• Published 25th Nov 2020
  • 2,272 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Magic vs. Venom - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies team up with a secret, military force to take on a ruthless, terrorist organization.

  • ...

Unknown Forces

One afternoon in an undisclosed location, bullets were flying and explosions were booming on all cylinders...

"Contact front! Contact front!" Sunset shouted. "Heavy enemy fire! I need you to bring them up the line. Bring up the line."

Leo replied, "Check that, Sunset, but I can’t. I’m taking rounds back here."

"I need you! I need you now! Air strike! Call in an air strike!" Sunset ordered.

However, in reality, Sunset and Leo were communicating on their headphones and playing an online team deathmatch in an action/adventure video game in their respective homes.

Leo asked Sunset by headphones while trying to figure out the buttons on his controller.

Leo: How? How do you call an air strike?

Sunset shook her head, feeling disappointed.

Sunset Shimmer: Are you kidding me?

Leo panicked and suggested her.

Leo: Can I bring... Umm, what about those, like, care package thingies.

Sunset informed Leo.

Sunset Shimmer: I need you to sprint and help me because I’m going to lose.

Leo responded.

Leo: Can you use a care package thingy? I can bring you one.

Sunset shook her head.

Sunset Shimmer: A care package thingy?

Then, a random player started shooting at Leo.

Leo: Who’s shooting at me?! What da-

Sunset cut off Leo in a louder voice.

Sunset Shimmer: I’m bleeding out right there and you’re...

She paused for a second saw Leo’s avatar spinning around.

Sunset Shimmer: Are you spinning?

Sunset asked, feeling concerned of Leo’s actions in the game and he answered.

Leo: You gotta cover 360.

Sunset contradicted.

Sunset Shimmer: You’re spinning.

Leo didn’t hear Sunset and continued their conversation.

Leo: Huh?

Sunset Shimmer: How could you be so good at combat? But you stink at video games.

Sunset questioned as Leo calmed her down and answered.

Leo: I think you need to relax. And I don’t stink. Alright? Just chill. It’s just a game.

Then, Donnie came by and tapped on his shoulder. Leo took off his headset and Donnie whispered to him.

"Okay. I’ll be right over." Leo told Donnie.

The ninja turtle leader put his headset back on and informed Sunset.

Leo: Hey uh, I gotta go. Something just came up.

Sunset Shimmer: What happened?

Leo: I gotta go help my brothers.

Sunset Shimmer: Okay. Just do what you gotta do. Let us know if you need our help.

Leo: Will do. This is Leo, signing off.

Leo took off his headset and rushed off along with Donnie to find his other two brothers while Sunset Shimmer continued to play her video game without him.

Meanwhile in New York, the black ninja known as Snake Eyes, flew on his wind glider and landed on the roof of the TCRI Building. He silently took down the guards and went inside and started searching within the building like a bloodhound. However, Leo and Donnie arrived and saw Raph and Mikey spying on the ninja across from the TCRI Building.

"Mikey. Explanation?" Leo asked.

Mikey answered, "I saw someone burst into TCRI. The thing is, he’s a ninja. But, he didn't look like one of Karai’s ninjas."

The rest of his brothers looked through their binoculars and saw Snake Eyes sneaking into the building.

Donnie asked his brothers, "Think it might be trouble?"

Raph replied, "Ah, who cares. You know what they say, “Better safe than sorry.” Right?"

Snake Eyes reached for his sword as Leonardo noticed the Arashikage symbol on his outfit.

"I never seen that symbol before," Leo saw before he noticed Raph zip lining to the TCRI Building, "Raph, wait!"

Raph broke through the windows and confronted Snake Eyes

"Nice outfit. Where did you get it from? The dry-cleaners?" Raph asked.

While his mask prevented him from visually showing it, Snake Eyes was confused at the turtle creature in front of him.

Raph charged towards Snake Eyes, but because of his quick actions, he quickly counter and block his attack, sending Raph to the floor, but he did so without hurting him but his hide was hurt. The rest of Raph’s brothers arrived and saw what the ninja did.

"Raph, are you alright?" Donnie asked.

"I’m fine. But I can still fight." Raph answered.

Mikey was impressed of the black ninja’s moves and said, "Wow! This guy’s good."

