• Published 29th Nov 2020
  • 4,967 Views, 106 Comments

Too Many Lunas - David Silver

This isn't how she planned it, but things have gone awry. Surely there is some solution to this flood of Lunas.

  • ...

3 - My Little Ponies

Twilight reached for a book. "Kindly."

"Book!" came the excited reply of a little ball version of Twilight, bouncing up against the book and knocking into reach of Twilight's magic.

"Thank you." She set the book down gently and pushed the one she had been reading aside for the Twilie to work on getting back in place. "Now, Spike, this doesn't replace you."

"Are you kidding?" Spike flipped the page of his comic. "This is the best thing to happen in forever." He held up a hand and a spikey crashed against it, finishing the gesture. "The little ball me knows exactly what I want to read next."

Outside, Ponyville was a strange new place. Ponies trotted along with their ball versions bouncing alongside them or riding on their back. Each called out their catchphrase energetically, bouncing at the sight of another of themselves as if in greeting.



"Blank Flank." Diamond Tiara swatted at her ball version.

"Come on! I... don't say that anymore." She rubbed at a blushing cheek. "Say something new! Sheesh, me and the CMC are alright now."

Elsewhere, Luna was poking steadfastedly at her sister. "Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"One of my best." Celestia smiled with eternal patience at her sister. "Our people are quite delighted. Why, my little ponies--"

"Don't you say it." Celestia grinned at Luna. "Don't you dare!"

"Have littler ponies," finished Celestia as Luna growned. "And they both love it."

"You took away most of my assistants!" Luna threw her hooves wide and high. "I made them!"

"And you like to see the ponies being happy too, do you not? A worthy sacrifice." She inclined her head. "It's a shame they don't... seem to make little ones, of themselves." She shook her head slowly. "Not that I want to imagine how that would work."

"I made them with a spell." Luna scowled at her sister. "If you like them so much, why do you not cast it? I can get you a copy of it if you do not know it." Her expression turned to a cocky smirk. "You're so busy leading, you don't get to practice your spells much, do you sister?"

Celestia booped Luna gently on the snout. "Which is why I am so glad I am surrounded by such talented ponies. Perhaps you or Twilight could go through the motions of making more, so everypony in the lands could have one."

"Pass." Luna waved off a hoof before starting to trot away. "You've taken enough fragments of my psyche, good cause or not. Why not ask Twilight? She would do anything for you."

"Perhaps I should..."



The two balled ponies nodded at one another, not smiling as most had been seen doing. They turned towards a crowd of all balled ponies.

The room erupted into great cheers, their specific words lost in the chaotic tumult of agreement with whatever message their leaders had somehow imparted on them.

Spike held out a book, rubbing his lips as he did it. "Celestia needs to not send entire books that way. Bad enough with the scrolls."

"I do appreciate it." She took the offered book and flipped it over. "I wonder what was so important she wanted me to have it that quickly?" There was a bookmark, allowing her to find the page she should read quickly. "A spell to banish character flaws?" Her ears sagged. "Does Celestia think I have too many flaws?"

"Well, I mean, we all do." Spike shrugged softly. "But we work past it."

"But not everypony is told by Celestia to cast a spell to fix it." She pointed at the page. "Oh." There was a bit of paper coming free of the book and she plucked at it, revealing a letter.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

My dearest student. Enclosed is a spell that I would like you to try. Are you enjoying your little Twily? This will create more of them. They will be like you, at least at first, but it is my hope you can help distribute them to creatures in need, much as the ones given to Ponyville. Perhaps you could take a trip to Manehatten?

Little Ponies Helping Little Ponies,
Princess Celestia

Twilight looked up from the letter. "Huh... I guess I was worried for nothing." She laughed nervously as she began browsing the spell. "This is how they're made?"

"Can't read a word," admitted Spike, looking over her shoulder curiously. "How about you?"

The little Spike ball shook his head, also not understanding it, but also looking curious. "That nest needs to be condemned."

Spike blinked at the strange statement. "Uh, this isn't a nest. Go ahead, show us how it's done, Twilight."

"With pleasure." She tapped at the page. "But I need to focus on aspects of myself I'd want to get rid of. What aspects would those be?" She tapped at her chin. "I try to manage those already."

Spike's brows fell. "Neuroticism? Pedantry? OCD?" He counted out, extending fingers as he went. Twilight shot him a look that was both angry and hurt and he held up both hands quickly. "Hey! You've gotten way better about all of it, but they're still, you know, you. Not saying I don't have things to complain about."

Twilight looked to the ball version of herself. "He's exaggerating, right?"

"Dear Princess Celestia," recited the round one. "Is this going to be on the test?!"

