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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤



The Cutie Mark Crusaders get an important talk from princess Celestia after the Gabby Gums incident. Unfortunately, this means that they have to stay after school when all their peers have left. Nothing whatsoever goes wrong in the process and zero extra-credit assignments are given.

Preread by Gay for Gadot and NorrisThePony. A previous version of this originally appeared in 'Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes' on March 22nd, 2020 but it has since been removed and published as a stand-alone piece. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

They are lucky that they are young enough to avoid being fined, imprisoned or worse.

Well, even if they were older it is unlikely anything like that would happen to them if they demonstrated that they were ignorant of the law. Though, this depends on what the law is and the location. It’s not usually a viable defense.

I think of Equestria's ruling, in terms of modern states, as like Saudi Arabia without the really nasty side-that is, it is under the rule of an absolute ruler, but one a lot "nicer" at least on the surface, then the absolute monarchies that survive in Real Life. However, for the real trouble makers, that's what the Statue Garden is for.

...So is this whole thing just some kind of Tyrantlestia spiel?

If you consider lèse-majesté in any form tyrannical, certainly.

Or if your takeaway goes beyond ‘she’s just really bad at explaining things to children’ and you think Celestia’s words contain unfortunate implications about what can or can’t be said within Equestria’s history and culture.

Nothing bad ever happened to the cutie mark crusaders--WAAAH

Well, judging by the fact that, in the sequel, there's a "Celestial Moral Manager" who acts as a mini-Ministry of Truth, I'd willing to assume the assumption is correct.

I haven't read the Iceverse itself, but just going off the descriptions and tags, the protagonists—or, at least, the main characters—are supposed to be the alicorns, Discord, Sombra, and a gaggle of OCs. With that mind, it seems kinda backwards to suddenly go "Oh, by the way, everybody, your heroes are basically a somewhat-less-malevolent Oceania!"

Again, keep in mind that I have zero context as to the goings-on of the Iceverse at large, but, just going off of this, why should I bother rooting for any of them in the main series if they've been willingly going full-on Thought Police this whole time?

(Sorry for the rant; it's more of a roundabout request for clarification than anything.)

I’m afraid the reference to Oceania is lost on me, sorry. There aren’t many OCs that pop up as anything other than minor villains, side characters, and lesser roles until you go either way back into the historical stories (where there would obviously have to be more) or into the futuristic stories (anything after Favorable Alignment).

So more appropriately, the main characters are the Princesses and Sombra. Discord and Sunset Shimmer crop up sometimes, though Sunset and Twilight appear much less.

Obviously if these two stories don’t appeal to you, you probably won’t quite enjoy the rest of my stories. Or more specifically, you probably won’t enjoy anything of mine with the dark tag. Anything else could potentially be up your alley, and there more lighthearted entries too. But the villain/hero/other stances of characters who aren’t in this story or are underage is obviously up in the air unless you specifically wanted to read more.

Does that answer your question? What I write obviously isn’t for everyone, but as long as you aren’t a dick about it (which you aren’t being) then I foresee no problem.

No CMC were harmed in the making of this e-rated story! :twilightsheepish:

Thats what always bothered me about having...one ruler. Why is...this person the ruler? What makes them so how more inheritantly ethical and better then...say...a fluttershy? Or Rainbow Dash?


However, for the real trouble makers, that's what the Statue Garden is for.

I'm pretty sure that the most stoned pony in Equestria is Tree Hugger.
Depending on what kind of monarchy you're talking about and the requirement for the said monarchy, your heir/ruler can have actual qualifications over another person (or in this case, creature). Things like philosophy, education, temperament, and so on can all influence who is better to wear the crown than others.

Equestria just struggles with having four very different princesses.

Your assumption. If I am parceling it correctly...is actually correct. I do understand the reference too Oceania. I Think...

Like Jerk god narrative...that because they gods...they can do whatevers?