Leo shouted, "Stop! Who are you? And what do you want?"

Snake Eyes lifted his sword and taunted the turtles to come at him.

"Is he serious about this?" Donnie asked.

Raph replied, "I don’t know, but he’s going to get a butt-whooping from me."

"Either way, let’s take him down real quick. We don’t know what this ninja is capable of." Leo informed his brothers.

Snake Eyes defended himself easily with Raph’s fighting technique, but he kicked Raph to the ground, causing him to lose his sais. However, he allowed Raph to get up and pointed at his sais.

Raph got up and grabbed his sais. "I gotta admit, you’re tough, but I’m much tougher than you."

Despite his cockiness, Raph and his brothers clashed with Snake Eyes with their sick ninja moves and weapons. The fight went on but the ninja was too much for the turtles. Raphael tried his luck again, but no good he did however, managed to rip off his logo patch.

During Snake Eyes’s fight with the turtles, he spotted Storm Shadow on a building across from TCRI, ready to take the shot.

"Fair well, brother." Storm Shadow said as he fired the gunshot.

Snake Eyes kicked Donnie and Mikey out of the way and tackled Leo to safety. The bullet broke through the window and it missed his target. Storm Shadow growled and contacted all Cobra operatives, "Attention all Cobra units, we have intruders on the top floors. Take them out."

A large number of Cobra operatives disguised as TCRI security guards immediately went up the stairs to find Snake Eyes and the Ninja Turtles. G.I. Joe’s ninja commando put his sword away and waved bye to the turtles before disappearing into the shadows.

"Hey! Come back here! I’m not finished yet!" Raph complained, feeling frustrated as always.

Mikey suggested his brothers, "Uh bros, maybe we should scram out of here before they start shooting bullets at us."

"Good idea." Donnie replied.

Leo answered, "Fall back, my brothers!"

The turtles soon heard the guards coming from the stairs and left and threw a smoke bomb to escape. After that, a group of (Cobra) security guards arrived on the scene of the battle, but they were too late to capture the turtles.

Storm Shadow commented, "Those freaks fought like ninjas. Their style must be from the Hamoto Clan. Interesting."

Then, one of his Cobra operatives contacted Storm Shadow.

Security Guard: Sir, we have no sign of the Joe or the other intruders.

Storm Shadow threatened him, "You better deliver me some good news or else I’m going to use you as my practice dummy. Continue the mission and deliver the substance to our convoys for Dr. Mindbender."

Security Guard: Yes sir.

What they didn’t know earlier was that Snake Eyes swiped a communicator and listened to their conversqtion. The ninja commando flew away from TCRI with his glider attachments from his suit and went back to find his G.I. Joe teammates.

The Ninja Turtles took a breather in an empty construction site after escaping from the clutches of Cobra.

Leo sighed, "Well that went well."

Donnie noticed something about the ninja, "Did you guys noticed he never said one word during the fight right? Not even a grunt or groan."

"Hmph. I didn’t even noticed." Raph shrugged.

"So we’re not even close to knowing that guy. How typical." Leo said.

Mikey was captivated by the ninja and said, "I don’t know about you guys, but that guy was awesome! Did you see his moves? It was so cool!"

Raph shouted, "Shut up Mikey. Now what are we waiting for? Let’s go after him!"

Donnie replied, "Without having a lead on him? We'd be running around with our heads in our shells if we don’t find him. Plus, his style looked familiar."

"I don’t think he was trying to kill us, he let me get back up and get my sais, and I spotted a sniper who was about to shoot us and he saved us without breaking a sweat." Raph mentioned.

Donnie nodded, "Hmm, you made a good point right there."

"Hey Raph! Didn't you rip something off of his sleeve?" Leo asked him.

Raph answered, "Oh yeah, I did."

Leo ordered, "Let’s see it."

Raphael opened his palm to reveal to what it looked like to be a logo patch.

Donnie commented, "I’ve never seen that symbol before."

"Me neither. Let’s head back home. I’ll consult with Master Splinter in the spirit world while you guys figure out who our mystery ninja is. Maybe sensei knows something about him." Leo ordered.

Raph ignored him and demanded, "I still say we go after him now! Maybe there’s a chance we'll catch up to him!"

