• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


Despite dating Soarin for over three years now, Rainbow Dash has been forced to constantly deal with Zephyr Breeze's continued efforts to try and woo her. No matter what she does, she cannot get him to take a hint and leave her alone. Unable to take anymore, Rainbow Dash decides that she'll make Zephyr Breeze fall in love with somepony else using a love potion.

She just didn't expect him to fall in love with Limestone Pie.

(Commission for superfun)

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Chapters (3)
Comments ( 39 )

Well, I can't see how this could go wrong in any way.

Oh, this is going to be hilarious! The thought of Rainbow using a love potion to make Zephyr fall in love with someone else to get him to leave her alone is funny enough by itself, but him falling in love with Limestone is the true selling point. This can only end very good or very badly, there’s no middle ground. But I’m gonna want to see it.

I’m a little surprised Soarin managed to keep it together with a creep like Zephyr hitting on his girlfriend right in front of him, especially for three years.

loving the story so far. i kinda feel bad for poor Zephyr, Limestone won't show as much restraint as Dash if he tries anything

I agree. This story is bound to be good.

Without even reading it yet, I don't feel sorry for Zephyr. I never feel sorry for Zephyr.

Love Poison!

This gun be gud~

honestly i think it be more hilarious if he ended hooking up with spit fire then limestone, either way i gonna look forward to this

I think that's because you don't fully understand him. Besides you know why he's so committed to Dash, right?

Wow, sometimes when something works a little too well that is almost as bad as it not working at all. Zecora did warn Rainbow a love potion was a bad idea, and she usually knows best when it comes to potions. At least it seems like Zephyr is out of Rainbow’s hair for now. He’s Limestone’s problem now.

Rainbow imaging her future with Zephyr always there bothering her was pretty funny, if a little creepy.

Potion for lovemaking...save that for another day.

Uh... I’m sure that will make Soarin very happy...

Oh yeah, this will be HILARIOUS! The way he was talking reminded me of Brock from Pokemon.

I remember how acted whenever he met Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy or some random beautiful girl. LOL

Wait. Did he actually drink the drink? Or...

Exactly! He would always wax poetic stuff before getting pulled away by Misty or Max, or Poison Jabbed by Croagunk :rainbowlaugh:.

Dashie, Dashie, Dashie...you really put Fluttershy on too high a pedestal. If you murdered Zephyr, in all likelihood she'd HELP you hide the body!

Ah well, cue the Pepe le Pew theme!

reminds me of this

Ah, yes. There's no way this will end badly.

Honestly, you people are harsh. I mean, him being like he is is the result of his inferiority complex disguised as a superiority complex. He's puffed up like a flamingo.

And the whole reason he's into Rainbow Dash is because he recognized that she's everything he isn't.

I'm not saying that makes it right, but everyone just hates him. But Zephyr's fears and actions are common around the world.

I suspect flanderization is at play, since this version of Zephyr honest to God has a mental illness

Could be. Or he would do this the moment Rainbow started seeing anyone... He's impressively committed when it comes to her.

God I hope not. I would think it would be like this
No disrespect but it's probably healthier. At least until Ponymane starts her career

I knew it! I said he didn't drink, and I was right!

“Oh, come on! What am I supposed to tell the insurance ponies about this?!”

It's Ponyville Rarity. If you don't have 'acts of Pies' in your coverage, that's your fault.

Okay that was hilarious. Honestly, I admit I was half expecting the twist that Zephyr didn’t actually drink the potion, but even then it still managed to surprise me. Then it ends up being used on Gummy accidentally, which I didn’t see coming at all.

Zephyr constantly chasing Limestone was still hilarious though, and reached Pepé Le Pew levels when he did stuff like somehow get out of a grave she buried him in. Though it was still kinda sweet when he ultimately won her over by saving her life. Plus, now Rainbow and Soarin can enjoy themselves without him bothering them.

Only one small typo I noticed:

Fluttershy tilted her head as Gummy’s yes started to glow pink for a few seconds before ending.