Ala...Greek gods. Yes.

The Characters are like that. Would I say that absolutely takes away from the storys that Ice writes. Nope. They are well written and complex narratives.
Not just Gods and Goddess being dicks and getting away with it.

In my opinion I get it. Reading about what amounts too immortal frat boys that bang and do whatevers.

Oh and if they do a bad. Well? A century or two. Poof.
Bad thing gone. That feeling when I read anything by Ice. Has a little of that.

Like mortals. That is us. Mind...

Are treated poorily. And nothing is done. To me...any story that has always...really reminds me. How wealthy people get away with crimes commited on the poor. So...even with the narrative...it just screams...why?

Another thought that struck me...is mortals are seen as disposable and often a joke. Like you just...dont...know...
Inside I am like. Well I am not immortal so no...I do not.
Very us vs them. With a weird system in place to ensure the lesser mortals can ever...have say...the same thing.

I understand. I just struggle with not wanting any form of class. I.e nobility. No matter. How well intentioned. Its not so much that I disagree. But...

I always think where is the opptunity. Because their can not be true class mobility. Or abolish class alltogether. If...

Say...to be a princess. One obviously have too be a alicorn.

Special that that is. Its given unto gods. And goddesses. So?

And presumably immortal baring shiny. Of course.

What I mean is if it is not mentioned. Or it is even explained away by so called benevolent rulers.

These four have too rule. Because they have the divine right. So...like they so often written in your storys. With a humanity and passion. But...

If that is the case. How does that make so qualifyed if someone. Could just get said exprience. And that sweet immortality...

Their is very much a deliberate unbreachable barrier in place for any. That may want or need or even could by time or effort. Better the world.

But how could anyone want or even dream of fighting a immortal that has already been through all before?

So I guess their just right then?

Your stuff always gets my class brain working. So props!

Bruh, did you just compare how I write gods to the Greek's rowdy-ass Pantheon? I dunno if I should be flattered or embarrassed by that one. :twilightblush:

Depending on the monarchy/era in question, social mobility isn't completely out the window. Even a modern, progressive monarchy could have social mobility, with only the royal family itself as the exception. While there is such a thing as an elective/appointed monarchy (they're not common) most cases remain the same: to get into the royal family you usually have to marry into it.

For Equestria-specific examples, inheritence/heirs/etc. are brought up in Enemy of Mine in current and future chapters.

This is a... very interesting story. I feel like the ending was rushed tho.

What particular part of the ending made it feel rushed?

So you are describing a harsh authoritarian dictatorship. A very bad place and way to live.


It just felt like Applebloom would have more questions to challenge Celestia and she kinda gave up a little early.

You open to making a short fic about Celestia gaslighting a filly Twilight?


I'm pretty sure that the most stoned pony in Equestria is Tree Hugger.

Cozy Glow would disagree with you.

Regarding the story, I am quite confused whether the misrepresentation of defamation law is deliberate and whether it's done for satire or another purpose. The story doesn't have comedy tag, but what other purpose there is kinda eludes me.


It just felt like Applebloom would have more questions to challenge Celestia and she kinda gave up a little early.

She's a confused middle schooler, and while she is the most skeptical of the bunch, she isn't sure why she would be suspicious of this particular goddess princess. After all, AB isn't being punished and she's surrounded by adults she trusts. To her, this would be more of an 'agree to disagree' situation than one where she thinks something nefarious is at hoof.

You open to making a short fic about Celestia gaslighting a filly Twilight?

I don't think I've ever had anyone suggest a story outright in a comments section like this before. What were you thinking?

Oh, certainly. Though, I'd say it's more of a case of lèse-majesté laws applied in a way that is constricting and oppressive. It makes sense why a pony wouldn't be allowed to say 'Princess Celestia is a whore' for example, but not 'I think Princess Celestia needs to do better about informing the public of parasprite swarms because she's currently doing a horrid job of it due to X' and she's made the latter restriction the norm.