Donnie warned him, "Raph, if he is as skilled as a ninja, he’d be long gone by now."

Raph sighed and crossed his arms, "Alright. That’s fine."

Mikey got an idea and told them, "Hey dudes! How about we grab some pizza to cheer us up!"

"Thin crust. New York style. No invisible anchovies." Donnie ordered.

Raph repeated, "And we mean NO anchovies, Mikey!"

"Okay okay. Just relax. I’ll take care of it bros." Mikey replied.

While Snake Eyes continued soaring throughout the city, he thought about Leo and his brothers. He remembered learning about the Hamato Clan a while back, but found it impossible after learning of the clan's destruction. While Snake Eyes continued gliding, G.I. Joe’s team leader, Duke, contacted him through communications and asked him.

Duke: Snake Eyes, do you have anything to report?

Later in their lair, Leo continued meditating and talked to Master Splinter in the spirit world while his brothers continued to enjoy eating pizza.

In the spirit world, Master Splinter informed Leo, "My son. I have found the answer that you seek. This symbol that you saw was from the Arashikage Clan. A ninja clan that had rivaled the Foot Clan many years ago. They disbanded years later after their Sensei was assassinated. However, there were two known survivors of the clan. The sensei's nephew, Storm Shadow, and a ninja by the name of Snake Eyes."

"Snake Eyes? Storm Shadow? Those are some interesting names Master Splinter. I will let my brothers know about it. Thank you sensei." Leo said.

"You are very welcome, my son." Splinter replied as they both bowed to each other before Leo woke up.

Leo entered the kitchen and informed Donnie, "Hey Donnie, see if you can look up the names of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow."

"I’m on it, Leo." Donnie answered as he walked towards the laptop on his desk.

Mikey kept chewing a mouth full of pizza, "Too cool! Even those names are awesome!"

"Hmm... Snake Eyes." Donnie said as he put a slice of pizza in his mouth and researched on his computer, "Nothing. I can’t find any person that is named Snake Eyes. I only found articles and images of the snake’s eyes."

Raph responded with sarcasm, "Wow Donnie! And I thought you were a genius."

"Congratulations, Raph. You just volunteered to disarm the next bomb we come across." Donnie informed him.

Raph shrugged, "Ehh, whatever."

Mikey told his nerdy brother, "Don’t let him get to you Donnie. He’s just mad because he got his shell waxed."

Raph growled, "I heard that!"

"But what about the other guy? What was his name? Storm Shadow? Which by the way sounds like an awesome name if I were to name him." Mikey remembered.

Donnie continued researching and found his answer, "Ahh yes. I found him. It says that he is a wanted criminal."

"So we mistook Snake Eyes as an enemy? Well that makes sense." Mikey said.

Donnie asked, "Leo, do these ninjas belong in the same clan or different clan?"

"They were once both in the same ninja clan known as the Arashikage Clan." Leo answered.

Mikey brought up a suggestion for his brothers, "Dudes, if this clan were enemies of the Foot. Doesn't that mean they were allies to the Hamato Clan?"

Donnie responded, "Maybe, if you think about it, but we’re not quite sure if this “Arashikage” clan formed a partnership with the Hamato Clan years ago. Or even centuries ago."

Raph asked Leo, "Okay Mr. Fearless leader. What do we do now?"

Leo answered with confidence, "We find Snake Eyes again."

Raph nodded, "Another question. How in the world are we going to do that?"

"Raph’s right. It’ll be like trying to find a needle in a huge haystack." Donnie said.

"Don’t worry. Master Splinter always told us, “When the tiger finds his meal, he will hunt until he catches it.” "

Mikey realized what Leo said, "Oh, I think I get it. Let him come to us."

"Perhaps we can communicate with this “Snake Eyes” and tell him that it was a huge misunderstanding." Donnie suggested.

"Good idea. Let’s..." Leo stopped talking when his T-Phone rang. He picked it up and answered the call, "Karai?"

Karai: Leo... we... need...

Their communications seemed to be malfunctioning as Leo questioned her, "Karai, you’re phone connection’s breaking up. What’s happening?"

Karai responded.

Karai: Trouble... TCRI... help...

Karai said until she was cut off and their call ended abruptly.

