summoner. Three tanks, I'm gonna guess Warrior, Dark Knight, and Gunbreaker, and the one ranged class, I'm gonna guess Machinist.

I didn't expect anyone to comment on this! To be honest, I have to go back and fix the consistency of the story so that's why it hasn't received any new chapters so far but your not far off from it, unfortunately, it's not red mage your thinking of, it's Black Mage.

Considering you describe the character, who is supposed to actually be the character in question, as wanting to "Be a floor tank", you send a couple mixed messages. Dragoon being a floor tank is a community meme, not an in universe term. Just from the description and some of the comments alone, it seems kind of like you're writing the character to be a mix of the actual character and a meme player.

While it isn't designed to be an "in game meme" I guess, considering how weak Dragoons really are outside of fighting dragons, I suspect that it is true that they are destined to be floor tanks. We know from in game lore that the party format is true, although I have made it more concise in terms of what I'd imagine would be acceptable party numbers within FF's universe. Also, keep in mind that in game lore defines that there can be more than one Warrior Of Light, but I do understand the mixing of terms. I should probably use "floor tank" when speaking to readers and subject him to a different term when thinking or speaking in the story. That should help clear out the weird use of terms, and it's part of the reason this story hasn't received updates so I can go back and revise the chapters so coherency flows better.

Comment posted by NightmareKnight deleted Aug 3rd, 2020

I haven't read through your comment for reasons that hopefully won't surprise you. I stopped at Grah Tia, as I'm currently playing through ShB. While I understand that there is only one warrior of light in the source I haven't exactly laid out where in the timeline of FFXIV Skye is. Worse yet, neither the rest of his comrades after his disappearance.

Oops. Sorry. Didn't realize you hadn't actually played through ShB. To reiterate my point without spoilers, canonically most of the stuff you do in game is a solo act. Aside from a few things like the final dungeon of 2.0 (though in that one you're the only WoL. Just with some adventurer friends) and certain instances with other npc's, most of what the WoL has done is all solo. It's kind of why people look at your character like he/she is some super powerful ultra being. Because they basically are compared to the rest of the world's inhabitants.

As for the timeline of your current character. I would assume somewhere before 3.0 considering the description makes mention of him fighting Bahumut, which is 2.x content.

Also. Deleted my old comment so you won't accidentally see spoilers if scrolling past.

Don't worry about it! I didn't read much and I'm determined not to look up whatever/who Grah Tia is. I'll tell you what, I'm going to finish ShB then do a total rework of the current story, so that it doesn't break FFXIV's set lore too much, while giving me a chance to present a great story. I've got to see whether or not I should just make this an archive and make a whole new story with chapters up to eight chapters, all giving a coherent and linear story this time. Because I for one, don't feel like the way I'm presenting it now is compelling enough to get a person to read it. Regarding my current progress in ShB, I get to fight Titania for the first time tomorrow. and I fucking tank. Apparently, my guild has seen fit that I be crucified by her tank busters. and apparently she has two!

Don't be sad cause das not good! The rework will be better, I believe in this! And thank you for the luck!

i want it to work out but life never works like that hopefully it will only time will tell

She only has two tankbusters in Extreme, iirc. And honestly, you should be fine with Titania nowadays. Most people know her mechanics by now. You should have seen week one Titania though... swear I was stuck on her for two hours.

But I do not envy you for later fights. The dev team really went all in with most of the end game content. It's nuts.

Oh great. So they were correct in saying they were going to crucify me upon my own greatsword. I can't believe I said that I wanted to become a main tank for the guild. I can't wait for the healers to play how low can you go. I guess that means I'll be using Living Dead a lot more.

So. It went pretty good. Except for the part where I turned the tank cleave on everyone and caused a wipe. XD

Will the new story be added as a “sequel” to this story to find it easier? Or will we have to wait for it to pop up in new stories?

No. I will make sure to add it as a sequel to this story so there isn't a mass of confusion.

I've now completed 5.3 Seat of Sacrifice. And I've got to say.. DAMN am I glad I did. My lore has been royally thrown to the moon and fucked, so to speak. May I also point how royally fucked the damage taken in SoS is? I did not enjoy getting slapped as Main Tank.

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