• Published 22nd Sep 2020
  • 1,905 Views, 17 Comments

Rewrite of MLP - ShaD-23

In another time and another world, the lackadaisical Twilight is devoted pupil to Princess Luna.

  • ...

Friendship Is Magic


The Everfree Forest was almost pitch black, spots of hot sunlight stretching through the forest canopy here and there as the six walked through the thick woodland. Everywhere around them, Twilight and her friends heard chirping, squeaking, buzzing and crunching. This forest was full of life, seemingly untouched by the stifling drought.

“So, how far do we have to walk?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Beats me.” Moondancer said, looking this way and that as they strolled onward. “This castle could be anywhere. Let’s try to go in a straight line.”

“Keep your eyes peeled, ladies.” Shining Armor added with his smug grin, Spike and Sunburst narrowing their eyes slightly at him.

“Do I have to hit you with another apple, Shining Armor?” Spike asked, a few of his companions snickering at his quip. They crowd continued to banter back and forth as they made their way deeper and deeper into the woods, the air growing damp as they did.

“This has to be where the water is going.” Moondancer noted. “It’s starting to feel cool and humid here”

“So… does that mean we’re gonna meet Daybreaker at the castle?” Spike asked as he gave a shudder. Sweetie Belle’s eyes went wide as she heard this.

“Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand, baby bro.” Shining Armor taunted as he gave the tiny dragon a nudge.

“I- I’m not scared!” Spike snapped as he gave a small shake. “I- I c-can be brave!”

“I know you can, kid.” Shining Armor replied pulling him close. “Y’know I only joke ‘cause I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Spike sighed, only for Shining Armor to jerk him closer.

“Say ‘I love you’ back, Spike.” He cooed to the struggling drake.

“No way- OOF!” In a flash, Spike’s face was buried in the white stallion’s shoulder as he threw his hooves around him. “No, lemme go!” Spike growled as he squirmed in his brother’s hug.

“Say you love me or else.” He sneered, the others giggling as they watched.

“Or else what?” Spike breathed, fighting to free himself, not seeing Twilight approach from behind.

“Or else,” she called in a singsong voice “I start hugging the baby dragon, too.” Spike shot daggers for her as he stopped struggling.

“Fine,” he sighed, the other three ponies unable to hide their amusement “I love you big bro, I love you big sis.” With that, Shining Armor released his disgruntled little brother, the scowling dragon’s cheeks red as he folded his arms.

“Hey, it’s okay, you can laugh, Spike.” Shining Armor said, giving him a nudge. Spike huffed and turned his head. Shining Armor knew what needed to be done. “Would it make you feel better if you threw another apple at me?” he groaned, smirking as Spike suddenly stood upright. “I won’t dodge, I promise.” He said, Spike turning excitedly as Twilight levitated an apple for his scaly claw.

“Okay, smile for the birdie.” Spike grinned as he wound up a pitch. Shining sighed and stood at ready, his eyes closed tight. With a squishing sound, Spike hurled an apple perfectly onto his white horn, Shining’s cheeks going pink as everypony laughed.

“Feel better, Spike?” Shining asked, glancing at the apple on his forehead as it began to dribble slightly down his face, Spike chortling and giving a nod. “Good. Now, let’s get back- OOF!” Everypony laughed as Shining stumbled forward, Twilight having thrown another apple at him from behind.

“Sorry, big bro,” she laughed as the white unicorn scowled back at her “but I owed you one.” Shining sighed and inched the apple from his forehead.

“Yeah, yeah.” He said with a slight chuckle. “Let’s get back on the clock.” Every pony nodded as he took the lead, making their way into the forest once more, everypony’s spirits definitely lifted.


As they trotted onward, suddenly something seemed off. Sunburst started looking all around at the forest and saw there were trees with great chunks ripped through them, some even overturned.

“Something charged through this area.” He said, giving his beard a stroke. “It looks like it was recent, too.”

