• Member Since 16th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Urban Planner, TV Tropes contributer, and writer on the side.



This story is a sequel to Live By The Sword...

For the residents of Canterlot, January 15 marks the beginning of a week of celebration. On this day, 237 years ago, the United Provinces declared itself independent from the Trottingham Empire. On this day, a nation devoted to the principles of liberty, equality, and tolerance was established.

The youth of Canterlot welcome their liberation... from the shackles of public education during Freedom Week. The week preceding it is a period of anticipation and excitement.

For Sunset Shimmer, however, the search for tolerance remains elusive. Two months after it was revealed that she had a girl sent to juvie, Sunset remains blacklisted from most of her peers, minus her friends and her boyfriend. With her second round of community service over, she finds herself in a new predicament: free time and no one to share it with.

Applejack, the ever-loyal friend, helps Sunset get a job at a sushi restaurant to pass the time. But in this job, she'll not only learn about responsibility and how hard it is to earn an honest buck, but other lessons from her co-workers: how even in a land of freedom, others must work twice as hard to have half the thing she has. She'll learn how even in a land of liberty, others must fight tooth and nail for even the most basic decency.

She'll be forced to discuss the age old question: what is freedom.

Working Girl Sunny is the third story of Sunset's Steps, the saga of Sunset's reform and growth into the brave hero we know and love. Reading the last two stories is helpful to understanding the background of this one.

Here are the stories in chronological order:

Look In The Mirror To Find the Truth-Completed.

Live By The Sword...-Completed.

Working Girl Sunny-Ongoing.

The Downfall of Sunset Shimmer: An Anon-A-Miss Story-Ongoing.

What Happened to Sunset's Family?-Ongoing.

This is going to be a far lighter story than the previous one. But be advised, there will be an exploration of things like corruption, racism, and controversial political questions. If it is not you're cup of tea, don't read.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 35 )

not sure why you re-made it again but okay

Keep reposting the same story over and over again, and the site admins are gonna say something about it. Especially since you deleted the first two versions of this, for no real reason.


I promise, this is the last time I’m doing this over.

I've seen this story pop up in New Stories almost three times, now, in the course of what seems like only a day.

Just from a writing standpoint, that's concerning. Either post the draft and edit it post-production, or finish the final draft and then post it. I would not recommend revoking and re-submitting the story.


Don't worry. I won't resubmit this story again.

That's what you said for the last two versions of this story. Doesn't make the universe look good. And that's on top of everything else wrong with the universe. Which is everything.

Okay, are we done with the reposting back and forth? Because I really like to keep track of this story. I mean, they have editors for a reason. No offense.


Yes, this is the last repost.

"I'm fine Applejack," Sunset said with a forced smile.

Don't you; "I'm fine Sunset," Applejack said with a forced smile.

Comment posted by redandready45 deleted Sep 13th, 2020
Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted Sep 27th, 2021

And you haven't fixed it yet.

Come on Sunset. I know you said you weren't going to do it, but one last blackmail scheme wouldn't hurt it's for the good of everyone.

Since Sunset is working at a public restaurant is their a chance she will meet Muharib in the future; I always imagine those two meeting face to face again after all this time, and wondered how Muharib will react to seeing Sunset again after what she did to her.

"Equality sure," Stephen parroted sarcastically, "if you can afford it." Stephen swept the floors, albeit with incredible bitterness on his face. "In our so-called democratic system, money can determine what really matters in life."

Actually, it's the Blueblood family's political pull (a family member in government) that enables it to force its opinions on others, not money. Money is merely a tool of exchange and cannot force anyone to do good or evil.

"Very good," Mr. Overton said, jotting Sandalwood's contribution down, "but what do you mean by 'freedom'?"

Being free from physical coercion.

"One of the debates of warfare is whether or not it is right to bomb civilians as part of military strategy," Mr. Overton lectured, "in order to preserve liberty, as we are often told, we need an army to fight for us. But is the death of civilians in the name of liberty justifiable? Does protecting liberty require you to infringe upon the life of civilians in an enemy population who are not armed?" A wonderful silence came over his class. It meant they seriously considered his question. Even the military brat was left speechless.

