• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 349 Views, 1 Comments

An Equestrian Huntress - Sc4rl3ttfir3

The eldest daughter of the Schnee family, Elizabeth Schnee, is soon about to have a much more interesting journey than normal day life...

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Author's Note:

Hey everybody! My name is Scarlett, though I prefer to go by Scarl, and this is actually my first ever work of fanfiction I have ever written. I've done so much roleplay with other fanfiction writers online via Discord that I finally got inspired to try it out for myself! I hope you enjoy it, and hopefully you all enjoy it. Feel free to leave constructive comments/reviews, and I'll see you next chapter!

The Everfree Forest. The one place in Equestria where magic and logic didn’t make any sense whatsoever, and where strange creatures and plants made themselves at home. A forest where it was likely if you ended up going in, then you weren’t coming out without some sort of encounter. A place where most would never venture without someone alongside them. Especially in the middle of the night.

“Argh… my head…” came a groan of pain as a figure stood up, the bush they had been lying in rustling as she pushed her way out of it. “Gah… hurts so much…”

The figure stumbling across the ground, squinting through the darkness to where she could see the glint of moonlight reflecting off water. Her dazed and disoriented state of mind making her miss several key indicators that something was off.

Which was soon resolved when she tripped over a root, staggering before eventually falling down near the edge of a river. Grunting in annoyance as she planted one of her hooves on the- wait… hooves…?

The individual bolting up as she darted to the edge of the river. Skidding to a stop and staring down at her reflection in the moonlit water, eyes widening as she found herself looking at… well, herself. Though not the reflection that she was prepared for, if her reaction was any indicator.

Staring up at her from the water was the face of a pony with a light blue coat of fur. A pointed horn protruding from a forehead that was half covered in a flowing mane that was snowy white. Icy blue eyes widening in shock as she stumbled backwards. Tripping on her hooves and falling on her rear as she started hyperventilating.

“What-where-how-?” She started panting, before her focus was suddenly diverted when she saw the moonlight reflecting off of something that had a more… *metallic* gleam to it that was laying alongside the river. The mare standing and walking over to it, hesitantly reaching out a hoof.

A large broadsword, made of a metal of sorts, done in white/icy blue color scheme. The blade gleaming dangerously bright in the light as she ran her hoof down the hilt. Catching her breath as an instinctive half smile crossed her face.

“Hello old friend…” she said softly, before her head whipped around as a low growl suddenly split the air. Three pairs of glowing green eyes suddenly appearing from the darkness, the light illuminating three large wolves made from… wood?

The confused mare not having time to react as one charged. By instinct, she wrapped her hooves around the hilt of her sword, the large blade barely moving as she tried to lift it. Yelping and leaping aside as a paw swiped at her, claws extended for a powerful blow. Suddenly staggering as unforbidden she had a sudden flashback as a memory shot to the front of her mind:

“Move it!” A golden-blonde haired lion Faunus yelled as she fired an arrow from her bow. The explosion of electricity forcing a large black bear with a white/red mask on its face and glowing red eyes back, as the white-haired wielder of the broadsword leapt backwards. Landing beside her red headed teammate and leader as the two readied their sword and axe.

“One more dead Grimm?” Elizabeth Schnee asked with a grin.

“One more dead Grimm,” Amber Fabre replied with a matching grin, the two launching forwards to fight the massive Grimm-

Elizabeth yelping as she was smacked aside by a paw from the creature. Skidding across the ground before slowly climbing to her.. feet? Hooves? Glaring at her enemies as her horn suddenly lit ablaze with white magic.

The Timberwolf she was facing snarling as it leapt at her, only for her sword to slice through the air and smash it to the ground. The unicorn Huntress swinging her sword once it came to a stop beside her with her magic in a circular motion before grinning as she leapt into battle.

Several minutes later, the unicorn was lowering her sword and panting wearily as she lowered her sword. The charred and burning remnants of the three Timberwolves she had fought laying around her as she gazed around. Taking a deep breath before leaning her head back and gasping.

“I have no clue where I am, or why I’m here,” she said aloud. “But whatever force sent me here, you’ve just released Elizabeth Schnee on this place, whatever it is.”

Lowering her head to gaze around, before raising her sword again in her magic and staring at the aura holding the hilt. “But looks like I’m gonna have to train myself how to fight again… I’m of no use right now for anything in this form…”

Lowering the sword as she trotted back to the river, scavenging around until she found it; the sheath for her weapon, battered and weathered from whatever trip she had taken here, but still functional enough to house her weapon. So after a lot of troubleshooting, she managed to sheath the blade, and figure out a way to strap the massive sheathed weapon onto her back.

A determined look crossing her face as she began to trot deeper into the forest. Already going off of what she knew best to train herself back to her best ability; find some monsters to smash to pieces, learn from any shortcomings or mistakes, and get better.

Survival of the fittest… a motto that was one of the biggest in her world, but here she would find was one of the less-focused on mottos for life to focus on.

Watching from the shadows of the forest, a pair of turquoise eyes studied the newcomer with a keen gaze. The black/white striped pattern on their coat blending into the mottled pattern of shadows and light that came through the canopy as they gave a slight smile.

"Whoever you are Miss Schnee, you certainly have a lot to see," came a softly-spoken rhymed murmur from the figure. "But it does seem you have a good heart, and so you have thus made a good start..."

The figure fading back into the shadows as she turned and trotted off on her own way. Humming softly to herself while contemplating what she had just witnessed. It certainly seemed like Equestria had a new major figure that was soon to come into play, and that she was more than prepared to show her strength and make her position in the world clear.