• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


just another brony with random story ideas.


(Big thanks to Blueshift for helping me properly bring this story back to the site!)

Every Fifty years a special reunion is held by the many creatures of Equestria and its neighboring nations to maintain the peace that they have known for so long. This year much has changed. Equestria is on the brink of war and only one Princess has what it takes to prevent it. Rainbow Dash, daughter of Celestia and Heir to the throne. Bonds of friendship will be tested and some friendships will become more, while others are torn apart at the seams.

(After thinking over all the hate-mail i received on this story and everything the fans of this have told me, I've changed the story a bit. I feel I was a bit too harsh on Gilda. I've added in the missing scenes that were removed before due to fear of what people would think, and I've changed a few more things that were bugging me when i first wrote it.)

Partially inspired by Sun and Stars Please go read it, the story is awesome and the writer is even more awesome.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 301 )

Capitalisation is key.
Interesting start though, definitely keeping an eye on this to see where it goes.

... what the buck.. ok... got my attention... lets see where this goes

the concept definitely interests me, although if they're related by blood wouldn't that show in rainbow? otherwise just keep it up, I want more. :ajsmug:

1185227 Ever seen any other pony with a mane made out of actual Rainbow? Also I have my own mythos (in english that means my own world and rules) for how Alicorns are born/created

Quite true, I'd like to know what your version of mythos is, a large number of people can't agree on one thing. :trixieshiftleft:

1185370 Just as a fun little spoiler, it has to do with the Coronation Ceremony to become a Princess of Equestria and the lands under their rule. Which is why Blue Blood is still just a unicorn Prince. Who the heck would trust him with that much power? XD

Definitely a first in my book, well done! Points for originality.

Now, I'm on to the second chapter.

Definitely liking the way this is going.

YAY:yay: this is goooood, I love the cupcake thing:pinkiecrazy: lol
Awesome fic, i hope for more soon:raritystarry:

I'm hooked, this is getting better and better! The dialect is nice and you've done a good job on keeping them all in character.

Well done.

Did anyone else read that speech Rainbow gave in a manehatten accent like AJ's?

Also, I will repeat, capitalisation needs a read-through in some areas.

1189487 I am going to make something perfectly clear here (yes I read her voice somewhat like that) and I have done absolutely no proofreading on this and have no editor. Its just posted as is.


Saying something like that is practically an invitation for people to get out the nit-picking comb.
Speaking of which, nit-picking comb will be activated as soon as I can find it.

1190014 You do realize that they give writers a wonderful delete button on comments right?


That they do.
That they do.

So...this one was ended early cause I wanted to have it hang there...I feel I coulda added a LOT more to this chapter but instead i'll be posting it as the start of the next chapter. Also thanks for all the views, followers, and Likes and even the 3 Dislikes for giving honest feedback. I hope you all keep reading! :pinkiehappy:

New update = happiness for however long it takes to read.
Although, minor bugging point.
Her bravo façade?
perhaps bravado?

1203979 that was written while I was half asleep and again, no proofreading XD, Thanks for pointing it out!

Curious premise, but:

Later chapters may contain some clop

...makes me hesitant to read. Innuendo I can deal with, but erotica is right out.

1204083 I said may, meaning I hadn't made up my mind on the fact yet. At the moment that is a very small may which MAY turn into Light clop at the most. All depends on how things turn out with the next few chapters.

I'll leave this on the "read it later" list, then. If you're on the fence then I would honestly say you should avoid it, it tends to not really add a whole bunch to a story (and I would say that's true of all literature. Like death, sex is a substitute for substantive story telling in 9 out of 10 cases; a crutch). That, and I think the "mature" rating tends to make people avoid the story altogether, as I was about to.

EDIT: I don't mean to sound like I'm proselytizing, apologies for that! 2:44am, tends to make me very opinionated.

1204144 No need for an apology, I understand where you are coming from and only added the mature tag as a precaution as later chapters may need that tag. If things don't turn that way then i'll change it to teen or something. Thanks for at least putting it in Read Later :pinkiehappy:

Celestia's dying?!

that was an unexpected turn of events :trixieshiftright:

1224850 well...there is a "sad" tag on this story.

Well, that was an unexpected turn on event. Celestia dying. Can't wait until the next time. Must like and fave it.

First i thought: yay update, then it was very short. I hope the next one is larger, but it is your fic afterall.

It seems to be a theme that stories in which Rainbow Dash is Celestia's daughter, there is war looming in the background...

1270222 hm, thinking about it, all my story ideas for this (SPOILER) have usually been along the lines of some impending war or huge responsibility. I haven't actually read any other "Rainbow is Celestia's daughter" stories yet. Closest thing i've read is Sun and the stars which is just...well you should go read it, not gonna spoil it lol. :rainbowlaugh:

Wow now I can’t wait for the next update this is getting good.:twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh:


Well the two I can think of off the top of my head are Mommy Dearest and the in progress sequel Alicorn. And that Dash has more Mommy Issues then the entire cast of Neon Genesis Evangelion put together, even if her mom is "just" a goddess and ruler of all of Equestia, and not say, a disembodied soul stuck inside a giant robot.

Also I guess the Equestian Royal Family rolls with Roman style adoptions?

Spike was able to catch Twilight with a wing out of the air? How long after the Royal Wedding does this story take place?:applejackconfused:

1315590 This is an Alternate Universe Story and its been a couple of years. Spike is still just "kid" but has developed wings and has gone through a growth spurt.

Every writers misses a mistake here or there. As long as you improve with time, that's the main thing that matters. Of course, what matters more is the quality of the story you are writing. And from what I read so far, this is good quality.:twilightsmile:

Wow! :pinkiegasp:
Celestia is dying, Rainbow loves Twilight, Twilight think Celestia is just using Rainbow, Luna is thinking about possibly having Twilight as her heir(?), and the griffons are going to try and prove that Rainbow is not Celestia daughter.
Talk about drama.:derpyderp2:
So when is the next chapter coming out?:pinkiehappy::raritywink:

dammit, wtf. i accidentally hit the thumbs down button on my ipod and now it won't let me thumb it up. ARGH

1389927 Its fine, I don't really care for the thumbs on my stories, as long as people are enjoying them.

1391816 it is a misrepresentation of my will and I won't stand for it. :twilightangry2:

Whoever's proofreading this needs to do a better job, but the story is great anyway. :twilightsmile:
updat sune plz lolol

1397921 No one is proofreading it. I don't have time and I don't trust anyone with my stories. I've been stuck at work, running errands, or attempting to catch up on the sleep I haven't had in the past month due to all of that and haven't had time to write anything since.

Was just thinking about what happened to this story and then poof, update...short update, but update none-the-less.

Cliff-hangers... A reader's worst enemy!

Well done!

A short one is better than none. Darn cliffhangers!

Oncoming war....

And my iPod...

Decided to play...

Throught the Fire and Flames.....

I love this machine spirit! :flutterrage:

1443192 because today was one of those rare days that i was actually off work and had a few minutes to actually write something

I am so glad you were able to update this story. I understand life gets in the way. As for the story, it seems Rainbow Dash has made her decision...for now. Wait until Twilight lowers another bombshell on her.

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