• Published 18th Feb 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - Rio - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas and Allies team up with the Toretto Crew once again to rescue their friend and stop a new villain in Brazil.

  • ...

That Sinking Feeling

While the heroes were busy packing up their luggages in the hideout, Caitlyn, Raph (in his cloaked disguise), Aria, Casey, Angel, and Carter were looking for Zach around a donut shop. Earlier that day, on Cisco and Frostee's suggestion, Zach went to check out the donut shop across the street. An hour went by and he hadn't returned.

“Zach! Zach!” Caitlyn called.

“Yo, Zach!” Casey chimed in.

“Where is he?” Raph asked.

“No idea.” Aria shrugged, looking from the top of a dumpster.

“Zach!” Caitlyn shouted. “You better not be messing with me!”

At that moment they all heard a groan coming from the dumpster Aria was standing on. She jumped down as Cater opened it up and they all gasped. “Zach!” There lay Zach, beat up with black eye.

“Oh no!” Caitlyn cried as Raph and Casey helped him out.

“Buddy, you alright?” Carter asked.

“Not really,” Zach grumbled.

“What happened?” Caitlyn asked in worry.

Zach frowned, “Mitch happened!”

“The obnoxious jerk we met yesterday?” Angel inquired.

“Yeah,” Zach explained. “I was just leaving the donut shop, when he showed up. And when he saw me, he said 'It's payback time!' Then he dragged me out back, beat me up, and chucked me in that dumpster! And he took my donuts!”

“That big jerk!” Raph growled. “Just wait till I-”

“Hey, there he is!” Casey pointed.

Mitch had his key car back in his possession and pulled it out of the car wash.

“Oh, he's toast!” Raph started towards him until Angel stopped him.

“Hang on, Raph!” She gave a devious smirk. “I've got a better idea...”

“Hey there, Mitch!” Carter approached him and greeted, “Long time no see!”

“Do I know you?” Mitch questioned him.

“No, but I'm one of Gabby's friends. Here, let me clean your windshield!” Carter held up a spray bottle and spritzed all over his car.

“Hey, what do you think you're doing?!” Mitch yelled, getting out. “I just had it waxed!”

Carter just laughed, “Oh it's gonna need more than waxing,” he chuckled.

“That's it, you're dead meat!” Mitch started toward him.

“Whoa, hold up!” Carter held up his hand. “Before you do anything...” He struck a match and spoke seriously, “Say hi to El Fuego!” He threw the match onto the car and it burst into flames.

“Aaaahhh!” Mitch screamed. “No, no, no, my car!" He took off his vest and began patting out the flames.

While Mitch was busy extinguishing his car, Carter snatched the donut bag, “And these donuts belong to my friend, thank you!” He then took off running with the donut bag.

“Hey, get back here!” Mitch yelled after him. “You're gonna pay for this!”

“Hey, Mitch?” Came Zach’s voice. Mitch turned around and saw Zach standing behind him with one of Casey's hockey sticks. Then, Mitch saw Zach’s friends surrounding him. Raph cracking his knuckles, Casey with his bat, Aria with her ninja weapon, and Angel with her sticks. “It's payback time, Mitch!”

“Aw crud.” It was all Mitch could say for the moment.

Later, at the hideout, Frostee showed everyone and Gary the scene of Carter torching Mitch’s car from a traffic cam footage and they laughed their heads off.

“Dudes, that is so awesome!” Mikey laughed.

“Now that's funny!” Rainbow gauffed.

“I want a copy of that!” Tony said, through chuckles.

“I want two copies!” Echo added.

“I can't believe Mitch beat you up.” Sunset said to Zach, who was enjoying the donuts along with Raph, Casey, Aria, Carter, and Angel.

“I can,” Gabby said, dryly.

“Don't worry about Mitch,” Raph assured.

“Yeah, we took care of that jerk!” Casey added.

April gave a dry look, “What did you do?”

“Let's just say, what goes around comes around,” Zach stated.

Mitch laid beaten up and groaning in the same dumpster he threw Zach into.

Ms. Nowhere showed up and yelled, “Alright, enough with the chuckling! Are you all ready for your mission or not?”

“Almost,” Adagio said. “We're waiting for someone else who will be joining up.”

Then the Foot van drove up and the driver stepped out to reveal Chaplin. “Hola, friends!”

“Chaplin!” Gabby and Tony exclaimed as they ran over and hugged him.

“Cousins, que pasa!” Chaplin returned the hug. “Long time no see! How's life treating you both?”

Gabby smiled, “My life in New York is going great, Chaplin.”

Tony explained, “Yeah, I wish my crew and I can give you a tour around LA, but we're packing our things and heading off to Rio as we speak.”

“That sounds awesome,” Chaplin smiled.

“You bet. In fact, why don't we introduce you to our friends, Chaplin.” Tony suggested as they went over to meet Tony’s crew.

The Crew approached as Echo asked, “Yo, Tony, who is this?”

Tony answered, “Guys, this is my other cousin from New York.”

Chaplin greeted, “The name's Chaplin. Dr. Chaplin Gomez, at your service.”

“Doctor?” Cisco asked in confusion.

“He's the Foot Clan's tech guy,” Aria explained.

“Yep. If it's got wires, I can hack it. If there's a formula, I can solve it,” Chaplin boasted.

“Someone's got an ego,” Angel remarked.

Tony introduced Chaplin to his friends one by one, pointing out, “This is Echo, Cisco, and our tech wiz, Frostee. Together, we are the Toretto Crew.”

“A pleasure to meet you all,” Chaplin greeted.

Cisco gave him a big hug, “Any friend of Tony and Gabby's is a friend of mine!”

“So, your Sonata's boyfriend,” Chaplin strained from the hug. “I can see why you two are perfect for each other.”

After Cisco let him go, Gabby introduced the Bridge siblings, “And that's Carter and Angel Bridge.”

“Nice to meet you two,” Chaplin shook hands with Carter and Angel.