Leo kept calling Karai on her T-Phone, "Karai? Karai?! Are you there?!"

The rest of his brothers locked eyes on Leo and wanted to know what’s going on.

Leo ordered his brothers, "Raph, fire up the Shell Raiser. Donnie, contact April, Casey, and the others. Mikey, grab the first aid kit."

Raph asked, "But what about Snake Eyes?"

"We’ll save that for later. Right now, we gotta go." Leo ordered.

"And how exactly are we going to find her?" Donnie asked.

Leo remembered the clues that Karai mentioned during her urgent, phone call. He informed them, "We are going back to the TCRI Building."

"Seriously? We just got back from that building and now you want us to go back there?" Raph complained.

Leo told Raph, "We don’t have much time for arguments. Right now, we gotta save Karai and her team." The turtles exited their lair to rescue their good friend and ally, Karai, and her Foot Clan.

Meanwhile at G.I. Joe’s cargo plane, Snake Eyes along with his fellow comrades, Duke, Ripcord, Tunnel Rat, Scarlett, Breaker, Wild Bill, and Heavy Duty were having a meeting with General Hawk as a hologram.

"Wait a minute, Scarlett. You mean to tell me that Snake Eyes fought against four large lizards?" Tunnel Rat asked.

Scarlett answered, "No Tunnel Rat, four mutant turtles and they were ninjas!"

Tunnel Rat, Breaker, and Ripcord were quite shocked of the discovery except the rest of the Joes.

Ripcord commented, "You gotta be kidding me. That sounds like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon or a comic book if you ask me."

Breaker commented, "Fascinating. I’ve read reports about mutants similar to what Scarlett just said."

"Could they have been Cobra mutations?" Duke asked.

Snake Eyes shook his head and showed them the footage of their fight and showed them old footage of the Hamato Clan.

Tunnel Rat asked, "Ooh, what are we watching?"

"Snake Eyes’s fight with the so-called, “Ninja Turtles”. Plus, some old history footage of the Hamato Clan." Scarlett answered.

"Well what do you know. They do exist." Wild Bill stated.

Duke asked the ninja, "Do you know anything else of the Hamoto clan?"

Snake Eyes nodded.

Heavy Duty suggested, "I take it Jinx, Kamakura, or Tiger Claw have never heard of this clan as much as you do Snake."

Snake Eyes waved his hand saying, "Sort of."

General Hawk responded.

General Hawk: Cobra has had a record of mutations, but it didn’t say anything about four mutant ninja turtles.

Duke informed the Joes, "Well, whoever they are, they shouldn’t stick their nose into our business. If we find them, we want to know if they’re secretly working with Cobra or not. And we want answers."

General Hawk ordered.

General Hawk: We get it Duke. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Let me handle this mutant problem and deter if they’re enemy or not. Is that clear?

Duke nodded, "Yes sir."

General Hawk also stated.

General Hawk: If they're one of Minderbender’s, we’ll deal with them. Right now, Duke, I want you and your team to head back to the TCRI building. Hawk out.

Snake Eyes nodded while the rest of the Joes saluted, "Yes sir."

Later in the evening, Leo and his brothers arrived and sneaked into the TCRI Building. After surpassing the upper floors, they arrived in the loading docks and found Karai along with her friends, Shini and the Dazzlings with their hands cuffed. However, there were Red Fang ninjas and Cobra troopers surrounding the area led by the white ninja, Storm Shadow, as they were moving crates full of mutagen cases inside to their pickup trucks.

"What would they want with those mutagen?" Donnie whispered.

Leo whispered back, "Mission first. Ask questions later."

The ninja turtles silently took out his guards and robots while Karai and her friends were starting to wake up.

Karai woke up and saw what was happening. Aria shouted, "Hey! Let us go! Why are you doing this?"

"That is none of your concern." Storm Shadow replied.

Karai said, "I knew you would say that. And umm," She took a look at the logo on his swords, "That logo. I’ve seen it before. It’s Arashikage isn’t it?"

"I was a part of that clan." Storm Shadow sighed.

"I thought they were disbanded many years ago." Shini said.

Karai commented, "I’ve read about that too, but I don’t understand. Why are you resurrecting your clan? Why are you doing this?"

