• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 2,463 Views, 28 Comments

Light The Way - Gay For Gadot

When Thorax is invited to the Crystal Empire's Hearth's Warming Eve celebration, he finds himself learning about more than just a holiday.

  • ...

Through The Cold And Dark

Light The Way

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
—Hamilton Wright Mabie


If Thorax were still starving, he would have been full beyond measure now.

He stood in the Crystal Empire’s town square, breathing in every sense of Hearth’s Warming Eve. Snow dusted the streets, crunching under his hooves. The colors that bloomed in his hive seemed dull compared to what lay before him. A myriad of lights, streamers, and garland decorated every pole, home, and business. Crowds flooded the streets, their voices blending into one melodious chorus. The scents of ginger, cinnamon, and chocolate flooded with his nostrils, along with other sweet aromas he could not name.

“Wow…” was all he could think to say.

The timid “Excuse me” of a mare brushing past pulled him out of his trance. Muttering an equally timid apology back, Thorax shook his head clear and started towards the Crystal Palace.

As he made his way through town, Thorax looked down at the invitation in his forehoof. Cadance’s flowery calligraphy couldn’t have come at a better time. He had been thinking of putting together something Hearth’s Warming-related for his subjects tomorrow. What better way to learn about the holiday to experience it for himself?

With a smile, Thorax tucked the invitation back beneath his gossamer wings. He continued on, making his way through the snowy streets.

When he reached the Crystal Heart, awe brought him to a halt once more. “Ooooh…”

The spires that ensconced the sacred artifact glowed, covered in a thousand brilliant lights that glimmered against the growing dusk. The sight reminded him of a swarm of fireflies. Or, perhaps, his own Hive, if any part of them could glow as beautifully as this.

A tap on his right shoulder yanked him from his reverence. He looked down to find nothing. Shrugging, he returned back to looking at the Heart. Another tap, now to his left shoulder.

This time, he looked down fast enough. “Spike!”

“Thorax!” Spike jumped up and hugged him around his neck.

Though it had only been a few months since Thorax had last seen him, he swore Spike looked slightly taller. The little dragon wore a colorful Hearth’s Warming scarf, which dragged on the ground as they embraced. “I’m so glad you made it!”

Thorax hugged him back. “Me too! It’s been so long since I’ve visited the Crystal Empire.”

As they parted, he asked, “Are Twilight and the others here too?”

“Nope! They’re back in Ponyville, helping Twilight set up her Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration at the castle.” Spike puffed out his chest. “Shining and Cadance asked if I could come and help set up their big party. I’ll be heading back to Ponyville tonight, so…” He casually rubbed a talon across his scales, then smirked. “That means I’ll be attending both parties.”

“Wow, two parties? That’s great, Spike!” Using his magic, Thorax withdrew his invitation from beneath his wings. “I don’t know much about Hearth’s Warming at all, so I’m so thankful Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor invited me here!” His smile faltered for a second. “Wait. Was that your suggestion, or—”

“Nope! They had you in mind all along,” Spike said with a warm smile.

Thorax smiled back, feeling warm despite the chill in the air.

“Now—” Spike gave a mock bow, grinning cheekily— “allow me, Spike the Brave and Glorious, to lead the way!”

Upon uttering his full title, several nearby Crystal Ponies gasped and cheered. Thorax could only give a playful roll of his eyes as Spike stole a few moments in the limelight. After signing a couple autographs and posing for a picture, he rejoined Thorax’s side.

Spike winked. “Just the price of being a national hero.”

They shared a chuckle.

This same ritual was repeated, albeit on a smaller scale, as they made their way up the Crystal Palace’s spiraling staircase. The Crystal Pony guards saluted and shook hooves with Spike as they passed. Thorax kept his invitation close by, though nopony asked to see it.

Once inside the Palace, Thorax gaped again at the sheer beauty surrounding him. Every inch of the palace’s great interior was covered in colors complementing the natural hues of the crystal. Speechless, he took it all in for some time before Spike gave a low chuckle.

“It’s pretty nice, huh?”

“Sure is!” Thorax beamed. “I thought the Hive was beautiful now with all of our colors and plants—but this—wow. I-I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Spike led him to a pair of enormous double doors. “Well, just wait until you see this.”

When he opened the doors, Thorax’s jaw dropped.

In the middle of the Royal Ballroom was a giant green tree. Even with the Hive’s new plant life, Thorax had never seen anything like it before. So tall, so strong, with strange, pointy looking leaves. The old Pharynx definitely would have wanted to tear this one down.