“Like wise,” Carter replied.

“What up, Chaplin!” Mikey waved.

Chaplin looked confused, not recognizing the Turtles in their disguises. He pointed them out, “Do I know any of you?”

“Dude, it's us,” Mikey said, as the Turtles deactivated their disguises.

“Whoa! Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey?” Chaplin gasped. “How in the? Did you disguise yourselves with cloaking tech?”

“Why yes, yes we did,” Donnie smirked.

Chaplin nodded, “Very impressive. You should teach me how to make one of those someday?”

Gabby continued, “These girls right here are the Rainbooms. That's Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch, and Blade Swipe.”

“Ah, the famous Rainbooms,” Chaplin smiled. "Nice to finally meet you. The Turtles and the Dazzlings told me all about you."

“The Turtles and Gabby told us about you too,” Sunset noted.

“Yeah, and how Donnie was jealous of your smarts. And you brought your own van.” Rainbow added with a snicker.

“I was not jealous!” Donnie protested. “Anyway, why are you here, Chaplin?”

“Karai sent me,” Chaplin explained. “After the Dazzlings got the ok from Karai, she sent me here to help you guys out.”

“I'm sure we'll need it,” Twilight admitted.

“Yeah,” Donnie deadpanned, not happy about having his rival tag along for the ride.

“Plus, she's busy calling someone very important.” Sonata stated as Ms. Nowhere’s phone rang.

Ms. Nowhere dropped the teens’ baggages and called, “Gary, pick up those baggages for me please?”

“I'm on it.” Gary answered and picked up the baggages while Ms. Nowhere picked up her phone. The person who called her was none other than Karai.

Ms. Nowhere coldly greeted, “Karai.”

Karai coldly greeted her back, “Nowhere.”

“Let's cut to the chase before either of us decides to kill the other.” Ms. Nowhere stated.

Karai coldly answered, “Agreed.”

Ms. Nowhere explained, “I'm borrowing your lieutenants, your brothers, and your friends for a secret assignment in Rio.”

“Are you going to provide support for my friends in Rio for their secret mission?” Karai questioned her.

“Can't. I have my own assignment. It's classified,” Ms. Nowhere replied as Karai sneered at her remark. “But my agents should prove enough support for this mission.”

“Fine. And Nowhere, if you mistreat my friends or put them in danger in anyway, you'll find out what my venom feels like!” Karai hissed with her fangs on, intimidating Nowhere.

Ms. Nowhere was unfazed by Karai’s scary face. “I'll keep that in mind.” She turned off her phone and called everyone, “Alright everyone, let's keep packing and moving! Chop chop!”

Everyone moved on to packing their baggages and loading them into their vehicles.

Two hours later, the spy plane was on their way to Rio. Inside, Ms. Nowhere was having an important briefing with the teens in the main room.

Ms. Nowhere called, “Listen up, everybody! You're being inserted into a hot operational theater.”

While some weren't listening, everyone suddenly heard Cisco, Sonata, Rarity, and Buffy screaming like a scaredy cats as Cisco used a spy gadget known as the laser cap, to shoot lasers right at a small, spider-bot. “Spider!” He screamed as the little spider-bot crawled away.

Rarity and Buffy held onto each other while they both stood on a chair in fear, as Sonata tried hitting the spider-bot with her tonfas. “Get it! Get it! Get it!” She cried.

“Cisco, put down that laser cap!” Ms. Nowhere ordered.

“They're trying to kill my brooch!” Echo panicked as she went to look for little spider bot.

Cisco groaned, “That thing belongs in a brooch motel.”

“It's not just jewelry It's a tracker, it's a camera, and… it's a friend.” Echo explained as she found her spider-bot.

“I like jewelry, but not the kind that crawls around creepily!” Rarity said.

“Same!” Buffy agreed.

Frostee announced, “Guys, check this out! Look at me! I'm invisible!” Everyone was not convinced that Frostee was actually invisible.

“Dude, I can totally see you.” Raph commented.

“Oh, oh sorry, I got it inside out,” Frostee said before he corrected his mistake. “Check it out,” Frostee activated his cloak, making himself completely invisible.

“He's gone!” Pinkie gasped.

Cisco happily gasped, “Bro… We got invisibility cloaks?”

Blade Swipe said, “I was unaware we have invisibility cloaks in our arsenal.”

“Nah, that's magic, B-Swipe!” Frostee replied. “This is a fiber-optic mesh poncho that bends light around its wearer. Watch this.” Frostee warbled as the cloak completely turned Frostee invisible again.

“Nice!” Chaplin said.

“Awesome!” Rainbow grinned.

Ms. Nowhere continued, “We've already lost contact with one agent. Your mission is to ascertain if Layla's missing, flipped--” She noticed that her purse was being carried by Frostee like he’s a ghost, but she wasn’t surprised.

“Guess where I am!” Frostee singsongy said until Ms. Nowhere grabbed her purse back.

Mikey laughed, “Good one, Frostee!”

“--Or--” Ms. Nowhere was interrupted by Tony.

“Hey, nice! Check out these gloves. What does it do?” Tony asked as tested out his gadget until he electrocuted Frostee, making Raph and a few others laughed.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy gasped and ran over to him. “Are you okay?”

Frostee haltingly explained before he whimpered, “I think it's a shock glove.”

Adagio suggested, “Somebody better check his pulse.”

“I'm on it,” Chaplin said.

One minute later, Ms. Nowhere continued explaining the teens in the back of the plane, “Your hauler's been upgraded with increased armor capabilities so that it can take a hit from a tank and still survive. I've also loaded all our intel for your mission onto its encrypted hard drive, so when you inevitably forget your objective, you can easily check back in.”

Tony said while balancing his glove onto his head, “You know you're making it seem like we can't handle this mission. Whoa!” The glove fell and it hit Tony with a static of electricity. He shouted, “Ow!”

