• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 66 Comments

the Fire of Courage - NinjaMare

worlds collide as a hero from another world gets sent to Equestria, but now this wayward hero becomes the newest warrior that protects the land from its evils.

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Chapter 2: A Day in Ponyville [Edited]

Author's Note:

I unfortunately I'm not the bada$$ that made the picture of a bare Flamedramon I used, but I couldn't find the source of the pic itself. so whoever made this pic, is a fcking BAWSS!

It was early in the morning in Ponyville, so early that the sun was hardly up in the sky yet and bathing everything in a delightful aura of twilight. But even at this time ponies of the town are up and about, getting their stalls, shops, and business ready for the day’s activities, as well as the group of foals being waken up to get ready to head out for school. Although there was one individual that was up at this hour who wasn’t getting ready for work, except for a good work out. And that individual was Flamedramon.

Outside of the town the Armor Digimon was out in the fields by a sizable lake and a small stand of trees, shadow boxing and mock fighting to keep his hand-to-hand combat skills in top shape, as well as work out any excess fats on his body.

Ever since the Digimon came to the town of ponies yesterday, he’s been the center of attention and has had ponies simply watch him walk by, or simply marvel at him. Which actually made the Digimon feel a bit, bashful. Sure Flamedramon was used to other Digimon looking at him admiration and praise before, but the way that the ponies all marveled at him and recognized that he was from another world, made him literally feel like a fish out of water. It even made him wander if this is how Digimon felt when they manage to go to the Human world. Aside from the stares and admirations of the ponies, the Armor Digimon found the town as a whole quite charming, and the ponies themselves were also very hospitable which reminded Flamedramon of some of the more pleasant and peaceful towns he would visited. In-between his travels across the different regions of the world, and his time spending out in the wilds. It was certainly a serial experience for the Digimon to be sure.

“HIYAH!” Flamedramon grunted as he performed a right aerial spin kick, before quickly comboing into a backwards striking left kick.

After the second kick was made the Digimon landed back onto the ground, taking in small intakes of air as he took another battle ready stance, claws clenching and eyes retaining a level of harden focus. Then with a long calming exhale Flamedramon relaxed and stood normally as he stretches out his body.

“That should do it for today.” The Digimon muttered to himself as he rolled his left shoulders, causing a few pops and creaks to sound out.

“I gotta say you’re really good.” a familiar voice scraggly voice called out, and when Flamedramon looked up to the source he spotted Rainbow Dash’s head poking out from a lone law hanging cloud.

“Do you exercise like this every day?” the pegasus asked as the cloud lowered itself so that it was more eye-level with the Digimon.

“Pretty much. It’s more habit than anything else at this point.” Flamedramon commented as he turned to stare up to the sky, watching the vivid blueish purple sky turn to a pristine clear blue color as the sun continued its climb the horizon.

“Back home if you’re not careful and prepared, you could be caught off guard by a stronger Digimon, and be reduced to fractal code to be absorbed. So all Digimon try to stay in peek physical condition so that they are prepared for anything.”

“Sounds like your world really is hard core, and brutal.” the pegasus said as one of her hindlegs hung off the cloud, and was lazily swinging back and forth along with her tail. the Digimon simply nodded his head as he let out what sounded like a tired sigh of reluctant affirmation.

“It’s simply the way of things.” Flamedramon said before he looked up and gave a small smile to the mare.

“But, not all places, or Digimon are like that.” The Armor Digimon said as he takes in a breath of fresh air as he remembered some of the more pleasant places and Digimon that he had encountered.

“There are plenty of Digimon that try to live normal peaceful lives, and try to make things more peaceful like you ponies from what I’ve seen. But even they need to prepared for the worst if it ever comes down to it.” the Digimon then looked back over to Rainbow Dash but with a now questionable look.

“So, what brings you out here? Were you just watching my training regimen?” Rainbow shook her head as she sat up straight on the cloud.

“Nah not really, I was mostly out here doing some free-style training myself. But then I saw you working out and I figured I come down and say high. And maybe hoped to see you use your fire powers like you told us about.” Rainbow said with gleeful anticipation of seeing Flamedramon use his powers.

“If I were to use any of my fire powers here Rainbow, I could set this whole field ablaze. So I try not to use my fire powers unless I’m in a location I know that my flames wouldn’t do so much damage. So I have to be careful where I use my powers, otherwise I could cause a lot of damage.” Flamedramon explained to the pegasus who seemed to catch on what the Digimon implied, as well as the risk of rampant wild fires breaking out and possibly causing harm to others.