As he stared up at the mighty tree, Thorax searched his memory, thinking back to the guidebook on plants Princess Luna had given him and Pharynx. After a moment, he realized what he was looking at: An evergreen tree. One with needles instead of leaves. The kind of tree that would not only survive, but thrive in the Frozen North. Probably a fir or pine, if that delightfully fresh, clean scent was any indication.

In addition to its size and strength, Thorax admired the tree’s decorations. Ornaments of every size, shape, and color, strands of luminescent lights, and streams of garland all both complemented and contrasted against the tree’s natural green. Every inch of it was adorned with something beautiful, except for the branch at the very top.

Somehow, Thorax managed to tear his eyes from the tree entirely to take in the Royal Ballroom itself. He found only more beauty all around him. Wreaths on the walls, garland and streamers hanging from the ceiling, even more glimmering lights across every pillar…

Thorax knew by now that his jaw had dropped. If it stayed open any longer, maybe a fly would have flown in—

—Or a filly.

The flapping of excited wings brought him back to Equestria. “Wha? Flurry Heart!” Thorax looked over to see the foal hovering beside him. He returned her silly smile with one of his own as she nuzzled his cheek. “W-wow! It’s nice to see you, too!”

Spike grinned. “Aww, she missed you.”

At the sound of hoofsteps, Thorax looked up to see Shining Armor and Princess Cadance joining them at the door.

“And she wasn’t the only one.” Princess Cadance held out a wing to her daughter, who flew back into her mother’s grasp. As she hugged her foal, she said with a grin, “It’s good to see you again, Thorax.”

Grinning in turn, Shining Armor chimed in, “Or, should we say, King Thorax.”

“A-ah, well!” Thorax rubbed at his nape. “Just Thorax is fine! Still getting used to being a King and all, heh, heh.”

“Well then, I’m glad you made it, Thorax,” Shining said. “We weren’t sure if you would be able to, having a Hive to run by yourself and all.”

Another sheepish chuckle. “W-well, with my brother Pharynx reformed now, it’s not quite as difficult as before.”

Babbling, Flurry Heart broke free from her mother’s wing and hovered back over to Thorax. She landed atop his head and sat down, holding onto his antlers for support.

“Oh, you weren’t kidding, Spike!” Thorax looked up at the giggling foal. “Sh-she really missed me! Wow! I wasn’t even sure if she’d remember me!”

“Of course she does.” Spike smiled. “Who could forget somepony like you?”

Thorax could only smile back at that.

Clearing his throat, Shining Armor gestured with a foreleg around the ballroom. “So, you’re a little early for the big celebration, Thorax. Everything will probably be ready in an hour or two. Decorations are almost done, gifts are being wrapped, the chefs are halfway through the menu, and—oh! I almost forgot!” Lighting his horn, Shining plucked a tray of cookies from a nearby dessert table. “Try one of these.”

“Sure!” Thorax accepted one with his own magic, then took a bite. The rich, tingling, sweet taste of peppermint filled his tastebuds. “Mmm!” He looked up at the foal still perched on his head. “Flurry Heart, would you like one?”

Before Thorax could grab one for her, Flurry used her magic to grab the biggest cookie on the tray and shove it in her mouth. She gnawed on it excitedly, crumbs and drool flowing down Thorax’s antlers and horn.

Laughing, Shining Armor set the cookies down and levitated a napkin over to them. “Sorry about that! Peppermint cookies are Flurry’s favorite.”

“Oh, no problem at all!” As he wiped the crumbs away, Thorax replied, “She’s only a little bit of a messier eater than me, after all!”

The adults laughed.

With a growing smile, Princess Cadance glanced between her guest and her daughter. “You know, if it’s not too much to ask, Thorax… Would you mind spending some time with Flurry Heart while we finish things here?”

When Flurry Heart clapped her forehooves together at that, Thorax smiled so wide that he felt like his face might split in half. “O-of course! I’d be honored!”

Shining nodded. “I do want to warn you that she’s been a bit of a hoofful today. It was a little difficult to get the tree decorated with her flying up and grabbing the ornaments.” He chuckled. “Maybe take her for a walk through town? That always seems to calm her down a bit.”

“That’s a great idea!” Spike looked up at Thorax. “Can I come with you?”