“Am I?” Ms. Nowhere questioned as Tony chuckled. “We upgraded all your cars, too. We had to completely rebuild yours.”

“Yeah!” Tony ecstatically cheered as he received his car keys from Ms. Nowhere.

“What about ours, Ms. Nowhere?” Donnie asked Ms. Nowhere, referring to the ninjas’ vehicles.

“We've had some difficulty modifying your vehicles due to the Kraang technology and the fact we didn't have the schematics to the key cars, but we did our best.” Ms. Nowhere explained.

Aria nodded, “As long as the paint job is fine, I don't care.”

Ms. Nowhere continued, “Since you seemed to drop it out of the sky so often, we installed some more thrusters.”

Tony said, “I knew it was missing something.”

“Everyone has new cover identities that you will need to learn.” Ms. Nowhere informed the teens and handed everyone their new IDs.

“Mar-shell-oh?” Tony pronounced his identity name from his new ID.

“It's pronounced Marcello, primo,” Gabby corrected.

“You're the tattooed man from LA. You three are in his crew. You need to make contact with the favelas, use Tony's cover story to infiltrate the gang, and find Layla. Your secondary objective is to find out what the formula does. Also, no using your powers in front of people and no exposing your true forms, turtles.”

“We never do that anyway, Ms. Nowhere!” Leo stated.

“Same with us and our powers,” Sunset added.

Echo was satisfied with her ID. “All right. Another new identity!”

“Uh, how many identities do you have?” Frostee asked.

Ms. Nowhere ordered, “Don't answer, it's classified.”

“Hey! There's also some new stuff in here! Look at all of this gum.” Cisco reached for his fanny pack and found some gum packs.

“That's spy gum. Each flavor has a different purpose. When you chew the peppermint, it becomes an automotive sealant that's ten times more powerful than the current gum you use to fix your cars.”

Cisco smiled, “Now there's really nothing bubblegum can't fix.”

“Pink lemonade glows for visibility in the dark,” Ms. Nowhere then took the green gum pack. “This green one forms a molecular bond like geckos have on their foot pads for climbing.”

Frostee asked, “Gecko gum! What flavor is it?”

Ms. Nowhere reminded him, “I said it was green.”

Tony stated, “Green's not a flavor.”

“Don't. Just… don't.” Gary sheepishly announced from the pilot room.

“Ooh, what's this do?” Keno asked, getting one of the gum packs.

“That's the gum that never loses its flavor. You can chew it for hours straight and it will be just as delicious as when you first pulled it out of the wrapper.”

“Whoa, you invented gum that never loses its flavor?!” Pinkie questioned Ms. Nowhere, feeling excited.

Cisco answered, “Nah, that's existed for years, but it never hit the market thanks to Big Gum.”

“That's actually true,” Ms. Nowhere noted. “Okay, the drop zone is coming up. Here's your briefing binder.”

Echo received the binder, but it was heavy. She struggled carrying the binder and asked, “I thought you said all the intel was on the main frame in the hauler.”

“It is, but it's invaluable to have a binder too. A binder won't run out of batteries, need upgrading, or break up with your via text.” Ms. Nowhere explained, turning away to hide her tear.

Buffy asked, “Uh, you okay?”

Ms. Nowhere kept her composure, “Fine! You have your own instructions. I'll be on my own mission while you're in Brazil.”

Sunset questioned, “You still have to go on your own missions?”

“Have to? Duct-taped in a shipping crate for hours, waiting for a perp to leak just the right information before I burst out and start cracking skulls?! I can feel my blood pressure dropping already. Anyway, call me when you have an emergency.”

“Uh, don't you mean if we have an emergency?” Frostee asked.

Tony assured Ms. Nowhere, “Enjoy your duct tape, Ms. Nowhere. We've got this totally under control.”

Several minutes later, six police cars were chasing after the Hauler and the Ninja’s vehicles.

Echo watched the footage from the surveillance camera and questioned Tony, “Why did you flash your tattoo?!”

“He asked if we had any guns,” Tony smirked until he flexed his left arm with the tattoo and smooched it.

Gabby facepalmed, “Not that kind of gun, primo!”

Leo groaned, facepalming as well, “We got lucky that they allowed us through the border with our weapons, but now they think we're in a gang!”

“Exactly! That's what our cover story is supposed to be. Don't worry, we got this!” Tony assured them.

Frostee sighed, “I hope you know what you're doing, Tony.”

While the police continued to chase after the heroes, Tony was in his car and appeared on top of the hauler. “Yeah! Let's do this! Whoo-hoo!” He drove in reverse and joined in on the action. “Let's give these guys some cover with our new smokescreen tires.”

Then, the backdoor of the Hauler was opened and Echo in her car along with Aria in her key car and Vinyl in her car were ready to join in on the fun. They both replied, “Copy.” Echo, Aria, and Vinyl drove their cars alongside Tony to help. The four drivers nodded and drove in formation, activating their smokescreen tires. Cisco on the other hand, drove the Hauler to the forest on his right while the rest of the ninjas and allies followed to hide from the police.

Tony pushed the button and fired up the turbo boosters, speeding away from the police. As for Echo, she looked on and smirked as she drove in reverse and started firing some oil pellets at the police cars. “Slick track, yo.”

The road became slippery, causing the officers to lose control.

“Let's see what Nowhere put in my key car,” Aria wondered and pushed a button, releasing a bunch of caltrops. Aria saw the police tires popped and smiled, “Impressive.”

Vinyl pressed a button and two big speakers popped up along with two extra and blasted sound waves that knocked a police car away. She pulled alongside Tony and gave him a thumbs up.

Then, Tony gasped and saw a police blockade up ahead. He and Vinyl were forced to brake and made a U-turn to drive away from the police. Tony said, “Time to serve the cops some chicken and waffles!”

“We play a four-way chicken…” Echo continued as she and Aria headed towards Tony and Vinyl as they drove right pass each other to give their pursers a one-way ticket to a collision course. From there, groups of police cars crashed into one another.