“Wh-what could have done this?” Sweetie Belle stammered as she hid behind him. Both Shining Armor and Sunburst looked to the forest floor, hoofprints everywhere.

“We weren’t the first ones through here, it seems.” The lieutenant observed, only for Sunburst to give his head a shake.

“These prints are too big, and a bit deep. Whatever made these was bigger than any pony." Before anyone could say another word, the ground began to shake, everypony turning to see a shape approach at high speed. A few of them gave a shriek as they all scattered, a hulking horned mass racing by on thundering hooves. Turning, the beast glared with glinting yellow eyes and steaming nostrils, every inch of it looking like it had struggled greatly.

“It’s an auroch!” Sunburst called as they ran to evade it as it roared and charged them again.

“What’s an auroch?” Spike called as he and Sweetie Belle jumped to climb a nearby tree, Shining Armor firing a few blasts of magic for it.

“It’s like a gigantic cow.” Twilight explained as she raced behind it, firing with her brother for the beast. With another roar, the auroch turned its horns for her and charged, Twilight diving out of the way just it time as it ran headlong into a large tree, knocking a giant burst of splintered chips from its side.

“Okay, you asked for it.” Shining Armor said with a razor-sharp glare, drawing his sword and clenching it in his teeth. The two lowered their heads and the bull began to scuff its hooves at the ground, readying another charge.

“Wait!” everypony heard as they saw a shape shoot out from the woods just as the bull charged. Before anypony could react, the figure slung a lasso around the racing auroch’s head and giving a mighty pull, the beast toppling into the mud. Enraged and snarling, the beast almost rose to its hooves when they saw a little cow leap to its side and deliver and almighty kick to its face with both her hind hooves. Bewildered, everypony gathered around to see the calf inspect the fallen auroch.

“I’m sorry.” The calf said as she turned to them, her vibrant green eyes full of worry. “My paw disappeared into the woods looking for food and I just had to find him. I never thought he’d go plumb crazy the way he did.” Coming closer, the six saw she wore a red scarf and had tiny horns just beginning to grow out from her head.

“It looks like he might be suffering from dehydration and malnourishment.” Sunburst explained as he looked the huffing auroch over. Powering his horn, he pulled his canteen out and gave it to the little calf who immediately uncorked it and poured some water into her father’s gullet.

“What’s your name?” Twilight asked, inching closer as the giant bull still lay on its side.

“Oh, where’s my manners?” she stammered. “My name’s Arizona. My paw an’ I came from the prairies looking for food an’ water when the sun stopped setting an’ this draught began.” Everypony frowned at this reminder of the struggles outside of the towns they had been to.

“You can keep that.” Sunburst said, motioning toward the canteen he handed her. “And here, take these.” He added, powering his horn and pulling three apples from his pack from when he and the other ponies had divided up their stock.

“Oh, how kind of you, sir.” Arizona exclaimed, holding an apple for her father’s snout, the bull sniffing at the plump red fruit.

“But Sunburst.” Moondancer interjected. “That’s so much of your portion. We still may have a long way to go.” Sunburst only waved her off.

“It’s perfectly fine.” He assured her. “I’ve traveled the world outside of Equestria for a few years, now.” Smiling, he turned to his friends. “Trust me, I know all about surviving on modest provisions.” With that, he turned back to Arizona, the downed bull having taken the apple she offered him.

“Do you think you’ll be alright?” he asked her as she took her lasso from his horns and rolled it up neatly.

“We’ll be fine.” She said with a smile and a nod. “My paw’s rock-hard head has taken harder hits than this.” Everypony was certain they could hear a deep laugh escape the fallen auroch, his face now showing a slight smile. “Thank you, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your help.” She said as they started off once more.


An uneventful few hours had passed as the six trekked further and further into the thick woods Sweetie Belle sighed as her hooves were beginning to ache, but she knew she had to press on. The princess was counting on them. After some time, however, they saw the trees beginning to thin, a clearing materializing up ahead. Shielding their faces as they were greeted by the blazing sun, they looked to see they had come to a massive gorge, the grass still vibrant and bright green around them.

