• Member Since 4th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Sun Knight

Praise The Sun!


On a seemingly regular day in Equestria, something out of this world decides to come for a "visit"... unwelcomed, of course. Lord Boros, The Dominator of The Universe, and the Leader of The Dark Matter Theives, look to destroy the planet as usual just like any other.

On the other side, we have Equestria's regular villains, already planning to conquer Equestria on their own. How will the two forces act once they inevitably meet? Will they team up, or rival each other in an all out war of who will control the planet?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 9 )

Without reading the story, I will obviously say that there will be no associations with Boris, because he is looking for a worthy opponent to dispel his boredom.

"Tch, what's the use of another low life when you already have I, KING SOMBRA! I'm the only one with the power to defeat them all!" Sombra protested, his teeth shining.

You HEAVILY Underestimating Boros!!! You Die First! :pinkiecrazy:

"And yet you were defeated? You're only here because I wanted you here! I can always change my mind at any time and send any one of you back to the hellhole you came from! If you don't listen to me, we will never succeed at anything we do! The reason those ponies defeat you all is because they team up! Use their strengths against them and turn it into a weakness!"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "This better be worth my time and effort!" She hissed.

"I assure you that this all has the outcome each and every one of you dreamed of! Now go! Find this alien and confront him!" He tapped his bell and sent them all away instantly to find Lord Boros.

Grogar turned towards his crystal ball again and watched the Villains' journey in the hope's that they would team up for once and work together.

They'll SO gonna regret this. And even with teamwork and "Friendship". They will LOSE BADLY!!! How can they beat a Planet-Buster Character like ( Or probably a Solar System to even a Sun-Buster Tier. If I Highball Boros's True Power?) Boros at his Full Power??!!

Celestia and Luna are Naive Idiots! Their's No Way they, or even the Mane Six, Young Six, The Pillars, and others could do anything to Lord Boros. And the Legion Of Doom needs to get their Stupid Villain Egos in check. Less they will regret it to their last breath against Boros's True Power and Might. :pinkiecrazy:

The Main Six were a bit occupied with Boros' goons, fighting them off as best they could as more poured in and surrounded them. Granted, the soldiers were honestly very weak, on scale with the Changlings that they fought when they first invaded. Their bodies stacked one after another as the six bashed them in and blasted them away with little to no fight.

Wow, what a embarrassment. Boros needs to Train them WAY Better!

"What I want with Equestria? There exists a prophecy. Once, I traveled the universe, ravaging everything in sight. But I was too strong. Eventually, there were none left who could face me. I came to know the torment of utter, all-encompassing boredom. Then one day, a seer told me... on a faraway planet, a being exists my match, one who could rekindle my passion for battle. That was nearly twenty years ago. Have you any idea the distance I have traveled to get here? My men thought the prophecy was a ruse, made up to lure me away… but it's too late to turn back now. You must face me for the sake of your meaningless lives. Come. Give stimulation to my existence!"

Sadly for the Main Six. Their NOT Saitama!

A rainbow beam blasted into the sky, striking Boros dead on. He skidded slightly as he growled, resisting the endless amounts of power hitting him all at once. He eventually began to shout, his voice being heard all around. His armor began to crack... and crack... until it was shattered, a flash blinding everyone, causing the Main Six to revert back to normal.

"This set of armor, used to seal in my immeasurable, irresistible power…"
A glimpse of Boros could be seen, his head facing the ground as every muscle in his body tended up.
"...has been broken."
Immense power blasted from his body, shattering the ground into tiny pieces and forcing everybody to be pinned on the ground due to the immense pressure that seeped out of him, affecting everything for miles.

After the destruction of his armor, Boros's appearance changed. His muscle mass increased, and his body grew spiky plates and his spine and the surrounding tissue became exposed, while his skin changed to a navy blue color with light blue markings that emitted energy. He also had an additional yellow eye under his chest which moved in sync with his original, now yellow eye and his hair was completely spiked up becoming slightly darker in color.

Wait WHAT!!!!! This makes No Sense! Either Boros needs a Upgraded and Better Armor. Or you Nerf Boros on PUROPOSE??!!

"Behind you!"
Boros suddenly said, throwing a quick jab at Twilight's face, sending her skidding.
"It's impressive that you could survive even this long... but the outcome of this battle is clear. My species won the struggle to survive amidst the harsh environment of our home world. We possess the ultimate in regenerative abilities. I, in particular, have self-healing power, physical prowess and latent energy beyond your conception. A deep wound that would be fatal for you, heals itself on me in mere moments. By focusing all my energy on my destroyed arm, I can explosively speed up the healing process."
His destroyed arm convulsed and twitched before a new limb near instantly replaced his destroyed one.
"Good as new."
He opened and closed his hand continuously.

Twilight finally caught her breath, looking at Boros with intense eyes.
"This isn't over just yet! I can feel the energy of all my friends passing through me! They won't give up on me! So I won't give up on this either until you're finished!"
She charged at him, swiping her horn to act as a blade as magic surrounded her body.

Boros sidestepped and seemed to be pleased at Twilight's advances.
"I do envy your determination and will. I can see why you're this planet's warrior. But, there's a time and a place for it when facing unrealistic odds.."
He soon grabbed a hold to her and kneed her in the chest, shattering her ribs.
"Perhaps you need a wakeup call."

Twilight a Warrior???!!! HA!!!! She is NOT a True Warrior! Sure, she and her Friends are Typical and Classic Heroic Heroes to Equestria.

But their NOTHING compared to Real Warriors like Goku, Vegeta, The Z Fighters, and the once Saiyan Race from Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super. Naruto and his Friends from the Ninja World. The Joestar Family from JOJO Bizarre Adventure. Luffy and his Pirate Crew from One Piece. Nastu and Fairy Tail. The Seven Deadly Sins Group. Even Saitama and Izuku from Both One Punch Man, and My Hero Academia are more Powerful and Heroic than the Main Six could ever dreamed. And CAN'T be as Strong as any of them for a Trillion Years!

So, unless Boros is still holding back to make the fight "fair". Or the Author make Twilight, Her Friends, and the "Magic Of Friendship" Buff for some silly reason to give Ponies a "Fighting Chance". And Nerf Boros and make him Weaker, which sounds a little insulting to do that to a Powerful Anime Character to make it "Fair" and for Story wise.

I didn't make Boros weaker, per say. There's no true power threshold for Boros' armor set, as it was obviously destroyed in a single punch by Saitama. Saitama's punches vary in power output as well, so I couldn't assume that it was extremely powerful. Nonetheless, though, The Main Six have used their "Rainbow Magic" to defeat nearly every enemy they've faced with relative ease. I came to the conclusion that this would harm Boros slightly and shatter his armor set so he could unleash his true form.

Well depends on the star ranging from white dwarfs to red giants

Good start, although Boros would not get off his ship but would let his soldiers take care of the inhabitants. He would only act in case his elite is defeated or he sees someone he cares about.

Boros suspiró para sí mismo mientras abordaba su barco de nuevo, las dos princesas aún atadas en una cadena que Boros tiró con él en el camino para arrastrarlas con él. "Dejaré que esto se desarrolle, ya que parece que no hay necesidad de que haga mucho más aquí". Con suerte, alguna criatura vendrá a traer algún estímulo a mi existencia... pero eso es poco probable aquí. Pensó, sentándose en su trono, con una mano sosteniendo su cabeza mientras miraba hacia el espacio, con los ojos cerrados por el aburrimiento.

Saitama: Mmm -picks his nose- I feel like someone is talking about me.

"¡ Sí! " Gritaron con confianza al unísono.


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