Aria finished, “…and they waffle.”

While Echo, Aria, and Vinyl drove back alongside with Tony. He informed them, “Let's catch up with the others.”

Tony, Echo, Aria, and Vinyl drove into the forest to hide and they caught up with the rest of their friends. “Alright guys, follow the leader.”

Cisco smiled, “I am so happy to see you guys.”

Sonata asked, “How did you find us?”

Tony answered, “What do you mean? You're driving a giant RV. We followed your tracks to the jungle. Yo know I'm a master tracker.”

“We took a few turns somewhere, and our antenna broke off,” Cisco stated.

Frostee added, “Yeah, and the canopy is too dense to use GPS.”

Echo suggested, “We should head back to the highway before we're too deep.”

Gabby chimed in over the com-link, “I agree.”

Tony replied, “No way, the highway's probably swarming with cops looking for us. Besides, we're on a shortcut.”

Chaplin asked over the com-link, “Uh, to where exactly?”

“To Rio! This road runs parallel to the highway. We're fine.” Tony answered.

Sunset replied in concern over the com-link, “Uh, the parallel road just turned.”

“It'll turn back. Oh yeah. Listen, I have a feel for this,” Tony peered his head out of the driver’s window. “Just sit back. Enjoy the scenery!”

“Um, that's great and all, but I think we should head back to--” Fluttershy was abruptly interrupted by Tony, who lost control and his car, the hauler, and some of the vehicles ended up in quicksand. Echo and the ninjas moved aside and parked on the grass from the quicksand before exiting.

Buffy looked around and her car was at the edge of the quicksand. She exclaimed in disgust, “Ew! This place stinks. I hate it here!”

Raph groaned, “Ugh, it's just mud, Buffy! You don't have to be such a girl about it!”

Buffy frowned at Raph’s remark, before she smirked. Then she stepped on the gas and her tires spun mud all over the hot-headed turtle.

“Hey!” Raph growled.

“What? It's just mud, Raph.” Buffy joked as Mikey, Pinkie, Carter, Aria, Cisco, Rainbow, Chaplin, Frostee, Sonata, and Zach laughed.

Aria cackled, “Nice one, Buffy!”

Mikey laughed, “Oh, I wish I got a picture of that!”

“Already did,” Caitlyn replied and showed them a picture of it on her phone.

They laughed as Sonata cried, “Aw! I spilled my froyo!”

Frostee added, “Also, I think we might be stuck.”

Tony informed them, “Relax, it's just a little mud. We can power out of this. No problem.” He chimed over the com-link, “Hit the gas, Cisco!”

“You got it!” Cisco answered and tried to get out of the quicksand. However, the situation worsened when Tony’s car and the hauler was sinking a little.

Gabby yelled, “¡Deténgase!”

“You're making it worse! It's quicksand!” Chaplin informed them.

Tony exited from his car and laughed, “There's no such thing as quicksand!” However, karma got to Tony and fell on the quicksand. He groaned, “Oh my gosh… it's quicksand!”

Echo shouted, “Tony, keep still! You'll only sink in farther!”

Tony panicked in fear as the quicksand sunk him deeper because he kept moving and didn't listen to his friends, especially his cousins. He pleaded, “Hello? Help!”

“Then quit moving around, stupid!” Angel jeered.

Frostee asked in worry, “What do we do?!”

“We gotta get him out of there!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Cisco, Applejack, pull off that branch,” Echo ordered as Cisco pulled the branch off a tree next to him. “Dig the branch under Tony. Now carefully use the branch to orient him in a horizontal position.”

“On it.” Applejack answered, listening to Echo’s instructions as Tony sunk deeper into the quicksand until Applejack and Cisco found him.

“Booyah!” Cisco shouted.

Applejack finished Cisco’s sentence, “Kasha!”

Tony gasped for air as Cisco and Applejack pulled him out of the quicksand, “Thanks,” He chuckled. “Whew!”

However, the cars were still stuck and they were upset. Echo suggested, “Maybe now's the time we should call Ms. Nowhere.”

Tony retorted, “What? No! We just got here.”

“Our command center is in a hole, primo.” Gabby reminded him.

“It's a challenge we face as spies in a foreign country.” Tony fired back.

Leo replied, “There's nothing wrong with calling for backup when you need it.”

Spike popped out of Twilight's bag, “Even I know that, and I'm a dog.”

“And it would be unwise not to accept help in situations like this one,” Blade noted.

“Maybe Ms. Nowhere's Interpol contacts can help us?” Zach suggested.

“We've been begging for months for an international mission. We can't call for help two hours after we land. I'm sure we can handle this. Just give me some time to think,” Tony thought of a plan to come up with for a moment until he got an idea. “I got it. Cisco, we need your truck.”

From there, Tony was in Cisco’s truck and said, “All right, let's do this!”

“This is never going to work.” Blade Swipe facepalmed as Vinyl Scratch shook her head in response.

Everyone watched as Tony attached the tow cables to the hauler from Cisco’s truck. Then, Tony used his pal’s truck to pull the Hauler and Cisco warned him, “Be careful with my truck, T.”

“It's fine!” Tony replied and continued pulling the Hauler, but it only made it worse as Cisco’s truck was getting ready to sink as well.

“Aye yai yai, you're making it worse, primo!” Gabby stated.

Chaplin told Tony, “Your plan is clearly not working, Tony.”

“It's always darkest right before dawn!” Tony said.

Everyone shook their heads and facepalmed as Frostee replied, “Scientifically, that's not true.”

“We concur,” Donnie and Twilight agreed.

“Come on. Come on!” Tony continued to struggle with pulling the hauler by the use of Cisco’s truck.

Cisco told him, “I don't think it's working.”

“I'll make it work,” Tony replied and flipped the switch on one of the buttons, firing up the truck’s turbo boosters to pull the Hauler. Unfortunately, it made things worst as the turbo boosters of Cisco’s truck died and it was ready to get sunk down by the quicksand. Everyone groaned and facepalmed because of Tony’s ignorance to his friend’s warnings.

