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The UFO chaser but a Dragon. | Support me on Amazon

Comments ( 98 )

Wonder how Luna be handled during this attack too?

Curious on what happens next.

The Ghost Of Tsushima remake with Spike. Nice! And instead of a Pony Verison of General Khotun Khan and his Mongol Army. It's King Sombra himself! Although, I thought that this will be a "Fall Of Equestria" Crossover with Ghost-Samurai Spike, ending the Sexist and Rapist King Dainn and his Caribou Slavers/Army Sex Empire. 😠

But this is fine. :moustache:

"Let us tell you a story about; The Ghost Of Equestria ." Cadance said, beginning the adventurous tale.

Is it going to be a long tale?

Ok, I’m a little confused.

One question I have is when does this take place?

A few months after the defeat of King Sombra the first time. Although, the one that is in the present is after Twilight earns her wings. In the first chapter, it was basically Cadance and Shining Armor telling her about The Ghosts tale.

Because it talks about how athletic spike was, and I doubt a baby dragon is that athletic.

Oh, no, that was simply adrenaline and a "quick" description on how it looks like.


The cave King Sombra was in was made of ice and showed an ancient creature that had been trapped since time itself. Sombra was currently looking at it, and smiled. He was gonna rescue the creature from its ice prison, he just wasn't sure if he was really interested in helping it after that. Then, a idea came to his head, 'what if he potentially recruited creatures to take over Equestria?' He certainly had the magic to do it, he just didn't have the strength to do it. He needed to rest, and regain his magic.

What’s the creature?

The ponies were out partying like wild animals, and Spike was doing so himself. Although, he kept feeling like something was gonna happen. Spike kept shrugging away the feeling, but it was still there. Spike was currently in the middle of Canterlot; on his way to Pony Joe's. Then it happened. There was a mighty roar up in the sky, and everypony looked up, and saw dragons there and they started to breath fire on the civilians on the streets. The ponies screamed on top of their lungs, and Spike just stood there in shock. He then started to run towards the castle in hopes of finding somepony to tell him what the Tartarus was going on.

Why are dragons attacking?

On top of a hill, not far away from Canterlot, stood a colt with a red horn with two small holes in them tall and proud, with a whole creature army behind him. The only thing he said was; "Long live the King."

Who’s that?


Um?! A part of the Summary did say this: King Sombra was never defeated, it only weakened him a little. He regains enough of his powers to take his body and horn back, and he starts to take over the minds of different creatures, and slowly builds up an army to invade Equestria which he succeeds in.

That will easily answer your questions.

So, the trapped creature was a dragon?

I’m pretty sure he’ll see the comments.

No, it was Sombra himself. I wrote creature, because it would make a "build up," if you catch my drift.

So, he was looking at himself trapped in ice?

All of a sudden, there was a large explosion behind Spike. Spike was flung forward, and he felt the glass pieces try to stab into his scales. Thank Faust that he was a dragon with hard scales! Spike felt his weak body that had started to bleed a little bit.

I guess his scales can’t protect him from explosions.

"She is stable!" A colt said, making the ponies around them sigh in relief. "Although, we need to get her to the best hospital with the most medical experts there is."

A colt? As in the pony equivalent of a child?

"Auntie Woona, who did this?" Spike finally asked, making Luna look down at him who looked more than angry.

Woona? How old is he?

Spike didn't shiver as she was a family member. What many ponies did not know, was that he is blood adopted. Or rather, he drained his blood and replaced it with his mothers, aunt, and cousins. He did have a pony form. He had a alicorn pony form, a kirin form, and his normal dragon form. Spike was usually in his dragon form as he looked way cooler that way, but now, he knew that he would have to change if he wanted to receive authority.

How does that work?

"Who did this?" Shining suddenly asked, and looked at Luna dead in the eye. He was serious. He wanted to know who did this to the sun princess. Luna sighed, she could say it was dragons, but that wasn't a hundred procent correct either. From what she could see; they were controlled by something. They had eyes just like King Sombra's that showed clear corruption.

Ok, so it was king sombra?

"I don't know. Yes, it was dragons who attacked, but i could see that they are potentially corrupted by something. I don't know what or who, but I will find out." Luna said, making the two Crystal rulers nod in understanding.

Yes, she does know.

Spike was talking to a crystal colt who was the closest pony in the whole Crystal Empire to say he was a friend of Spike's. His name was Sheet Maker. He is an expert in sheets, and has made quite an name for himself in the modern days' Equestria. He has made a lot of bits, and Spike was quite surprised. Not because of the business itself, but because of how many asked for specifically him. Then again, Sheet Maker is a literal expert from a thousand years ago, that learnt quickly of the new modern day sheets and combined the new and old ways together. It had made princess Celestia and Luna pleasantly happy, because Sheet Maker was the one pony that they bought their sheets from.

Was he reincarnated?

"You think she's gorgeous?" Jin asked, teasing Spike a little. Spike blushed a little, and Jin chuckled. It was fun to tease someponies, and get away with it. "That is Yuna. She and I got married and had ten children. Why we had so many was because we loved each other, and it was also because there was a huge famine that struck when we chased a Mongol here to Equestria.

