• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 2,307 Views, 72 Comments

In Your Corner - Bookish Delight

Sunset Shimmer quits, forcing Rainbow Dash to take off the kid gloves.

  • ...

5: Behind the Scenes

Group sleepovers weren’t a normal thing for Twilight Sparkle, but she hadn’t had much choice in the matter. After such a scary accident, the others had insisted, and taken the decision out of her hands.

Thus, all of the girls—save for Sunset—were seated in different areas in Twilight’s room. Pinkie tried her hardest to keep herself out of a large jar of gummy bears, and failed miserably. Applejack leaned against a wall nonchalantly, wondering if she should get involved in Pinkie’s plight, or hope she learned a valuable life lesson on her own. Fluttershy played with Spike on the carpet. Rainbow, Twilight and Rarity were on Twilight’s bed, with Rarity fiddling with Twilight’s ponytail, and Rainbow making faces at how Rarity tied, loosened, and then re-tied Twilight’s hair while extolling the virtues of short cuts—specifically, low maintenance and aerodynamics. Large thin square boxes were stacked on a nearby table, as, much like with the sleepover, it was decided that after the events of mere hours ago, comfort pizza was needed.

In the midst of the festivities, the girls eventually reached a mutual slow point—and as the chatter in the room reached a low hum, Applejack was the first to speak what was on everyone’s mind:

"Okay, so, just gettin’ formalities outta the way: we’re helpin’ her out, right? Sunset, I mean."

The other girls nodded. "Oh, of course we are, dear," Rarity said. "It would be absolutely uncouth not to."

"We owe her all so much," Fluttershy said, cuddling Spike close and ruffling his hair. "But… she thinks we’re not her friends. She thinks we were pretending all this time. Or maybe worse."

Rarity sighed through pursed lips. "And it didn’t even take an artifact from another world messing with our memories to make it happen this time around."

"Hrmm cmm she thmnk tht fter all’ve bmmm thrmmm tgtherm?" Pinkie said, with a mouthful of gummy bears.

"Pinkie," Applejack said.

"Mrrt," Pinkie said, swallowing. "We’ve been through so much together, though! We’ve made movies, we’ve saved dimensions, we’ve sorta-kinda traveled through time!" Pinkie spread her arms, spinning around. "Come on—time! What kind of non-friend does that, huh? I’ll tell you! Someone who’s not… not…" She intently watched her index fingers twirl around each other. "Not a not-friend, that’s who!"

"I…" Twilight said, tapping her own index fingers together. "I think I might know."

"Well, by all means," Rarity said, "don’t keep the rest of us in the dark."

Twilight rose from the bed. "I still remember, when I was Midnight Sparkle, I was filled with so much anger, and sadness… but it didn’t come from nowhere. I had shut myself out from the world for so long, because of how much I was sure the world hated me. Then the magic happened, and, well, you saw the rest.

"After the Friendship Games, I never wanted to feel the way I did when I was Midnight, ever again. I never wanted to hurt people, put them in danger the way I had back then." Twilight took a deep breath, putting her hand over her heart. "So… I became scared of myself. Because I now knew, deep down, what I was capable of.

"But Sunset taught me to embrace myself and my magic. Which meant embracing my entire emotional spectrum, including the emotions which…" Twilight hesitated, visibly searching for the right words. "Weren’t socially acceptable, or very positive. The emotions, the magic, or anything adjacent, which could bring out the Midnight in me. Sunset convinced me to be okay with the fact that I was my own person, with all that entailed—and, more importantly, that I deserved to be."

"That was after you got just a taste of magic, though," Fluttershy noted.

"Yeah," Applejack said. "Sunset’s a dang literal magical being! She’s full of the stuff!"

Twilight nodded. "She always has been. We’ve talked a lot. She puts on a strong exterior, but her heart… it’s always being eaten from the inside out. There’s so much she blames herself for… and so much she’s scared she could become. And if anything happened to us because of something she did, even by proxy…" She sat down on the bed, resting her hands on her thighs and looking down. "She’d rather destroy our friendship than get too close to herself, and risk that hurting one or all of us."