“Yikes.” Was all that cyan pony could say as she rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. But the tension of the atmosphere was cut short when both Rainbow’s and Flamedramon’s stomachs started to grumble.

“Say why don’t we get something to eat, my treat!” Rainbow proposed as she hopped up onto the cloud.

“That sounds good.” Flamedramon agreed as his stomach gave another grumble.

The pegasus then hopped off her cloud and backflipped in the air where she then gave the cloud a quick buck, dispersing the cloud till it was gone. Once the little aerial acrobatics was over, Rainbow started to fly off towards Ponyville, but she stopped when she noticed that Flamedramon wasn’t following her, after turning to face the Digimon the mare was about to speak but stopped when the pieces of Flamedramon’s armor burst into flames. Of course Rainbow Dash was surprised by the sudden combustion, but after the flames died down she was now witnessing the Digimon was now standing before her virtually naked. Except for the belts strapped to his biceps and thighs. With his body now fully exposed, Rainbow Dash was able to really see just how lean and fit he was, and she was impressed at how well he looked. There was even a small blush forming on her face as she stared at Flamedramon’s incredibly toned body, seeing the muscles flex and move under his skin. But the mare’s thoughts shifted to thinking if Spike would grow up to be anything like Flamedramon when he grew up. Even if he was a dragon, and Flamedramon was a monster from another reality.

With Flamedramon now de-robed so to speak, the pair then left the fields behind them, and made their way into the town after a good jog and flight. When the duo entered the town it was now a bustling hotspot of activity, with ponies going to various stands, or shops, and buying products that they needed. There were also a flurry of pegasi flying about moving clouds around, and seeing how the winds were doing today. And as the pair continued to walked about the town in search of a place to eat, ponies would stop what they were doing briefly to look at Flamedramon, all surprised and awe at seeing how well-defined his body looked without the armor taking up most of their attention. Some of the mare’s even developed their own little blushes as they watched Digimon pass them by. As for the Digimon himself he was starting to become a little bashful again, as so many ponies stopped at what they were doing and simply ogled him, it was almost bordering on the line of being uncomfortable. But Flamedramon was able to brush most of it off.

Soon enough the Digimon and pony came to a stop once they reached the destination that Rainbow was leading them towards, which was a nice looking little diner that said ‘the Silver Spoon’ on its billboard. Making their way up to the open patio, Rainbow plopped herself down on a stool at one of the open tables, while Flamedramon just sat down on the floor as the stools were too small for him to sit comfortably, and picked up the menu that was on the table. And as the pair got situated and started to browse through the menu, Flamedramon started to noticed that the other ponies at the other tables were talking about him. There was also the sound of wings flapping coming closer to their table.

“Good morning and welcome to the Silver Spoon!”

Looking away from the menu Flamedramon saw a very bright pink pegasus mare with an equally vibrant lime green mane and tail, and a pair of lovely green eyes, hovering by their table with a note pad in one hoof, and a pencil carefully being balanced in the other. Overall the mare looked positively adorable to Flamedramon, and bright and cheerful demeanor was so delightful to see.

“I’ll be your waitress for today, the names Floral!” the mare seemed to be in a really good mood, as her bright smile and happy expression was nearly infectious.

“How’s it going Rainbow?” she asked the cyan mare in question.

“Not too bad Floral, just treating my new friend to breakfast after our little work outs.” Floral then looked towards Flamedramon and her eyes seemed to sparkle just a little bit more than they did before.

“Oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my, your that dragon from another world my roommate was telling me about aren’t you?” the giddy pegasus said as she wiggled around in place in mid-air, getting a small chuckle from both Rainbow and Flamedramon at how giddy and excitable the mare was.

“Yes. My name is Flamedramon, it’s nice to meet you.” the Digimon said pleasantly.

“Oh the pleasure is all mine! It’s rare that we get non-ponies in town.” Floral said as she spun the pencil around in the crock of her hoof before taking it into her mouth, and having the tip hang over her notepad.

“So, what can I get you both for breakfast today?” Rainbow was the first to speak up as she places her menu down.

“I’ll get the spinach omelet, extra tomatoes in it, with the shredded hash browns, and a hot chocolate.” Floral quickly wrote written down Rainbow’s order, before she turned to look at the Digimon who was still studying his menu.