How can he be married and have ten kids? Also, if there’s a famine, wouldn’t it make sense to have less kids?

Spike's jaw dropped. He was one of Jin's descendents! Same went for Big Mac, Applejack, Applebloom, Granny Smith, Shining Armor, Twilight, Velvet, and Night Light. Blueblood also. That was something he did not expect at all. "Why didn't you say anything before?" Spike asked, making Jin grin a little.

How? I need to see a family tree.

"That is because I didn't think you'd be entirely interested. Now, you may be a dragon, but you drained your blood and replaced it with your mothers aunt. Same went for your cousin Blueblood and Cadance." Jin said, making Spike then realized he meant that Jin might not see him as his descendent. "You are without a doubt, my proudest descendent! So much courage in you!"

Then how are they descendants?

Eventually, when I was an adult, I was an official samurai and I was fighting along side my uncle and soon-to-be-father when he officially adopted me.

How does that work?

But, the shogun from mainland Neighpan was not happy that I was not using samurai tactics. They saw me as a barbarian, but I didn't care.


JThere was also something in his eyes that made Jin smiled in pride. It was the eyes that showed that he was determined to be the best warrior Equestria has ever seen. It would be an interesting year.

Why equestria, specifically?

Also, sorry for the long comment, but this was really confusing and I had a lot of questions. You don’t have to respond to them. If the questions involve spoilers or are just too boring to answer, don’t.

Sorry for the very very late reply. Anyways, all of these questions will be answered as the story goes.

Wonder if we will know how are things with Luna and such later on too?

Today was the day he went back to Equestria. He couldn't tell family members that he was alive though, he had to be remained a secret. Jin hadn't said anything about it, but he had a feeling that he thought the same thing.

Is there a reason he can’t tell anyone?

"Well then, we shouldn't be wasting time then. Shall we go back?" Spike asked, in a bit of a rush. He wanted to get to Equestria as fast as possible. Jin simply sighed. Spike was definitively his heir by blood and mind. He didn't have patience at all.

Is that meant to be a compliment or an insult?

Spike got up from his knees, and looked up over the horizon of Hoofshima. It had certainly changed over a millenia. Then again, much is to be expected when a millenia passes in the first place.

A millenia?

"I see so much of myself in you Spike. I will miss having you around. I will help you of course, when you need it. Although, this is a journey you should be doing alone and with allies that you think are loyal. Which is why, I won't be as involved as you and the allies that you make along the way." Jin said, making Spike nod in understanding. He had been expecting that, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Wait, so he CAN tell ponies?

"Well, here we are my heir. I do hope that you manage your task with the prophecy. And be aware; only because that it says you can defeat him doesn't mean that you will defeat him. You will have to use every tactic i taught you." Jin said, making Spike nod in understanding. It was true what Jin was saying. Spike had at one point believed that he will simply defeat Sombra with his sword and nothing else. Jin had barked out laughing with literal tears in his eyes. When he told Spike the truth, Spike had no idea whether to be embarrassed or laugh himself.

That’s interesting

"Excuse me Lyra, but can you tell me what is going on here?" Spike asked, while he had walked up to her. Lyra's eyes didn't even look like they responded to his voice either. It was like she had absolutely no hope over anything. Spike looked into her eyes, and saw that she had been traumatised. Her eyes showed pain, sorrow, anger, and betrayal. Spike was unsure of what has exactly happened, but he knew that it must have been bad.

Why would he call her by her name?

"No, I'm simply interested in you Pipsqueak. It has been awhile after all." Spike said, confusing Pipsqueak. How did this pony or creature know his name? He had no idea, but it would be worth trying to find out.

"Um, excuse me sir, but I don't remember giving you my name." Pipsqueak said, making Spike smile behind his mask. This would be fun. Spike suddenly gave Pipsqueak a hug that was unexpected for Pipsqueak. Although, it was unexpected, Pipsqueak returned it after a few seconds.

Pipsqueak is smarter than Lyra, confirmed.

Pipsqueak had lead The Ghost into his home and had explained everything that had happened in Equestria, and explained how he had lost his best friend Spike during the conflict. Spike had then decided to tell Pipsqueak who he was. It had surprised Pipsqueak and he had asked over a million questions that Spike could barely answer. They had talked, and Pipsqueak decided to keep it quiet that Spike had returned. Pipsqueak had told Spike that he had heard a prophecy that he then had bought from some seer. Spike had asked Pipsqueak if he could hear the prophecy and Pipsqueak obliged.

Ok, so is he supposed to keep his identity a secret or not?

Spike was looking at his sword that had the Sakai emblem on it. He closed his eyes and started to meditate. It helped him relax, and calm down from any stress he had or didn't realize that he had. "I wait for time..." Spike was going deep into his thoughts and what he was saying. "Proudness of one's ambition..." Spike was thinking about all the scenarios in his head when he was ready to face of King Sombra. "Will death redeem us?..."

What does that mean?