"So… we just have to convince her that we understand that," Rarity said, "and that we don’t care."

Twilight nodded. "She’s saved all of us… but she still feels so alone." All of the girls looked carpetward, with lidded eyes. A solemn silence followed.

Until Rainbow Dash broke it. "I’ll do it."

"Speaking of ‘uncouth’," Rarity said, with a sly grin and chuckle.

"What?" Rainbow protested. "I’m our best option for this! Pep talks and setting people straight are, like, my thing."

"I know you sure do love that second one," Applejack said.

Twilight perked up. "No, Rainbow, you’re totally right! Sunset and I just had an argument, meaning it might be hard for me to reach her right now. She's got a bit of a 'cooldown period', for lack of better nomenclature. But you hang out with her just as much, and… I’ve seen you together." She looked at Rainbow, her gaze almost reverent. "You two speak a language I could never learn."

"The language of joc—I mean, athleticism?" Rarity quipped.

Twilight smiled at Rainbow. "No. Something deeper."

Rainbow smiled back.

Sunset opened her eyes to several things—chief among them the view and feel of Rainbow’s lips, still pressed to hers, and the glowing warmth around the both of them.

It was a warmth that was different from minutes ago. It wasn’t unbridled, or raging—it was steady and calm. What was once a fire was now sunshine on a sandy beach, complete with the sound of rolling waves, all as soft and warm as Rainbow’s kiss.

It was a warmth that was visualized as well by the aura around her, which was no longer red, but Rainbow’s blue, which had overtaken them both.

Sunset slowly relaxed as Rainbow slid her hands down—from Sunset’s shoulders, along her arms, then squeezing her hands, just before letting go, and stepping back—allowing Sunset to see all of her—not just glowing blue, but with telltale pony ears.

"Rainbow…" Sunset gasped—then gasped again as Rainbow opened one hand to reveal Sunset’s geode, presenting it to her. Of course. That flashback had looked—and felt—awfully familiar.

"You’re so scared of us getting hurt," Rainbow said, her voice as peaceful and warm as the magic around both of them, "and it's really awesome to know how much you care about us. But… we’d die for you, Sunset. I would."

"But—" Sunset instantly tried to protest, but Rainbow pressing a finger to Sunset’s lips stopped her.

"That’s not a choice you get to make," continued Rainbow, still in a soft, level voice, "or put on yourself, either. It belongs to me, and the other girls, and only us—and we already talked it out. We’re all Team Shimmer. We’re in your corner until all of us lose the final round." She grinned out of the corner of her mouth. "No one’s in a hurry to die, of course. But we would. In a second. If helping you, if protecting you, meant paying the ultimate price... well, whatever. You get it."

Sunset could feel herself seconds away from bursting into tears again—from happiness or otherwise, she couldn’t say. "But why?" she managed to ask, instead.

"'Cause you gave us all a gift," Rainbow said with a shrug, as if it were the easiest answer in the world.

Sunset blinked, confused. "The magic?"

Rainbow’s eyes went wide… and then she laughed, loud. "You, you fucking dumbass! And you never asked us for anything in return!"

Sunset felt her throat become twice as big, instantly. "I-I mean," she croaked, looking around, "I don’t—I-I don’t know what I would even have asked for, and even if I did it’d be wrong to, and—" Sunset cut herself off with a low gasp as she felt Rainbow’s hands take hers again.

"Yeah, gonna need you to stop doing that ‘hating yourself’ thing," Rainbow said. "Gets old after a while. You said it yourself: you’ve broken every rule that two universes tried to put on you, and still came out ahead. Without you, I could only dream of being as awesome as I am now—and even being as awesome as I am now… Sunset, you’re incredible. You bring out the best in us, by understanding us, every time. Twilight wouldn't be here with us if not for you doing exactly that at the Friendship Games. Pinkie told us all about how the whole time loop concert thing turned out, and what you did for her during it. We couldn't have taken the Dazzlings without you, or Gaea Everfree... heck, do I even need to bring up how terrible we were when the Memory Stone hit us? Equestrian magic that you didn't bring here, by the way."