“Strange, this field is still fertile.” Moondancer observed. “What could be keeping everything so rich and healthy in this heat?”

“It’s a mystery.” Twilight mused as she took an apple from her pack and chomped into it. “So, what do we do now?” she asked as she looked at the far cliffside. “There’s no pegasi, so we can’t fly across.” Before anypony could reply, they jumped at a loud crash of thunder. Looking up, they saw a large black cloud glide at an unnatural speed for them.

“Look out!” Shining Armor called as a blast of lightning shot from it, everypony diving out of the way.

“Heh heh heh… come a long way, interlopers?”

Looking up, they saw a pegasus dressed in a tight purple suit, her eyes hidden behind shining yellow goggles and her messy rainbow-colored mane hanging down her shoulder.

“You wouldn’t be coming to bother her royal highness Daybreaker, would you?” she smirked, everypony narrowing their eyes at this. “Dear me, the poor princess just can’t be shown an ounce of respect, can she?” the mare taunted in a haughty voice. “I guess I gotta teach another bunch of punks some manners.” She immediately began to stomp and kick at her cloud, sending great bursts of lightning for them.

“There, a bridge!” Twilight called as she raced to a nearby rope bridge, everypony hurrying behind her, Shining Armor and Sunburst firing for the stormy cloud as they covered from behind.

“Spike, hurry!” Shining Armor called as they little dragon ran as fast as his stubby chubby legs could go. As he came closer, Sunburst and Shining Armor both raced across the bridge, Spike still brining up the rear. Just as he came to the bridge, however, he was knocked back as a bolt struck the ground before him, cutting the bridge loose, Shining Armor and Sunburst leaping for the cliff’s edge as it collapsed. Gasping, the five ponies stared in shock as Spike waved for them from across the gorge.

“Awww,” cooed the attacking pegasus “poor little dragon all alone without your pony pals.” Shaking, Spike turned to see her flying just before him. “If you and your friends pledge loyalty to her highness, I might just let you off the hook.” Spike’s insides turned to ice as he shook like a leaf, but after a moment, he narrowed his eyes.

“I’m only loyal to my friends!” Spike snapped, breathing a burst of fire for the pony as she swooped out of the way. In a flash of magenta and purple, Twilight appeared beside him. “Go, I’ve got this!” Spike breathed as the pony leaped to her cloud and shot back into the sky.

“But Spike,” was all she said before their attacker sent another blast of lighting for them, knocking them both over the cliff as the other ponies screamed for them. Twilight just barely managed to grab onto a ledge and pull themselves up(Spike having seized her tail), but their relief was short lived as their attacker swooped for them, Twilight ducking while Spike breathed another wall of flames for her.

“You gotta go through me to get to my friends, fly girl!” Spike called, surprised at his newfound courage.

“No problem!” the mare sneered, rounding back to the two and smacking into Twilight’s side, shooting into the air with her, Spike clinging to his sister’s mane.

“I don’t think so!” spat the dragon as he hauled off and punched the pegasus in the face, knocking her goggles from her face as her wings went limp, the three plummeting downward and crashing on the other side of the gorge before the four ponies. Groaning and straining, Twilight and Spike slowly climbed up as the other pony lay motionless nearby.

“That really hurt.” Twilight moaned as everypony raced to her side. “Spike, you did great.” She said as he smiled weakly, climbing to his feet. Turning, Twilight glared as the rainbow maned pony shook her now exposed head, her purple suit torn away in places to reveal her blue coat underneath.

“What… what just happened?” she asked herself aloud, brushed dust out of her magenta eyes.

“Rainbow Dash!” Sweetie Belle called as she raced to her side. “It was you the whole time?”

“What was what the whole time?” the blue pony asked, giving her head another shake. “Hey? Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?”