Storm Shadow chuckled, "The answer is simple, child. The Arashikage is no more. Now tell me, how do you know so much about the Arashikage Clan?"

Karai looked at him straight in the eye and never bothered to answer his question.

"On second thought, don't bother answering that. I know the symbol of the Foot Clan when I see it. But your face, you look familiar." Storm Shadow noticed.

Adagio yelled, "Hey! Leave her alone!"

Storm Shadow looked at Adagio like a hyena looking at its next meal. He said, "Such loyalty. My brother and his acolytes could learn a lot from you."

He then threw ninja stars at the turtles, but they dodged them, knowing that Storm Shadow figured that they would come in to rescue their friends.

"Ah, I see that you’re ninjas too even though you’re part turtle. Plus, you took out my men and robots. Interesting." Storm Shadow commented.

Mikey thanked him, "Aww, really? Thanks," However, his brothers gave him the dry looks, "Uh, I mean, step away from the girls or else we’ll have to kick your sorry butts. Ninja dude."

Storm Shadow questioned their tactics, "Heh, you speak like a child and yet you act like a fool too. What makes you think you can take me on?"

"Let’s just say, we got the strength in numbers." Leo answered.

Then, a rainbow streak zoomed in and took out his operatives and her allies while the Ninja Turtles cut Karai and her clan loose from Cobra’s clutches. The Dazzlings, Shini, and Karai joined forces and stood side-by-side with the Ninja Turtles as the Rainbooms arrived along with April, Casey, Bebop, and Rocksteady.

"Thanks for the save back there guys." Aria thanked her friends.

Storm Shadow stretched his neck and said, "Impressive, but not impressive enough." Then, a bunch of B.A.T.s, red ninjas, and Cobra troopers stormed into the loading docks and surrounded the teenage heroes. "Did you really think that I’ve ran out of Cobra operatives lately?"

While the heroes were surrounded, a falcon with visors was observing the scene and found Storm Shadow and his Cobra forces. It flew away and went back to its owner who was also spying from them from a safe distance.

The unknown spy contacted Duke.

????: Sir, I found Storm Shadow and his operatives. They’re at the loading docks of the TCRI building.

In one of the three G.I. Joe vehicles known as the R.H.I.N.O.s, Duke responded.

Duke: Good work, Spirit. We’ll be right over.

While Leo and his allies were surrounded by Cobra, a loud engine sound roared into the skies and they all looked up to see G.I. Joe’s jet, the Howler, arriving right above them.

Storm Shadow looked up and said, "He’s here."

As the Howler kept hovering, Snake Eyes with a rope attached to him, jumped out of the jet and grabbed his katana from his arsenal to swing into action. Storm Shadow took the briefcase with the mutagen inside and fled the scene without detection and the fight broke out as Snake Eyes slashed a couple of B.A.T.s while the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies started taking down Cobra’s B.A.T.s, red ninjas, and troopers. Then, the three R.H.I.N.O.s arrived and the G.I. Joe team stepped out of the vehicles to help Snake Eyes and the other teenage heroes.

"Alright Joes, move out!" Duke ordered as the rest of his team set their weapons to stun mode.

The G.I. Joe operatives started shooting at every Cobra operative that they see on the battlefield. With their help, the Ninja Turtles and their allies had the advantage and defeated any Cobra operatives that were on their path.

Applejack commented, "This is crazy, even for us."

"Agreed. Right now, we take care of him and his goons." Sunset stated as she pointed her kunai at Storm Shadow.

Leo and his allies started fighting against Cobra forces with the unexpected help from G.I. Joe while avoiding gunshots. The falcon continued monitoring the battle while Spirit joined his fellow operatives and started shooting arrows at a couple of B.A.Ts along with some Black Viper Commandos. Duke saw him and said, “Glad you could join us Spirit. What took you so long?”

"Billy and I went do some sightseeing. Sorry about that." Spirit answered as he noticed a group of B.A.T.s marching towards Leo’s allies with their weapons ready to fire. While the B.A.T.s were heading towards the three girls, a sniper shot some B.A.T.s to save them while the girls took their time to release their friends.

Wild Bill spoke the sniper through his comms.

Wild Bill: YEEHAW! Now that was nice shooting, Long Range.

