• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 14th



Following the events of The Dark Knight Rises, Bane has awoken to find himself in equestria. Enough said.

I couldn't find the artist who made the story cover, but that's basically where I got the idea from.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 20 )

I like this very much. Bane has so much potential emotionally an story wise. Who gets to him first could affect his interactions with others. I am going to track this and wait for updates :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I like it. Bane has a lot of potential... Bane! Bringing terrorism and evil to Equestria.. Yea sounds good.:pinkiecrazy:

Nice. Bane's perspective on the whole incident is very interesting.
Just a few things; right up until the end you keep spelling Bruce's last name as "Wane" instead of "Wayne", at one point it says "I was bone in darkness" and when you get to the part about the torture and rape you lapse into present with "plagues", and there's a bunch of words that need capitalization.
My inner Grammar Nazi is going to shut up now and I will keep following this :twilightsmile:

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll do a quick run through Word to fix the spelling and then I'll go back to look at a few specific examples.

God, after reading this I can now picture Bane and Trixie walking down a road to ponyville with 'Deshi Basara' playing in the background...

I'm impressed so far. Please continue.

There is one reoccurring grammatical issue I see.

"Missal" Isn't a word.

"Missile" Is a word.

Please fix and continue.

awwwwwww shit :rainbowkiss: this guna be good

Thats it? b-but i want moar!!!!!!

So much can be done with this, its to die for :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

As depressing as I found The Dark Knight Rises on a meta level (knowing that Nolan and Goyer had something else planned that would have built more closely on TDK's story if Heath Ledger hadn't died, plus how conspicuously absent The Joker was even in mention), I found Bane a very memorable villain. Here's hoping you can preserve that sinister charm he exuded in the movie.

I wonder what he'll do with his r'aison d'etre in a place as saccharine as Equestria? I imagine it has something to do with the Royal Sisters given that their faces are rather present on your character tags list. Moreover, am I correct in suspecting Trixie will be his Replacement Goldfish for Talia? I suppose that will be answered as the story progresses but I sincerely hope you have a good game plan in mind.

Speaking of which, are you dead set on what you do have planned? Depending on your tastes, it should be worth noting that from what's been revealed, Trixie is apparently going to return. Whether you stick to your guns or shift gears based on how she's portrayed in whatever her return appearance entails, don't let it derail the quality. Good luck. ;)

Out of curiosity, how familiar are you with Bane's character from the comics? Is there anything you plan to incorporate into this fic? Don't worry if it's limited to the movie, since a lot of the characters are whole different animals from their ink and pen counterparts anyway. I won't judge as long as it's well written and true to the character, especially since most of my knowledge of Bane is secondhand as well.

This has so much potential its stupid.Can't wait to see where you take this


A middle-aged ninja raised in a pit

THat sums him up nicely

I have been reading this ever since you started it D: where are you?!?! We must find out wha Bane does to this world!

Did you forget your password or some shit, cause I ended up getting real specific in what I wanted to read and ended up here.
Needless to say, I want another chapter if it kills you.

P.S. the last comment you got was over 36 weeks ago.

P.S.S. does anyone know if this guy's still alive because a few months ago I figured out that one of the authors I was following died and the first thing to go through my mind was "so that's why he hasn't updated in forever"
Information is fun! :twilightsmile:

ANd it is abandoned :(

Please don't be dead.

For you.

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