• Published 17th Nov 2020
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Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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Heroes of Prophecy

It was the middle of the night when Twilight, Toph, and Tippi returned to the Jasmine Dragon. The doors were locked since it was far past closing, but Toph knew where the backup key was. She flipped over a rock and dug a few inches down, producing a key. Turning the lock, she and Twilight entered the tea house. The smell of tea permeated the air, but there was no fire in the fireplace.

Toph closed the door behind them. “Geez, this is cold…”

“Iroh?” Tippi called out.

“He might be asleep,” Twilight suggested. “Let’s not disturb him.” She trotted across the room, pulling the curtain back to reveal the red doors. She pushed them open, walking back onto Flipside’s platform.

Iroh was sitting there, snoring loudly, on a lounging chair.

“What is Iroh doing in Flipside?” Tippi asked, fluttering through the door.

“He got bored?” Toph suggested, walking in. She stamped her feet on the ground, feeling the new world. “Wait, is this city just floating?

“I think so,” Twilight said. “It’s admittedly hard to tell…”

“Should we wake him…?” Tippi asked, fluttering over to Iroh’s face.

“You already have,” Iroh chuckled, slowly sitting up from his reclined position.

“Oh! Sorry!” Twilight put a hoof to her mouth. “We’ll get out of your hair, enjoy your nap!”

“Twilight, I have been getting good rest every night for well over a week. You are the ones that need rest.” He gestured at Twilight’s ragged mane, tired eyes, and disheveled feathers before settling on Toph’s sling. “You’ve been roughing it for quite some time.”

“Buuuut…” Toph pulled the Pure Heart out of her sack, grinning. “We got it!”

“By the spirits…” Iroh said, standing upright to appreciate the artifact. “I’ve never imagined something so beautiful.”

“I can see it,” Toph said. “Nothing else, just it.”

Iroh reached out to touch it, but something pushed his hand back. “Hmm?”

“The Pure Hearts only let certain individuals use them,” Tippi said. “We need to see Merlon to figure out why Toph can touch it.”

“I see… well, let’s get to it.” Iroh stretched back, adjusting his spine. “I’ve been reading the Light Prognosticus myself, perhaps I may be of some assistance.”

“You’ve been coming for a while, haven’t you?” Toph asked.

Iroh nodded in affirmation as they headed toward the elevator. Before they entered, however, there was a soft rumbling. Everyone but Toph looked up. It was unmistakable—the Void had grown, now significantly larger than any star would have been. There’d be no overlooking it now.

Toph didn’t need anyone to tell her what had happened. She knew what that kind of silence meant.

They descended to Merlon’s room in the same silence. However, as the elevator doors opened, Toph held the Pure Heart high. “Look what I’ve got!”

>> Excellent! That’s two Hearts now! <<

“...Is he talking?”

“Uh, yes, he is,” Twilight said. “Merlon, Toph’s blind. Is there anything you can do for her?”

>> Hmm. That is problematic. I lack speakers. Iroh, do you mind speaking for me? <<

“Not at all,” Iroh agreed, and from then on he spoke aloud what Melon typed.

>> Good. Regardless, you have succeeded! <<

“Merlon, how is she able to hold the Heart?” Tippi asked. “I expected only Twilight would be able to…”

>> There is evidence in the Prognosticus that there are multiple heroes. Her being blind does great things for us, actually. <<

Upon hearing this, Toph corked a brow. “Really. You needed a blind girl? I’ll try not to feel insulted.”

>> It’s nothing like that. It merely clarifies a passage that we thought was allegorical, since it assigned many seemingly contradictory traits to the hero. However, it may just be that those traits were referring to different heroes. <<

“So there will be others?” Twilight’s smile widened. “How many?”

>> The relevant passage is… “Princess of arcane relationships; blind to the sky but one with the earth; flower of hopeful love; ruler to clever beasts but servant of one; vixen of fiery shadow; analytical as a machine but seeking of more—these are the heroic traits, note them well, but never forget the quiet spark tying them together.” <<

“Princess of arcane relationships, that’s me,” Twilight said.

“Blind to the sky but one with the earth…” Toph rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “That’s just obvious.”

“And Tippi, I believe you’re the spark mentioned at the end,” Twilight continued.

“Oh… I suppose that does make sense…” Tippi admitted.

Iroh scratched his beard. “It appears I am not in this prophecy. A hopeful flower, a ruler of beasts, a fiery vixen, and a mechanical mind… that’s quite the group you’re going to form.”

“I can’t wait to meet them all!” Twilight said. “Let’s put this Heart in the core and get going!”

“Let’s put the heart into the core and get some rest,” Iroh asserted. “You need a proper night’s sleep for your hero-ing work.”

