• Published 29th Oct 2020
  • 518 Views, 8 Comments

Sombran Lullaby - voroshilov

An enraged Celestia marches upon the Crystal Empire, where the beloved King Sombra and his allies prepare to make their final stand.

  • ...

IV. Youth

"Ma'am, you do not have to give us all of this," the soldier started, only to be immediately interrupted.

"His Majesty's Library will provide." The old mare with a jolly voice balanced another stack of tomes precariously on the cart. "His Majesty learned to share from me so it would be hypocritical to not share myself, wouldn't it now?"

Despite her upbeat tone, she brokered no argument, and the soldier would surely give her none. Amethyst Maresbury had a reputation, a strong one at that, and it was only through a lot of work from Guard Commander De Verre that she had not taken a spear and helmet and gone to garrison the gate.

"Thank you ma'am, His Majesty greatly appreciates your generosity." The soldier half stammered, clearly hoping for a quick exit so he would not have to carry an entire library to the walls.

"Indeed I do." Sombra stepped from behind the caravan laden with books. "Ms Maresbury, was it wholly necessary to weigh down this poor soldier so heavily?"

The librarian gave him an almost furious look. "This library contains twenty-two thousand three-hundred and nineteen books, of which sixteen thousand nine-hundred and four weigh over five kilogrammes and can be used for improvised fortification. The defence of the Crystal City is the duty of all Crystal citizens, and so it is my duty to provide the materials in my possession for the Crystal guard."

Sombra couldn't help but smile. "The guard can make multiple trips," he said, before turning to the particular soldier and whispering, "head off," to him. The soldier wasted no time in making his exit, the heavy load dragging behind him.

"Anyways," the Librarian said, waving a hoof as the guard left, "what does His Majesty require of me?"

"I wish to talk," Sombra replied, "that's all. As a student, not a King."

The Librarian huffed jokingly. "You never wanted to be a King, did you?"

Sombra chuckled. "If only Princess Amore had listened."

"Her Majesty was always so certain of herself," Maresbury said, seeming almost wistful. "Though, she made the right choice."

"There are some who do not think she did."

"Pah." Maresbury waved a hoof. "Poppycock, fools the lot of them. What pony is more perfect to rule than somepony who doesn't want to, mm?"

Before Sombra could speak again, Maresbury continued.

"And don't get me started on that Celestia." The Librarian had developed a curious habit in her old age. Her thoughts came fast but it was as though her mouth waited before it presented each one, leading to conversations that would normally take a minute taking upwards of about five. "When you declared for Luna I must admit I breathed a sigh of great relief." She also had a habit of changing her tone suddenly, sometimes even mid-sentence, further showing how her thoughts were out of step with her speech. "Luna as Queen would have freed us of a great deal of trouble, I tell you such."

Sombra nodded, a half-grin on his face. "True, true. That is just why I declared for her." Best not to inform her of his and Luna's larger aim.

"And how wonderful it would have been!"

He could only nod in response.

"Ah," again, Maresbury's wistfulness returned, "it is certainly nice to think about what could have been."

"Yes," Sombra replied, slowly, "so it is."

The moment of silence did not last long. "Ah, but why dwell on the past, mm? What do you wish to speak of, mm?"

"To thank you," Sombra said, "as a matter of fact."

The Librarian chuckled, "oh, now, whatever for?"

Sombra couldn't help but grin a little. "You taught me since I was young," he said, "surely I should thank you for that?"

The Librarian waved her hoof and laughed. "Oh, goodness, no." Then she paused, her thoughts again seeming to get the better of her ability to speak. "Seeing you have learned manners is thanks enough."

"Did I not have them before?" Sombra asked, raising a brow theatrically.

The Librarian paused, though it was clear from her scrunched up face she was questioning whether what she said next could be considered acceptable. "Manners are learned," she said, believing her vague statement was cryptic.

Sombra could only chuckle.

"Besides," Maresbury said as she pulled a pair of brick-like leather books from a shelf and set them onto a table, "you have the love of the ponies of the Crystal Empire now, mm?"

"So I am told."

"So you well know!" The Librarian interrupted, grabbing another pair of enormous heavy books as if they were nothing. "We wouldn't have instated you as King otherwise."

"And look where that got us," Sombra said dourly, "trapped in our city with Celestia approaching."

The Librarian stopped, as if Sombra had just said something awful to her. She shook her head vigorously and muttered, "no, no, no," quietly as she turned and approached the King. She grabbed his shoulders and brought her face right up to his. "Have I taught you nothing? Hmm? Putting on a sour expression like that. You were chosen by us as King and we will stick with you through thick and thin. This predicament will pass soon enough, mm."

Sombra sighed. Were it anyone else he would argue, or at the very least disagree, but Maresbury had made it clear over the years he had known her that she would broker no disagreement - regardless of the circumstances. Still, Sombra made a mental note to have someone evacuate the Librarian, probably with the caravan De Verre was off assembling.

"Do you have any particular books you like to read?" He asked, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

The Librarian's demeanour changed immediately. "Ah, yes, yes. Let us go to the fiction section..."