“Well, sure! As long as that’s okay,” Thorax added, looking towards Shining and Cadance.

“Of course.” Cadance smiled between the three of them. “Shining and I will finish getting everything ready for the celebration. We’ll see you at the party in a couple hours. Sounds good?”

“Sounds good!” Thorax and Spike said in unison. Flurry cheered atop Thorax’s head, spewing crumbs everywhere.

All of them laughed this time.

“And that’s a really great place to get flowers, and that’s an awesome place for lunch, and…”

Just like he said, Spike knew the Crystal Empire like the back of his claws. Thorax let him lead the way through the streets while he and Flurry took in the sights. The filly had shimmied from her perch on his head to his back, now sitting between his wings.

Carolers passed them by, carrying songbooks in their forehooves. They carried their tunes far better than Thorax could as well. While he wasn’t ever much for singing, he knew Spike was. As was Flurry, too, her happy coos a pleasant melody to rival that of the others.

Once he’d finished pointing out all the shops on both sides of the street, Spike turned back to Thorax and Flurry Heart. “Well, that’s pretty much everything! Any place you want to check out first?”

“Oh, I’m not sure!” Thorax looked over his shoulder at Flurry. The filly clapped her forehooves and giggled at him. If he kept smiling this much, he was certain his muzzle would be aching by the end of the day. “Maybe somewhere fun for her?”

“Oh, like a toy store? Well, sure!” Grabbing Thorax by the forehoof, Spike led them across the street. There, a colorful shop decorated with a mural featuring stuffed animals, hoofballs, and other toys on its front awaited. “This one is really cool. I can probably get some stuff for my Ogres And Oubliettes game here, too!”

As they passed through the door to the shop, a bell jingled overhead. “Wait, Spike,” Thorax said, suddenly realizing what he hadn’t brought with him to the Crystal Empire. “Did you bring your wallet?”

Spike stopped for a moment, blinking, then dismissed him with a wave of his claw. “Aw, don’t worry, Thorax! After all, I’m Spike the Brave and Glorious—”

A pair of nearby Crystal stallions gasped. Their eyes widened, rushing over to Spike, who let his words linger as he signed a couple autographs.

Once Spike was done, Thorax narrowed his eyes at him. Flurry agreed, blowing a raspberry his way.

“Just kidding!” Spike gave a sheepish grin. “Don’t worry. If we find anything, I’ll make sure I come back and pay for it before I head back to the train station tonight. Is that alright with you?”

At Thorax’s slow, still somewhat hesitant nod, Spike shot him one more sheepish grin. Then, he headed towards a crowded aisle designated as “Board Games”.

Looking back over his shoulder, Thorax asked, “Well, Flurry? What do you want to look at first?” He opened both wings, stretching them out for her. She eagerly hopped on his right wing, which he then used to deposit her back atop his head.

When he looked back up, Flurry giggled and pointed towards an aisle lined with stuffed animals.

Thorax said with a smile, “Sure, we can go look at those.”

When Thorax entered the aisle, Flurry flew free from his head. At first, Thorax sparked his horn, ready to pull her back, but stopped as she hovered over to the stuffed animals. From one plush toy to the other, she looked upon each with wide-eyed fascination. She moved slowly, purposefully, like she knew not to stray too far from him.

Standing beside her, Thorax let her browse. He watched her carefully, a smile on his face, ready to put her back on his head at the first sign of trouble. A few other fillies or colts walked past them, looking up at the fuzzy treasures with wide smiles and excited grins, but Flurry paid them no mind.

Thorax hadn’t seen many toys since he’d been a nymph. Even then, the toys he had seen back then were ones he’d crudely constructed himself from different types of rocks strewn throughout the Old Hive. He had been the only one to play with them for the most part; the other nymphs “playing” keep-away with his dolls didn’t quite count. Once he’d grown past his nymph stage and been trained as another soldier for the hive, the days of playing with dolls—or any kind of play, for that matter—were over.

As he watched Flurry Heart look over the rows of stuffed animals, wonder and joy shimmering in her bright, blue eyes, Thorax felt something stir within himself. He wasn’t quite sure what to call it, but it made him smile.

Flurry Heart flew from one end of the aisle to the other before hovering back over to him. One tiny forehoof patting his muzzle, she pointed with the other to a brown teddy bear.

Thorax nodded. “Aww, that’s a cute bear.”

Flurry blinked, then grunted, pointing more furtively towards it this time.