“Wait, that’s Rainbow Dash?” Shining Armor breathed. “What gives, you tried to kill us!”

“I what?” said the confused mare. “I… I didn’t, I couldn’t have.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes were wide and began to shimmer as she massaged her head.

“Hold on.” Moondancer said as she stepped forward, a stern look on her face but still speaking with a gentle tone. “Tell me, what do you remember last happening?” Rainbow Dash inhaled deeply.

“I remember, I saw a big flash over the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow Dash explained. “I went to go see what it was and… then I saw a white pony. I think it was an alicorn.” The others all exchanged looks, Twilight and Spike coming over to join the crowd. “That’s all I remember.”

“A likely story.” Shining Armor growled, Rainbow Dash going stiff. “I’ve grilled tougher than you.”

“Wait, I buy it.” Spike said, holding up the broken goggles for everypony to see. Gathering around, they saw glowing markings around the frames that looked like old runes.

“Definitely ancient Ponish.” Sunburst said slowly as he looked them over. Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief.

“Looks like your story checks out.” Shining Armor said in a tone that still held suspicion. “You’re free to go.” Almost on cue, Sweetie Belle raced over and pulled her canteen free, wetting a cloth and nursing Rainbow’s wounds.

“Hey, like, weren’t you all mad at me a second ago?” Rainbow Dash asked as the little unicorn tended to her.

“You didn’t know what you were doing, Rainbow Dash.” She said with a smile. “Besides, everyone needs someone to show them a little kindness, even if they were hypnotized into doing something a little on the mean side.” Rainbow Dash blushed as the filly cleaned her last scrapes and scratches.

“So, what’re you all doing all the way out here?” the pegasus asked.

“Princess Luna summoned us.” Chirped Sweetie Belle. “We have to find the Elements of Harmony and save Equestria.” The young mare only raised an eyebrow at this.

“Okay then… so d’you want help out there?” she asked. “It’s the lease I could do.” Sweetie Belle only shook her head.

“Princess Luna tasked us six and us six alone.” Twilight said. “We would truly appreciate the help, but we have our orders.” Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to protest but reconsidered. She had never met the princess, but she knew whatever she wanted was probably for the best.

“Okay then.” Rainbow Dash said flatly. “But if things get hairy, come find me. I’ll repair the bridge before I go in case you need to come for help.” She said as she looked to the gorge. Bidding everypony farewell, Rainbow Dash hopped off the cliff edge with her wings outstretched, everypony turning back toward the forest.

“If we got attacked like that, we must be close.” Shining Armor said with narrowed eyes. “Daybreaker wanted to keep us out, and bad.”

“Well, let’s remember to be polite and knock.” Spike smirked as he lifted a fist. The crowd was off again, the forest becoming thicker and more untamed. Stepping through the variable jungle, they could see a stone formation materializing in the openings through the bramble and vines.

“We’re almost there.” Spike said as they pressed on. Coming up to a clearing, however, the ground began to shake violently, everypony turning to see trees and plant growth barreling over as a rockslide came for them.

“Look out!” They shrieked as they raced out of the way of the oncoming boulders. Diving this way and that, everypony was flung about as a wall of fallen rock came to form in the forest. Rubbing his head, Spike looked up and waved the dust from his face, looking around.

“Everypony okay?” he asked as he saw shapes emerging in the stones.

“I’m okay.” Shining Armor grunted, climbing through the rocks.

“I’m okay.” Sweetie Belle breathed, shaking her head as she climbed up.

“All good.” Moondancer said as a shimmery barrier faded, some stones falling around her.

“I found my glasses.” Sunburst cheered as he climbed down from a big boulder.

“Okay… Twilight?” Spike asked as he looked around. No response. “Twilight?” he asked again, this time louder. “Twilight!” Everypony grew worried and looked all about for their friend.

“I’m down here.” Came a coughing voice, everypony racing to see a small opening in the fallen rocks. Peering down, they saw the purple illumination of Twilight’s horn, the young mare trapped in small grotto.

