• Published 18th Jan 2021
  • 2,496 Views, 22 Comments

Tickling Try-Out - Player 4

Applejack and Rainbow Dash don't like being tickled. Or do they? Well, they might want to give it another test...

  • ...

Rainbow Dash

"Wa-hoo! That was some party, wasn't it?", Pinkie Pie exclaims to Rainbow Dash, as they finally open the door to the latter's sky home.

"You're telling me.", Rainbow responds.

This "You're telling me" from Rainbow Dash served to only make the reality of her situation more visible to her, as she knew she was not telling the whole story when it comes to what's going on in her mind right now.

After a day that looked perfectly typical, filled with nothing except flying, playing with Pinkie, and attending a party, totally normal Rainbow Dash things, she has suddenly been placed into a room of pure anxiety, laying back into a chair with a sigh preparing for an interview with herself.

Cause? Well...

Towards the end of the party, the closing event was a tickling event, in which willing participants would lay on a bed to get tickled by Pinkie and other ponies. Pinkie herself even received it; she does like a good tickling.

As soon as she was offered to join, Rainbow Dash opted out of the event in a split-second, in firm belief that she dislikes being tickled. Based on her fillyhood experiences, it sounded like a complete no-brainer.

But, while sitting on the sidelines, Rainbow consistently found herself peeking up at the tickling event. Giving it a watch. She tried to snap out of it and lock her focus onto her drink (cola), but her head just would not stop snapping back over to looking at the tickling. It then paired itself with Rainbow thinking the new thought "Actually, that looks kinda fun..."

Which she tried one time after another, and another, to brush away from her mind, telling herself "No. You don't like tickling. Remember your childhood and how those bullies tortured you with it? You always hated the feeling afterwards. It's just your brain trying to trick you."

But nothing changed. She continued to observe the (consensual) tickling party and think "But... I do want to know what that's like..."

This conflict ended up using all the space in Dash's brain energy during the closing out of the party, the fly home, and the present moment. She's under a cloud of stress, becoming flooded with thoughts about her very real desire to be tickled. Back-and-forth with herself: "I'm curious about it. I want to know.", followed by "But I hate tickling. That's what I remember."

However, the tides of this game happened to take a quick turn. During that same flight, she thankfully reminded herself that preferences can and do change, and that she hasn't experienced tickling in years, therefore it is very possible that a change did occur.

Yeah! You think you don't like tickling because of events that occurred years ago and weren't representative of how tickling always is! With all this time passed and you having ready access to Pinkie Pie, things might be different this time!

Successfully convincing herself of this, Rainbow was able to declare victory over the "You hate tickling" argument. But that didn't make the ordeal look any less daunting, as the mind focus only turned to the impossibility of the next step: asking to be tickled.

As such, she was now frowning again.

But, like... I'm Rainbow Dash! I'm Ponyville's athletic hero and poster pony of cool, radical, and awesome! If ponies found out about this, my life would be over!

Yep. Despite improvements, she's still mostly the old Dash in this regard. While she is no longer afraid of admitting to her friends that she enjoys "sappy" activities like fru-fru spa treatments and cuddling, she still operates under the belief that a leak of the info to the general public would destroy her career.

But was her desire to be tickled erased? Oh, heck no. She wanted it more than ever. She was desperate to get a glimpse into what those party participants were experiencing. It was like, her biggest curiosity moment.

Luckily, she has a ready counterargument to the "career destroyed" thing.

Hey man, your friends now know you like fru-fru spa treatments, and your career hasn't ended there. You've successfully kept it a secret. Just because you add another one doesn't mean it's going to leak this time.

And after this thought runs through, a certain friend is now in Rainbow's vicinity. The "Go for it. Get tickled." side of the battle now has something to work with.

Hey dude, Pinkie is right here with you...

We all know how Pinkie is. She'd agree to tickle you for sure and would definitely not pass any judgement or spill the beans.

Plus, you're partners in silliness. She'd be the perfect tickler for you.

An additional piece of enticement that is...

She's going to do it. She sighs and pushes out the embarrassment sentences.