“And you?” the waitress said through the pencil in her mouth. The Digimon took another moment of going through the selection of options before finally deciding on what he wanted.

“I’ll like to try the chocolate and banana waffles with a side of scrambled eggs, and I’ll take coffee, black.” The mare nodded as she wrote the second order down which upon completion tossed the pencil up, catching it in the crook of her hoof and then placed it and her notepad into her workers apron.

“Coming right up!” Floral said in a very cheerful voice before she took the menus, and flew back into the diner, leaving the pair alone at their table.

As the pair waited for their food to be served to them, they mostly sat at the table in silence, not because they didn’t want to talk to one another but mostly because they were focused on something. Rainbow was simply focused on the diner and waiting for her order, she was never good at waiting for any meal she order at an establishment. Flamedramon on the other hand was focused on just watching the ponies going about their days, and how they all looked so happy, as well as how busy they were in general. Compared to the digital world this would be a rare sight to see, a town that wasn’t the site of some kind of conflict, or preparing for a fight, and people just going about their day with no worries of being attacked. It honestly made Flamedramon feel more at ease, which rarely happened as he was always ready for fight, especially when another Digimon did show up and decided to attack him. It’s been like that ever since he’d digi-volved from a Veemon with the power of the Digi-Egg of Courage so many years ago.

Several minutes have gone by and Floral eventually came back outside with both Flamedramon’s and Rainbow’s orders, each plate balanced perfectly on each of her outstretched hooves. When she approached the table Floral than carefully, and expertly slid the appropriate plate in front of its proper recipient, which when completed the pink pegasus quickly darted back inside the diner, and re-emerged just as quickly with a small tray holding the mugs of their desired beverage. When the pair had everything Floral bid them farewell and left the duo to start eating their breakfasts. And the food was really good as Flamedramon ate away at his waffles and eggs, tasting their sweet and savory flavors and the coffee aided in mellowing out the sweetness of the waffles, and the savory taste of the eggs while both foods tamed the bitterness of the coffee.

“I gotta say, this is pretty good.” Flamedramon said after swallowing his mouthful of waffle, indulging in the sweet flavors of the chocolate and bananas before washing the sweet and buttered food down with a swig of his more bitter tasting coffee, cleansing and resetting his palate.

“Yeah the Silver Spoon is my favorite place to eat out. Especially when it comes to breakfast.” Rainbow said through a mouthful of her omelet which was washed down with her mug of hot chocolate.

“So Flamedramon, got anything planned for today?” the mare asked the Digimon.

“Not really.” The Digimon simply said as ate half of his eggs with syrup coating them. “I figured I’d just wander around town, or just head back to the library.” Rainbow started to snicker before she continued to eat her breakfast, which caught Flamedramon’s attention as he quirked a brow at her.

“I bet Twilight kept you up pretty late last night, with her asking you a lot of questions when you stayed with her huh?” The mare chuckled as the Digimon gave a small nod as he cuts up his waffles.

“She certainly had an endless list of questions, but after the hundredth one or so she eventually tired herself out, and fell asleep.” Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh even more at how her friend acted based on the Digimon’s statement, and her hunch on how Twilight did ask a lot a questions.

“Wow! I was only kidding, but she literally did that? Asked you over a hundred questions?” Flamedramon simply nodded as he took another bite of his waffles, with a little bit of egg on it as well.

After their bout of conversation, the duo decided to eat the rest of their meal in silence. In no time the pair finished their breakfast, and after giving Floral the payment for the meal, as well as a tip, the pair departed ways. As Rainbow Dash said that she needed to meet up with the weather team for some kind of update that was going on. Now on his own Flamedramon decided to just wandering around the town, looking for anything to do as well as see more of the town, but so far nothing seemed to garner his attention to much as he traversed the streets. During his mostly aimless wandering the Digimon passed by the establishments that Pinkie Pie worked at, and the one that Rarity owned and worked at, and speaking of Rarity’s shop the door to the building burst open and a smaller white filly came rushing out before bumping into Flamedramon’s foot.

“OW!” the filly whined as she rubbed her muzzle, before looking towards what she ran into. That’s when Flamedramon watched as her eyes slowly traveled up the Digimon’s leg, and once they came up to Flamedramon’s face the fillies eyes widen with surprise.