Regarding the story, I am quite confused whether the misrepresentation of defamation law is deliberate and whether it's done for satire or another purpose. The story doesn't have comedy tag, but what other purpose there is kinda eludes me.

They're being misrepresented because they are that restrictive. Celestia wasn't giving child-friendly examples of what would count as defamation, ponies literally cannot voice that degree of criticism. She's just being eerily smarmy in how she's talking. In other words, it would only be satire out of story or if you had some meta-comparison you wanted to draw. In-story, the only thing that is really being satirized is fixfics where horrible things happen to the CMC because X episode made people angry, ignoring the fact that even fictional characters aren't perfect and the CMC are literal children. There is no horrific punishment or anything that happens to them here, just 'hey don't do this again because this could have consequences as an adult' and The Implications (tm) that the laws regarding speech are also horrid.


I rarely comment. I didn’t even know you can DM people on this site. I’ve been here for nearly a decade and probably only have around 60 comments. (And most of that was from a gif fight).

Well, let’s say Celestia is a conservative and pro-equestria in this. During her and Twilight’s private time she can start radicalizing the filly gently. She can mention how she’s pretty much responsible for the survivability of the planet. How unicorns can alter reality and even manipulate others with magic. Pegasuses can control the weather. And Earth ponies connection to nature.

How Equestria is more important than the other nations pretty much.

The filly can be confused and recounted the teaching of her parents to treat everyone equally. No matter who they are.

You can have Celestia counter her innocent arguments and slowly win the pony over.

I dunno, you seem to be good at writing these kinds of dialogue, so I thought you’d be interested.


Well, let’s say Celestia is a conservative and pro-equestria in this.

I wouldn't say she's that conservative. I've never really modelled most of her dialogue or points on conservative (well, here you clearly don't mean an ordinary conservative, you're talking alt/far-right stuff) points or stuff in particular. The fact that she is (one of the) gods in a theocratic kingdom is more surface-level than anything, but I see where you're coming from.

Horses would have such a weird as fuck political compass.

During her and Twilight’s private time she can start radicalizing the filly gently. She can mention how she’s pretty much responsible for the survivability of the planet. How unicorns can alter reality and even manipulate others with magic. Pegasuses can control the weather. And Earth ponies connection to nature. How Equestria is more important than the other nations pretty much. The filly can be confused and recounted the teaching of her parents to treat everyone equally. No matter who they are. You can have Celestia counter her innocent arguments and slowly win the pony over.

This isn't the approach I usually take to things, but I actually like the idea. It'd be a neat one shot to do, one unrelated to my current projects.

I dunno, you seem to be good at writing these kinds of dialogue, so I thought you’d be interested.

It sounds like you would really like my stories Her Own Sky and Distance Beyond any Measure.


Glad you like the idea. It is different from your works, featuring a Celestia you haven’t written before. But, I felt an inkling of this Celestia in this story you wrote and thought you’d kick it up to 100%.

Yea, I already read that story when it was published. I liked it!

Oh wow, I had no idea you already read one of the others. Thanks!

Comment posted by FarmFreshAppleTarts deleted May 1st, 2021

Why'd the comment get deleted before I could read it?


:trollestia: : Now remember girls, when referring to a princess, like me, lies and things I think unflattering are one and the same.

So if you post another pic of me stuffing my face with cake you'll be spending your foal-hood, pony-hood, old-age, and several hundred years being dead ON THE MOOOOOON!

If confused, be sure to check your local Equestrian Censor office. They will be happy to tell you if what you've written is the truth or a dirty lie!


Lol, Overly-friendly Tyrant Celestia is always an enjoyable read :rainbowlaugh:

I always find that non-violent approaches to dystopian themes are sorely neglected on the site, even when it suits the character in question. So whenever I have a fitting story, I tend to go in that direction. Glad you enjoyed it.

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