• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Alan, human and guest, is looking forward to a nice quiet day of sitting on the sofa watching trashy light entertainment programming with his close personal friend (and host) Princess Celestia.

Things seem a bit weird though...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

The color of the flash - what little he’d seen - had looked a bit off but, being colourblind, who was he to say?

Oh dear, colorblind? He's missing out on so much!

Your vignettes are always a delight, Cackling.

Thank heavens for new short stories and consistent updates from my preferred selection of regularly active authors; if it wasn't for you guys, I'd have almost nothing to read for the past two weeks!

I love how your stories can have someone say so much banter and have said nothing at all

I do believe this will put a damper on any future relations with Chrysalis should he meet her again in less, er, bitey scenes. As they say, once bitten, twice shy... or was it the other way around? I do know it involved biting somewhere. Maybe he should bite her next time? Could be a changeling thing? You know, like how cats get when they flop on you, belly up as if to demand belly rubs and then when you do- chomp! What the hell cat?! I'm trying to be nice and you bite my hand as if I was gonna shank you in the prison yard. I'd stick with the smaller drones who won't bite just to be right snits about it and will enjoy a proper mild pampering in his lap. Yeah, you can go sulk in the corner Ms.Bitey until you learned your lesson.

It was languishing in my long doc of unrelated nonsense and as I chipped away at it I thought to myself "This doesn't seem very good" but the more I thought that, the more I realised I'm a bad judge of this, and that finishing it would allow others to form their own view and maybe spend a few happy minutes reading some absolute tosh.

And so here we are.

Words as a means of concisely and accurately conveying information is so old money.

The hot new jam is waffling wordplay, bad jokes and oblique references to Australian soap operas!

I now have the image of her forcing her way onto his lap, logistics be damned.

Make it one of the universes where ponies et al are closer to pony size than cat size, with the accompanying increases in scale for the princesses and a certain queen. So the poor man is literally buried under a horse-sized tsundere bug-horse.

lucky he didn't go to petting or she never let him go

I gotta say, I've read many of your stories. The way you word situations is very well done. I kinda wish I had the same eloquence you have. Another well written story.

which is great for me being australian and all

I'd be curious to see how you'd write a story to the tune of Brazilian Flower by Jean-Jacques Perrey. That could be quite entertaining, I do say.

So, following a brisk and refreshing shower and the rigorous application of a pair of trousers, a shirt and a few other aids of modesty, Alan was out of the guest room and off and away to find Celestia,

I must admit I've never dressed myself rigorously. Am I missing out?

Limbs went in all sorts of places, and the whole thing was a mess which she apparently couldn’t untangle herself from quickly enough.

Every girl's first time.

“Is it normal? Would it make you less suspicious of anything being out of the ordinary if we did it? Not that anything is out of the ordinary. But would this snug-gling make you less suspicious in general?” Celestia asked, peering at him intently.

Classic Chrysalis.

All bug horse had to do was snuggle.

You know he's going to wake up thinking Celestia is totally into biting. He's going to awkwardly bring it up next time he sees her and she's going to think he's totally into biting and trying to convince her to do it. I mean, Celestia would probably figure out what happened eventually and explain everything to him, but not before a lot of awkward biting takes place. Good times.


but not before a lot of awkward biting takes place.


I do not remember this having come up before. Which is odd as it seems to be a thing one would mention sooner rather than later. Being partially colorblind myself I often find myself marveling at the utter unreliability of my eyes.


Again, like cats, who will find out when you're trying to work and sneak (not very well) right into your way with that silent apathetic stare, demanding "Worship me human" after sprawling all over it. Cats on your laptop has nothing to do with laptop's being warm since tabletop artists will admit the same happens to them.

I forgot how funny your fics were. I need to catch up to them.

Also, nice to know that the Diarch that literally moves the sun is vulnerable to some bags.

Rub the cat's chest or head not the belly, they see going for the belly as an attack.

How very kind! It's just practise, mostly. Constant, grinding practise.

Which is to say writing. If this can be termed such...

When it comes to Neighbours, aren't we all Australian?

This is one of those tracks that I hear, recognise, and can finally put a name to. This is going on my workplaylist, that's for sure!

Also, weirdly, was doing something with Pinkie that rather fits the jaunty tone, I think. We shall see!

One should always dress oneself rigorously! To do anything less is, well, I simply cannot bear to think of it!

That's a rather charming idea, actually...

I endorse this sort of sitcom logic.

It's not like 'THE WORLD IS NAUGHT BUT GREY' but I can't see purple, for one, and consistently get other things wrong.

I like it this way. Everyone else can keep their 'normal' eyes, I think I got the better deal.

My cat likes to walk across my lap and tread heavily on my penis.

Ow cat, why, why.

One of my favourite things about that episode - the episode wherein which this is obliquely, apparently set - is that somehow, off-screen, the Changelings manage to kidnap everyone. Luna got a warning out, and that was about it.

Talk about efficient!

My cat doesn't seem to mind, but then she's weird. She dribbles when I scratch her behind the ears, but only sometimes, and takes great joy in waiting for me to close my eyes in bed before batting me right in the face.

Reds greens and browns confound me. They still have color, but half the time it’s wrong.

You don't say. Guys managed to capture all major figures of the whole Equestrian nation in a single night without anyone noticing it.

Except Starlight, because Starlight is god.

What in the world?

I think the world is wrong. I reject its reality, and substitute my own! Starting with my eyeballs.

She was in the right place at the right time.



It's a story about the economy.

"Underwear, ON!"
"Trousers, ON!"
"Shirt, ON!"
*turns to mirror and points* "You, sir, are dressed!"

pfft, No it's not, what are you on about? It's quite clearly a story about the challenges of trying to overcome true love at first sight to further ones dastardly machinations.

It may indeed have a sup-plot about E-cono-my, but that's more of an exploration into the setup and worldbuilding that's gone into it. This is clearly a prelude to a 100k word, romance novel centered around Chrysiaalis and her trusty and very clever human friend/pet/dashing macho manicus! And their thrilling adventures into an unknown world of TV Shows and more importantly, Love.

You just have to look a little further to see how deep this story really is!


That just makes the belly a more enticing target, as its more rewarding when successfully rubbed.

And don't get me on the fun of raspberrying an upended floof. Not a game for the faint of heart though.

Raspberrying an upended pony though... :pinkiehappy:

Just Another Day..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

For The Survey Corps!

Just another day in magical pony land.

You can't see Purple?!?!

Oh Celestia you poor human!!! How can you appreciate Twilight's full glory like that?! :raritydespair:

I know, right? I just know she's purple because it's mentioned she is. Otherwise I'd just have thought she was blue.

Feel like pulling a Ray Bradbury-esque "I just don't like television, stop reading into it!" but we all know this story is actually about, uh...

...marriage. Yeah.

No! Wait! It's about the English Civil War! Yes! That's the one, that's it.

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