"Gracias, mi amigo." Long Range replied as he continued sniping some more B.A.T.s in the battlefield.

Rarity put up a diamond while Rocksteady provided covering fire, but her powers didn't go unnoticed by Storm Shadow or the Joes. Storm Shadow continued to run from the battlefield until Snake Eyes stopped him in his tracks.

"So we meet again, brother. I knew you and your Joes were coming." Storm Shadow said.

Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow clashed with their swords while Storm Shadow held on to the briefcase with his left hand.

"Hey Snake, help is on the way!" Mikey shouted as he spotted the pair clashing and rushed in to help. However, something hit Mikey and it kept hitting him until he fell down on the floor.

Mikey looked at Bebop and asked, "Ow! Was that you, Bebop?"

Bebop replied, “Don’t look at me. I’m not the one hitting you dude.”

“Well if it wasn’t you, then who did?” Mikey asked again.

A lady with a Russian accent answered, "I did."

The culprit who hit Mikey out of nowhere revealed to be the Baroness who used her invisibility cloak.

"Who in the world are you, pretty lady?" Mikey asked while being attracted by her wicked looks.

The Baroness introduced herself, "They call me the Baroness."

Rocksteady saw who the voice belong to and was shocked. He said, "Yadovityy negodyay! You'll pay for what you did to my brother!"

Baroness responded, "I don't know who you are, but I don’t remember messing with rhinos."

Rocksteady growled, "Boltaçk Steranko! My brother!"

After hearing that name, Baroness realized who she was talking to and a nasty smile crept across her face, "Ah, yes. I remembered you now. Ivan Steranko. The failure brother has finally showed his face. So tell me Ivan, is your brother still lying comatose on a hospital bed?"

Just hearing her say that without remorse caused Rocksteady to tighten his grip on his hammer. Rocksteady charged forward and Baroness got of his way and escaped by using Mikey as a shield and he took the hit.

"OW!" Mikey yelled who was bruised up after taking the hit from Rocksteady.

Rocksteady apologized, "Sorry, my comrade."

Before Rocksteady could warn Mikey, another group of B.A.Ts started shooting at Rocksteady, but fought them off one by one with his hammer as his response while the Baroness started beating the snot out of Mikey and no one could get to him without a B.A.T firing at them. However, Snake Eyes saw Mikey in trouble and rushed to help, only for Storm Shadow to fire a warning shot up in the sky.

Storm Shadow questioned his former brother’s motives, "You would dishonor yourself by helping that mockery of our once great ally than finishing this fight?"

As much as Storm Shadow aggravated him, Snake Eyes knew he couldn't turn his back on someone who needed help. Snake Eyes knocked the briefcase out of Storm Shadow’s hands with a roundhouse kick.

"No!" Storm Shadow shouted as he ran after the briefcase.

However, it was too late and Leo grabbed it first.

Storm Shadow drew his sword and pointed at the ninja turtle, "Hand over that briefcase now or suffer the consequences."

"If you insist." Leo answered as he dropped it, only for Rainbow Dash to grab it and zoom out of the building.

Storm Shadow tried to chase her, but Snake Eyes to blocked his path. He said, "You'd let a freak fight with you. Much less dishonor the Hamato Clan."

Leo started getting mad, but Snake Eyes contained Leo and shook his head, most likely saying "Don't let him bait you."

"I say you and I take this ninja down, Snake Eyes. He is really starting to get on my nerves now." Leo stated.

As Snake Eyes and Leo tag teamed Storm Shadow, Rainbow Dash rushed out of the crossfire, but she accidentally bumped into Tunnel Rat.

Tunnel Rat said while trying to stretch his back, "Hey, watch where you’re... Rainbow Dash?!"

Rainbow Dash responded while feeling surprised, "Nicky Lee?!"

"What are you doing here?!" They both asked in confusion until more B.A.T.s surrounded Rainbow Dash and Tunnel Rat.

Tunnel Rat suggested, "Let’s fight first. Talk later."

"Agreed." Rainbow Dash replied.

The pair worked together in sync, fighting the B.A.T.s like a pair of tango dancers.

"Hey Dash, coming your way." Tunnel Rat said as he tossed an active grenade at her.