“Hello there.” the Armor Digimon said as he gave the filly a small smile.

“Hello.” The filly nervously replied as she just stared up at Flamedramon with awe. That’s when the pair heard the door of the building opened up, and a familiar voice called out.

“Sweetie Belle before you—Oh!” Rarity gasped when she spotted Flamedramon standing right outside her shop. “Hello there Flamedramon, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“I was merely passing by. That’s when this little one came running into my leg.” Flamedramon explained as he pointed down to the filly who was still gawking at him.

“That would be my little sister, Sweetie Belle.” The fashionista stated as she made her way over to the duo, where the filly scooted over to her older sisters side. “Luckily you didn’t get to far Sweetie, I forgot to tell you that mother will be by later to take you home.”

“Oh, okay.” The filly said before glancing up to the Digimon, who just looked down at her with a small smile on his muzzle. “So, Rarity, is this the one that saved you and Spike from the diamond dogs the other day?”

“That’s right. Oh! That reminds me, Flamedramon would you follow me please?”

The mare asked as she then trotted back to her shop, which Flamedramon obliged as he followed after her as he was very curious about what Rarity had in store. As for Sweetie Belle, she watched the Digimon walk off towards the store, still staring at him with a sense of wonder in her eyes, before running off to go talk to her friends about this encounter. After entering the shop the Digimon saw that main lobby of the building was not only elegantly fancy looking, but also had racks and what looked like pony mannequins scattered about that had dresses on them for display. And each and everyone seemed to be masterly crafted and well-made, although, despite the clothes looking stunning they did make the Digimon question something. Why would these ponies need or required clothing, as they all walk around in the buff, not minding if any of their more intimate parts being clearly displayed. As the Digimon contemplated on why ponies would need, or want clothing, Rarity came trotting down a flight of stairs with her horn glowing as she held something next to her.

“Here.” The mare said cheerfully as she offered the item to the Digimon. Taking it in his hand Flamedramon was able to get a good look at it, and it appeared to be some kind of bejeweled wisp of fire, made with ruby, jasper, and topaz with a black string holding onto it by the base.

“I made this for you as a sign of thanks for saving me and Spike.” The Digimon held the offered trinket in the palm of his hand and simply marveled at the craftsmanship that went into making it. For as long as he could remember, Flamedramon hasn’t really received any kind of reward or trinket of gratitude from anyone before, aside from a celebration party or another Digimon’s words of gratitude.

“It’s wonderful Rarity.” Flamedramon said bewildered as he hung the trinket around his neck, the ruby, topaz, and jasper standing out against the Armor Digimon’s white underside. “I appreciate the gift Rarity, and I’ll be sure to treasure it.”

“Well I’m happy that you like it darling. And I hope that we can be good friends, even if you return to your world.” Rarity said sincerely while the Digimon gave the mare a thankful smile.

“I’m sure we will.” As the two stood in the boutiques main lobby the pair heard the door opened up with a ringing of a bell accompanying it, and when Flamedramon and Rarity looked to see who it was, they found Spike standing in the doorway.

“Oh there you are Flamedramon.” The dragonling said as he then waddled over to the pair.

“Is something wrong Spike?” the Digimon asked the dragonling to which Spike responded quickly with a shake of his head as he then stood before the tall Armor Digimon.

“No. Actually I came to get you, the princess want’s to meet you.” the duo looked surprised to hear this little bit of information as Spike continued.

“We just got a letter from princess Celestia saying that she would like to meet you and talk about how to help you, so Twilight is already at the train station waiting for us. I was wandering around town looking for you so we could head on out.”

“Well in that case, let’s get a move on.” Rarity said as she made her way to the door which caused the dragon and Digimon to looked at her with a befuddled look.

“You’re coming with us Rarity?” Flamedramon asked inquisitively to which Rarity only responded with a nod as she looked over her whither.

Without any further delay Flamedramon followed after Rarity and Spike, as they guided the Digimon through the town and towards the train station, where they will set off to meet Twilight’s mentor, one of the ruling princesses of this country called Equestria. Princess Celestia. But as the group made their way to the station the Armor Digimon started to wonder what would this lands princess be like, hopefully this Celestia wouldn’t be like most of the Royal Knights of the Digital World, in being to occupied with their own tasks and missions to not pay attention to the strife’s of the world. Though considering how Twilight and the others spoke calmly and highly of this princess, as well as having confidence in her ability to help him.