“Oh!” With his magic, Thorax levitated it towards her. “You want this one, huh?”

In reply, Flurry Heart wrapped her forelegs around it, cooing excitedly.

That same feeling returned at the sight. “W-well, I guess one toy wouldn’t hurt.” With a chuckle and another spark of magic, he put Flurry back on his head. She complied without issue, hugging her new bear tight.

“I’m glad you like it,” Thorax said quietly, almost in a whisper, as if he was afraid he’d spook her otherwise. Was this what it felt like to give somepony a Hearth’s Warming gift?

Before he could contemplate that question further, Spike burst into the aisle, panting. He waved a book titled Ogres And Oubliettes—3.5 Edition in his claws. “Okay! Okay! Got the last one!” He paused to catch a breath. “This is the most sought-after O&O book of all! I had to promise somepony an audience with Twilight—so he could discuss his idea for some dumb board game involving—” Spike sneered—“cones, of all things, to get him to give it up! Even to Spike the Brave and Glorious!”

“Oh, uh, that’s… weird.” Thorax gestured up to Flurry Heart, who was nibbling on her teddy bear’s ear. “Anyway, Flurry Heart found a toy she likes.”

“Oh, that’s—” Spike took one last breath— “great. Cute.” Spike looked down at the book in his claws, a wide, toothy smile spreading across his face. “I can’t wait to show Big Mac and Discord this!” His eyes glazed over as he stared down at the bounty in his claws.

“That’s great, Spike!” Thorax led them out of the aisle, then nodded to the shopkeeper. “Why don’t you get payment for these sorted out, and then Flurry and I will meet you outside?”

Though mumbled, “Uh-huh,” Spike didn’t look up from the book. With a roll of his eyes, Thorax made his way over to the counter and explained the situation himself. A quick chat—and a forehoof guiding Spike out of the store later—and they were back in the streets.

Outside a bakery that Spike insisted was the best in all of the Empire, they sat at a table, watching the crowds go by. Thorax was inclined to agree with Spike’s assessment if the gingerbread ponies and mugs of hot chocolate—with plenty of marshmallows, of course—were any indication.

“So…” Spike licked his claws clean of crumbs. “You never heard of Hearth’s Warming before you became King, huh?”

“Nope.” Thorax saw that Flurry Heart was still asleep on his head, curled between his antlers with her teddy bear held tightly in her wings and forelegs.

“Not even the legend?”

“Nope. The only reason I know about that is because it was in one of those books about Equestrian history Twilight us sent after the reformation.” Thorax sighed. “Even outside of the… typical relationship between ponies and Changelings, we were pretty isolated, y’know. Queen Chrysalis only taught us enough to make us good soldiers for her Hive. Not much else.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” Spike wiped his claws on his belly, then drained the last sip of cocoa from his mug. He glanced up at Flurry Heart. “Were you good with foals—er—” his brow furrowed— “uh, nymphs, back in the Hive?”

“Not really. Other than Pharynx, my broodmates didn’t really like me at all. I never got a chance to help raise any nymphs, either.” Thorax scoffed. “Chrysalis said I was too soft to be a teacher.”

“Huh.” Spike looked down from the slumbering foal to meet Thorax’s gaze. “Could’ve fooled me.”

Thorax raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“She’s behaving way better for you than she does most ponies. The day Twilight and I looked after her for Shining and Cadance—” Spike shook his head, laughing— “it was a total disaster.”

“... Oh,” Thorax said after a moment, his ears flattening. “W-well, I’m not doing anything special, I think. She just likes me for some reason.”

Spike shrugged. “I guess. Well, anyway…” He glanced over the bustling streets before turning back to Thorax. “I think the party’s gonna start soon, but before we head back, is there anything you wanted to know about Hearth’s Warming?”

Careful not to move too much, Thorax tapped his chin in thought. By now, he had seen plenty of different decorations, sampled a few traditional delights, and heard enough carols that the basic questions were answered. While they didn’t have the exact same things back at the Hive, with a little innovation, Thorax figured they could emulate something akin to the holiday tomorrow. If nothing else, telling his subjects about this trip would allow them to share in it.

However, Thorax felt that same something stirring within him as Spike awaited his question. Flurry Heart shifted slightly on his head, rolling over onto her bear, the tiniest of snores punctuating the silence.

Finally, Thorax asked, “What’s it mean?”

Spike tilted his head. “What’s what mean?”