"FORE!" Rainbow Dash yelled and used her weapon to swat the grenade into the B.A.T.’s weapon, which exploded.

Rainbow cheered, "Nice work, dude!"

"Right back at ya, Rainbow!" Tunnel Rat replied as they both high-five to each other and continued to fight together against Cobra forces.

"I got your back, Duke!" Ripcord shouted as he shot down three Cobra B.A.T.s cornering him.

Duke said as he grabbed his hand to pull himself up, "Thanks for the save, Rip."

Ripcord told him, "No problem. Hey Duke, I don't think those mutants are-"

Duke interrupted him and ordered, "Not now, Rip! Focus!"

"Alright." Ripcord shrugged and returned to shooting rounds at other Cobra operatives.

The Baroness knocked the briefcase out of Rainbow’s hands and dropped it right in the middle of the battlefield. She went after it only to be stopped by Heavy Duty who kept shooting her path with his gatling gun while riding on the Howler.

"Don’t make me shoot a woman, yo!" Heavy Duty shouted.

The Baroness made a run for it and the Cobra gunship arrived on time, only to shoot the Howler with missiles.

"Incoming!" Heavy Duty yelled and alerted Wild Bill as he continued piloting the aircraft and tilted right to avoid impact.

"Woah!" Heavy Duty shouted.

The Baroness witnessed the number of Cobra operatives being defeated by the hands of their enemies and she then received a transmission from their boss, Cobra Commander.

She listened and confirmed his orders, "Yes sir. I understood." The Baroness retreated and informed her comrade.

Baroness: Storm Shadow, retreat! Cobra Commander’s orders.

“Another day, Snake Eyes.” Storm Shadow said as he threw a smoke bomb at them and retreated with the Baroness to enter the Cobra gunship. Leo attempted to pursue them, only for Snake Eyes to stop him. However, he ran after the briefcase and grabbed it. After that, he and his fellow allies looked up in the sky and watched the Cobra gunship leave. While they continued watching, the G.I. Joe operatives surrounded the Turtles and their allies as they reloaded and locked their weapons on to them except Snake Eyes and Spirit. The teenage heroes defended themselves as their response to the Joes.

"Stand down. Stand the shell down!" Raph yelled.

Heavy Duty said, "Put your weapons down, kids."

"We’re not the enemy." Scarlett added.

Casey questioned their tactics, "Pointing your weapons at us doesn’t make you our friends now, does it?"

"Please hand over the case." Breaker demanded.

Leo confronted the Joes, "Look, we don’t know you, and we sure don’t know who they are, and until we find out, we’re not lowering anything and not handing anything over."

"If it weren’t for us, you would’ve been dead with the rest of your friends." Duke stated.

Scarlett demanded, "Now please hand over the case."

"What’s your unit?" Sunset asked as she and the Rainbooms armed their ninja weapons ready at the Joes.

Ripcord replied, "That’s classified."

"Someone would like to have a word with you." Breaker said as he planted a device on the ground and activated it, bringing up a hologram of General Hawk.

General Hawk ordered.

General Hawk: State your name and rank.

Leo answered, "You first."

General Hawk: My team just save your life son. This is the part where you get to say thank you.

Leo replied again, "Those aren’t the words that come to mind right now. We weren’t told anything about any more support for this mission, so why don’t you tell your team to stand down?"

"Or we can turn this into one big turkey shoot." Bebop suggested.

Leo agreed, "Yep."

Snake Eyes put his sword close to Bebop’s neck and the rest of his allies glanced at the ninja.

Bebop had some second thoughts and replied in a strained voice, "Or not."

General Hawk calmed Bebop down.

General Hawk: Easy, Anton.

Bebop became curious and wondered how he knew his real name, "Woah. How do you know me?"

General Hawk looked through his file and answered.

General Hawk: We manage to cross reference your voice with some footage of you when you broke into Joe headquarters a few years ago.

"I thought those robots looked familiar. Cobra hired me to steal some equipment from G.I. Joe headquarters." Bebop explained as the Joes and Leo’s party looked at him with hostility, which made him nervous.

Tunnel Rat stopped and suggested everyone, "Hold up. There is gotta be a good explanation why they are here. Speaking of which, great work you ninjas."

Rainbow Dash replied, "Thank you TR. Same goes for your team."

