• Published 30th Oct 2020
  • 273 Views, 8 Comments

A Wayfinders Guide to Equestria - Ellery Quinn

An adventurer shares his tales of hundreds of years of traveling the multiverse starting with Equestria...

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A beginning

Author's Note:

KNOW, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, Stop that! This is not Robert E. Howard, and this is about 2000 years after the hyborian age. This is a story about an adventurer of a different sort than a sword wielding lusty lunatic (though he really was a lot more than that as a character ), I just needed something to catch your attention. Arvax is a character that has been bouncing around in my head for a while and I'm taking the chance to write down his story, from his point of view...
Any resemblance in my characters to real people (or publication names) is coincidental or is used fictitiously. all magic spells are made up too. (this is my first fanfic so don't judge me too much.)

My name is Arvax Magus, which does sound a bit dramatic, but my family tree apparently stretches back to Merlin (according to family legend, not historical fact, but still!) My family other than the dramatic last name is quite ordinary (I unofficially changed my name to more suit me). Sadly, trying to revive the family business (i.e wizardry) has resulted in not having too many friends, people who know me from reputation only making warding signs when I walk by, being fleeced by people selling fake magical artifacts and resulted in the chain of events I am about to relate.

It began with a garage sale, and a guy who seemed a bit touched in the head.

"I assure ya, this is a sword that can cut holes into other worlds ." Of course, considering the claim, you can see why I say touched in the head. But he oddly seemed to be able to say that while looking at me straight in the eyes, unlike many of the other people who tried to peddle me rubbish under the guise of it being enchanted (the result of putting out a personal ad looking for real magic items, that made my parents evaluate my mental health).

"How do I know this is genuine? " I said as I looked over it, it seemed to have words in what seemed like an archaic form of Latin (now that is hard to understand) inscribed into it, along with symbols like, pentagrams, the eight fold path symbol (Warhammer 40k corrupted the meaning of the symbol by the way it is actually 8 paths to enlightenment.), but that could be faked (something you only learn from being fleeced a few dozen times).

"How about this kid, you take it for a test run, if it doesnt work, you get the sword for free." Even if it didn't work, it was cool looking, and it had a horse decorative motif overall.

"It's a deal."

"Oh, and before you go, don't worry about freaking out the locals on the other world, the sword will take care of that."

"I'm telling you, I'm pretty sure that this isn't a fake Ellory ! If this really works, we could pop into My Great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfathers prison in that oak tree, free him, and maybe he would teach us magic !"

I'd explain about the oak tree but that is a long story in itself. Long story short, Merlins one girlfriend took dumping him and never seeing him again to a whole new level. I was on my bed near my only friend (other than my dnd group who at least liked my dm'ing style) who was willing to socialize with me.

"Thats what you said about the black powder recipe, 'Look! I found a recipe for a philosophers stone!' I still see the scorch marks even after you repainted the walls."

Fast forward after i've gathered supplies,(2 changes of clothes, 3 days rations for myself, copies of the 5e D&D rulebooks to keep my dnd campaign going with my friends, and a copy of Mark Booth's A Secret History Of The World ) roped a friend into coming along, (Ellory Quinn because she was my constant partner in my attempts at magic, and of course not seen as polite company due to that sadly ), and reciting the magic words inscribed on the blade while in a corner of the public library (the occult section naturally).

"ferrum cantata"
"ferrum et vetera"
"ex parte ante illam velum"
"inter mundos!"

Than, to my utmost surprise, I swung the blade in an arc and an opening to a white void appeared in the shape of an arch appeared. As we stepped through, I felt our material bodys fading to pure energy, which is what matter is at the core, and thought.

I remember hearing a voice that thought (yes the voice thought,) "A thousand years since one of the living came here," than nothing. Eventually after what felt like no time at all, and all of eternity in the same moment, I felt myself reform in a body that felt familiar, yet alien. I heard sounds along the lines of "Spike, get me the first aid kit," than I fully passed out.

If they had looked behind , they might have noticed the motes of black energy seeping out of the occult book section behind them. Might have seen what looked like a trio of shadows consolidate near a figure, 3 feet tall, in a cloak, fiddling with a dagger, skull-shaped handle and obsidian blade, in reptilian hands, concealed in the shelves. Could have heard it's words "Bring me the sword." might have seen the shadows follow through the arch. and the figure follow them into the void. His 3,000 years of searching were about to pay off.

I awoke in a hospital bed with an iv hooked up to me, and my vital signs being monitored (I memorized that beep after someone sold me a recipe for a philosophers stone consisting of charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur. why I didn't see a hospital trip coming from that is still a mystery to me.)

I heard a voice, say "She's awake! " Despite my gender seemingly being mixed up (I'd get used to it as I used transformation magic more but that is later), I simply replied, quite groggily "Ellory?"

The voice replied "Your friend woke up a few hours before you did. she told me a good deal of information but I felt I should hear it from you, as it seemed you were a key part in what happened. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way."

"I'm a boy for starters, and I don't think this is Merlin's prison in an oak tree." My voice sounded at a uncomfortably higher pitch.

"That's odd, you look like a mare."The voice, which came from an odd purple creature which looked like an anthropomorphic cross between a pony, a pegasus , and a unicorn. An alicorn I believe the term is. I was either having hallucinations from watching too many fantasy tv shows, or The sword had worked. I was hoping for the latter.

"Well, it's a long story, and I am going to kill the guy who sold me that enchanted blade (Ellory told you about that right? ). Blend into the populace yes, but not a bit of feedback from myself on the new form. but I should explain. My name is Arvax Magus, which does sound a bit dramatic, but my family tree apparently stretches back to Merlin. Just to clarify, you do know what a wizard is do you? "

To Be Continued...