“Hearth’s Warming.” Thorax brought his forehooves to the table, fidgeting with his empty cocoa mug. “I mean, I know the legend, and I know how ponies give us each other gifts and such, but…” As he trailed off, he met Spike’s gaze. “I feel like there’s something else.”

“Well, other than the legend and gift-giving, it’s mostly about spending time with family and friends. Just like we’re doing now.” Spike smiled. “All the other stuff—the decorations, the food, even the parties, are just a way of doing that.”

Thorax raised a forehoof. “N-no, I get that.” He lowered it. “It’s just… I’ve been having this… feeling, when we were out earlier today. At the toy store. And I don’t really know what it is.”

For a moment, he watched Spike stared down at his claws, seeming to consider something, before grinning back up at him. “Y’know, for a Changeling, I would have thought you’d have known what it was already.”

Now, Thorax was the one to tilt his head. Ever so slightly, of course. “What do you mean?”

“I think you’re feeling love towards Flurry Heart. Like, familial love. Like the kind we have towards you.”

“But I don’t—” Thorax cut off, suddenly realizing what Spike had heard. “‘We’?”

“Well, y’know…” Spike started counting off on his claws. “Me, Shining Armor, Cadance, Flurry… Honestly, I can probably count Twilight too, even though she’s not here.” He beamed at him. “We consider you family, Thorax. Especially after all you did for us. And maybe that’s what Flurry’s picking up on.”

“I…” Thorax peeked up at the serene foal, then smiled. “I-I guess so.” He returned Spike’s smile with one of his own. “I consider you guys family, too.”

“Well, I think that answers your question then. Now,” Spike said, gathering their mugs and plates, “we should probably head back to the Palace.” He nodded towards the streets, where the crowds headed towards the spires and arches of the great castle.

When Spike rose from the table, Thorax held up a forehoof. “Wait!” He pointed to Flurry Heart. “Maybe we should give her a few minutes… heh, heh.”

With a chuckle, Spike smiled, and said, “Maybe we should.”

It seemed as if the entire Empire attended the party in the Royal Ballroom. Mare, stallion, and foal alike. Crystal Pony Guards sipped cider and cocoa alongside shopkeepers and schoolteachers, telling tales of Hearth’s Warmings past. Gifts were brought beneath the tree to be given amongst each other, family and friends, Royalty and not.

With Spike at his side, Thorax returned Flurry Heart to her parents. The filly woke up the moment Cadance took her in her magic, protesting and clinging to her teddy bear. The three of them soon became lost in the horde of admirers, friends, and well-wishers who brought gifts or blessings for the young foal.

All the while, Thorax mainly stayed in the background. Other than Spike taking pictures or accepting gifts—mostly gemstone-infused treats—from his own admirers, the two enjoyed the party in their own way. Thorax learned more recipes, heard more carols, and marveled at more decorations than he could count.

However, out of all the things he had seen and done today, Thorax’s favorite moment was when Princess Cadance, a fussy Flurry Heart on her back, approached him towards the end of the party.

“Thorax, would you like to help Flurry put the Crystal Heart on the tree?”

That same sentiment welling in his heart, Thorax nodded, holding out his forehooves. Without hesitation, Flurry Heart flew over into his waiting grip, laughing.

With Cadance, Spike, Shining, and the rest of the party watching, Thorax flew to the top of the tree. Holding Flurry Heart with one strong foreleg, the Crystal Heart tree topper in the other, he stole a moment to glance down at her before the moment came.

Lighting up his horn, he raised the Crystal Heart before her eyes. “Think you can do it, Flurry?”

Strong yellow magic accepted the Heart, then set it atop the mighty tree as hundreds of eyes watched from below. The whoops and cheers from the Crystal Ponies were drowned out, however, by the sweetest sound Thorax had ever heard.

Thorax nuzzled Flurry Heart, giggling back. “Happy Hearth’s Warming to you too.”

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :heart:

Comments ( 28 )

Fantastic! Thank you so much for this glorious gift! :heart:


You're welcome! I hope it was as fun to read as it was to write. :twilightsmile:

So sweet it makes my teeth hurt! Nothing can beat Flurry and Thorax, especially the former.


Thanks! Yeah, this was a fun bundle of fluff to write. :twilightsmile:

The absolutely sweetest kind! Which you are proving ever proficient at writing.

“Wow, two parties? That’s great, Spike!”

Is it just me, or is there a weird formatting space between "Wow" and "two" for anyone else?