General Hawk rolled his eyes while the opposing sides were disappointed at Tunnel Rat and Rainbow Dash, making them nervous too.

"Guys, can we all just settle down, chat, and have a nice slice of pizza?" Mikey suggested.

"Or tacos?" Sonata also suggested.

Rocksteady answered, "Not a good time, comrades."

General Hawk remembered Rocksteady’s voice and said.

General Hawk: Steranko. I thought I recognize that voice from somewhere before.

Rocksteady asked, "Wait, you know me too?"

General Hawk responded.

General Hawk: We also found footage of you when you were exchanging some of your weapons to M.A.R.S. Industries a few years back.

Sunset asked, "M.A.R.S. Industries? What’s that?"

"A highly, advanced weapons company that I used to do business with. Until..." Rocksteady answered until he felt upset.

General Hawk knew the truth, but he knew that he had no place to share it, but he answered on Rocksteady’s behalf. So, General Hawk informed Leo’s gang.

General Hawk: Official reports indicate it was a business deal gone bad.

Adagio asked, "Was it that bad?"

Rocksteady answered, "No, it’s much worse."

Donnie remembered something and said, "Hold on a second, I’ve seen you somewhere on the news before. You’re General Hawk. Afghanistan, NATO forward command."

General Hawk responded.

General Hawk: Yeah, that was my last job. I’m in a whole new outfit now.

Leo noticed Breaker walking towards him and shook his head with his katana in hand pointing towards him, "Uh-uh."

"Hey, I just need to scan if anything’s damaged inside." Breaker said as he approached slowly and started scanning the briefcase.

General Hawk ordered Leo.

General Hawk: Put down that briefcase and let us deliver these mutagen containers.

"No way, this stays back in TCRI. We’re not going to let any of this mutagen fall into the wrong hands by the likes of our enemies, especially you guys." Leo vowed.

Breaker finished scanning the briefcase and walked back as General Hawk responded.

General Hawk: I’m afraid you’re too late for that. Few weeks ago, Cobra has already stolen amounts of mutagen.

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies replied in unison, "WHAT?!"

General Hawk continued his explanation.

General Hawk: It appears that Cobra is planning to use the mutagen for something. Plus, Cobra is partnering up with some unknown operatives outside of their organization and kidnapped a scientist who knows about mutagen. He goes by the name of Baxter Stockman.

Leo's party all groaned out of annoyance, much to the Joes’ confusion.

Leo informed Genreal Hawk, "Stockman is an enemy of ours that we have a history with."

"Some of us more than others." Karai said as she looked at Rocksteady and Bebop, only for them to nod in agreement.

Leo continued, "Listen, we have experience with mutagen. Donnie even knows the formula for the antidote."

"And as much of a headache as Stockman is, he's our headache." Raph said.

April stated to General Hawk and the Joes, "We might not be soldiers, but we can put up a good fight as much as you guys. So don’t underestimate us."

General Hawk agreed with April.

General Hawk: Alright. I understand.

"Good, now back to our subject. What does Baxter Stockman have to do with all of this?" Karai questioned.

General Hawk answered to Karai.

General Hawk: We’re continuing to monitor the situation as we speak.

Leo suggested, "Well, I’m starting to think that if our enemies have partnered up with Cobra, this can go really bad for the entire world as we know it. So, I guess we have no choice but to work together with your military forces, General Hawk. We got no other options left."

General Hawk responded to Leo’s suggestion.

General Hawk: Well that’s just fine, but we can discuss more about our little coalition when we head back to base.

"And where exactly is your base, sir?" Leo asked.

In the control center of the Pit, General Hawk answered, "Come see for yourself."

Author's Note:

:pinkiehappy: Today is my birthday! :pinkiehappy:

G.I. Joe

Snake Eyes
Heavy Duty
Tunnel Rat
Billy The Falcon
Long Range
Wild Bill
General Hawk


Storm Shadow
Cobra Trooper
Red Ninja


  • The story takes places after the events of G.I. Joe: Renegades
  • The first scene with the Leo and Sunset argument is based on a scene from G.I. Joe: Retaliation when Duke was having trouble figuring out the controls and arguing with Roadblock while playing online team deathmatch in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.