“Twili!” Shining Armor called to her. “Are you okay?” Twilight nodded.

“I’m stuck but I’m not hurt.” She called through the little hole.

“C’mon, you can make your way out.” Shining Armor called as they began to pull rocks away. “It looks like it’s more on your end.” Twilight powered her horn and gave the rocks above her a push, but it felt so heavy.

“It’s really hard.” She said, giving another push with her magic. “Nopony can see another way out?”

“We got nothing, Twilight.” Spike called to her. “You gotta give it some oomf.”

“But I can’t.” Twilight cried, giving another shove with her magic. “Look, go on without me, we’re close enough.”

“No way.” Sunburst called. “We need you.”

“No, you don’t.” Twilight bemoaned. “You’re already there, just get the Elements and stop Daybreaker.” The purple mare sighed and curled up. “I’ll just get in the way.”

“You’re right.”

Everypony turned to Moondancer. What was this?

“You know, you are a pain.” She huffed. “You always slack off, you’re always getting in the way and you always need one of us to save you.”

“Wait a minute!” Spike said defensively as Shining Armor tugged him back

“But you know what?” she went on. “You’re our heart. You’re always there for us even if we don’t want you there. You meddle and need to be a part of the fun when you should be studying and turning in assignments, you realized what our dreams were about when we had different ideas, you always pressed on whenever it would have been easier to just go home and try to ration water and food.” Twilight looked up at her ranting friend as the two began to smile. “You got us into this mess because you’ve got the heart for this sort of thing. You’ve always had more heart than brains, Twilight.” Moondancer sighed. “So, buck up and press on with us. We need you, and that’s the truth.”

Inhaling, Twilight powered her horn once more and pushed with all her magic power, the rocks rising upward and running here and there as Twilight slowly forced her way free, everypony cheering.

“Twilight, you did it!” Spike cheered, throwing his arms around his sister.

“Well, all it took was some tough love.” She sighed, Moondancer giving her friend a wink as they brushed her clean of the dust and stones. “Well, it looks like we’re here.”

Turning, everypony saw a grandiose alabaster form before them. The massive Castle of the Two Sisters shone in the glistening sun as if it were just newly built. Beautifully engraved pillars and arches lined the lush green courtyards, covered in flowering vines, perfectly symmetrical fountains and pools stretched along the white cobblestone road and the spire adorned towers glistened like mammoth prisms, several bearing gigantic spinning windmills. What really caught everypony’s eye, however, was water they saw around them. Great snakes of water stretched and coiled through the sky, coursing down into a brilliant shimmering ball of water spinning slowly in the sky above the castle, a glistening rainbow mist falling down from it into the waterways.

“This is incredible.” Twilight breathed as they walked slowly into the courtyard.

“It feels so cool here.” Sweetie Belle said, staring in awe at the brilliant water formations.

“So, what happens now?” Shining Armor asked as they stepped toward the massive door to the palace.

“We improvise” Sunburst said as they opened the gate to the grand hall. Looking here and there, they saw stretches of shining white halls lined with pristine red carpets, bowls of flowering lavender stretching down from the archways.

“We stick together no matter what.” Spike said, a slight shudder to his voice.

“Yeah, it’s not safe.” Moondancer added, sounding slightly nervous as well. Walking through the stretches of hallways, they looked everywhere for a trace of life, but saw or heard nothing. Coming to a great spiral, they proceeded up it, wondering what this place must have been like in its days of glory. After a few more stretches and stairwells, they came to what looked like a planetarium.

It was a gargantuan rotunda with a dormant display at the far end of the room. Looking it over, they saw five round stones on extending pedestals with a single larger sphere at the middle. Coming closer, however, they jumped back as a brilliant burst of fire erupted before them, Daybreaker cackling with delight as they looked in apprehension.