The site is having some kind of bug that does that. Dunno why.

Ooh, Thorax gets to see Flurry Heart again? Now that's what I call my heartwarming gift to get this year


Hope you like the story!

“Nope! They’re back in Ponyville, helping Twilight set up her Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration at the castle.” Spike puffed out his chest. “Shining and Cadance asked if I could come and help set up their big party. I’ll be heading back to Ponyville tonight, so…” He casually rubbed a talon across his scales, then smirked. “That means I’ll be attending both parties.”

Two parties dang Spike you're going to be so tired after the holiday 😅

“She’s behaving way better for you than she does most ponies. The day Twilight and I looked after her for Shining and Cadance—” Spike shook his head, laughing— “it was a total disaster.”

Oh yeah I remember that in season 7 it was crazy of an episode but a fun one lol

Aww that was a cute story and I really like how flurry heart really like thorax ever since he lived with them back in season 6 and probably he babysat her which I really wish we could see that it would have been so sweet how much they get along with each other so so racks got invited to the Crystal Empire for Hearts warming so he can learn about the holiday and it's pretty sweet that Spike showed him around the Crystal Empire since it's been awhile that he's been there and I really do like the special moment between thorax and flurry heart this was a really sweet holiday story keep up the good work Merry Christmas


Thanks, glad you liked it! Merry Christmas. :twilightsmile:

This story was really sweet! The fic was so evocative in the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas/Hearthswarming, that the whole thing just feels whimsical to read through


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

I found two or three more groups to add this to. Cuteness should be shared.

Aw, this was nice! This time of year, sometimes a story that's simply nice and sweet and cute is all we need, and that provides this in spades.It's often preferable to something that tries, and fumbles, to be overtly deep or funny.

While I wasn't totally onboard with the "marginal AU angle to facilitate the changeling being introduced to Hearth's Warming in a way that allows this story to happen this way" angle, because, well, it's just so the story can happen this way, it wasn't overtly intrusive, so it wasn't more then a niggle in the end.

Spike and Thorax continue to have a nice dynamic between the two, both being more likely to show nerves then most of the main cast, but also in possession of a noble valour that can push them to great things. Pity the show never did more with that, what with Thorax, like many minor supporting character, falling by the wayside in the show's last two seasons under the new story crew, and thus we never saw him interact with Spike again, or indeed make more then cameo appearances. Oh well.

Not really much else to say - cute, nice, comfy. Only sin is it's probably not all that memorable. I'm glad I read it!


Aww, thanks! Glad you thought so. :twilightsmile:


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. :twilightsmile: Yes, I wish the show would have done more with Thorax (and the other post-reformation Changelings) also. Ah well, that's what the site's for! :ajsmug:

If this was any cuter, I'd have ended up with terminal diabetes. I am OK with this.


The old Pharynx definitely would have wanted to tear this one down.

As he stared up at the mighty tree, Thorax searched his memory, thinking back to the guidebook on plants Princess Luna had given him and Pharynx.

I wonder what those two are up to :ajsmug:

Thorax and Spike! God, I wish we'd seen more of these two. I think they shined really well here, not to knock on Flurry, but I've always wanted to see them interact again. You delivered here, alright :twilightsmile: and Flurry too! Such a precious little bundle of joy.

I haven't really experienced Christmas, different religion and all, so being put into Thorax's shoes (hooves, horseshoes?) was a nice experience. And Chrysalis not telling the Hive anything outside of what they need during combat, gah. That's cold, and cruel. But all in all, I'm happy to see Thorax move out of that hole, along with the Hive, and Spike and Flurry's there, every step of the way.

I enjoyed the pleasant, light tone of the fic, Brings to mind a fireplace's warmth in the winter night :twilightsmile:

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! (because I'm late to reading this but shhh)


When you open with that Parks and Rec screenshot, I know I did something right. :ajsmug:

Thanks for the feedback, Sledge! I'm glad this fic was enjoyable to someone who isn't familiar with Christmas. Spike seemed a natural inclusion in this fic. I also wished we would have seen more of him and Thorax interacting in the show.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you as well! :twilightsmile:

Oh that was rather cute


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Utterly delightful fluff. I regret not reading it sooner. This was top form wholesome goodies right here.

“And that’s a really great place to get flowers, and that’s an awesome place for lunch, and…”

So, for Ponies, that would be "Carry-Out" and "Restaurant Dining"?

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