• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Rainbow Sparkle

My name is Cain, a person who loves writing and rping. Am also a writer on Furaffinity http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rainbowsparkle91/, come check me out!


The long awaited sequel to One Last Letter has arrived! Thanks to Somebody for pre-reading and editing!

Princess Luna faces a difficult burden as she tries to find a way to save Equestria from Discord's reign of chaos. As her attempts to quickly find a way to best the Draconequus and free her sister from his control fails, she begins to consider a possible solution. To embrace that which she had become in the past, only this time for the good of all creatures. But is it worth the risk? Luna must quickly decide which path she will take in her quest to free Equestria, but she must be willing to face the consequences of her choices.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 13 )

^LE GASP! Spambots! :pinkiegasp:

Anyway, it's looking like a great setup. My only nitpick is some missing commas here and there, but otherwise, it looks promising :pinkiehappy:

Packed, stamped, and sent to the moon, courtesy of Luna Express. In other words, ze comment above yours was deleted.
Glad you like it, only four more chapters to go before its end though, so savor your enjoyment :pinkiehappy:

I find it sad that considering how many people liked the first one, this doesn't have more views. Favorites or up or down votes aren't really what I'm concerned with here so much as the views.

Hm, this update came out of nowhere, good I faved the story or I would have never noticed with all that fiction on this site ^.^

Why didn't Luna use the memory spell on Celestia?


She could, theoretically, but it wouldn't solve anything. Remember that Celestia and Luna are not connected to the Elements of Harmony anymore, and as such they no longer have any effective means of defeating Discord. This is why she summoned Twilight and her friends, the new Element Bearers, to attempt to defeat him in the first place.

The entire reason Discord was able to break Celestia in One Last Letter was because he was able to prove to her that the Twilight and the Elements had failed. In order to beat Celestia, he had to first beat the six Elements of Harmony, her only means of defeating him, in order to get her to lose hope. If Luna wants to save her sister, she would first need to save the Elements, in order to restore the basis for any hope that Celestia potentially may have had left.

Otherwise, if Luna tried to perform the spell on Celestia first, only to tell her two seconds later that "Oh hey, Discord is still in control, harmony is still dead, and nothing has changed!" I don't think that would bode for her very well and she would more than likely just go straight back into her discorded state, with or without help from Discord, who is in complete control of her anyway. At least, that's my theory.

TL;DR: Luna has to restore the Elements of Harmony first before she has any realistic chance of restoring Celestia in the long term.

Why is this on a hiatus for so long?

lack of feedback, lack of any sort of interest on my or others parts, and of course the fact that I wasn't even sure about making a sequel in the first place.

4353405 Well I only found it now. And now I am saying: CONTINUE IT!!! For my sake? :fluttercry: I am definitely interested and I'll give all the feedback you need as long as you CONTINUE IT FOR HEAVEN's SAKE!!

Perhaps someday after I finish A Jewel of a Problem

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