Twilight wanted to object, but she yawned instead. “Okay, fine.” She glanced at Toph’s sling. “You’re right…” They piled into the elevator and descended into the core, where the other Pure Heart waited.

Toph looked right at it, beautifully suspended within the glass pillar, and giggled. “What… what color is that one?”

“Red,” Twilight answered.

Red. So that’s the color of a real heart. Nice.”

“So…” Twilight turned to Merlon’s screen. “How do we do this?”

>> Just hold the Heart up to the column. It’ll draw it in. <<

After Iroh told this to Toph, she nodded. “I just… have to give it up.” Taking a deep breath, she walked to the pillar, drawn by the light of the red Heart. At first, she was unsure if she’d be able to release the orange Heart—but the closer she got to the pillar, the more the orange Heart’s energy was drawn to it. It wanted to be there. She couldn’t refuse such a beautiful thing. Releasing it, the Heart floated into the air and passed through the edge of the column like it was nothing. The two hearts began to spin around each other.

Toph felt the world around her heat up slightly—was the column glowing? She hadn’t the foggiest idea. All she knew was that the Hearts were spinning around each other, as they should be.

Far above them, on top of the platform, an orange door faded into existence, leading to another world.

“Now, we rest,” Iroh said. “Merlon, take us down.”

Toph tore herself away from the Hearts, entering the elevator with everyone else. They went down another level, entering a level that was more like a standard city with streets, buildings, and a few decorative pillars. There was one place that wasn’t abandoned, occupied by a person Toph recognized.

Iroh led them inside to a cozy little house that had been filled with beds.

“Welcome to Flipside Inn!” Ty Lee blurted, a pith helmet sliding down over her eyes. She quickly adjusted it and gave them a thumbs up. “Good for heroes who need a break and explorers who shouldn’t work until they pass out!” She laughed nervously.

“Ty Lee, what are you doing here?” Toph deadpanned.

“Vacation!” Ty Lee clapped her hands together. “Well, uh, actually I’m currently exploring the abandoned maze of Flipside. Great place, really cool! Haven’t found much yet, though. But I’m still looking!”

“No other reason?” Toph corked a brow.

“Psh, nothing that’s important! The Worlds are at stake, Toph!” She gestured toward one of the beds. “Come on, take a rest. We’ve got plenty of beds for everyone!”

“I’ll take my seat on the platform if you don’t mind,” Iroh said, leaving them. “Enjoy your rest!”

“We will,” Twilight said. “And thanks for the beds, Ty Lee.”

“Don’t mention it, amazing purple horse-bird!”

“Twilight,” Twilight deadpanned. “My name’s Twilight.”

Ty Lee nodded excitedly.

“Question,” Toph asked, pointing at Ty Lee’s head. “Why the pith helmet?”

“I have to dress the part if I’m going to be an exploring archeologist!”

“But you’re still in your acrobat outfit.”

“Baby steps.”

“...Sure. Whatever.” Toph flopped onto one of the beds. “Goodnight.”


Twilight was shocked at how easy it was to fall asleep in Flipside’s eternal light. She woke up not only feeling completely refreshed, but as though she had more energy than usual. “Wow… this bed is amazing!”

“I don’t think it’s the bed,” Toph said, stretching her arm that had been in a sling the night before. “It’s something about this place.”

“Flipside has a rejuvenating aura,” Tippi explained. “If you rest here, most of your physical ailments will be cured.”

Toph twisted her arms around, bending a rock out on the nearby street. “Sweet!”

“Oh, my magic!” Twilight tested her magic, executing a teleport onto the street. “Yes! It works!”

“I better not have to deal with not being able to earthbend in the next world,” Toph grunted.

“Why don’t we find out?” Twilight asked. She lit her horn, teleporting herself, Toph, and Tippi to the platform.

Toph let out a cry of shock. “Ackpth!”

“Amazing, isn’t it?”

“Never. Ever. Teleport me again unless there is an emergency. Got it Twiggy!?”

Twilight was taken aback. “G-g-got it.”

“Glad we have this understanding.” Toph dusted off her hands. “Now… next door!” She pulled it open and jumped through, ready to take on anything.

She walked back out of the red door and approached the orange one, pulling it open with much less gusto.

Tippi and Twilight followed her through, the latter with an amused smile on her face.


And then there were three, the woman thought, taking her pen off the paper for a moment.

It was amazing how quickly connections could be formed. And it was amazing how quickly things could accelerate… And yet, the second world could easily still be considered an early challenge.

How far it would take them. Past what they would have considered bearable at the start of the quest.

But such was the nature of progression. As it should be.

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