“Uh, want me to call now?” Echo asked.

“Aw man!” Cisco frowned while Sonata patted him on the back to cheer him up.

Meanwhile, as the sun was setting, Gary continued to pilot the spy plane in the skies. The atmosphere felt calm and quiet, but hew was missing his friends to talk to except his boss.

Gary commented, “It's so quiet.”

“It used to be,” Ms. Nowhere replied, who was upside down and wearing a blindfold while trying to open up her purse.

“Now I know how my aunt felt when she used to drop me off from camp,” Gary said in an upset tone. “I just miss the pitter-patter of their little feet.”

Ms. Nowhere took off her blindfold, “You want to hear little feet?” She landed down safely on her feet with her heroic pose and retorted, “Go catch some mice.”

Gary didn't like the sound of that and groaned.

Back in the forest, the teens were still thinking of a way to get out of the jungle thanks to Tony’s stupidity.

“I just need a snack to help me think. Look for some licorice!” Tony requested.

Pinkie cheered, “You got it, T!”

Frostee groaned, “Ugh, how does he eat that stuff?”

Cisco, Frostee, Keno, Mikey, Sonata, Zach, Pinkie, and Spike went to find some snacks in the hauler while everyone else looked at Tony in disgust.

Tony then noticed that he was covered in mud. He replied, “No biggie, I'll just wipe the mud off.”

“Yo, don't do that! Mud flies lay their eggs in there…” Echo warned him as Tony grabbed a plant to wipe the mud off of him, ignoring her warning.

Tony shrugged, “It may be good for my skin.”

“Eww!” The girls shouted in disgust.

“Oh, that is disgusting, Tony!” Rarity said in repulse.

“I prefer mud facials without fly eggs!” Buffy winced.

Suddenly, they heard loud noises in the hauler as the ninjas grabbed their weapons while food were thrown.

“Hey! No! Don't touch that!” Sonata said to something inside.

“It's moving! Get it!” Cisco shouted.

Frostee retorted, “No, you get it!”

Mikey screamed, “Aaaahhh, it's on me!”

“Hey! That's my favorite chew toy, give it back!” Spike barked.

The disturbance in the hauler was revealed to be a little monkey stealing their food. Leo and his ninja pals stood down as the monkey ran past them with the food. Then Spike ran out, chasing after the monkey into the jungle.

“Spike, come back!” Twilight cried.

“It's getting away!” Keno exclaimed while Frostee, Cisco, Mikey, Sonata, Zach and Pinkie followed him.

“Tell me that thing has my snacks?” Tony wondered.

Frostee complained, “I don't want to feed it!”

Cisco said, “Yo, which way did he go? Frostee, go! Get it, it's getting away. Go go go.” He, Frostee, Keno, Mikey, Pinkie, and Sonata all too ran off after the monkey into the jungle.

Zach shouted, running after them too, “Hey, wait for me!”

Echo sighed, “Today just keeps getting better and better.”

Angel nodded, “Agreed.”

“Tony, I think we're over in our heads,” Gabby admitted.

“If you're never over in your head, you'll never learn how to swim.” Tony replied, continuing to use the plant.

As Tony continued to wipe the mud off with the plant, mud flies started to surround him.

“That's not how you learn how to swim!” Gabby retorted before calming down, “Look, we need to get out of here and find Layla.”

Chaplin noted, “She's got a point right there, primo.”

“I know things are tough, but that's when we're at our best!” Tony stated before he smacked himself because of the mud flies. He continued explaining while maintaining his optimism, “When we're running on instincts!” He yelped, “Flying by the seat of our pants!” Tony shouted in pain while the mud flies continued surrounding him. “These things are everywhere!”

Echo explained in concern, “Well yeah, because they're attracted to the scent of the plant you rubbed all over yourself.”

“Why didn't you tell me?!” Tony asked in anger while trying to shoo the mud flies surrounding him.

Echo growled, “Are you serious? You wouldn't listen when we went to the border and showed off your tattoo, you didn't listen when we left the highway and got stuck and you're not listening now!”

Gabby nodded, “I agree with Echo on this one. You're not thinking straight at all, primo.”

Raph chimed in, “If Master Splinter was here right now, he would've knock some sense into you.”

Sunset added, “The point is, you need to clear your mind and use your common sense.”

Tony scoffed, “You're all crazy.”

Everyone gasped and Echo vented, “Wha--?! Fine! You know what? You figure it out then. Good luck. Angel, Fluttershy... Come with me.”

“Gladly,” Angel said.

Fluttershy assured Twilight, “Don't worry, we'll find Spike.”

Gabby huffed angrily and walked away from her cousin while Chaplin sighed and walked away with Gabby. From there, the rest of Tony’s friends walked away as well.

Leo informed Echo, “While you guys find something to pull our vehicles from the quicksand, The Dazzlings, Sunset, Rainbow, and I will be on patrol. I'll let you know if something happens.”

“Will do.” Echo tipped her cap before her team and Leo’s team split up.

“Does anyone have bug repellent? Gabby? Leo? Twilight?” Tony grunted. “C'mon guys, back me up on this.” No response from them and Tony groaned, “Gotta do everything myself.”

Meanwhile, Cisco’s party searched high and low for the food-stealing monkey.

“Where are we?” Cisco asked.

Frostee answered, “We're lost, man. We're in deep.”

“Bro…” Mikey said in worry.

“We must be miles from the hauler.” Pinkie stated.

“Aw man, I'm thirsty.” Cisco feared.

Sonata noted, “Me too.”

Zach cried, “Everything looks the same.”

Frostee asked in fright, “H-How did people survive without GPS or allergy medication?!”

Cisco wondered, “I'm sweating like crazy. I think I might have leptospirosis.”

“WHAT?!” Sonata reacted in shock.