Twilight applied a hoof to her face. "Right, right... okay. This is the time where I... take a gentle breath." Her sides swelled with that not-so-gentle breath. "And let it go." The air gusted free of her in a powerful blast. "And let's cast this spell."

With a glowing horn and her mind turned back towards productivity, she walked the arcane path that Luna had trotted along. "I am not that OCD," she grumbled, focusing on casting out whatever, little, OCD bits and other disparaging things Spike had brought up. She was a good pony. She knew this for sure, as Celestia had reminded her.

"Oh no!" came a cry, but it sounded almost happy.

"Book," agreed another. Twilight opened her eyes to see several rounded versions of herself, engaged in a conversation of little quips. "I wasn't prepared for this," one declared, but all of them looked quite happy to be there.

Twilight inclined her head at her rounded doppelgangers. "Huh, there are... quite a number of them."

Spike watched the room, alive with rolly-polly Twilights. "Wow. So, uh, you just have to give them to ponies and let them imitate them, right?" He hopped to his feet, his own ball bouncing up to his head. "So let's go find some ponies that don't have one yet."

"Actually." Twilight sat on her haunches and brought her hooves together. "I know just the pony that could get the job done fast."

"For every good pony," came Pinkie's excited tone as she floated in a baloon over the major city. "And even the alright ones." She stuck out her tongue a bit before she wrapped her arms around a batch of pony-balls and cast them off the side despite their height. "Catch!"

Down below, ponies found the dazed, but unharmed, pony-balls and new friends began to develop. Manehattan would soon be full of the result of Celestia's plotting and Twilight's overabundance of magic and mental faults to supply a city-full of little wonders. "We are on fire!"

"Party!" cried a little round pink ball in agreement, nudging another ball off the side of the baloon to plummet towards its new home. "Party cannon."

"Now is not the time," admonished Pinkie gently. "I'll let you know when it's time to explode." She bumped her forehead against her doppelganger and they both got to getting more balls down to the ponies that'd want them.

Luna clopped a hoof against her head. "You actually did it."

"Why would I not?" Celestia quirked an ear at her sister. "And she did a nice job."

"She made more of them in a day than I did." Luna huffed softly. "Twilight is a bit of a show off, sister."

"Magic is her thing, Luna." Celestia smiled gently. "I feel certain she would be lost in the dreaming world, if that helps."

"It does, a little." Luna folded her wings up tight before she felt something nudging against her. Looking to the left, there was one of the few remaining Luna-balls. "Ah, how go the dream patrols?"


"Very good." She nodded with understanding.

Celestia raised a brow at that. "Luna, you do know she only said 'moon', do you not?"

"Hm?" Luna sat up tall. "She said things had gone well. Did you not hear her?"

Celestia lifted an ear. "She clearly said 'moon' and little else." She turned towards the round plump pony that was the little Celly-ball. "Do you speak?"


But Celestia did not hear more than that. Just a single word of exclamation. It sounded happy enough, but no words there. Celestia rubbed at an ear as if to clear it. "Luna, are you alright?"

"That I am." She reached out and gently patted the head of the round Luna. "My assistants in the dream have been quite useful, even if I have less of them."

"Spike!" A ball landed on Twilight's chest as she tried to take a nap. "Take a letter, please."

Twilight could hear meaning behind the words, blinking at the round version of herself. "What?"

The ball bounced even as Twilight sat up. "Take a letter."

"I heard you," assured Twilight, on her haunches and shaking the sleep from her eyes. "Of course Spike wouldn't actually take a letter. He can't understand you."


"Well, yes, I could relay the message." Twilight rubbed a cheek with the flat of a hoof. "But I shouldn't be understanding you either, should I?"

The ball-Twilight twirled to face Twilight directly, gazing into her eyes with her great big smile. "We are one," Twilight could hear despite its simple catch phrase cries. "You made us. With you, we can take over--"

Twilight dropped the ball in the trashcan with her magic. "Nope." With a quick spell, she popped the ball in a puff of magic. "I know where this is going. Nope!" She trotted clear of her room to make sure no other balls were in the castle.

Not a single twi-ball would survive her rampage, making her castle entirely free of them, including Spike's ball. "Aw..."

Twilight nodded with confidence. "That's better."

"What about the others?" asked Spike. "Didn't Celestia or Luna discover it first? I mean, that's where mine came from, right? Also, you know, most of yours are in Manehattan now."

Twilight waved the problem away. "If they can't talk, their danger is far reduced. I'll send a letter about it, but I imagine they've already noticed and took care of it." Her bright bit of worship of the royal sisters unimpinged, Twilight saw nothing going wrong.

Equestria was safe!


Author's Note:

And fin. I do hope everyone enjoyed this nonsense!