• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 2,491 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - The Beginning - Lil Sunny

Sunset Shimmer, forgiven for her past mistakes, and with a new friend to boot, why does she have to be so cute?

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The next morning just before school started Twilight approached Rarity, her expression one of extreme nerves.

“Hey Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“Certainly dear, what’s on your mind?”

“Could you uhh, helpmegereadyforadate!” She quickly blurted out, flustered.

“Beg your pardon dear?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “I have a date, tomorrow night, with Sunset. She’s taking me to a fancy restaurant and I need a dress, some advice, and a hug.” She finished almost fainting with how embarrassed she felt.

Rarity caught her almost falling over and hugged her tight. “I’ll help however I can darling, you’re just a bundle of nerves today. Is she that important to you? I know you told me how you felt about her, but I never expected you to be like this.”

“She is Rarity, she really truly is.”

“Well then I’ll have to do everything I can. You’re coming over to my place this afternoon, no questions asked. I’ll arrange a few dresses I have lying around and see if one of them suits you, maybe look into styling your hair a little and perhaps a dash of makeup, and of course if all goes well I’ll need to see you tomorrow after school too so you can be ready to dazzle Sunset.”

“Thanks Rarity, you’re the best.”

Sunset spotted Twilight talking to Rarity and assumed she was nervous about their date and needed some help. In truth, she needed help too but now that Rarity was preoccupied she had to consider which one of her other friends could help her. Not Rainbow “tomboy” Dash certainly, or Applejack and her country chic. Even Pinkie was just a bundle of bright colors. Which only left one choice.

“Hey Fluttershy!” Sunset called, the girl in question turning around to greet her.

“Oh, hello Sunset. What’s up?”

“I’ve got a date tomorrow night with Twilight. I’ve got a few dresses but I’m not sure which one would be best to wear, and I’ve never been out on a real date before either. I was hoping you could maybe help me out.”

“Oh goodness, are you sure I’m the right person? I’m sure one of our other friends could be more helpful to you.”

“Rarity is already helping Twilight from what I’ve seen and none of the other girls have a fashion sense beyond street clothes and rainbows. You at least have an eye for detail. I’ve seen you knitting for the animals and sewing your skirts. Please Fluttershy, you’re the best person to help me.”

“Well, if you’re sure. Then OK. Why don’t I come back to your place this afternoon and we can see what you have to work with. Maybe a little make-up could go a long way too and I’ve had a couple of dates before, Sandalwood is such a gentleman, but I didn’t feel anything special with him so we broke it off.”

“Thanks Fluttershy, this means a lot to me. I’ll be sure to help you anytime you need it too. Maybe I could come to the animal shelter some day and help you out.”

“That would be great Sunset, we can always use more volunteers even if it's just for a day or two”

Classes went fairly smoothly that day. Twilight put all her focus and effort into her work so she wouldn’t be anxious or nervous about her date while Sunset played it as cool as ever. After school Sunset and Fluttershy went over to Sunset’s apartment.

“Wow Sunset, this place amazes me every time I see it, I still don’t know how you can afford it.”

“Actually, I own it. The previous owner was getting older and he wanted to find a lady and use his savings to retire together with her. I helped him out and he gave me the apartment. He wasn’t charging me much rent before then either, he was a sweetheart and I hope he’s happy now.”

Sunset laid out 3 dresses on her bed. One was a custom made dress by Rarity, yellow with fiery orange accents and her cutie mark on the chest.

The second was a pink short dress that she got for Pinkie’s “Pink all night long” party the previous year.

The third was one she picked up once at the mall, she never thought she’d wear it but she thought it was pretty. It was a striking lavender with darker purple accents and decorated with tiny twinkling white stars, each adorned with a small gemstone.

As soon as Fluttershy laid eyes on the third dress, she knew it was the perfect one.

“That one Sunset! She’ll love it, it looks like something she would wear, and I think she’ll appreciate you trying to make her feel comfortable by wearing something familiar to her. I know she can be pretty shy sometimes, and I know how awful that feels. Not being confident enough to tell someone you’ve fallen for how you really feel can be heartbreaking.”

Sunset looked at her, concerned. “Do you have feelings for someone Fluttershy? It sounds like you were talking about yourself as much as Twilight.” She put her arm on Fluttershy’s shoulder and gave a warm smile.

Fluttershy shed a single tear and smiled back. “Well, yes I suppose I do. Rainbow Dash is a great gal who deserves whoever she ends up with, as much as I wish it was me I just don’t see how it could happen. She doesn’t notice me and I’m too shy to try anything.” She finished, sighing.

“Fluttershy, I think the best thing for you to do would be to just, talk to her. You don’t have to confess right away. Hang out with her, just the two of you. And If you feel confident enough some time during the day, tell her. If not, try again another day. Maybe she will notice you.”

“You might be right, I’ll text her for this weekend maybe. A walk in the park, maybe a milkshake. Just, friends hanging out. Yeah I can do that.”

“Of course you can Fluttershy, you’re more confident than you give yourself credit for. Oh yeah, I might need your help tomorrow getting this thing on right and maybe with a little makeup. Think you could make it?”

“Sure thing Sunset. But what do we do now? Should I just go or what?”

“If you want to, yeah, but we could watch a movie or play some video games instead, how’s that sound?” Sunset smirked.

“Sounds great Sunset. I’ll kick your butt just like last time!” She giggled giving her best attempt at trash talk.

Meanwhile on the other side of town.

“Rarity! We’ve been at this for 2 hours! If you haven’t found the right dress for me yet, I don’t think you ever will!”

“Hush darling, fashion takes time, a little patience would do you wonders.” Rarity continued to rummage through her large walk-in wardrobe before pulling out a striking dress, light orange in color with yellow and red accents adorned with Sunset’s cutie mark on the chest.

“I made a dress just like this for Sunset about a year ago, although this one was a more recent piece, a little better quality too. I don’t know what inspired me to make a second one but I’m glad I did, it’s perfect. She’ll see you wearing her colors, be amazed at how you look and you’ll sweep her off her feet without even trying darling I just know it.”

Twilight tried it on, it was a nice fit, Rarity tucked a few edges for the sleeker Twilight and showed her over to a full length mirror.

“What do you think dear?”

“It's beautiful. It looks great, thanks. I’ll have it cleaned and returned after the date.”

“Nonsense dear, I have plenty more where that came from, keep it, it’s yours. And make sure you’re here after school tomorrow, I want to make you Sparkle.” She finished with a confident smirk.

“Ok, if you’re really sure Rarity, thanks a bunch. But there’s another thing too. I’ve never had a date, what do I do? Is there a list? A schedule? Anything to give me structure?”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh no no no dear, a date is most entertaining when nothing beyond the where and why is planned out. All you need to know is, you want to look pretty and you’re having dinner together. Typically in a relationship there is a role of a gentleman and a lady, even among two beautiful flowers like yourselves. Sunset I would imagine will be playing the role of the gentleman, which means I can make you look extra gorgeous to show off your feminine wiles to her rugged beauty. After that, just say whatever comes to your mind dear Twilight, as long as both you and she are having a good time together, then what you do or say shouldn’t matter.”

“Well, ok. If that’s what it takes then I’ll try my best. I gotta get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow Rarity, thanks again.”

“Think nothing of it dear, goodbye!”

Both Sunset and Twilight slept peacefully that night as they dreamed of being together at last.