The nation who initiates force outside of rational self-defense assumes full responsibility for what happens to its civilians, not the nation that must defend itself against the aggression. And even civilians who aren't armed build the weapons and equipment the military uses, therefore it is perfectly logical to bomb them.

"Freedom means standing up to rich jerks who want to control our lives," Rainbow said enthusiastically. "My great-grandpa fought against scabs and crooks at the Pegasapolis Motor Strike!"

"And how do they create freedom in that regard?"

"Um," Rainbow muttered, "letting us...have unions and stuff, and giving us...stuff."

Sorry to say, Dash, that your great-grandpa fought against freedom. "Scabs" are merely workers who do not go along with a union's decision (which they have every right to do and whom the union does not have a right to bully) and "crooks" are simply the business owner controlling his property (ie, his business), which is his right. And it was not unions that gave you anything; it was the people who put in the time and effort and undertook the risk of starting a business in the first place.

"Since the founding of the Workers' Party over 100 years ago," Mr. Overton began, "the party has claimed to be the party of the people. In the first Workers' Era, the party promoted collective bargaining rights, the right to a shorter work week, and the right to strike. In the second Workers' Era, after the Great Crash, the party promoted positive rights. The idea that government shouldn't just safeguard natural rights, but provide us with things people couldn't obtain themselves. Like health care, education, and housing." He looked back at Rainbow Dash. "Do you think government services are freedom?"

Again, those "rights" were made possible by the people who started businesses. And no, there is no right to interfere in the workings of a business and bully workers who don't go along with you.

And there is not and cannot be any right to anything that can only be produced by the time and effort of another person. To call such things rights is to enslave the people who provide them, since that would mean they must provide them to anyone and everyone who demanded them, with no right to ever stop and no right to any compensation in return. The idea that the man who puts in the time and effort to become a doctor owes those skills to the people who didn't is absurd.

"Gear Shift, the founder of the Worker's Party, said roughly the exact same thing about 100 years ago," Mr. Overton commented, " 'Man cannot be free if he is confined to a cold room, and must sleep with an empty stomach.' ".

Actually, yes he can. He is free to take action to acquire food and a heated home. But that action must involve value for value trade for the goods.

"You make an astounding point," Mr. Overton bellowed to the hyperactive girl who kept jumping up and down. "You were being denied freedom to throw a party." A smirk formed on his face. "But does your right to party mean you can infringe upon the happiness of others?"

Actually, a public park is technically city property, ergo the city holds the right to decide what can and can't be done in the park.

"In conclusion, freedom is rarely simple," Mr. Overton concluded. "One's own freedom could potentially infringe upon the well-being of others,

Actually, it's very simple. It simply means free from physical coercion. And there are no clashes of interest (or freedom) among rational individuals. The individual who understands he has no right to another person's life and property and that he may not use physical coercion against others does not infringe on anyone's freedom.


Are you a member of a debate team? Those are some pretty good rebuttals.

I don't agree with them, but you seem to have a good grasp of political discussion.

No. Just an Objectivist.


Oh. So you believe that people should operate under an enlightened self-interest, and all that?

People should operate by logic.

Interesting chapter.

I liked how you put in Discord.

Excellent world building.

Suddenly thinking more and more what would be like to have blue bloods served on a sushi platter with that knife still stuck in his head as well as one splitting his dick in half like a banana

Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted Sep 27th, 2021

"To work here like you wish," Zecora began, "you must wash the dish."

Yay you keep her rhymes!

SUNSET CALLING QUICK A LITTLE BASTARD AFTER WHAT SHE DID?! Fuck her. Fuck Sunset straight to hell. She doesn't deserve to be allowed to live. I hope you kill her off. It's what I would have done to anyone who would try to do to me what what Sunset did to this guy. No forgiveness, only torture followed by death. And if the police get in the way, then they're just as evil and need to be purged as well!


she had to be polite to everyone, even to people she disliked.

Reason #2 of why I will never hold a job. EVER! So I'm probably going to swallow a thousand pills and the end of this year.

Quit your job, Sunbitch

I'm confused, how does the timeline work? The Anon a Miss story occurs on Christmas after Rainbow Rocks and is treated as Sunset's first Christmas post-Fall Formal, yet with this being after Christmas but before Rainbow Rocks, it does make me confused.

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