“I told you not to read that book about river diseases.” Frostee told him.

“If I go first, I'll leave you my everlasting gum.” Cisco informed him.

“Pull it together, man!” Mikey grabbed Cisco’s shoulder and told him, “You're going to be around just as long as that delicious fruity flavor.

Frostee and nodded and everyone called for help until someone called, “Hey.”

Cisco’s team screamed and panted until they saw three people emerging from the shadows and it was none other than Echo, Angel, and Fluttershy.

“Oh, we're saved!” Frostee panted.

“I'm cured!” Cisco cheered.

“How did you find us?” Zach asked in delight.

Angel lifted a leaf from a tree aside and showed them that they were actually close to the hauler.

“Oh…” Cisco answered.

“Yeah,” Angel said knowingly.

“C'mon, you guys want to find that monkey or what?” Echo asked the boys.

Frostee asked, “How do you three know where to go?”

“Just follow the monkey's trail.” Fluttershy answered and pointed her finger up towards the tree where a can of Yoka was resting.

The boys followed Echo, Fluttershy, and Angel as Cisco kept chewing on his gum. “You're right, Echo, chewing on this grass keeps me hydrated. And builds my jaw muscles. They could use some definition.” He said.

Everyone continued searching until they were stopped by the sounds of monkey chatter in the area. As well as Spike's barking.

Angel looked upward and informed them, “Looks like your monkey is up there.”

“And it sounds like Spike's up there with him,” Sonata added.

“But dogs can't climb trees,” Frostee stated, “How did he get up there?”

Pinkie raised her hand, "Ooo ooo ooo, I know! Spike was chasing the monkey and caught up to him when he started to climb a tree. Spike then bit onto the monkey's tail, hoping to make him drop the bag, but instead the monkey ended up yanking Spike along with him and pulled him up into the tree with him.” She finished with a squee.

Echo, Cisco, and Frostee stared at her in dumbfoundment, before the young genius spoke, “That's... actually a logical guess. How did you know that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie shrugged.

“A hunch?!” Cisco and Frostee exclaimed.

“Pinkie's super dope like that, yo,” Mikey said.

Echo nodded and walked away, “We'll meet you guys back in the hauler. Good luck.”

Frostee gasped, “You're leaving us?! How will we find our way?”

“What if I get onchocerciasis?! River blindness is real yo!” Cisco asked in worry.

“One, you're nowhere near a river,” Angel stated. “And two, chill out!”

Echo sighed, “A couple of greenhorn tenderfeet. Angel and I scored the trees, the markings will lead you back.”

The boys noticed the trees were marked in front of them and they understood what she meant.

Zach said, “Oh, that's nice.”

Cisco nodded, “Uh-huh.”

Fluttershy informed the girls, “I'll stay here and help them find the monkey and Spike.”

Angel and Echo nodded at her. “Will do. I'll let the others know your location. Good luck.” Echo told them.

“And keep your boyfriend from freaking out any more, Sonata,” Angel said.

“Okay,” Sonata smiled.

Meanwhile, Tony was still figuring out how to get the vehicles out of the quicksand on his own. He observed and looked around the area until he found a big branch.

“Oh yeah. This is the one that'll get us out.”

Tony pulled the branch, but it was tough. He pulled the branch hard until it hit Tony in the head and made him slipped. He fell and he also let the branch fall onto the quicksand until it sank.

“Oh come on!” Tony exclaimed and his troubles became much worse. His hand touched a sticky substance on the tree and tried to rub it off, but it did not. It was still there.

“Gross,” Tony cringed in disgust. “Okay, I can do this. Just need the right branch. Which one…”

While figuring out his next move, Tony placed his hand onto his head to think until he realized his hand is now stuck onto his head because of the sticky substance from the tree. “Oh no. Are you kidding me? Ow!” He yelped.

As if things in the jungle couldn't get any worse, he stumbled upon himself and met a black snake hanging from a branch, hissing in front of Tony.

He nervously chuckled until the snake was about to attack Tony, but he grabbed it with his other sticky hand, making him scared even more.

Meanwhile, Cisco, Frostee, Sonata, Mikey, and Pinkie climbed up the tree to find the monkey while Zach watched.

Cisco commented, “Glad you grabbed that gecko gum.”

“We don't need it.” Sonata whispered.

Frostee shushed him, “Shh! We're almost there.” He perched up onto the branch and noticed something odd.

“See anything?” Sonata asked.

“I-I must be delirious, 'cause I see a floating Yoka can.” Frostee answered as he and Mikey saw something invisible and it was holding a can of Yoka.

Sonata and Cisco were confused. “What?” They both asked until they went up and saw a floating chocolate bar. Cisco said, “That chocolate bar is disappearing into thin air.”

“Freaky deaky!” Pinkie shouted.

“It must be a ghost.” Sonata suggested.

“Not a ghost,” came Spike’s voice and they turned and saw the dog tied upside down on a branch by a bolo. “It's the monkey.”

Sure enough, the ghost indeed turned out to be the monkey that they were looking for as the invisible cloak slipped off.

Cisco cooed, “Aww.”

Mikey and Pinkie untied Spike as the turtle asked, “How'd you get tied up, Spike?”

“Did the monkey do that?” Pinkie inquired.

“Yes, and I don't wanna talk about it,” Spike grumbled.

While the monkey was looking for something in Cisco’s fanny pack, Cisco chuckled, “Hey big guy. Whatcha got there?”

Sonata asked, “Playing with our spy gear?”

Cisco tried to approach the monkey slowly while Frostee, Sonata, Mikey, Pinkie, and Spike followed. “Huh? Yeah. I'm friendly. Come here.”

Everyone carefully walked over to the monkey, only for the little guy to walk away with the bag.

Mikey shouted, “Hey, that's our's! Give it back!”

As they moved closer, the monkey activated the shock glove and it startled everyone.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey now. We mean no harm. I'm just going to take our stuff back, nice and easy…” Cisco smoothly told the monkey and slowly grabbed his fanny pack.