“You really have outdone yourselves,” she taunted. “Braving the forest, navigating the castle, even finding your way to the Elements of Harmony. You must tell me,” she said, her smile fading “who sent you?”

“It was Princess Luna, the guardian of dreams!” Twilight called, stepping forward. “We’re not scared of you, Daybreaker. That’s why Princess Luna sent us.”

“Bah, she’s sealed away where nopony will ever find her.” Sneered the white alicorn. “But to come for such a powerful weapon as the Elements? You really are ambitious.” Powering her burning horn and pulling the six stones before them, Daybreak grinned nastily as she crumbled them before everypony, dropping the debris all over the floor before the mortified six.

“Now, I make you the same offer I made the pegasus.” Daybreaker glowered. “Swear your loyalty to me and thrive in my garden, or you will be my slave.”

“I don’t think so!” Shining Armor roared.

“We’ll never be loyal to such a cruel pony!” Sweetie Belle snapped.

“You’ll never be a true ruler.” growled Moondancer.

“We’ve come to far too give up to you.” Sunburst said with a stomp.

“Yeah, we don’t answer to you!” Spike called. Daybreaker only smirked.

“You really think you’ll stand a chance?” the alicorn mused. “Don’t make me laugh!” With that, she sent a blast of fiery magic for them, Twilight racing forward and catching her spell with her horn. She already knew they were invulnerable now. Shaking away the blazing inferno, Twilight smiled as Daybreaker stared in absolute shock.

“I know the final Element.” Twilight said triumphantly. “Friendship really is magic when you think about it.” Daybreaker roared out and sent another blast for her, but Twilight knocked the barrage away with ease, she and her companions glowing brilliantly.

“Shining Armor kept us laughing and cheerful from the start.” She went on, her brother unable to hide his smile. “Sunburst generously gave his food and water to those in need.” The bespectacled pony blushed as she spoke. “Spike loyally stood before a threat that challenged us, in turn saving somepony else who was just as loyal.” Spike gave his sister a thumbs-up at this. “Sweetie Belle kindly came to the aid of somepony who needed kindness when everypony else was wary and suspicious of her.” The little unicorn smiled to herself, feeling quite accomplished. “And Moondancer told me the honest truth when I felt like giving up.” She finished, her childhood friend nodding to her with pride.

Striding closer, they watched as Daybreaker shrank away, the fragmented Elements of Harmony swirling and forming together around everypony.

“Friendship is what binds them together and makes the final Element Magic.” Twilight said proudly, the fragments forming into golden necklaces around everypony as a grand diadem formed on her head. Drifting into the air, the six felt immense power course through them as Twilight lowered her horn to the screaming alicorn, Daybreaker thrashing as a swirling rainbow formed around her like a gigantic twister, pieces of the planetarium walls crumbling and tearing away. There was a giant burst before their eyes, and then nothing.


Her ears ringing and head spinning, Twilight stretched and looked up to see the full moon shining down at them from a hole in the clouds that had gathered in the night sky, a gentle shower falling over everypony. The rain felt so refreshing and cool after three days of endless hot sunlight.

Looking around, she saw that she wasn't outside but still in the Chamber of the Elements, the roof having been blown away by the grand explosion. Her senses returning, she saw her friends were also climbing up, each of their necks adorned with a beautiful gold necklace bearing a jeweled pendent in the shape of their cutie marks (except for Spike whose Element bore a big heart). After a moment, Twilight turned to see her. Everypony smiled with delight as the tall form of Princess Luna smiled at them, her glowing blue mane straightened under the falling rain.

“You’ve done such an amazing job, Twilight Sparkle.” She said, the six bowing to her. “You and everypony have worked so selflessly and bravely to save Equestria from danger. We all owe you so much.” Twilight brushed her eyes of tears as Luna gave her a nuzzle. “But more so, you have reunited me with my older sister?” she said, everypony’s eyes going wide at this statement.

“Your sister?” Moondancer breathed. Luna smiled as she looked to a fallen white figure nearby. Strolling to her, Luna nudged a white alicorn with a long pink mane.