Spike climbed over the balcony side, and saw that there was double glass doors that were covered by curtains. Spike tried the handel, but it was locked. He then pulled out a large knife and started to pick the lock. It was a trick that Spike had learnt when he was with his ancestor. The glass doors then made a click sound, and Spike carefully, opened the glass doors. Spike pulled away the curtains, and found out that he had to be even quieter. The king was sleeping in his royal bed...

Just kill him right there.

Ok, is spike supposed to be a samurai or ninja?

When you pick either of the one’s, you can only be one. Spike is a samurai that knows no boundaries.

So he’s a combination of both and possibly more?

Not really. He's simply a samurai that doesn't follow the samurai code, hence the "knows no boundaries."

Why does he where a mask?

I actually thought that one was obvious but okay. It goes with his armour and ancient samurai warriors wore masks to scare their enemies.

Really? In real life history?

Yes, I have read quite a few books about samurai history and they have explained it as the samurai wore them. Especially for war and battle.

So discord has just been sitting on his butt?

Pretty much because he can’t ruin the prophecy.

King Sombra rules and more women and children will be executed without any sort of reason. And Spike would have either died in a battle or joined Sombra as one of his commanders.

Spike had reached the border of the Dragonlands but he did not see any dragons for miles. He was fine with it, as he knew that something must have happened. He just prayed to his mother that the children had not been killed because then, they would see what the vengeful spirit would do. The rocks were all read around him and the sand revealed that many creatures had walked through there over time. Spike had his katana ready if anything were to happen. The Dragonlands looked more abandoned than it used to and that was something that was worrying Spike. He hoped that there was some dragon there that could tell him what has been going on In his native land while he was away.

How is that his native land?

Spike blocked the attack and cut off the claw, making the Griffin scream out in pain. Spike was now terrifying the King Sombra soldiers and but they did not show it as they then started to rush at him with their weapons raised and made sure that they looked threatening. Spike felt how the air around him become scorching hot as he rushed at them and did not remember slicing his way through them as if they were butter. They all screamed in pain as the katana cut and sliced them all with no trouble.

If they aren’t showing it, then how would he know?

“yes, you see, when King Sombra had taken over Canterlot he started to invade other nations. he murdered children to demonstrate that if any creature resisted, he would kill them and their families. He marched towards the Dragonlands. we prepared for battle and everything, but we could have never expected to have finished with the wall and forcefield that we asked a unicorn by the name of Starlight Glimmer to do for us. She has helped us a lot. She and her town fled from King Sombra’s soldiers that had tried to take away their power. We took them in with open arms in exchange that they help us and we have lived happily with them with no resistance from them. We have not been able to contact the other nations because of the fear of the King Sombra Soldiers breaching our security. They have an outpost on the other side.” Ember explained.

Wait, so ponies from ‘Our Town’ are in the dragonlands?

I need more. This is getting more epic

They watched on horrified by what he was doing. He was fighting without mercy, and he was not slowing down at all. His stamina was larger than they would have normally expected. He did not seem to regret it either from what they could see. Celestia saw him running off towards another enemy and decapitating him. The Crystal Guards were inwardly praising him, they saw him as a true warrior. He was fighting his enemies without mercy. His katana to his side filled with his enemies blood dripping towards the ground. Spike then looked behind him but did not turn his face. He did so with his eyes and saw his family.

Why not help?

It was like all time had stopped for the others fighting, as they all turned towards the warlord and The Ghost . The family of said Ghost looked at their family member with clear worry. Spike himself was preparing for the attack. He had a plan, but it needed to work. He was becoming more creative in his ways of killing his enemies. But since this was a warlord, it felt wrong to use ‘dog tactics’ to kill him off. It would be against his ancestor’s wishes.

How is this different from any other fight he’s had?

Spike groaned as he got back up, he saw the warlord walk towards him and saw the shield was shaking a little bit. Spike then knew instantly what had happened.

What happened?

Spike thought that the battle was over, but he was wrong. He watched in surprise while the one’s on his side watched in complete and utter horror as the King Sombra soldier got back on his feet and picked up his sword and motioned for Spike to fight him. He heard the dragon behind that golden armour chuckle. He could not help but chuckle inwardly. This was a true battle. He did not falter that easily, he liked that but then he was reminded of the crimes he had committed and he put on an angry face that was covered by his mask.

What the heck is Spike talking about?! What "Crimes"???!!!


I don't think it's such a "big deal". I mean, he is both protecting Equestria, and killing the Soldiers from Sombra's side. So, it can't be that bad IF you are actually fighting the real Bad Guys ( King Sombra and his tyrannical Crystal Empire.).

That depends on what perspective you look at it from. Yes, in this story it is Spike that is the hero, but what of the next generation who has only grown up to King Sombra’s views? For them, it would be the opposite. Spike will still live with the sins of what he had to do to ensure the safety of Equestria. Specifically murder.


Is it really "sins" from protecting INNOCENTS of Equestria from the Real Tyrannical Threat of King Sombra??!! As for the Next Generation? They are obviously mind controlled, or even manipulated by propaganda by Sombra himself. So, it's "morality" doesn't count, I think?

And the charge of "murder" is highly meaningless when you at WAR! Plus, Spike is still the son of Princess Celestia. So, he is royalty. So, the Courts can't do shit against Spike.

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