• Member Since 6th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen March 12th

Slipshod Extension

A decade late and a few bits short.


Inconsistent meter and constructions abused may yet contrive to leave the odd reader amused.

Three interpretations of a tricksy draconequus.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 9 )

Haven't read the story yet, but just wanted to say that the cover was really cool.
Who made it?

Artist is one Dahtamnay on Tumblr. If you click (or tap) on the lower-right corner of the cover image, it should take you to the source! Assuming the author has provided that information.

Y'know, I honestly don't know enough about poetry to give any constructive critique here. But I really enjoyed this. All of the poems seemed very well-done and lyrical. There was a definitely tempo to them. My favorite was definitely this bit from the third poem:

Abstractions and

and they
Cut me





with blades
measured sound.

Just, ooooh. Chills down the spine for me.

I would highly suggest adding your story to some groups to get some more eyes on it. :twilightsmile: I also linked this to another writer on here who has done some poetry. Hopefully he'll pop up in your comments sometime. Have a fave for sure though!


You're very kind--thank you!

I'd probably be embarrassed to have this stuff seen by a proper poet--I think my structure's pretty hackneyed--but I appreciate your sharing the piece nonetheless! Glad you enjoyed the poems!

Author Interviewer

oh damn, that was really good c_c

strangely, I am the rare person who has read this but not EL XD

Author Interviewer

the fact that there are four poems in the collection called "Three Poems for Discord" only makes things better :)

This was really good, a snake shaped like interstices especially. You never seem to trip up on any of the rhymes, and there's clearly great thought and purpose behind it all. I wish I could like this twice!

This made me realize how easy and amazing a virtual school discord would be... I mean you can do it all with one app, not several like Google Classroom and Zoom, you can have class in VC and have an announcements channel where teachers link work and a student general chat, strands. It would be engaging, unlike the boring layouts of Google Classroom and whatnot.

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