“Celestia? It’s time to wake up.” Luna said as the fallen alicorn stirred awake.

“Sister?” she said weakly. “You… you’ve come for me?” she asked with a quivering voice. Luna nodded, her eyes welling as Princess Celestia rose to her hooves and nuzzled into Luna’s side.

“I’m so sorry I did such terrible things.” She cried. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness-”

“No more words, sister.” Luna sniffled as she put a hoof around her elder sister. “I’m so happy you’re here by my side again.”

Everypony around could not hide their tears at the reunion of the sisters. This was the true mission Luna entrusted them with. They could tell.


By the next morning, the rain still had not ended, albeit it was still a light drizzle. At the Ponyville town hall, Princess Luna had decided to hold the festivities of the Grand Eclipse.

“And, without further ado,” Luna said as the ponies of the town smiled in wonder at the two princess alicorns “we honor these six brave souls whom, without their devotion to all lives everywhere, not only saved Equestria from an endless burning day and brought the sun back into rotation across all lands, but also saved my beloved sister, Princess Celestia, from the torment of Daybreaker, healing her soul and restoring her love and care for everypony everywhere.”

The ponies cheered happily for Twilight and her friends, and even cheered for the meek Celestia (who now had a flowing mane of bright colors) as she sat watching with a tiny smile. And with that, everypony danced and feasted and chatted happily, some of the local fillies and colts coming to marvel at the white alicorn.

“So, are you hitting the road like you said?” Twilight asked Sunburst as she and Spike held plates piled high with sweets and desserts.

“I was going to,” he explained “but I’ve decided to stay in Equestria for a time. I wanna fix up the Golden Oak Library and restore it to its former glory. It looks like it would make a nice home.”

“That’s a fine idea.” Luna said as she came to his side.

“Your majesty!” he gasped with a jump, quickly bowing to her, only for her to chortle and wave him off.

“No need to be so formal here.” She explained. “As a matter of fact, I’ve come to you because I’ve noticed something about you six.” At this, Shining Armor, Moondancer and Sweetie Belle came to the trio’s side.

“You truly do understand kinship and what it means to have a bond uncommon from others.” Luna beamed. “And so, I task you with the duty to study friendship and comradery. Find and understand what it truly means to share a bond and send your findings to somepony who needs to know there truly is someone out there who cares.”

Celestia beamed as well as she approached them, Twilight immediately understanding Luna’s words.

“Study the magic of friendship and send what you learn to Princess Celestia.” Luna said with a nod. “I know you two will share a loving bond for the ages.”

Twilight felt a great swell of pride at this. They all did.

“Princess Luna,” Twilight said proudly. “we will not let you down.”

Comments ( 4 )

Wonderful work on the last chapter of this first arc. Yeah, I can understand the need to go on hiatus for a while. After all, between real world schedules and thinking time, I certainly can respect the need for patience. At any rate, wonderful work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Excellent work on the alterations to the "Element trials" (especially with Spike showing his stuff in helping out his friends before they found out Rainbow and her crew were under mind control, the cameo by Arizona and her dad during Sunburst's trial and Moondancer pushing Twilight with the right mix of brutal honesty and acknowledgement that she DOES have the heart and courage to do more).

So it's

Twilight: Magic

Spike: Loyalty

Shining: Laughter

Moondancer: Honesty

Sweetie: Kindness

Sunburst: Generosity.

VERY definitely makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for the story thus far and I am wishing you luck in finding the inspiration and time to do more eventually, even if I am quite willing to be patient.

I'm so grateful for your words. We're on the cusp of Christmas season with my job, so it may be a while, but I hope to be back soon with both new adventures and reworked episodes. I'm so happy that you've enjoyed the story this far and I hope you're pleased with future instalments.

Thank you so very much, friend.

This is amazing, when you are gonna update???

Hopefully soon. Work has been crazy lately.

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