The monkey shrieked and attacked Cisco’s team, shocking them and letting them fall from the tree.

Zach gasped until Cisco, Frostee, and Sonata landed on a diamond disk while Mikey, Pinkie, and Spike were magically levitated thanks to Twilight and Rarity. They lifted them down safely from harm as Donnie, Caitlyn, April, Carter, Buffy, and Vinyl arrived.

“Spike!” Twilight hugged her dog.

Rarity sighed, “Thank heavens we made it on time.”

“You guys okay?” Carter asked.

“We heard you all screaming. What happened?” April inquired.

Frostee rubbed the pain his head, “Monkey business isn't as fun as I thought it would be. Ow.”

Sonata answered, “That monkey on the tree attacked us.”

“What monkey?” Buffy asked as the monkey shrieked and hit Cisco on the head with a Yoka can.

“That monkey!” Spike frowned pointing up.

Cisco groaned, “How did Jane Goodall survive so long?”

“You're right, I do get myself into these situations. I know, but I just wanna show my friends they can still rely on me now that we're big time.” Tony lamented as the snake hissed. “Huh, I never thought of it like that. I need to rely on them too. Man, it's really easy to talk to you.”

As it turned out, Tony was tangled, dangling upside down by the vines. He commented, “This is really painful.”

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere was on a mission in a city, hanging on the wire upside down.

“Nothing like a rush of blood to the head to clear the mind.”

She used her spy glasses and observed the two suspicious men. One of them was holding a briefcase as Ms. Nowhere scanned it from afar and found a hard drive inside.


Ms. Nowhere swooped down from her zip-line and started beating the tar out of the two thugs while a civilian watched. He walked away and Ms. Nowhere got the hard drive with ease.

“Ha! Hope you learned your lesson, boys.” Ms. Nowhere said and swiftly walked away from the two unconscious men.

On the other side of the jungle, everyone hid behind a large log for cover as they were currently being pelted by some pink goo while Cisco pulled Frostee over to safety.

Donnie observed and analyzed the goo. He noted, “Well, looks like he found the pink lemonade gum.”

Cisco cried, “No!”

Then, everyone heard a clink near them.

“What was that?” Carter asked.

Frostee spotted the empty jar and picked it up to observe it. After that, he finally realized, “Aww! He got into my jar full of that flower formula residue!”

While Sonata got scared and hid behind her boyfriend after hearing Frostee’s statement, Mikey gasped, “The one that explodes?!”

“No, it already exploded. This was the leftover chemical compound,” Frostee explained. “Still, I wanted to analyze further!” He growled, “Argh! That monkey's gonna pay! Come on! Let's finish this!”

Cisco, Frostee, Mikey, Sonata, and Fluttershy jumped over the log and climbed up to the tree while the rest stayed behind. Caitlyn shouted, “You guys better be careful up there!”

“Um, I think the monkey didn't mean to take your stuff. He was just hungry. That's all.” Fluttershy pleaded as she continued climbing.

Frostee, Cisco, Mikey, Sonata, and Fluttershy reached up to the monkey, but it was feeling sad all of a sudden by giving them the pouty eyes. Cisco vented, “Whatever the case,” He then looked at the monkey dead straight in the eye, “We are done being nice, monkey!”

Mikey nodded, “Mm-hm!”

“I order you to give me that fanny pack now!” Cisco demanded, reaching his arm out.

The monkey took a moment to listen and heard Cisco’s order. So, the monkey obeyed Cisco by grabbing the fanny pack and gave it back to Cisco. After witnessing that moment, everyone became surprised by the monkey’s actions.

“Whoa…” Zach and Caitlyn said in shock.

“Amazing,” Rarity gasped.

“How did he do that?” April asked.

Mikey added in astonishment, “He listened to you.”

Cisco gasped, “Maybe I'm… the Monkey Whisperer.” He reached his hand out and said, “Come.” The monkey approached Cisco and latched onto his shoulder. “I call you… Donut.” Cisco tearfully smiled.

Fluttershy cooed, “Aww!”

Meanwhile, the team of Angel, Gabby, Echo, Casey, Raph, Applejack, and Blade Swipe emerged from the bushes while carrying some logs until they all saw Tony dangling upside down while being tangled by the vines. Echo and Gabby dropped the branches and Applejack asked, “What in tarnation are you doing up there, Tony?”

“How did-- Is that a snake?” Angel questioned, noticing the snake skin on Tony’s hand.

Tony answered, “Nah, I had to let him go. He had his own journey to complete.”

Then, Echo noticed her car was in the quicksand and she freaked out. “Yo! My car!”

Tony admitted, “Yeah, that's on me.”

Gabby gasped, noticing the Turtle Racer was in the quicksand as well, “No! The Turtle Racer!”

“That's on me as well.” Tony admitted again.

“Dude, what the heck!” Casey yelled.

Echo and Gabby were angry at Tony while Angel, Raph, and Applejack facepalmed.

“Can't you see? You just keep making things worse!” Echo shouted.

“I know, okay? I'm sorry!” Tony apologized. “Now, can you help me down?”

“No, you're not getting off that easy, primo! Why are you sorry?” Gabby interrogated him.

Tony replied, “Really? I have to say the whole big thing?”

Raph exclaimed, “Yeah. Look at our cars?!”

“Look at the Turtle Racer?!” Casey pointed.

Applejack added, “You have to say the whole big thing, Tony.”

“Be a big man, and admit you messed everything up!” Angel called.

Tony saw the expressions of everyone’s faces and realized the mistakes he made. He sighed, “Fine. You were right and I was wrong. I can't do this alone. I need you guys. You make me a better leader.”

From there, Echo and Gabby took a picture of Tony from their phones.

“Hey!” Tony exclaimed.

“We're saving that for later.” Gabby stated as Tony groaned. “Blade, can you cut him down?”

