• Member Since 29th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


You can't give up your laughter, cause you're scared of a little pain~. Writing to relieve PTSD. Enjoy my misery <3 you all. Discord: dougtheloremaster



Unicorns are Elite. Just ask them. All must enroll in Celestia's Magical University in Canterlot. The motto however is adhered to without exception: Only the best, only the Elite. May Celestia show them mercy if they fail any task. The Princess however, has none to give.

In a society where knowledge is power, the unicorns of Canterlot refuse to be anything less than the best. Everything depends on it. Everything. Money, friends, it all is based solely on how well you've done at the Academy. Failure is not an option. But don't fret, even the failures will graduate...Eventually. They have to. Because at any cost all Unicorns must be:

Only the Best, only the Elite.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 46 )

Well this shows some promise on a dark take. I'll be keeping an eye on how you develop this premise.

One does have to wonder, however, just what Celestia actually gains from wiping the students. The chances seem quite low that they'd have any knowledge she didn't at that stage in their lives. She does say delicious and hungry though, so maybe it's just that she eats knowledge like a changeling eats love? At least the teacher she wiped seemed to have some interesting information she'd either keep or pass along.

erasing their mind seem insane if you dont remember your mistakes you cant learn from them, in this timeline has anyone ever passed the school?

never said their mind. only their magical knowledge. And if you read it carefully...nothing may be getting erased. Perhaps something else is at play here.
Also the answer to your question is found in the description:
Even the failures will graduate...Eventually.

That is indeed the question. Glad you are enjoying it.

still if you lose the knowledge to understand your mistake your doomed to repeat it, and graduate but im assuming no pony want to graduate from failure as that got some nasty consequence

Interesting, i do wonder what type of reaction Celestia will have when/if the events of the rainboom happens.

Time will tell. Enjoy the ride. Oh and...you might want to light a torch, the shadows seem to be getting longer.

I also should note that this kind of reminds me of a similar idea i had a long time ago but about cloudsdale keeping only the best flyers and tossing the failures off of the side to their doom.

I will, and thanks. Good advice, i will be sure to do just that.

Will Twilight appear as her mostly OP self in this. Seeing this Celestia react to a pony who breaks the system by passing impossible tests would be Iinteresting

Time will tell. Enjoy the ride. This story is far from done yet.

Sort of reminds me of a story where Celestia pranks Twilight by sticking a purple egg (a magic construct) in Twilight's bed with a spell that will create an eco of Twilight's own life signs. Luna think's it's mean, Alicorns don't lay eggs but Twi didn't know. Story Ed with Twi casting a powerful spell to "Save" the egg and the cries of a new born filly.

I love that story.
But this one is disturbing...

I take pride in subtle, yet unsettling dark themes. Not all nightmares involve gore or shock horror. Stick around the best is yet to come. Though I suggest lighting a torch. As my DM in D&D told me almost twenty years ago:
"The shadows are growing longer and the light is slowly being extinguished."

What an interesting amalgam of Sunset and Twilight you have built here, personality wise. Rather believable to me too, given the environment you've created for her to grow up in. This definitely remains fascinatingly disturbing to explore.

This is a very inspiring comment. Thank you! I'm glad you see the dystopia I have lovingly crafted so far. There is much more to come and the rabbit hole goes quite deep with this alicorn princess. I do hope you'll stick around.

You're welcome.

The really disturbing part, that really pulls it together, is that while anyone in this world would be horrified at what that school environment did to Twilight, that's exactly what Celestia wanted, no, what she dreamed of it doing for ALL of the unicorns who entered it.

And so a layer is peeled back. Truly a fascinating vision of Celestia you're building here.

I completely agree with that definition of failure as long as you haven't given up, you just haven't succeeded YET, it's once you give up that you fail, as you no longer have a chance to succeed.

I gotta agree, Celestia has done everything to be cold and distant, but ai think her heart is starting to melt a by. Yes she clearly is minipulating Twilight but I think part of her own motivation is lost to the princess. Seeing a filly who not only saw though the trick of the egg but is still determined to complete the task that should be impossible.



Have you ever made one mistake, that one mistake that was so horrendous that the very thought of it shreds your psyche and forces you to eternally walk within a nightmare? Celestia has.
But what if you got just one opportunity, just one chance with no room for error, to undo it?
How far would you go to fix it?
What would you do, what would you sacrifice?

More importantly, what if there was another way?

To lose the only thing that makes life worthwhile, and to have it be at least partially your own fault, that would do it.

Don't know that I can agree with Celestia's thought that it was entirely her fault, the Queen did use both nicknames after all. Meaning they both were too loud.

Fascinating what still exists of Twilight after so long in that environment.

One has to wonder though...what if her thoughts hadn't been interrupted by adorableness? Perhaps there is still an untold side to the story?

Oh, absolutely there's more to it than what we've got so far, but I can only comment on what we know so far, hehe.

I'm surprised there isn't a Twilight Sparkle tag. Why isn't there one?

I have to ask...what did you think of her Alicornification?

she isn't the main character. Would be false advertising.

I really liked it. The rage and despair, as well as her Mom being all "finally!" I thought was quite well done.

Truly a fascinating take on alicorns, the cycle of the ages, how each age might be personified, and maternal instinct.

Enforced sibling rivalry while simultaneously having it be her stabilizing influence is perfect for the kind of personality you built a Nightmare to be. The twist with Luna/Nightmare Moon, and why the Queen treated Celestia the way she did was really cool.

As a side note, while I remian completely invested in seeing where this goes, this right here would be the perfect ending to book one, as it were. Admittedly, it also just works as a chapter/act break rather than a book end. If you wanted, you could then start a sequel at some point in the future, showing the results of the test as a flashback. Starting Twilight's training as a sequel would let you even show some chapters from Twilight's point of view if you preferred, whereas that would be weird to suddenly start doing in this story. Just some thoughts.

honestly, I love your idea. Gonna use it <3

Ah yes, a Celestia that I want to kill. Add that to my list...

The character tags as described by the FAQ are there to mention characters who have a prominent role within the narrative. Considering that even though most of the story focuses on Celestia, Twilight still has significant importance within the narrative even with little "screen time". I'd say that in my own opinion that would warrant her being tagged. Obviously that's still up to you though.

I suppose you'll have to accept my reasonings as my own regardless. Thank you for reading~

"Demon...That's funny. Demon...I like that."

Yup, fits real well.

No cap, I would have been angry too.

I’m not understanding her reasoning. This entire chapter she’s been pulling 180s.

I suppose you'll need the entire picture. I suggest finishing the story before attempting to solve the puzzle.

So, her mother is the one that banished her? Also, what happened to her mother? And, if Celestia thought everything her mother did was wrong why is she doing the exact same thing?

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Aug 27th, 2020

I just finished it, and I kinda understand.

So, both Celestia and her mother are messed up in the head?

I suppose you could say that, though that's not the intended message. I hope you enjoyed it and decide to seek out the sequel.

I will now that I know there is one.

Only the broken only the cursed is the sequel. I do hope you'll enjoy it~

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