Sunset froze. She actually hadn't thought of that. Ever. Even after being there for the explanation. "I... I didn't, did I?"

"Nope." Rainbow shook her head. "You might have brought some magic here, but you also brought you. Which was great, because without you... we'd be totally lost. Not to mention we'd be out one amazing friend.

"And you’re always worth someone telling you that. Me, Twilight, whoever. But even more than us, you’re worth telling yourself that. You sacrifice so much of your time and drive, and we know you’d sacrifice yourself for us. So you don’t get to deny us the same."

Rainbow held out the geode again. "You’re always gonna be a part of us. Whether you like it or not. So, take this thing already. There’s only one girl it’s for, and it's not me."

Sunset looked at Rainbow’s smiling face, then back down to the geode. After some time, she finally touched Rainbow's hand to grasp it.

Slowly, from her feet to her hair, her orange aura returned.

And the world went black and white one more time.

Rainbow Dash stood in front of Twilight’s front door, looking outside at the starry evening while hopping up and down, as Twilight herself approached.

"Looks like you’re ready," Twilight said.

"Yep, been ready," Rainbow said… then put her fingers to her chin. "Actually. Hold on a minute?"

"What’s wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Mmmmmm, nothing really wrong," Rainbow said, "but… I don’t buy what you said earlier. About you not being able to reach Sunset, I mean. You say she and I have a connection, and…" Rainbow ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, you’re right. But you two have your own connection. A language I can’t speak, either. Too many science words." She stuck out her tongue.

Twilight giggled. "I can’t help it if I grew up in a lab. You could always join us there and learn some of those words."

"Let me know when you start working on a personal jetpack, and I might. But for now… I know you had a bit of a fight, but I still think you’re right up there with me as the best person to talk to her."

Twilight put her own fingers to her chin in thought. "Hmmm. I… I could text her, I suppose. Extend an olive branch, try to start a conversation?"

"Sure, give that a shot. But I just realized, when she has her geode on her, she’ll probably see that whole talk we all had, at some point. Maybe even what we’re saying now, too." She grinned. "Her powers seem to love zeroing in on the juicy stuff."

Twilight snapped her fingers. "That’s an excellent point! We could get a message through to her that way!"

"Bingo," Rainbow said. "Got something to say? Now’s the time."

"Oh! I, um, okay." Twilight nodded, gathered herself, closed her eyes, took a deep breath—then looked up to the stars herself. "Sunset. I don’t think I can begin to describe how special you are. Not just to us, not just to me, but… in general. In concept. And I also can’t begin to say how sorry I am. All this time, listening to you, already knowing how much you’re always hurting—but when the time really came to show what I’d learned…" She looked low and to the side. "I failed the test.

"I don’t know what Rainbow has in mind. I’m not going to ask. I trust her to do things her own way, a way you and she understand. But I’m told hearing me might help, too, so here I am. Please come back to us, Sunset. You… really do matter." She paused, then added, "More than m—"

"Stop." Rainbow put up a hand, cutting Twilight off, and rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I swear, you and her." Reaching over, she grabbed Twilight’s arms, spinning Twilight to face her. "Everyone on this team matters, Twilight. Everyone on this team is awesome. Even Applejack—no, sometimes, especially Applejack! I don’t know what it is about you and Sunset that keeps you from seeing that about yourselves, but…" She trailed off, sighed, and embraced Twilight with one arm, leaning in. "One day, I guess."

"Rainbow…" Twilight said, embracing Rainbow in kind—and gasping the tiniest bit when she felt Rainbow’s lips on her cheek.

Rainbow stepped away, breaking the connection. "We’ll bring her back. Together. Because you both matter. Okay?"

Her hand on the cheek that Rainbow had kissed, Twilight said softly, "Okay."

And in the next moment, Rainbow Dash was gone.