“Alright,” Blade nodded and cut the branch off with his sword, releasing Tony from the vines and making him fall onto the ground hard.

Tony grunted, “You know, you could've warn me next time.”

“Yes, but now you'll never forget your lesson,” Blade smirked.

Then, Cisco and the rest of the gang showed up. Cisco asked, “What's going on?”

Donnie screamed when he saw the Turtle Racer in the quicksand, “MY BABY!”

“You mean our baby, D!” Casey pointed out.

“Hey, you got our stuff back! Is that a monkey on your shoulder?” Tony asked.

Cisco asked him back, noticing the snake skin in disgust, “Is that a snake skin in your hand?”

Then, the team of Leo, Chaplin, Sunset, Rainbow, Adagio, and Aria arrived back from patrol and Leo warned his friends, “Everyone, we have to get out of here now.”

“Why?” Carter asked as everyone heard and saw helicopters flying over them.

“You called Ms. Nowhere?!” Tony questioned everyone.

Adagio answered, “No, that's not Ms. Nowhere. That's the cops!”

Sunset informed everyone, “We spotted them heading this way half an hour ago.”

“We gotta get out of here!” Cisco stated.

Rainbow replied, “But the cars are stuck.”

“Not for long! Everyone, grab those logs!” Echo ordered and everyone scrambled to get the logs.

“Logs in place!” Cisco shouted and everyone else did the same.

The teens were in a hurry and they all quickly tied the logs into a makeshift rail while the police started searching. From there, everyone crawled towards their vehicles and set the rail under the vehicles' tires.

“This'll give us enough traction to get out of the quicksand.” Echo informed everyone.

It was a race against time as the police continued searching while Cisco, Leo, and Applejack pulled their friends’ vehicles out of the quicksand.

Tony wiped a bead of sweat on his forehead and said, “Whew! See? We don't need Ms. Nowhere's help. We have a "Little Nowhere" right here.

Echo did not like at all and told him, “Never say that again.”

Tony chuckled, “Sorry.”

“How do ya know all of this wilderness stuff?” Applejack asked.

Echo tipped her hat, “Girl Scouts, yo.”

“Respect.” Frostee said and her friends nodded.

Cisco saluted, “Thank you for your service.”

The police was approaching near the teens’ area and Tony quickly ran to his car and alerted his friends, “We gotta go!”

Everyone got into their cars until Chaplin asked, “What about the hauler?”

Gabby answered, “We don't have time to bring up all the cars to tow it out.”

“So we're just going to leave it?” Frostee sadly replied.

Cisco stated, “But Ms. Nowhere said it's, like, super important for our mission. Plus, I shouldn't have to mention tis, but the fro-yo machine is in there.”

Frostee activated the hauler’s invisibility cloak to make sure no one else saw it. “We'll come back for it.”

“Freeze!” The policeman shouted and the rest of the police found the heroes. Luckily, the Turtles activated their cloaking disguises before the officers could get a good look at them.

Everyone raised their hands up as one of the cops checked Cisco’s truck and opened the door. “What the?”

From there, Donut attacked the cop without warning and the Ninjas and Spy Racers threw smoke pellets at the police, blindsiding them. The heroes made a break for it and escaped from the police.

“All right! Back on track!” Tony smiled.

Donut and Cisco gave each other a high five and Frostee laughed, “Nice one, monkey.”

However, Echo was not pleased as she saw a police blockade. She told everyone via comms, “Uh, we got a problem with the track up ahead.”

“Move over, I got this.” Cisco insisted and moved over his truck over to the front.

The monkey shrieked and Frostee cheered, “Ha ha, let's go!”

“Booyahkasha!” Mikey cheered.

“Goongala!” Casey yelled and the policemen moved out of the way right before Cisco’s truck broke the police blockade.

Everyone traveled down the road in the forest, leaving everyone filled with smiles. As the heroes drove on, Gabby and Angel rode with Tony. Gabby looked away and Tony could tell she was still mad at him for all the problems he caused.

“Gabby, I really am sorry,” Tony apologized.

“Tony, you messed everything for us!” Gabby scolded.

“I know, I know,” Tony admitted. “I just wanted to show you could all rely on me. But I need to rely on you guys too. I should've listened to you guys.”

“Yeah, you should've,” Angel stated. “And you should've called Ms. Nowhere like she said.”

“I couldn't. She thinks we can't handle international spying,” Tony explained, “If she bailed us out before we even stared, she'd send send us back to LA, saying 'Step aside, kiddies, and let the REAL spies handle this!'”

Gabby and Angel were about to retort, when they remembered that Ms. Nowhere didn't even want them take the mission in the first place. And from the way she say to call her 'when' their was an emergency, did sound like she had little faith they could handle things. They thought that maybe not asking Ms. Nowhere for help, when she barely let them take the mission, was the right idea.

“Yeah, she would...” both girls reluctantly admitted.

“Look, I just, really wanna find Layla,” Tony continued.

“I wanna find her too, primo,” Gabby said. “But we can't find her if you keep trying to do things on your own.”

“And maybe listen to us when we say not to do things,” Angel added. “Like thrashing around quicksand when we say keep still?”

“Alright,” Tony promised.

Minutes later, they arrived on the cliffside and exited out of their vehicles until they stopped and looked at the magnificent, nighttime view of the city of Rio.

Tony smiled, “See? We made it to Rio, no problem.”

Rainbow mentioned, “Well, uh, we don't have the hauler.”

Echo added, “Which was our safe house.”

Donnie also stated, “Plus, we lost all our mission data that was stored in its hard drive.”

“Which means we're going into this mission blind,” Twilight noted.

Gabby replied, “That's true. But we did it all without Ms. Nowhere’s help!”

“Man, this is gonna be hard.” Cisco stated as Donut chittered.

Author's Note:
  • Carter setting Mitch's car on fire was based on a funny scene of Roman Pearce doing the same to two thugs' car in 2 Fast 2 Furious.