• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 956 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - In Loving Twilight - Lil Sunny

Sunset and Twilight are ready to embrace their future together.

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Settling In

It didn’t take long for Twilight to move her belongings. Her computer fit into one box while her beloved books fit into a few more. She packed all her clothes and reluctantly left Spike with her parents. She knew she would be back for holidays and he was happy there, happier than he would be in a dingy apartment she thought. With her father helping to place the last box in the back of Sunset’s car, hand in hand with Sunset Twilight crossed the threshold of her parent’s front door one final time.
After they made it to Sunset’s house it took a short while to get the boxes into her apartment before Twilight sat on the couch and Sunset smiled at her.

“Well Twi, welcome to our home. I know you’ve been here before but now it’s your home too. Washing Machine is there, pots and pans are in there, there’s the refrigerator and freezer, oh and I usually keep other groceries in those upper cupboards. Bathroom is over there and there’s only one room, sorry. So we’re sharing a bed. Not that you had a problem with that before.” She pointed out each location as she explained the layout and smirked at her final comment.

Twilight blushed momentarily before regaining her composure.

“Thanks Sunny, I’m glad we’re sharing a room honestly. I don’t think I’d ever want to leave your side. Thank you for letting me move in with you, I promise to be the best girlfriend I can be and support you to the best of my abilities.”

“Don’t sweat it Twi, I’ll help you out whenever you need it too. I’d say we’ll both be motivating each other when it comes to all the work college is going to give us. In the meantime, would you like to go out tonight? To celebrate our first day living together.”

“That sounds wonderful. How about a movie?”

“Sure thing Twi. I’m sure there’s something good on. We could grab some dinner, head out to the movie and take a nice walk through the park to end the evening. Sound good?”

“Sounds great Sunset. But first, I know another way we can celebrate.” She smirked before wrapping her arms around Sunset and kissing her. They embraced for a few tender moments before parting, each with a loving smile on their face.

After unpacking all her things Twilight sat on the couch and watched some cartoons while Sunset microwaved them some pasta meals.

“Is this all you eat Sunset? Don’t you cook?”

“It always seemed so daunting, so much to remember and get just right to make anything worthwhile. I never bothered since these were pretty good anyway. Maybe sometime.”

Twilight thought to herself. “She can’t keep this up forever. If she won’t cook then I will. I don’t know how but I’m sure I can learn, her birthday is coming up soon too. I could cook her a birthday dinner! Maybe a friend could teach me how.”

They enjoyed their food before setting out to the local movie theatre. Rarity told them about a new movie just released called Love by Midnight, they thought it would be a nice romantic date movie knowing Rarity’s tastes. There was a line of customers all the way out the door of the place however to their delight, this was for the new Daring Do movie and in fact after getting their snacks they found the movie they were seeing had nobody else in the room at all. Part way through, Twilight shifted into Sunset’s lap and cuddled her head into her girlfriend’s neck. Snuggling together they enjoyed the movie before timing a kiss to the exact scene of the movie where the hero kissed his lady. Hand in hand they left giggling.

“Wow, that was beautiful but really corny, like seriously. M’lady? This isn’t medieval Europe.” Twilight giggled.

“Yeah, and the scene where the guy kissed her hand. I mean that’s real romantic in the movies but I don’t think that kind of thing works in real life.” Sunset chuckled.

Twilight smirked and grabbed Sunset’s hand placing a gentle kiss on top.

“So M’lady, shall we verily return to our royal chambers posthaste?”

Sunset smirked. “Very well M’lady, let us proceed with the remainder of our evening escapades.”

They both burst out laughing as they made their way to the nearby park. Together they sat down on a bench and cuddled into each other as the evening got a bit colder.

“Y’know, back in Equestria we had a pony who watched over the night. She soothed ponies dreams and crafted beautiful night skies as she raised the moon, all the stars and constellations were made by her to light up the darkness. Her name was Luna, yep, just like our old vice principal. I’d be happy to tell you anything you want to know about Equestria honey, if you’re still interested in it of course.” Sunset smiled.

“Thank you Sunset, but right now I’m just happy being with you. Maybe there was a time when I would have done anything for knowledge, but we both know where that led. I’m not like that anymore, but I still appreciate the thought.”

After Twilight pointed out a few constellations in the clear night sky they walked hand in hand back to their shared apartment. Upon entering they discarded their coats and walked into the bedroom together with Twilight blushing the whole time.

“What’s up Twi?”

“Nothing, It’s just. We haven’t seen each other with so little clothing since our first date. I’m a little embarrassed about what you’ll think."

“It’s ok Twilight. You don’t have to change in front of me, you can go into the bathroom or something if it’s too much for you.”

“No, I’ll have to do it eventually so it might as well be now.”
She proceeded to strip to her underwear and allow Sunset a good look at her body.

“Well Twi, you look gorgeous. A little thin maybe but that’s not always a bad thing. Alright then, my turn I guess.”

Sunset did the same and Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“Woah, I knew you were pretty but this is just, wow. You have a great figure, and a nice tone to your stomach and arms. Boy did I get lucky or what.”

Now it was Sunset’s turn to blush.

“Really Twi? I always thought I was a bit chubby, not enough to do anything about it like some of the girls at CHS, I swear they would do anything to be supermodel thin. But like I still thought I had a bit of a belly on me.”

“It makes you all the more lovable Sunset. Now let’s put on our PJs and get some shut eye.”

They changed and crawled under the sheets together. Twilight cuddled her head once again into Sunset’s neck, a position that made her feel very safe and comfortable. Sunset in turn wrapped her arms around Twilight and pulled her closer. They drifted off eager to see what the next day had in store.