“Oh, so this potion of lovemaking that I made was a waste of my time?” Rainbow Dash asked, pulling out a small blue vial of glowing liquid.

Soarin eyed the vital and then at Dash before smiling. “Well, maybe one more wouldn’t hurt.”

Ha! Called it!

This is true. Also, random bouts of chaos, are normally expected. Why else would Discord hang around so much?

Aside from Fluttershy.

Wow. I actually did NOT expect Zephyr to not even drink the potion. At least he got a marefriend out of this. Plus, knew the lovemaking potion would come back.

Very cute, though a little shorter than I thought it would be.

“Only the ones we use for training,” Spitfire said, rolling her eyes with a smile. “You two want to kiss, you can do it in the lockers or outside of the premises, but please not on the clouds? The last time a couple did so, they ended up going further than a kiss, and when they were done, the cloud was charged up like a storm.”


“Please, give me thirty minutes with him, and I’ll make it into a hurricane,” Rainbow Dash bragged, which made Soarin sink with both embarrassment and dreamy thoughts.

Thirty minutes? I doubt it.

Of course, love potions technically were illegal to have or to make except for extreme circumstances. Plus, Dash didn’t even know the first thing about making them. Scootaloo and her friends made one, but it turned out to be some kind of love poison. She may have disliked Zephyr but not enough to poison him... mostly.

Is there a difference?

Despite feeling bad about doing this, Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to stop until she had that potion. Dressed in a black sneak suit, Rainbow Dash glided her way down from the sky towards the top of Zecora’s home. Her many training sessions in infiltration came into play as her hooves made not a single sound.


Wow, I guess there is someone for everyone.

Wow that story was very interesting start here it looks like a Rainbow Dash and Soarin been together for a very long time which I still love that ship but unfortunately the one who cannot take a hint is Zephyr Breeze 😒 despite that these two are together he's still trying to hit on Rainbow Dash I mean what the heck but it looks like Rainbow dash has other plans something tells me this will not go very well

“Messing with another pony’s heart is not the right thing to do,” Zecora answered, poking at Dash’s chest. “No matter how much this pony is a bother to you.”

She's got a good point you cannot mess with somebody with a love potion

Despite feeling bad about doing this, Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to stop until she had that potion. Dressed in a black sneak suit, Rainbow Dash glided her way down from the sky towards the top of Zecora’s home. Her many training sessions in infiltration came into play as her hooves made not a single sound.

I do admit it ever since back in season 2 when she injured her wings she is a very sneaky Pony without anybody noticing her even the one when she sneaked at the factory in season 5

He dashed outside as Rainbow Dash just stared at the scene and realized that maybe she went a little too far on the potion.

You think :facehoof:

Yeah I figured that would happen so it looks like rainbow was trying to make a love potion she was going to ask Zecora make one but she said no so she decided to do it herself and of course Zephyr Breeze came out of nowhere asking Rainbow on a date which she keeps telling him no on the next day she used to love potion to pour into Zephyrs drink but it looks like Pinkie Pie has a visitor and it's her sister Limestone pie which unfortunately for her she came into the bad time and now the Love Potion taking effect on him and he falls in love with limestone it looks like things are really going to go crazy

Wow this chapter kind of reminds me of the Pepe Le Pew situation how's Zephyr Breeze somehow chasing Limestone pie in a cartoonish way and it's pretty funny but Limestone fell from the blimp just to get away from him but then suddenly her parachute is not working and she was about to get killed by impact but Zephyr Breeze saved her life and all for her to take her to the hospital to check if she's okay rainbow thought the potion was working way too much but then Pinkie Pie told her that he didn't even drink his milk shake so that means Zephyr Breeze actually fell in love with Limestone pie wow and she's actually giving him a chance after saving her life which that's pretty nice I guess and now rainbow and Soarin are free from him this was a pretty funny story keep up the good work

Id love a follow-up with zephyr and Limestone Pie

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