"Pinkie, I need to ask you to... do something for me."

Pinkie bounces over to Rainbow's blue chair with smiles. "No problem, friend! What's going on?"

Rainbow Dash's body was shaking like she was in a horror movie. Actually, to be honest, this is a horror movie for her. She has to ask to be tickled..., while being Rainbow Dash.

Ultimately, her embarrassment partially claims a victory this time. She can't bring herself to directly ask for it. She just can't. So she immerses Pinkie into a guessing game.

"Pinkie, you know that, um, last thing you were... doing to the ponies at the party? The thing that, uh, something that makes you laugh?", Rainbow puffs out with the red cheeks coming on.

"Hmm, last thing... makes you laugh... Oh! You mean tickling!", Pinkie Pie says.

"And you just said that you wanted me to do something for you... hmm... connecting the dots..."

Rainbow's eyes shoot wide open. Oh man. Pinkie is connecting the dots as correctly as can be. And being Pinkie, she's in no hesitation to reveal her result.

"Are you saying you want me to tickle you?", Pinkie asks Rainbow straight-up.

Rainbow felt like her body was going to melt off the chair and pass out. Pinkie had her pinned. Rainbow had to either tell the truth and turn red, or do something morally wrong in lying.

She can't fathom telling a lie and truly does want to be tickled, so she, as hard as it is, chooses the former option.

"Y-y-yes.", Rainbow says, hanging her head down in shame.

Good thing she has a friend as great as Pinkie Pie.

"Dashie, it's alright!", Pinkie says. "Come on, you get pampered at the spa, how's this any different? Everypony is allowed to have their cute moments."

"And it's perfectly natural to be curious! You've told me before about how you used to always get tickled by those mean bullies; well, that's not the proper representation! You haven't experienced good tickling yet; it's awesome that you want to try it out!"

"I've still got plenty of energy left when it comes to helping my friend! Come on up!"

Well, it's not like Rainbow can say no...

so she follows.

Rainbow Dash's bed was chosen as the tickling site. Rainbow couldn't manage the balancing act of her emotional state swinging between excitement that her request is being fulfilled and the still-active shame and embarrassment that comes with it, but she refuses to engage with this business and just pushes forward.

She climbs up onto her blue bed and lays on her back, at which angle she can see Pinkie laying out her box of tickle tools.

"Alright, so, where should I tickle you first?", Pinkie asks.

Rainbow wasn't up to that question. "You choose", she says.

"Okay.", Pinkie responds. "Hmm, I'll go from bottom to top, so I'll start with your hooves."

Hearing Pinkie declare where she was going to be tickled also brought out a bit of a jolt in Dash, revealing the nature of this situation as a whole.

"Okay.", she puffs out.

Even if Rainbow can absolutely trust Pinkie with all her heart, it's no easy task to make yourself... exposed like this. Especially not if you're Rainbow Dash.

But, without the spoken words, Pinkie has no way of knowing this, so she brings Rainbow in for the gusto, by creeping up the feather closer and closer to the bottom of her hoof, which she takes notice to.

Oh shoot... this is it., Rainbow thinks.

Her body twitches around from the anticipation, which she wasn't pleased about, as it would interfere with the tickling. She tries to hold her body still as best as possible for Pinkie.

The pointed tip of the feather lands in the middle of Rainbow's right sole, and Pinkie begins tracing around in circles.


In the name of embarrassment, Rainbow tries to avoid laughing, but that was destined to be a complete lost cause sooner or later, as the speed of Pinkie's tickling only increased. Dash broke out into laughter from the feather on her hooves.

Then Pinkie switched the tickles over to her left hoof, which oddly enough, Rainbow found more ticklish.

Hahahaha... heehee... Pinkie-e-hee!!, she laughs.

Despite sounding like she's protesting, Rainbow wanted the tickling to continue. She found it cute that her and Pinkie were playing together like this.

She still wanted to blush, but it always quickly got interrupted by a burst of laughter. She found out today that her hooves are still as ticklish as before.

