• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 1,330 Views, 370 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Blue Destiny - MagnetBolt

Far above the wasteland, where the skies are blue and war is a distant memory, a dark conspiracy and a threat from the past collide to threaten everything.

  • ...


“And we all lived happily ever after.”

“I feel like you aren’t taking this entirely seriously.”

“Everything I said was the truth.”

“It was… mostly the truth.”

“It’s how I remember it!”

“If you say so. I suppose it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that somepony hears this message.”

“It would be a lot easier if Star Swirl would give us a hoof.”

“He gave us the W-dimensional coordinates that I needed.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“Do you really want me to explain Limbo’s node-based temporal geometry and how it interacts with Equestria’s linear time dimension?”

“Not really.”

“The important thing is, this transmission is going into what would be the future, from our perspective, but as long as somepony receives it, it’s going to let Limbo’s timeline intersect with Equestria’s. It should fix the instability preventing magic mirror use.”

“As long as somepony hears it?”

“It’s very quantum.”

“How long in the future?”

“It’s impossible to know for sure. It’s going to transmit as a four-dimensional wave and repeat until it’s received. My best guess is a bit over twenty years.”

“Twenty years?!”

“It avoids some fixed points in time. Star Swirl said he’d strangle us if we intersected any ‘canon events’, whatever that means.”

“It means he makes up terms and pretends everypony knows what they mean.”

“You might be right.”

“So what do we do now?”

“If everything goes right, next we-- wait, are we still live?”

“Was I supposed to stop?”

“Shut it off and help me with the hyperpulse generator. We’ll need to-- no, don’t yank on that cabl--”

The transmission shut off with a harsh buzz. The foal listening to the funny story flinched at the sound and shut off the radio. When she did, in the new silence she heard her friends outside, laughing and talking about something. She ran outside into the bright sunshine and joined them.

War never changes. In every era, no matter what tactics and weapons are favored, war never changes. It is instead an agent of change. It is a crucible fueled by lives, burning up soldiers and civilians alike. Survivors are left scarred, battered, burned. A few make it to the other side stronger than they went in, alloyed and tempered by that great heat.

Someday, perhaps, war will finally change itself. The crucible will burn so hot it succumbs to its own flame. If any of us survive the result, perhaps we’ll see we never needed it in the first place, and we’ll find other ways to warm ourselves and resolve our differences. Understanding and empathy can replace hate, and we can graduate into an adulthood where differences are not resolved at the point of a knife.

Comments ( 11 )

What an achievement this story was. An epic in every sense of the word, of the sort I myself would have never attempted to write. But you pulled it off with aplomb. I wish this epilogue was a bit meatier, and more of the 'where are they now' variety like in Project Horizons so we could see where everyone ends up and get some loose ends addressed, but this one does tie it in nicely with the rest of the FoE universe on a thematic level.

Wonderful story, I loved it, love your interpretations of the world of fallout Equestria, just a question: will Flurry and her new kingdom ever make it back to equus? Also, love the references that you make to other media

It's been one hell of a journey. Thanks for all your effort. This story was top-notch.

I think they will, it sounds like Destiny explains that they're trapped until the transmission arrives, so Chamomile and Flurry Heart won't interfere with the rest of FOE history. Eventually they'll get back in Equestria, but after everything is over, since at the start of the story Chamomile told Destiny that it was 170 years after the bombs, and the main FOE stories happen about 200 years after the bombs.

“The important thing is, this transmission is going into what would be the future, from our perspective, but as long as somepony receives it, it’s going to let Limbo’s timeline intersect with Equestria’s. It should fix the instability preventing magic mirror use.”

My best guess is a bit over twenty years.”

The story is great. As many references as there were, it all still fits in FOE, and I appreciate that sometimes the problem can be solved by punching it in the snout, to establish dominance.

Absolutely wonderful story and a great experience reading it through these last few years or so. Nice work, and thank you!

The problem is Limbo. They are there,question is - when?

Thanks for the epic saga of Chamomile. It managed to be dark, funny, action-packed and heart-warming all at the same time!

Can't help but want more from the epilogue but, I loved this story a lot. Thanks for putting so much time and work into it.

Oof, took me a bit to get to these, and I'm getting to them now partly because I'm currently sick and that's freed up some time. Still, I think I should still be able to enjoy this. :)

Alapu Upala:
"I struggled with the hatch for another few moments until it disintegrated in my hooves."
"I struggled with the latch for another few moments until it disintegrated in my hooves."?

"Cube groaned. She laid there for"
"Cube groaned. She lay there for"?

"Cube paused in the middle getting one"
"Cube paused in the middle of getting one"?

The Singular Point:
"the panic the automatic systems and warnings felt were entirely"
"the panic the automatic systems and warnings felt was entirely"?

And... there it is. Congratulations on finishing the story! And thank you for writing. :)

Great story, but the epilogue felt a bit off. Maybe it's because every Fallout story (And games) had some form of "Where are they now", something detailing what groups/factions are up to now that the story's over.

>.> I have one weakness when it comes to reading anything fallout related mixed with mlp is awesome

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