As if all that weren't enough, Pinkie brings out a tease by running the feather up Rainbow Dash's legs, not really tickling her as that's a less sensitive area, but still making her laugh in the name of anticipation.

Rainbow knew where the tickle attack was going to strike next, and she had to wait for it. That sure brought out the giggles.

Pinkie, for even more power, decides to surprise Rainbow by abruptly sidelining the feather and using a raspberry to tickle Rainbow's tummy.

Hahahaha!, she laughs out with uncontrollable depth. Now this was tickling her. Not that the feather on the hooves didn't tickle, but a raspberry could wear out Rainbow's lungs. And Pinkie kept this one going for about five whole seconds.

Haha... not the raspberr-i-hee-hees! It was almost too much.

Pinkie eases that part off and decides to give Rainbow a short break to catch her breath. At the end of that, she continues the pattern of switching to a different tool for a different area; she reveals a manebrush, giving Rainbow the anticipatory giggles again. She then starts stroking the brush up to down across Rainbow's right side, then back up. She jolts and twitches at even the first touch.

Wow, she's even more ticklish than I thought!, Pinkie thinks to herself.

Pinkie runs the brush up and down and back and forth across a swap between Rainbow's left and right side, in an act of adorable playfulness with a friend. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the girly laughter. Pinkie Pie's heart warmed during this experience; seeing Rainbow Dash let this side of her loose made her about... 20% cooler.

For part 4, Pinkie nuzzles her snout into the area under Rainbow's forelegs. Again, at first touch, she jostles around, and relevant to this area, tenses up and waves her forelegs around.

Haha! Pinkie... that ti-ickles! Heehee!

"Well, that is the point!", Pinkie teases. She moves right back to the nuzzling.

Rainbow knew it was the point, but her mind couldn't articulate anything other than how much this tickled. Ponies weren't kidding when they said Pinkie is good at it, and Rainbow wasn't kidding herself when she once described herself as "too ticklish for words."

Pinkie decides to end the tickling at least for now and ask Rainbow for her verdict, having gone through all four tickle spots.

Player 4 speaking: Hey, that's my number!


Why am I still sneaking into this story?

Sorry about that. Leaving now.

"So, what did you think, Dashie?", Pinkie asks, looking at her friend in the eyes with a smile.

Oh shoot. It was going to be hard for her to tell the truth.

But she looks into Pinkie's friendliness, and remembers the inner silliness she let loose today. No need to stop. She lays her head back down on the pillow, blushing.

"I liked it.", she blurts right out.

Yep. She did. In spite of all the hatred of tickling that she remembers from her life, this experience did not lie. The hypothetical plot that Rainbow only thought she didn't like it due to only remembering bad experiences turned out to be true. When done in an organized, for-fun Pinkie Pie-like way and done with consent, Rainbow liked tickling.

"You did? Eee! Yay!", Pinkie says.

Rainbow knows she's found a new activity to bond with Pinkie Pie over. And boy, does it feel awesome.

"So, what did you like about it?", Pinkie asks.

"Well, first of all, I liked how we were having fun together. You and I have really found a bond with silly things; this felt no different."

"And I'd add on to liking tickling for, well, the same reason I like taking a bath or having my mane stroked. It feels good."

Rainbow felt a wash of empowerment at her ability to let out that last sentence.

Man, I really like being able to show my soft side.

...And I'm ready to do it further.

"Pinkie, I almost can't believe I'm asking this, but could you, uh, tickle me more? Like, with different tools in different areas. You changed the technique every time you switched spots, and that was good, but, like, I'm curious to know what a feather on my belly would feel like, or a brush on my hooves."

If there ever wasn't blushing here!

"Sure, Dashie! I've got plenty of energy left!"


"Thanks.", Rainbow responds.

More tickling it is! Pinkie brings out the feather and points it downward at Rainbow Dash's belly. Round 2.

"I love you, friend!", Pinkie says.

"I love you to-hoo-hoo! Hahaha!", Rainbow responds in perfect timing.

:heart: Friendship is magic! :heart: